Are you mad at me?

Elder Xu held a cane in his hand and stood quietly on the side, looking at Ye Liang who was about to learn from each other, and his granddaughter. Behind him, there were two bodyguards, the bodyguard looks like an ordinary person, but in fact, he has also practiced martial arts. In this era of firearms, it is even more difficult to find bodyguards who have practiced martial arts.

At this time, the three of them opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what kind of scene would Xu Yingbing and Ye Liang's sparring be like. Moreover, this is the real purpose of Xu Lao calling Ye Liang over today. Unlike Xu Yingbing, he was convinced from the very beginning that Ye Liang must have done that stone.

Ye Liang: I break the stone, can you speak human language?

But Xu Yingbing doubted that there must be something in it. Although she believed it a little, she didn't fully believe it. Moreover, Xu Yingbing also truthfully said that Ye Liang seemed to have a low-key idea and did not want to show too much strength. Therefore, Xu Lao clearly believed that Ye Liang broke the stone, but he did not ask from the beginning. However, he tacitly agreed to let his granddaughter try Ye Liang's strength behavior.

"Mr. Ye, please.'' Xu Yingbing stood in front of Ye Liang, with both hands in a hooked claw position. Judging from her appearance, it is estimated that no man can bear her claws.

Ye Liang vaguely seemed to remember one thing. His finger force is really powerful, since the other party is using a claw, then you can use Wing Chun.

"Wing Chun.''

''–!!!!'' Hearing that Ye Liang really used Wing Chun, Elder Xu couldn't help but feel proud.

'I guessed right. Although I don't know how Ye Liang did it, he was indeed a master of Wing Chun. If a Wing Chun master holds equipment that can be technologicalized in his hand, he may not be able to exert the energy to shatter a large stone.

The two looked at each other, and after a confrontation, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but attack first. The Eagle Claw Art was originally an offensive martial art, but her fingers surged in momentum in an instant, and her knuckles, which looked delicate at first, seemed to be a lot thinner all at once. With a claw, she grabbed Ye Liang's arm.

The moment Xu Yingbing started, Ye Liang already understood. The other party is really just an ordinary person. This kind of movement, this kind of speed, and this kind of power may be very powerful against ordinary people, but, there's nothing magical about it either. It can be said that with empty hands, this Xu Yingbing can also beat a dozen or twenty strong men like before. However, if these strong men had weapons, she would be beaten to death.

Originally, he wanted to have a serious game with the opponent, but he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so bad. Now, Ye Liang also pretended to have two tricks on the opponent.

'Do you feel good about fighting with beautiful women?!'

She saw that Ye Liang also brought out Wing Chun at the level of ordinary people, and they were back and forth. This scene seems to be a wonderful one. Even in the eyes of Xu Lao and others, it is very exciting. After all, Xu Yingbing's strength is not bad, but in Ye Liang's eyes, it was like a child playing. Even, sometimes, he has to take the initiative to help Xu Yingbing, otherwise, her movements will not be able to keep up.

After seeing more than ten moves, Xu Yingbing seized the opportunity with one hand and grabbed directly at Ye Liang's armpit.

Ye Liang leaned slightly and grabbed one of her hands.

Xu Yingbing pulled hard and found that Ye Liang's hand was as strong as steel, and she couldn't pull it out at all.

Ye Liang then pinched her other hand under her armpit.

This time, Xu Yingbing lost both hands. She tried to lift her foot again but was caught.

The scene suddenly quieted down. She looked at Ye Liang who was in front of her, and she finally understood how terrifying Ye Liang's strength was. In front of Ye Liang, she was just like a child. Is she really that far from him? But this is not what she imagined, she wanted to try out Ye Liang's true strength, but now, she was caught by Ye Liang's limbs so easily, that she couldn't move at all.

Maintaining the posture of holding Xu Yingbing, Ye Liang said with a smile: "Miss Xu, let it go.''

[This Eagle Claw Kung Fu seems to be a bit rubbish. It's completely incomparable to my Wing Chun.]

At this moment, Xu Yingbing, who originally wanted to admit defeat, exploded instantly.

'I'm rubbish, I'm rubbish, alright-!!! Way to go, it's amazing!' She stared at Ye Liang angrily.

"..." Ye Liang let her go in embarrassment. Could it be that his intention to take advantage of himself has been seen through?

Seeing his granddaughter like this, Elder Xu couldn't help frowning: "Yingbing, if you lose, you lose. What are you staring at Master Ye for?"

"I...'' Xu Yingbing was too depressed to cry at the moment.

'Grandpa, you don't know, just hearing what he is thinking. I am so angry.'

It's not easy for her to say this, because even if she said it, no one would believe it. One person can hear another person's thoughts. If she said it, it is estimated that no fool would believe it. People who don't know, think that she wants to say that she is in a heart-to-heart with him.

"I lost.'' Xu Yingbing said to Ye Liang with a depressed expression.

Seeing her like this, Ye Liang's face was calm, but he felt a little embarrassed. It's no wonder that she is angry when she uses the trick that she has just turned around and is obviously taking advantage of it. He said: "Miss Xu, accept it."

[Such a rubbish exercise, it is also embarrassing to call it Eagle Claw Exercise, fortunately, I didn't use the Eagle Claw Divine Exercise, otherwise, I wouldn't have scared her to tears. The cultivation method of immortals is indeed not comparable to mortals.]

Ye Liang: ...

Xu Yingbing, who was in the camp, suddenly heard Ye Liang's voice and was startled again.

'Good guy, he's such a good guy. How much does this guy despise her Eagle Claw skills? Don't you have some Eagle Claw Magic? Show it, let me see it-!'

She looked at Ye Liang with even more resentment in her eyes.

'No, keep calm. I can't let him see anything. If you let him know that I have heard his heart, then he will not let me hear his heart again, right? Cheer yourself up. At least, on the surface, he was still very polite. No matter what he thinks in his heart, I must not be angry. Yes, calm down. Xu Ying, you can do it-!'

"Aah, Master Ye's martial arts really amazes this old man-!!!" Seeing Ye Liang taking care of his granddaughter with ease, Xu Lao smiled and said: "However, I see Master Ye, you don't seem to be using all your strength."

"What, I have used all my strength.'' Ye Liang said. Now that you already know what you want to know, it's best to hide the places that are different from ordinary people, so as not to attract too much unnecessary attention.

[If I use all my strength, won't I be able to slap your precious granddaughter to the west? To be honest, I saw that she was so confident in my invitation to fight before, and I thought how powerful her eagle claw skills were. It's really too cheesy and zealous and confident. However, this is something that can't be helped. In this life, she has long since lost her immortal bones, and no one has taught her powerful exercises. She can do her best to achieve this level, as a mortal, it is already very powerful. Unfortunately, if she can learn his own Eagle Claw Magic, then she can be more than ten times more powerful. However, how can it be so easy for me to teach her martial arts? My martial arts are not suitable for everyone.]

Ye Liang: ...

"–!!!" Xu Yingbing's face turned red with anger, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

'What does it mean to be savvy and confident? I am very powerful, so I am different-! Does he know how powerful he is-! This guy, Damn it, you suck. Just like this, you also said that you will not become an immortal after waiting for hundreds of millions of years in the mundane world? I am afraid that he had a grudge against me in his previous life for killing his father, he waited for hundreds of millions of years, just waited for me to come over and be mad at me. No, no, what is my relationship with him, how can I be blind because of his random thoughts. What was the Eagle Claw Magic that he was talking about just now? Could it be that he really knows Eagle Claw Magic? If he is really willing to teach me the magic of eagle claws, I will forgive him for thinking about things in his heart. Yep.'

"Uh...'' Hearing Ye Liang talking nonsense with his eyes open, saying that he had used all his strength, Elder Xu could not help but be speechless for a while. From what he had seen so far, saying that he used all his strength, even a blind man wouldn't believe it. However, he remembered what Xu Yingbing had said before. Ye Liang wanted to hide his strength in a low-key manner. Since he said so, then I believe it for the time being. In a short period of time, it seemed that there was no way to prove Ye Liang's true strength.

Next, Ye Liang and Xu Lao began to talk to each other again. On the other hand, Xu Yingbing hesitated to speak, and sometimes wanted to ask Ye Liang to ask her teacher, but she never had the chance to speak. The words that she wanted to say silently made her depressed to the point of death. She originally thought that after Ye Liang finished talking to her grandfather, she would have the opportunity to ask for a teacher.

However, after a few polite words with Old Xu, Ye Liang looked at the sky and said: "I should almost go."

''??!!'' Right now, Xu Yingbing cast a shocking look at Ye Liang.

'No, you can't see that there is something I want to tell you? Why do you say that you are going to leave-! Did you do it on purpose-! You deliberately let me hear your voice, and then leave me hanging, right?!'

At this moment, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but look shocked.

'Give me a chance, let me open my mouth to speak, big brother-!'

Hearing Ye Liang said he was going to leave, Elder Xu also opened his mouth to hold back: "Since you're here, sit for a while, and leave after dinner.''

"No.'' Ye Liang said: "I have something else to do.''

[Looking at the appearance of this girl, I am afraid that she wants to learn martial arts from me, so I have to get away quickly. Teach her martial arts, with her talent for cooking pots in this life, she won't learn it for a lifetime? I can protect her for the rest of my life, there is nothing to learn.]

Ye Liang: ...

Xu Yingbing: Who wants your protection, I want to learn martial arts, and what's wrong with my talent, you are talking nonsense! Damn it, you clearly see my thoughts, but you still want to go? Is this beauty not attractive to you at all? Asshole–!'

"It's not yet the start of the school year. If you don't mind, just sit here for a while longer." Xu Lao said.

Ye Liang thought about it for a while, and felt that it was still quite uncomfortable here. Although there are beauties to play with, there are too many people watching here, so there is no chance even if you want to start.

"I'd better go early and find something to do on my own." He said so.

[Forget it, I don't have much to talk about with a dying old man. As for Ying Bing, I don't want to have too much contact with her in this life]

Ye Liang: ..., strange, this Xiuxian voice pack, why does it feel a little wrong. Wasn't it good for Xu Yingbing before? Now it's become that you don't want to get too close?

Xu Yingbing:–!!!

At this moment, Xu Yingbing was really dumbfounded. How should I put it, the thought in Ye Liangxin's mind had already made her brain fill up a lot of pictures. This Ye Liang might have secretly liked her long ago. But now, what is this guy thinking? Why do I feel more and more angry?

"Oh, since that's the case, then I won't force you anymore.'' Hearing this, Elder Xu sighed slightly regretfully. He still wants to get in touch with a strange person like Ye Liang for a while longer.

"Yingbing, you can send Master Ye back.'' Since Ye Liang was leaving, he had to ask his granddaughter to send Ye Liang back.

"..." Seeing that her grandfather had spoken, Xu Yingbing wanted to cry but had no tears at the moment.

'What the hell-! Grandpa, can't you see that I have something that I want to tell him? This bastard can see it.'

Seeing that Ye Liang was really leaving, Xu Yingbing was really unwilling to drive back into the car. At this moment, she was really puzzled.

'Ye Liang, this guy, obviously he thought about how she was with him in his previous life. Why in the blink of an eye, did he start mocking her like trash ? His change is a bit big. Could it be that this is the so-called, men change? Hmph, how dare you dislike me and don't want to teach me martial arts? I want to pester you, and learn your martial arts-!'

As for Ye Liang, what he was thinking at the moment was that there are so many people watching here, it's too uncomfortable. It is better to get out of here early. Although there are beauties, but with so many people staring at him, he has no chance to interact with them too much. What have you been staying for?

[The way this woman looks at me is not right, she doesn't really want me to learn martial arts, right? In general novels, it is written like this. After the heroine is defeated by the male protagonist, she is unwilling and wants to learn from the male protagonist instead. Although the heroine will also become a member of the male protagonist's harem, in the end, everyone is happy, but I don't want to teach this kind of vegetable pot martial arts. Hey, teaching dishes to raise martial arts is a bit of a lesson. Sometimes, it is not a good thing for people to be too attractive. "

Ye Liang: Once this voice pack is released, it really dares to say anything. Although whether it is black, hurting people, or demeaning people, the parties can't hear it. However, the voice of the voice package really makes me feel cool. It is said that cultivating immortals requires peace of mind, but that is nonsense. Cultivation of immortals seems to be that the greater the mood swings, the faster the progress of cultivation. The better you are, the smoother your cultivation progresses.

[In this life, I will never have anything to do with this vegetable pot anymore. As long as I protect her in this life, then I will also get rid of my inner demons and be free. I don't need to see this woman again in the future, hahaha-! In the last life, there was no real result between her and me. In this life, I would never want to spend more time on anyone who did not join my harem.]

Ye Liang: ??!!, No, Xiuxian voice pack, your setting is a bit wrong. You waited for her for hundreds of millions of years in the red dust, and you didn't become an immortal, not because you wanted to wait, but because you still owe her favor? It doesn't matter if you pay back the favor, right?!! Seeing how happy you are,