I’m afraid you don’t understand

Ye Liang: ..., what kind of stuff does this Xiuxian voice package system send out? The funny bitterness drama? It's too funny-!

And Xu Yingbing is even more confused at the moment So, the self in the previous life died at the hands of Ye Liang? She thought to herself.

'I love you so much, you are really willing to kill me? Can't you see it? I am sincere to you?!'

[At that moment, I felt like the sky was about to fall. Why didn't I see your sincerity until then? ]

At this moment, the voice of the Xiuxian voice package rang again.

[If I had seen your sincerity sooner, I wouldn't have killed you. You must think, I would think so? Do you think I don't know? What I killed was just the illusion you performed, and you wanted to sneak up on me when I was distracted.]

Ye Liang: Motherf*cker, it's endless?!

Xu Yingbing: My head hurts. Can you give it an immediate conclusion?

During that time, no one knew what kind of ending Ye Liang and Xu Yingbing heard. Only the two of them knew what the final outcome was. Ye Liang has already made dinner. Today is the following: to eat, eat simple and better. However, Xu Yingbing's practice today was really too much. Now she has rested for several hours, but she can't even carry a bowl. Holding the chopsticks, she felt that her hands were shaking all the time.

Seeing her like this, Ye Liang sighed helplessly and said: "Looking at you, you can't eat tonight, recover first."

"Uh.'' Hearing Ye Liang's words, Xu Yingbing asked with some doubts: "I can eat it after I recover, Master, why do you say I can't eat it tonight?''

Ye Liang said: "Because my recovery methods are very superb, you will fall asleep later and enter a recovery state of high sleep, and you won't be able to wake up.''

"..." Hearing Ye Liang's words, Xu Yingbing was a little stunned.

'I will fall asleep and can't wake up? Then, what should I do if my master is beastly when I am sleeping?'

She cast her eyes on Ye Liang and saw Ye Liang looking at her: "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, otherwise, you wouldn't come here with me, would you?"

[This girl, won't be suspicious, I will take advantage of her when she falls asleep, what will I do to her? Hehehe-! Am I that kind of person? Her previous life was far more perfect than this, I'm already at the point of vomiting.]

Ye Liang: ...

Xu Yingbing: Hu, Hu-! I put up with it, hum, who knows if what this guy is thinking is true. Maybe it was some kind of hallucination. I can't hear these voices-! If you can't hear it, you can't hear it-!

At this moment, Xu Yingbing didn't know whether she should believe his heart or not. Because his voice itself is something completely uncertain. The infinite turning point was too outrageous. She didn't even know if the ending she heard was the real ending. The general outcome is that she is still dead, and he decides to wait for her return in the mortal world. But, who knows if there will be a turning point in this ending? Maybe, another big turning point will cover his face, and his face will be slapped. If you can't believe it, it's hard to believe.

As for why his attitude towards her is so strange now, Xu Yingbing can be considered to understand. This is simply the kind of mutual disgust between old husbands and wives. However, after getting acquainted with her, he has already regarded her as a wife who has been struggling with each other for thousands of years. Moreover, there are even many women mixed in between his wife and him. Because of this, he continued to be affectionate and disgusted with her.

Thinking of it this way, after listening to Ye Liang's words, Xu Yingbing not only was no longer angry but also felt very romantic. Hundreds of millions of years, reunited in reincarnation. He is still as gentle to her as always, but he is disgusted in his heart. Such a story is so touching. This guy is still a scumbag. Shouldn't he love her a little more as his reunited wife? But speaking of which, Ye Liang, this bastard master, really does love her enough. As long as you don't listen to his heart, it's perfect.

At this moment, Ye Liang was waiting for Xu Yingbing's answer. Seeing that she didn't speak, Ye Liang frowned. "I said, you wouldn't really doubt, what would I do to you?"

"Master, of course, I believe you, come on." Xu Yingbing replied quickly. At this time, she obediently lay on the sofa and said to Ye Liang: "Master, aren't you going to restore me? What should I do?''

"It's simple.'' Ye Liang said: "Leave the rest to me.''

Xu Yingbing stay obediently, waiting for Ye Liang to do whatever he wanted. Ye Liang had never used Qi therapy before. According to the system, Qi therapy seemed to be more stimulating than ordinary aura stimulation. I don't know if it's true. It's a pity that he can't experience the feeling of using Qi therapy.

According to his speculation, if Xu Yingbing, who had been tired for a day, was suddenly restored by him with spiritual energy, she would definitely fall asleep because of exhaustion. This is like a person who suddenly relaxes in a state of high exhaustion, and may have to sleep for several days after falling asleep.

He slowly gathered his spiritual energy, forming spiritual energy in his palm that was invisible to the naked eye, and pressed Xu Yingbing's body with it.

"Oh." At this moment, Xu Yingbing let out a cry that was completely different from her temperament.

"Hiss–!'' Hearing this voice, Ye Liang couldn't help shivering. This sound was like the feeling when he suddenly put his foot into the hot water, and it was a kind of enjoyment.

"Hmm-!'' Aware that her voice was a bit wrong, Xu Yingbing quickly covered her mouth.

'Oh my god, I didn't expect the scumbag master to be so superb. All of a sudden, I feel a lot less tired. If I let him do it a few more times, wouldn't I be resurrected directly on the spot?'


At this moment, Ye Liang's cell phone rang. He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was actually Jiang Yurou calling. This little girl has been calling almost every day for the past two days.

"Hello?" Ye Liang answered the phone and asked the other party: "Sister Yurou, what's the matter?''

[Smelly woman, why did you call at this time, it's bad for me.''

Jiang Yurou originally thought that school was about to start soon, so she made a phone call and Ye Liang invited him to go together tomorrow. But as soon as he answered the phone, she heard Ye Liang's voice on the phone. She couldn't help but have black lines all over her head on the spot-! It turns out that she can also hear Brother Ye Liang's inner voice on the phone?

'This is too..., Damn it-!'

Moreover, the other party seems to be saying that she has ruined his good deeds? What good thing?

"Brother Ye Liang, I want to tell you, let's go to school together tomorrow.''

Ye Liang smiled and said: "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Then will you come to me for breakfast tomorrow? Forget it, I'll just eat at home.''

While speaking, Ye Liang's aura intensified a bit.

''Ahhh~!'' Qi is something that can help to recover quickly from fatigue, but, just like spraying medicine on a wound, an excessive amount of Qi can bring about something like a stimulus.

At this moment, Xu Yingbing couldn't help it. She couldn't keep her mouth shut at all, and shouted out again. This voice naturally reached Jiang Yurou's ears from the phone.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was slightly taken aback. She felt a little chill in her heart: "Brother Ye Liang, is there anyone around you?''

"It's a friend, I'm playing with you." Ye Liang said casually.

[Aah, stinky woman, I know you have fallen in love with me, but so what. In order to keep you from pestering me, have deliberately found a woman to come to my house. I'll let see you her in two days. At that time, I will show you how bad you are compared to her.]

Ye Liang: ..., this Xiuxian voice pack is so bad. If Jiang Yurou heard it, she would be die of anger?

"Yes, yes, yes... that's it..."

At this moment, Jiang Yurou's lips were trembling uncontrollably, and it was difficult to speak.

"Brother Ye Liang, play slowly first, see you tomorrow obviously.'' Saying that, she hung up the phone quickly.

Ye Liang: ..., isn't this girl misunderstanding something?

He turned to look at Xu Yingbing, who was embarrassed and a little speechless. By the way, do you have to say it like that? I really want to explain but I can't explain it.

[Xu Yingbing, you didn't do it on purpose, did you? In your previous life, you didn't like my dealings with women. You clearly arranged it yourself, but you disliked my dealings with women.]

Ye Liang: ...,

Xu Yingbing: Scared, who would deliberately yell so badly, master bastard, trying to wrong me? Who do you want to explain to? Come on, I see, isn't it the vixen who lives across from it? Hmph, scumbag, obviously with me, still thinking about the other woman.

Thinking like this in her heart, Xu Yingbing secretly felt a little complacent. Although she didn't know what was going on, after hearing the story with the infinite turning point in Ye Liang's voice, she now has an indescribable emotion towards Ye Liang. She didn't know if it was love, but it certainly wasn't hate. She liked to get along with Ye Liang like this, listening to his rant about her in his heart, and then she refuted it.

At this moment, with an innocent look on her face, she asked Ye Liang: "Master, what's your technique? I feel like I'm soaking in a hot spring, no, it's more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring."

Under the nourishment of Ye Liang's spiritual energy, Xu Yingbing not only did not fall asleep due to the outbreak of fatigue, but was still very energetic and very comfortable.

"Really? Is it really that good?" Seeing Xu Yingbing's appearance, Ye Liang was also a little surprised. He originally thought that if he made a move, this woman would fall asleep like on TV and let him do whatever he wanted. Unexpectedly, Xu Yingbing is not only not tired but also more energetic. Holy crap, that's a bit of a trick.

"Really, master, teach me this technique, and I will give you a try." She asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang smiled and said, "My technique is not something ordinary people can learn."

[This technique is a unique method that the deity learned from the battle in the immortal realm for thousands of years, in order to quickly recover from his injuries after the war.]

"Master, I know, you definitely don't want to teach me." Xu Yingbing got close to Ye Liang and said to him coquettishly: "As long as you teach me, I will listen to you.''

"..." Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Liang's first reaction was heartbeat. Xu Yingbing is a very good-looking young lady, the second reaction is that it feels like there must be something wrong. Does she know what that means? He is a young man with strong blood, and he said this to himself. I'm afraid I don't understand a bit~

But the next moment, Ye Liang reacted again. Maybe it's because I think too complicated. She actually likes him already, right? You can't imagine how active a girl is in front of someone she likes. This sentence, is such a simple truth, why don't you understand it? She already likes him, isn't it normal to take the initiative when the two are alone? It seems that she is reminding him, hinting at him?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang asked Xu Yingbing strangely: "Are you sure you know what you mean?"

He asked Xu Yingbing.

[Aah, little girl, even if you were a million times more perfect than you are now in your previous life, you wouldn't attract me.]

Xu Yingbing: ..., master bastard, obviously you took the initiative to find me in your previous life, and you still said that you were not attracted to me? Not to brag like that. Besides, who was the person who was moved by me to forget the original intention of the scumbag?

Thinking of this, she said to Ye Liang seriously: "Master, this disciple is not a child, she naturally knows what she is talking about, so you can teach me.''

'Can't attract you? I'd rather try it.'

"You sure?" Ye Liang asked again: "You know, the consequences are serious.''

He secretly swallowed and looked at Xu Yingbing in front of him. Unexpectedly, this Xu Yingbing actually hinted at him so proactively that she was really a bad girl. This kind of apprentice really lacks lessons.

At the moment, Xu Yingbing was listening to Ye Liang's voice.

[Hey, looking at her like this, otherwise, I'd better teach her to forget it, lest she keep pestering me and annoy me to death.]

'I understand, Master, I have already seen your thoughts clearly. I'm not afraid of you. You are not interested in me at all right now.'Check out my other novel:

'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''