
Under Ye Liang's inquiry, Xu Lao knew what he knew, and he answered him. Soon, Ye Liang was clear, that there are no gods in this world. If anyone believes in gods, they must be short-sighted. The technology in this world has basically cleaned up all the places that should be explored. To the eyes of mortals, there are no secrets in this world.

As for the strength of human beings, how strong can the strongest be? On this topic, Xu Lao was conservative. Because, in his heart, he was convinced that the stone was not caused by a certain explosion. That was the effect of the Wing Chun Fist burst, but the Wing Chun masters he had seen before could not achieve that level anyway.

Therefore, he continued to pay special attention to Ye Liang. He wanted to see Ye Liang do that kind of thing with his own eyes, and he also wanted to see where the limit of force value was.

Is everything that human beings have discovered so far really true? Maybe what humans see is fake? What humans think does not exist is actually real.

Naturally, Ye Liang would not completely believe what Xu Lao said. After all, everyone has their own limitations of knowledge. An ordinary person would say that there are no great martial arts in this world. A martial artist would also say that there are no cultivators in this world. An immortal cultivator is also doubting whether there are any immortals in this world. The knowledge Ye Liang got from Elder Xu was probably the knowledge of martial arts in this world.

[Heaven and earth are not benevolent. No one can falsely say that the essence of heaven and earth is absolute and that the sun and moon are wonderful. Although this old guy has a low vision, he has a good understanding, not bad.]

"Heh, congratulations to the host, you have received an extra reward for cultivating immortals, and you can customize a set of armor for the body, without any bonus, just for handsome use, the host can summon it by willpower to wear it, or by willpower to take back.''

Ye Liang: ..., What the hell do I want armor for?! However, there may be times when you need to use disguise. A reward is better than nothing.

Just when Ye Liang complained that her extra reward for immortality was actually a set of armor without any bonuses, Xu Yingbing next to him couldn't help crushing two goose eggs angrily.

'Why is this guy so rude to her grandfather? On the surface, he was respectful, but in his heart, he kept calling him the old guy. Be careful I beat you-!'

Seriously, she didn't believe that Ye Liang's strength was really that powerful. Even though she had heard some "truth" from Ye Liang's inner voice before, she had never seen something like the truth with her own eyes, so it didn't count. if Ye Liang has the ability and shows it to her, she will believe him.

After dinner and breakfast, Elder Xu began to ask Ye Liang questions. He took Ye Liang into his study, and while looking at the calligraphy and paintings in the study, he asked: "Brother Ye Liang, I don't know, which school are you from?

"Me?" Ye Liang thought about it and said, "I didn't have a teacher, I practiced blindly, and I didn't even know there was a martial arts in this world.

[The deity is surrounded by emotions and shocks the past and the present, and learns from the natural world, why do you need any sect? I thought that all the people in the martial arts must be strong enough to be enemies of the deity, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be just a bunch of garbage.]

Ye Liang: ..., Voice package, you are pretending again. Although martial arts are full of rubbish, there is no need to specifically say it, right?

"Rubbish?" Hearing Ye Liang's thoughts, Xu Yingbing gritted her teeth secretly, and she asked Ye Liang: "Mr. Ye, since you know martial arts now, then, I don't know, how do you think about the kung fu of smashing the wood with one claw?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang thought about it and said: "Most people think that the wood is broad and can be broken with a single punch, but they don't know that they are just taking advantage of it. Even if the wood is chopped with a knife, it can't be broken at once, let alone scratched. If someone can really smash a wooden board with his hands, then his martial arts must be very powerful."

What he said was very pertinent. The effort of smashing wooden boards may no longer be necessary in this world. However, if this kind of kung fu can really be practiced, it must be with great effort and talent.

'No way, grabbing the broken wooden figure with your hand, this... is also embarrassing to call it martial arts?'

If she just heard what Ye Liang said, Xu Yingbing might be secretly proud. Because of that kind of thing, she can really do it. Moreover, if she is using diamond wire gloves, she can do it even more exaggeratedly.

At this moment, what she wanted to hear more was Ye Liang's inner voice. And it was this voice that made her almost explode with anger.

"That's it, it's also called kung fu"?

I have never heard such irritating words in my life. If this guy wants to use his strength to give her an explanation, she will have to beat him up.

"Elder Xu, this calligraphy is all your masterpieces, right? Seeing that Xu Yingbing didn't speak, Ye Liang looked at the calligraphy hanging on the wall and asked Elder Xu.

"It's not a masterpiece, it's just idle boredom to pass the time. Over the years, my hands have become more and more unstable." Xu Jing raised his hand. He practiced martial arts when he was young, and he used his eagle claw skills to beat his rivals. Even if you want to write a word well, you are trembling.

''It's ugly, and it makes you laugh." That's what he said, but at this moment, Old Xu's eyes were clearly a bit smug. There are very few who practice Eagle Claw and can still write when they are old. Moreover, his words are also famous.

Ye Liang smiled and said: "What are you laughing at, I don't know calligraphy, you don't know, I'm embarrassed to meet people when I write my words.''

[I have seen a lot of people with ugly handwriting, but I have never seen in my life that someone is so proud of their ugly handwriting. It doesn't matter if you write ugly, it's not a big deal. As a result, you specially asked the deity to read the words you wrote. I am really convinced. Old man, are you good or bad about the words you write yourself, do you really have no count? If it weren't for you, the deity would really want to tear up your stingy words. I have never seen someone like you in all my life, with poor handwriting, but is confident. I am polite to you, saying it is calligraphy, do you really think it is calligraphy? Without self-knowledge, there must be a limit. If it wasn't for Ying Bing's face, I would have mocked you.]

Ye Liang: ..., If Elder Xu hears this, I'm afraid that he will have a seizure on the spot and he will throw me out. So far so good.

Xu Yingbing: This guy is really getting too much. My grandfather kindly invited him to come over, make friends, and solve each other's doubts. As a result, in his heart, is this how he treats his grandfather? This guy thinks he's great, doesn't he? Hmph, since you are so powerful, I'll give you a chance to show your hands!

In anger, Xu Yingbing said to her grandfather: "Grandpa, in my opinion, Mr. Ye's eyes are different when he reads your calligraphy. It's not like he is simply looking at it. He must know calligraphy. Why not let him show his hand and learn from it?"

"What?'' Hearing Xu Yingbing's words, Xu Lao couldn't help but light up. He cast a glance at Ye Liang:

''Ye Xiao, do you know calligraphy? Hahaha, it seems that I invited you to see these humble works, which is the right thing to do.

"Uh, I... I just understand a little bit.'' Ye Liang said casually.

I don't know what grade my calligraphy is now, but it's better to be humble. If I talk like this, even if I write well, I am afraid that this old guy, ah, I mean, the old man is angry and tickled.

[How can the calligraphy of the deity be seen by mortals like you?]

Ye Liang: ..., Voice package, in fact, you are also worried, right?

Xu Yingbing: Ah, you really don't have any ability, you only have boasted in my heart.

"Heh, congratulations to the host for acquiring the knowledge of sword-style calligraphy."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Ye Liang's mind. At the same time, there are many more memories in his mind. Sword-style characters are to write the strokes and strokes of the characters as if they were swords. If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to do such a thing at all. But now Ye Liang doesn't know the level of his calligraphy, he feels that the sword style is not difficult for him.

At this time, Xu Yingbing didn't want to let Ye Liang go. She said: "Mr. Ye, you are too modest, I see that when you just looked around at my grandfather's calligraphy, your eyes didn't seem to be pretending, you must know calligraphy very well, just write a few words, and let me and grandpa open our eyes.''

At this moment, she had the same fake acting smile that Jiang Youru had when she first saw Ye Liang. After all, everyone has a first time, it's normal to be bad the first time. Fortunately, Ye Liang was also guilty at the moment, and naturally, he couldn't notice that Xu Yingbing looked at him with more and more annoyance.

Hearing Xu Yingbing's words, Xu Lao also said happily: "Yes, Brother Ye, since you know calligraphy, why don't you show your skills and let the old man take a look?"

He naturally knew that no matter how good the calligraphy of young people is, it will not be much better. But it was rare to meet someone who was also good at calligraphy.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll make a fool of myself. Ye Liang said helplessly.

Fortunately, the system rewarded him for his calligraphy knowledge in time, otherwise, he only has a technique but doesn't know how to write a fart.

"Come on, I'll study ink for you, Mr. Ye." At this moment, Xu Yingbing pulled Ye Liang to the side of the table with a smile on her face and began to study ink for him. At this moment, she had a smile on her face, as if she was going to eat someone.

Ye Liang, this guy, actually looked down on her grandfather so much in his heart. Really Damn it-! Before, I thought that he was a patient with the second disease, but now it seems that he is not only a patient with the second disease but also very arrogant and arrogant. How could such a person be the kind of real powerhouse? The stone might already be broken, and then he thought he was very powerful.

Looking at Xu Yingbing in front of him, Ye Liang smiled: "Thank you, Miss Xu.''

[You are still the same as in the previous life. Could it be that there is still love for me in your heart?]

Hearing this Xu Yingbing's hand was pinched by her so much that she let out a scream.

'God has such a love for you. Vomit–! You write for this old lady, if you don't write a good-looking character today, this old lady will laugh at you. Even my grandfather can't stop me—!'

After Xu Yingbing finished her ink, she smiled and said to Ye Liang: "Mr. Ye, please use it.''

Ye Liang stretched out the pens that were hand-painted and hung on the pen holder. I picked a brush that was most suitable for writing sword-style characters, and after I got some ink on it, I started to write.

"One sword will break the eternity, and the ancient will be reincarnated."

At first, Xu Yingbing wanted to see how powerful Ye Liang was, and how dare he brags so much in his heart that he trampled her grandfather into scum. She never imagined that Ye Liang could actually write down his words like a flowing stream of strokes. In just ten words, it was revealed an unparalleled terrifying sword intent.

Xu Yingbing has followed her grandfather since young, of course, she knows calligraphy. When she saw Ye Liang's words written down, her eyes opened wider and wider. She felt that she was trembling.

'Are you afraid?! Just because of a few words written by a person, I was so scared that I couldn't stop shaking.'

Especially, when the last word was completed, she could not help but take two steps backward. From these short words, she seemed to see that one person, one sword, cut off 49,000 roughness. The sword intent in the world gathers all in one, a sword is a rhyme, no sword in the world dares to sing.

"Hiss–!!!'' Elder Xu also trembled as he looked at the word.

He seems to feel that all the dangers he has encountered in his life are incomparable, and the pressure brought by these words is stronger. Just looking at these words, he even felt his eyes hurt.

'What kind of character is this, and what kind of terrifying calligraphy is this. To actually reveal the sword intent on paper?!' He couldn't help but swallow.

Taking a deep breath, Elder Xu suddenly found that a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Just looking at the completion of this word, he seems to have experienced a whole life again.

'This… what a terrible word is this? What terrible penmanship is this?' He silently reached out and wiped his forehead, thinking that he had just continued to think that Ye Liang's calligraphy would definitely not be very good, so he had to give him some advice as a senior.

'This... is this bad?! How thick-skinned do you have to be, to be embarrassed to mention such calligraphy in front of the god of calligraphy?'

Xu Lao is like this, Xu Yingbing is also like this. At this moment, she further understood that what Ye Liang thought in her heart was not arrogance, but facts. Perhaps, no one's calligraphy in this world can enter his eyes. He totally deserves it.

"I'm not targeting anyone, it's just that everyone here is rubbish-!!!"

As soon as his word came out, no calligraphy in the world dared to compete with him. At this moment, Xu Yingbing felt that her clothes were wet at some point.