I’m Chasing Him

"…Yurou, what do you mean? Let him guess my secret?" Facing Jiang Yurou's question to Ye Liang, Yang Liu asked in a puzzled way.

"Don't worry about it." Jiang Yurou looked at Ye Liang mysteriously and asked him: "Brother Ye Liang, can you guess some of her secrets?"

Ye Liang: He does know some secrets about Yang Liuyan. As a star who is a rare rival in the entertainment industry with her body and appearance, Yang Liuyan is taking the sexy route. Even if you don't have any acting skills or professional ability, just relying on that figure, dancing on the stage is enough for people to scream. If even the names are the same and the looks are the same, then Ye Liang really knows some secrets about Yang Liuyan. This woman in this world should not be known to the world. There is a butterfly mark on her, somewhere hidden. However, how could he tell this secret here?

He could only laugh: "I'm not an immortal, how could I guess what her secret is?"

[In the past life of this deity, I was also a little entangled with this Yang Liuyan. There are many stories between this deity and her. ...There are many..., Her secret is probably a butterfly mark on her body. ]

Ye Liang: ..., stop talking, I can't take it anymore. Also, if you pretend to be forceful, just pretend to be forceful, how can you steal my knowledge!

Obviously, in Ye Liang's opinion, the Xiuxian voice pack must have combined his thoughts and the current scene to simulate a pretentious voice.

Jiang Yurou: Pfft!

At this moment, she is really glad that she didn't drink a drink just now, otherwise, she would have to spit it out. Ye Liang, this bastard, has so many stories happened with Yang Liuyan?! Her eyes looked strangely back and forth between Yang Liuyan and Ye Liang. I can't think of any interaction between them. Moreover, does Yang Liuyan really have such a mark on him? No way! It must be Ye Liang's bastard thinking. Yes, definitely so. When I find a chance, I will confirm with Liuyan if this is the case. I thought so, but now Jiang Yurou has no way to look at the man and woman in front of her with normal eyes.

"Hehe, Yurou, what are you trying to do?" Zhang Xin smiled and said: "You don't want to prove to us that your brother Ye Liang has superpowers, right?"

"No… I'm just asking casually, just kidding." Jiang Yurou quickly shook her head. Now her biggest secret is that she can hear Ye Liang's heart. However, Ye Liang may be hiding countless secrets, and she doesn't want people to know this.

"…" Yang Liuyan gave Jiang Yurou a blank look. Then, she glared at Ye Liang again. Because, after being asked a question by Jiang Yurou just now, Ye Liang's eyes started to look strange. She was all too familiar with this feeling.

This man must be thinking something rude. Sure enough, as Jiang Yurou said, he was not honest at all. I really don't know what Jiang Yurou sees in him.

If Jiang Yurou knew what Yang Liuyan was thinking, she would probably be depressed to death. She didn't look at him. She wondered if Yang Liuyan would really have so many stories with Ye Liang in the future. These two guys are too good at playing, there are a lot of story scenes! However, now Jiang Yurou is just thinking about it, she has not proved it yet. Everything, after she asked Yang Liuyan, she understood.

"Hey, Xinxin!" At this time, a boy was beckoning to this side outside the coffee shop. Beside him, there were also many brightly dressed men and women.

"Look, it's my boyfriend and the others, hee hee, in order to celebrate my birthday, my boyfriend called all his friends." Zhang Xin jumped up happily, and after responding to the person over there, she turned her head and said: "He's been really nice to me, we're going to have a great time today, let's go." Saying that she ran out directly without waiting for everyone to get up.

"Brother Ye Liang, let's go too." Jiang Yurou smiled at Ye Liang.

"Um." Ye Liang nodded.

Yang Liuyan also walked out together. After Zhang Xin rushed out of the cafe, she threw herself into the arms of a tall and handsome young man.

"Oooh-!!!" There was naturally a cheering sound all around, these men and women were all in a group.

But, at this moment, Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou, and Yang Liuyan came out. One man and two women, walking with a breeze, walking step by step, full of aura, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Jiang Yurou, you are so beautiful."

"I still like Yang Liuyan, her figure is amazing."

"Damn, who is that boy, why did Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan follow him around?"

"Fuck, does he understand the rules, doesn't he know to let the two school beauties go first at this time?"

"It's really not good. It's okay for him to walk on the side. It looks like the two beauties are with him all the way."

"It's too pretentious."

At this moment, the boy named Yang Ting hugged Zhang Xin and watched Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou, and Yang Liuyan come out, and his face twitched. Shouldn't I be the protagonist at this time? Why was the limelight stolen by passers-by? Your girlfriend is so beautiful, she throws her arms around her, and no one looks at her? Are these guys really with him? What about the atmosphere?! The atmosphere is gone!

"Xinxin, who is this guy? It seems to be very pretentious." He put one arm around Zhang Xin, looked at Ye Liang, and asked Zhang Xin in a low voice.

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "He's Yurou's friend. Come and meet him."

After finishing speaking, she said something to Yang Ting's ear. When Yang Ting heard the words, a look of disdain appeared on his face. But he still stretched out his hand to Ye Liang and said: "Yang Ting, my family owns a restaurant, Zhongtai Hotel. I don't know if you have been there. My buddy dares to chase after our schoolgirl, Jiang Yurou. You must have a big family background. I don't know where your family runs a company?" Even a deaf person can hear the meaning inside and outside the words.

Ye Liang: ...

"You misunderstood, I'm not pursuing sister Yurou now."

These guys are the so-called rich people? What a mockery without demeaning words.

[Jiang Yurou, is this your friend? Hehe, they really give you face, or is it that you made an appointment with them at all? I thought you would change in this life, but I didn't expect that you are still so snobby, what kind of enmity do I have with you? Do you want to embarrass the deity? If this is the case, then you win, but the deity doesn't care at all. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Is it really what Sister Yurou did?

He looked suspiciously at Jiang Yurou. He doesn't have any grudges with this girl, and he even gets along happily all the time. She didn't arrange it on purpose, right?

Facing Ye Liang's suspicious gaze, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but panic. She never thought this would happen. Zhang Xin must have told Yang Ting the details of Ye Liang's identity and asked Yang Ting to deliberately reveal Ye Liang's identity here, wanting to step on him in public. If Ye Liang was to recognize this incident, then she would have a bad reputation as a snobbish scumbag who played tricks on other people's feelings, no matter how much she could shake it off. Thinking of this, she hurriedly said loudly: "You misunderstood. It's not that Ye Liang's brother is chasing me, but I'm chasing Ye Liang's brother. Until now, Ye Liang's brother has not promised me."

"Uh..." When she said those words, everyone present was stunned. At this time, Jiang Yurou just wanted to hear what Ye Liang was thinking.