How Exaggerated This Man Has to Be

"I don't know how to write it.'' After writing ten words, Ye Liang looked at his masterpiece and thought to himself. Obviously, Ye Liang doesn't understand calligraphy, all he knew was that the words he wrote looked really good. As for the real calligraphy in the eyes of everyone, he doesn't understand.

"Okay, it's done, Miss Xu, and Elder Xu, come and comment and see how I write?'' He said to his grandfather and grandson who were wiping cold sweat next to him.

Xu Lao looked at the ten words, and at this moment, he felt his blood surge. As if supported by the sword intent above those few words, he could throw away the crutches in his hand and go outside to run on three brown rice.

'Is this, this is, his word?! Terrible, terrifying! At such an age, he can actually write such words.'

"It's really good-! In this life, this old man has finally seen what real calligraphy is!'' He touched the words with his trembling hands. But he was worried that the words would be damaged, and even more, he was worried that the words on the paper would hurt people.

"Ye Liang, with your word, even if a master calligrapher is reborn, I'm afraid he will be defeated.'' He said to Ye Liang: "You... you, where did you learn the word? Who is the master, who can teach you like this?"

While Xu Lao looked at Ye Liang with a shocked expression, Xu Yingbing on the side also looked at him with a shocked expression. She didn't believe that such words could be written by a human being. The sword intent revealed above this word almost seems to have been transformed into substance.

'How can a person's calligraphy be so scary? Is it really a realm that mortals can reach? Could it be that he is really a reincarnated immortal?'

Seeing both of them looking at him in such shock, Ye Liang became a little curious: "Am I really that good at writing? I've never learned calligraphy, and I can't even recognize calligraphy.''

"Puff–!!!" Hearing this, Xu Lao and Xu Yingbing's almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

'Never learned calligraphy? What a joke! Can people who have never learned calligraphy write this character? I'm afraid you are kidding me-!'

At this moment, both the grandpa and grandchildren looked at Ye Liang as if they were looking at a monster. When Ye Liang saw how shocked they were, he understood.

'My calligraphy looks really good. It's a pity that I don't know how to appreciate it, otherwise, I can pretend to say a few words, about what is good and what is not good. Ah... a pity, a pity. If I let them know that I wrote this word casually according to the font in my head, they will definitely not believe it.'

"Master Ye Liang!!!" At this time, Elder Xu almost knelt down to Ye Liang.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what are you doing?" Seeing that an old man was about to kneel to him, Ye Liang quickly supported him. "Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

At this moment, he could not laugh or cry.

'I just wrote a few nice words.'

At this moment, Xu Lao asked him with a shocked expression: "You, you really haven't studied calligraphy?

"Yes.'' Ye Liang said: "So I can't tell myself whether I write well or not. If you didn't tell me, I really don't know. It turns out that I wrote so well."

"Hiss-!'' Elder Xu and Xu Yingbing couldn't help but take a deep breath. After inhaling half of the cold air, Elder Xu suddenly reacted.

"Aah, Master Ye Liang, you must be joking with me, hahaha.''

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility of joking.

Ye Liang thought about it and said: "Yes, just kidding, I have studied under someone.''

[The deity was born between heaven and earth, never worshipped a teacher, learned from heaven and earth, the law is natural, and the writing has its own divine help. How can you and other mortals understand it? Since the deity's abilities are known, you will stop using calligraphy in front of the deity in the future, lest the deity laugh... Hahahaha.]

Ye Liang: Pretend, pretend well, it makes my heart flutter. No one could hear it anyway.

The voice of this Xiuxian voice package naturally sounded embarrassing. Not only was it not embarrassing, but it also made Ye Liang very comfortable to listen to. A sense of pretense arises spontaneously. And not guilty.

Xu Yingbing: God can't offend people. Have you ever thought about how I feel?

At this moment, Xu Yingbing was staring blankly at Ye Liang, listening to his heart. She felt that she couldn't hold on anymore.

'If this Ye Liang is not an immortal, how could he have such magical powers? Do you really think this word means food and water? If you can do it without learning, it's more outrageous than breaking a boulder with one punch. And, it is far more outrageous-!''

The corners of Xu Yingbing's mouth couldn't stop twitching, her face was speechless. Ye Liang's ability is strong, and he himself admits it. However, his character was too arrogant. Even if her grandfather is not as good at writing as him, he doesn't need to hurt his grandfather so much.

'Damn it. If you have the ability, you can express your thoughts to our face. Look at my grandfather not playing with your life. No, I want to die with you~!'

Although she is so angry now, Xu Yingbing also knows that this is just the idea in his heart. You control the sky and the earth, but can you control what people are thinking? Of course not. Therefore, even if she was angry, she could only stare at Ye Liang with annoyed eyes. No, not even anger, because her only advantage in front of Ye Liang now is that she can still hear Ye Liang's voice. If Ye Liang knew that she could hear his heart, who knows what would happen? So, for now, she can only pretend that she can't hear his heart.

'Okay, your calligraphy is great, but there are times when you are not so great—!!!'

Just when Xu Yingbing was thinking so.

"Master Ye Liang, please, accept me as your apprentice and teach me calligraphy-!'' Elder Xu on the side actually made a gesture to kneel down to Ye Liang.

"Uh..." Seeing her grandfather like this, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but be speechless. She quickly supported her grandfather and said: "Grandpa, how old are you, can you learn?"

'I'm afraid you don't know how much he looks down on you in his heart, and what kind of damage he has done to you. It would be strange if this guy could accept you as his apprentice.'

"..." Hearing Xu Yingbing's words, Xu Lao finally reacted.

'I am really confused, how old am I, and I still want to learn calligraphy? Isn't this funny?'

"Oh, I'm sorry, I made my little brother laugh. In my life, the second-best martial arts, the first one is calligraphy, I'm sorry for the lapse of time.''

"It is fine.'' Ye Liang said: "Elder Xu is also a man of temperament."

[You still have less than two years of life at most, and I am your teacher, I have no time to deal with a dying person.]

Ye Liang: ..., How can you curse him not to live long, immortal voice pack, is this okay?

(Congratulations to the host for obtaining the extra reward of immortal cultivation, Qi therapy, which can be used to heal other people's injuries with spiritual energy. The effect depends on the host's own performance.)

"Huh, sh*t?"

Qi therapy? In Ye Liang's mind, some basic information about Qi therapy emerged. To put it simply, it is a simple medical technique that transfers one's own spiritual energy into the other body to condition their body. Qi itself is very beneficial to the body, if used properly, it can be comparable to medical skills, so it is called Qi therapy.

On the other side, Xu Yingbing heard that Ye Liang was actually saying that her grandfather was going to die, and couldn't help but explode on the spot.

'You won't live long-! Even when my grandpa is old, you can't say that, bastard. Wait...'

Suddenly, Xu Yingbing thought of something. If what Ye Liang thought was true, wouldn't it be true that his grandfather didn't have two years to live?

'No way. How could it be possible? Who does he think he is, as soon as he says it, it is true.'

"..." Although the apprenticeship was unsuccessful, Elder Xu looked at the words on the table, with an unparalleled longing in his eyes. In the end, he couldn't help but speak: "Master Ye Liang, I don't know if you can sell these characters to me? I'm willing to buy it.''

"Uh...'' Seeing Elder Xu's pleading appearance, Ye Liang couldn't bear it anymore.

'I just wrote ten random words, do you have to? If you want this word, I will send it to you directly. You said it so neatly as if my word is so valuable, what if I don't give it to you?'

Ye Liang is not yet cheap enough to sell these words for money, so it's not like stealing money. Even if his words were so valuable, he couldn't sell them to the old man in front of him. If the portrait gives him face, he will naturally have to pay it back. So, he directly said: "Elder Xu, I write this character casually, and this unique brush is originally yours, if you like it, I'll give it to you.''

[You want to buy the deity's own handwriting? I'm afraid that you haven't woken up from a dream. But, you old guy, after all, is Ying Bing's grandfather, I want to make her happy, and I gave you this word. ]

"Ah?" Xu Lao couldn't hear Ye Liang's thoughts, he only heard Ye Liang say that he would give it to him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

'This word, in his eyes, is definitely worth tens of thousands. If it is given to people who really know how to read, even if it is sold for tens of thousands of dollars, some people will buy it. This is not an ordinary character. Ordinary people will never be able to write a character with artistic conception in a lifetime.'

Therefore, when Ye Liang said that he would give him the words, he was stunned on the spot.

'What kindness this is-!'

Even Xu Yingbing on the side couldn't help but be a little surprised. She was still a little angry at first as Ye Liang was disrespectful to her grandfather in his heart, but unexpectedly, Ye Liang changed his mind and gave such a precious thing to her grandfather. Moreover, it's to give her face, otherwise, he won't even sell it.

At this moment, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but feel a little happy. After all, women are like this, and they will definitely be happy to hear that someone likes them. Unless it's the person they hate. Now it seems that Ye Liang is not actually hated by her. At least, Ye Liang was only disrespectful to her grandfather in his heart, but on the surface, he was very respectful.

"Grandpa, since this is Mr. Ye's kindness, you can accept it." Xu Yingbing persuaded her grandfather. At the same time, she gave her grandpa a wink.

Xu Lao suddenly understood that if he took this kind of good thing, he would owe the other party favor. If I owe favors, it will be convenient to see him in the future. At this moment, Elder Xu secretly praised his granddaughter. He went on to say to Ye Liang: "Master Ye Liang since you are so generous, this old man accepts this treasure.''

Saying that Xu Lao collect it, and put the words away for later. He had already decided that he would frame the word so that all his visitors could see it. What kind of good character did he get.

'Those old guys, if they saw their own words, would probably cry with envy on the spot. Hahaha–!!!'

"..." Ye Liang was speechless. The things that you casually write can also be regarded as treasures, which is really convincing. Is it true that I can't appreciate the goodness of my own words? Then his cultural talent is really low.

"It's time to ask, read everything that needs to be read, and write everything that needs to be written. Next, we can learn from each other, Mr. Ye?" At this time, Xu Yingbing suddenly asked Ye Liang.

"Learn from each other? Good.'' Of course, Ye Liang would not refuse. To be honest, since the time of crossing, he has a lot of traditions, and he has not learned from people who really know martial arts. He also wanted to see the difference between the martial arts in his eyes and the martial arts in the eyes of others.

'Could it be that I think I'm very powerful, but in fact, people's martial arts are not as bad as I imagined? Is this also possible?!'

After Xu Lao put away Ye Liang's words, the three of them came to Xu's backyard soon. This is a great place to perform martial arts. Xu Yingbing had changed into her special martial arts outfit and stood opposite Ye Liang. Her figure was originally very exaggerated. Wearing this martial arts uniform, she was heroic and valiant when she acted.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Liang secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Mr. Ye, I use Eagle Claw, because it's just for learning, I don't need weapons, so as not to hurt you, please!'' Looking at Ye Liang in front of her, Xu Yingbing showed a confident smile.

'I have been angry with this guy for so long, and now, I can finally take revenge on Xiao. Unless his strength is really so exaggerated, it proves that what he thinks in his heart is true, and he is not thinking about it on purpose. Otherwise, I will not be finished with him today.'