Why, I wronged you with me?

Ye Liang didn't know, but now two parties are investigating him. One is his own mother, and the other is an old man whom he met in a park and never said a word to. How could this kind of plot that only exists in urban pretense novels happen to him?!

The old man surnamed Xu was quite powerful, and he quickly found some simple information about Ye Liang. "Ye Liang, just transferred to Qingcai Senior College, an ordinary young man from a poor family."

"Uh… poor family? Ordinary teenager?" Looking at some basic information about Ye Liang, Xu Lao couldn't help but be speechless.

"Grandpa, look, I just said that this kind of thing is impossible for anyone to do… This is no longer scientific." Seeing that her grandfather was still staring at Ye Liang's message, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but laugh.

Seriously, she was really afraid that someone could do such a thing. Doesn't that make her look like she's very bad? Practicing martial arts requires a considerable investment in medicinal materials. People who have no money cannot practice martial arts. A casual injury can be a lifetime event.

"No… I always feel that the boy doesn't look simple." Old Xu was still frowning. When they met just now, he felt that Ye Liang was completely different from the average teenager. "Let's do it, Ying Bing, during this time, you can approach the boy to see. If he is really that powerful, then you can make friends with him instead of the Xu family."

"Uh..." Hearing this, Xu Yingbing was speechless for a while. Is it necessary? This kind of thing, at first glance, is fake, you can just send someone there, why do you have to send me? You are not afraid that I will suddenly fall in love with others and run away! This is the setting in ordinary urban novels. The heroine falls in love with the hero. Although the hero has no ability, no ability, or no ability, the heroine just falls in love with the hero. Then, the two went against the family arrangement and eloped.

How did she know that her grandfather felt that Ye Liang was wrong the first time he saw Ye Liang. This is a special intuition that he has cultivated throughout his life in martial arts. This boy, it must not be easy!

In the evening, Ye Liang was preparing dinner at his home. Suddenly, Aunt Tang called him. "Hey, Aunt Tang, is something wrong?"

"Xiao Liang, are you free now? Auntie has something to ask you." Aunt Tang's voice came from the opposite side.

"What's the matter? Aunt Tang just says it."

Aunt Tang said: "Today Yurou has a friend's birthday. I was afraid that she would be bullied outside. I wanted her to ask you to come with me, but she was afraid to trouble you… Are you free?"

"Of course I'm free." Ye Liang said, "Where is she now?"

"Cough, I don't know, you can contact her yourself, remember if you want to accompany her yourself." Aunt Tang said with a smile.

"…" Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless. I feel that both Aunt Tang and my mother have no eyesight, and I am just a poor boy. At least, that's what it looks like on the surface. The other party's father is an upper-level employee, and his mother is also the president of the company. Although it is only a small company, it is something that most people can't get even if they work hard for ten lifetimes.

Would a daughter born to such parents look up to him? Even if you want to chase, you have to wait until you have the ability to make the other party look up to you before you can chase girls, right? The thoughts of these old people always feel that as long as today's girls have a sincere heart and keep telling the truth, they will definitely be able to impress each other.

Come on, it's been a few years! In such a world where laws are relatively complete, force value is not a big deal. It can also be used in some specific situations. For example, being found at fault, encountering gangsters, or encountering crimes. It's impossible for someone to be found at fault every day, right? Encountered these unfortunate things? Do you really think that the people in the law enforcement team eat plain rice every day?

In short, both my mother and aunt are too naive. He didn't believe that a girl like Jiang Yurou would like him. At most, she is a little educated, she will look at her mother and get closer to herself. Probably someone who can call her brother. If he had any other ideas, she would definitely not agree. Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and said to Jiang Yurou: "Hello, sister Yurou? I'm Ye Liang."

[I didn't want to meet you again, but I had to give a face to Aunt Tang, she insisted that I come to accompany you, hey, annoying.]

"Brother Ye Liang?" Jiang Yu's soft and sweet voice came from the microphone. However, at this moment, Jiang Yurou's complexion was ashen. She gritted her teeth and crushed her phone. It took a long time to make my voice sound sweet, without any sense of indifference. She really didn't expect that she could hear the voice of the other party on the phone. This is too outrageous! Moreover, the voice of the other party is still as maddening as ever, and her lungs are exploding.

I, Jiang Yurou, am also the school flower of Qingcai Senior Academy, and there are a lot of people in the academy chasing me. I don't know how many people want to have a chance to accompany her but have no chance. What did I do to you to hate me?! If you don't want to come, I want you to come!

"That's right, I heard from Aunt Tang that you are celebrating your birthday with your friend now. I'm afraid that the road will be unsafe, so let me accompany you." He said: "If you feel inconvenient, I will not come."

[Smelly woman, you'd better show me a little bit of face, I don't want to come. ]

"Convenient, convenient, why is it inconvenient." Jiang Yurou became excited when she heard Ye Liang's voice. Hahaha, you don't want to come, do you? Feel wrong with me, right? If you don't want to come, speak up if you have the ability. If you don't speak up, I want you to come. Not only do I want you to come, but I also want you to see that my friends are not as superficial as you think. Even if some of them are snobbish, how could I possibly make friends with those snobbish people? I want you to realize your mistakes for looking down on me and my best friend.

At this moment, she felt very refreshed in her heart. The most refreshing thing is to make Ye Liang unhappy. This guy has always looked down on her in his heart. A hypocritical man with different appearances, she wants to make him realize his mistakes. Hmph, when the time comes, let him know what a good woman this girl is. Does he look down on her? He had no chance at all to look down on her.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help showing a smug smile. Who made that guy think about himself all day long? He must be very depressed now.

After Ye Liang hung up the phone, he rushed over excitedly to change into new clothes. Although he has self-knowledge and knows the ability he has shown now, it is impossible for a real rich daughter to take a fancy to him. However, wouldn't it be nice to have a chance to play with girls?