The Way of the Wise

"F*ck, what did I hear?!!!"

"I… I seem to be deaf and have auditory hallucinations?"

"Me too, I seem to have heard the girl say that she is chasing Ye Liang."

"It must be a dream."

"Definitely is!"

"Wake up quickly."

At this moment, Ye Liang instantly became the focus of the audience. Everyone is concerned about their own ears. Is there something wrong with your ears? I actually heard Jiang Yurou chasing this Ye Liang just now, and this Ye Liang hasn't agreed yet?! Come on, why! Just because he is handsome? Not a single one was ugly at the scene! Everyone thought they might be dreaming and wanted to wake up. But is this possible? It's impossible, they won't wake up at all! Because this is not a dream, they are already awake. However, the impact of this information is too great.

"Uh..." Zhang Xin and Yang Liuyan were looking at Jiang Yurou with shock. Do you finally admit it? Weren't you quite capable just now? Didn't you say you hate him the most? Did you deliberately trick us two dogs? Didn't you use dog food to abuse the dog just now, do you admit it? Now you really can't help it, right? Afraid that Ye Liang was born low and would be looked down upon?

At this moment, Yang Ting is the most embarrassed, he should be the protagonist here. His girlfriend's birthday, he invited everyone here, he should be the most beautiful boy here. He will step on whoever he wants, and everyone will give face. But now, Jiang Yurou's words suddenly changed the situation. More importantly, he is stretching his hand forward, whether to let go or not to let go. It's so embarrassing!

At this time, Ye Liang also looked at Jiang Yurou in shock. He didn't expect that Jiang Yurou would actually give him face like this, deliberately saying such words to relieve him. In fact, for him, this kind of thing is no big deal. No money, no family background. These rich people live on pyramids made of the blood and sweat of the poor, eat and dress the poor, but look down on the poor. For him, he is not the same kind of person at all. This kind of person looks down on him, will he take it to heart? Give me a break. It is because all poor people care about this kind of thing, so these rich and unkind guys will be more and more proud to show off in front of the poor. They don't think that if they step on themselves, they will feel inferior and become their laughing point, right? No, no, no? When someone steps on, there are generally only two options. One is to step on him back, and the other is to ignore it. Stepping back requires skill. Ignore it, just look at the other party as a clown. Of these two options, Ye Liang had not decided which one to use. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yurou decided for him. At this moment, there is no doubt that Ye Liang has become the most beautiful boy here.

And Yang Ting, who was going to step on him, raised his hand in embarrassment at the moment, still waiting for his response. Everyone around was exclaiming, and they were all talking about Ye Liang.

"What ability does he have to make the big colonel chase after him?"

"What's more Damn it, he didn't agree."

"My God, this… Could it be that his identity is not simple at all?"

"But he doesn't seem to be dressed like that."

"…What do you know, this is called Shenhao's low-key."


Yang Ting retracted his hand and glanced around. Everyone immediately silenced their voices. After all, this is Yang Ting's home court, and everyone still has to give him face. However, after this, everyone's attention shifted from Yang Ting to Ye Liang. His home court was stealing the limelight. At this moment, Yang Ting hated Ye Liang so much. Is this guy here to make trouble?! He forgot that he wanted to step on Ye Liang just now.

At this time, Jiang Yurou was also looking at Ye Liang. She wants to hear Ye Liang's heart. I want to hear Ye Liang's heartfelt apology to her. In order not to embarrass him, she has done it to this extent. Even if he doesn't know what to do, he should know that she is not a bad woman, right? Should he be grateful to her?! Say it, say it, say it! She looked at Ye Liang, waiting for his words.

[You must be waiting for me to be grateful to you, and then fall in love with you? Oh, after I fall in love with you, I will confess to you, and you reject me. I don't even think about it, why did the deity come here, the deity is here to protect you. Now that you are helping me out, you want me to be grateful to you. Is the cart before the horse? ]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: I knew it was like this, I'm so stupid, really silly, really. How could I actually want to hear a word of gratitude from this bastard's heart? Hahaha, I'm so stupid, I know it's impossible. I'm so stupid, how can I expect so little from this bastard? This is good, I have fulfilled him, what about myself? A school girl chases after others, but others don't agree. If I say this, I am afraid that I will be laughed at to death and become a joke. I'm numb, I won't love you anymore…

"Haha, sister Yurou, you're joking with me again." Looking at Jiang Yurou in front of him, Ye Liang finally recovered from his shock. He smiled at the people around him: "Don't take it seriously, Yurou is just kidding with me."

"Uh… It was a joke, hahaha, I'll just say it."

"That's right, how could the big flower be interested in him."

"Didn't you just say that this is a low-key god?"

"Who said it, you said it."

After hearing Ye Liang's explanation, everyone was relieved. That's right, how could the school flower take a fancy to such a shabby person?

[Hmph, stinky woman, I don't want to accept your love, some mortals want to embarrass the deity? A group of ducks is calling in front of the deity, does the deity really think that the deity is inferior to a group of ducks? A group of people who rely on their own wealth and stipulate the rule of money first, want to use the money to suppress others, but they don't think about whether others really must abide by this rule, and make a clown. A fool always wants others to be a fool and then compares him to someone who is more foolish. There is only one way to deal with fools…kill! ]

"Uh..." At this moment, Jiang Yurou, who listened to Ye Liang's voice, felt she was shocked. Ye Liang may be an asshole, but his vision is really too high. In the eyes of others, he has no money and deserves to be trampled on. Those people didn't know that in Ye Liang's eyes, they were just a bunch of clowns. Moreover, it is a group of clowns who are crazy to die. Although I didn't see him kill anyone with my own eyes, maybe the three people who died that day were really related to brother Ye Liang. If someone really made Brother Ye Liang unhappy, he might actually kill someone! You want to be richer than him, but he wants your life! Wake up, you guys. What kind of person do you think you are provoking now?!