Jiang Yurou’s Determination

"Master, teach me, as long as you teach me, I will listen to you.'' Facing Ye Liang's repeated confirmation inquiry, Xu Yingbing said it with certainty. Moreover, she raised her eyebrows at Ye Liang and made an "I know better than you" action.

"F*ck!" Looking at Xu Yingbing in front of him, Ye Liang was really bad. He said: "Since you want to learn, but... I can't teach you.''

What a pity, what a pity. I wanted to teach her, but I couldn't teach it. Qi therapy is a kind of technique that uses Qi to heal, how can people who don't even have basic qi learn? Don't talk about spiritual qi, let's talk less about inner strength, true qi, etc. You have to have a little bit of it, right? Obviously, the current Xu Yingbing really can't learn this technique. What a pity.

[Aah, it's useless, now you are like an ugly duckling that hasn't grown up in the eyes of this deity. This deity is not interested in you, so I does not teach anything.]

"..." Hearing Ye Liang's voice, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but be speechless.

No, didn't you just say you want to teach it? Master B*stard-! And you say I'm the ugly duckling, even if I am a big swan in the future, I am still a little swan now. I'm not an ugly duckling.

"Okay, get down, and I'll continue to heal you." Ye Liang said to Xu Yingbing: "Otherwise, in your state, you will have problems walking normally tomorrow.''

"Oh.'' Although a little unwilling, Xu Yingbing had no choice but to nod, lie down obediently, and let Ye Liang heal her body. Without spiritual energy, practicing martial arts basically hurts the body. If Ye Liang hadn't taken action to restore Xu Yingbing's physical injuries, when she is older, her physical condition would have been much worse than her grandfather's.

However, as long as Xu Yingbing has perfected the Eagle Claw Magic, she will be able to take care of her body by herself in the future. According to the situation of this world, Xu Yingbing is likely to be the only person with real inner strength. Of course, Ye Liang couldn't be sure what the specific situation was.

"Ah woo woo..." At this time, Jiang Yurou was in her room, crying non-stop.

Bastard Ye Liang-! Do you really think she can't hear what that voice is? Damn it, he was still thinking in his heart, to deliberately let me see that woman. Let me give up on him? A*shole, b*stard, when did I ever pester him? Damn it-! The perverted and wretched man, it was too late to hate him, and she only knew how to be angry. I really hate him so much, I don't want to talk to him anymore-!

Thinking about it this way, when she thought of Ye Liang's gentle face, looking at her quietly, she couldn't help but give up all of a sudden.

Brother Ye Liang, maybe, what he thought was true, and her past life was really too bad for him. So in this life, he hates her so much in his heart. If this is the case, then do you want to take a better detour to Brother Ye Liang? No, no, that bastard is so angry with me, how can I be nice to him? My purpose is to make him change his opinion of me, admit that he misreads me, and then apologize to me, preferably fall in love with me, and then kick me away, Hee Hee-!

Thinking of this, she laughed silly again and wiped away her tears. As for who Ye Liang is with now, and what she is doing, she forced herself not to think about it.

"Wait for me!" Suddenly, Jiang Yurou reacted abruptly as if thinking of something. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Yang Liuyan's number. She thought, perhaps, Yang Liuyan might be with Ye Liang now. If that's the case, then she's disturbing their good deeds. Piss them off-! The so-called sisterhood is just a plastic ornament.

"Hello?'' Yang Liuyan, who received the call, was in the toilet at this time. In the past two days, her stomach and intestines were not very good. She felt embarrassed when she received a call from Jiang Yurou at this time, but it still has to be picked up.

"Is it Liuyan? What are you doing now?''


"Nothing? Your voice seems a little weird."

"It's nothing... ah... what's the matter with you?''

"Nothing, I just want to call you to chat.''

"Let's talk later, I still have a business."

Listening to Yang Liuyan's voice, Jiang Yurou looked strange. This sound, how does it feel a bit like... shouldn't Liuyan be with brother Ye Liang?

"Liuyan, there's something wrong with your voice, what the hell are you doing, tell me, is there something wrong?''

Hee hee, even if you really mess with that bastard Ye Liang, I won't make it easier for you. Although her heart was sour, Jiang Yurou could only comfort herself like this at this time.

"I'm... in the toilet."

Liuyan on the opposite side is really going to laugh angrily, this is really, too much-! How can a people call when they are going to the toilet, and have the cheek to ask what they are doing? Does this girl, Yurou, have a brain?!

"Uh... sorry, you go on.'' Jiang Yurou hung up the phone embarrassedly.

''Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-!'' She was rolling around in embarrassment. The girl next to Ye Liang is not Yang Liuyan, so who could it be? Hmph, I don't know where the vixen came from. Although the person Ye Liang hated the most in his life was me, but all his hatred for me came from love. As long as I work hard, these hate can also be transformed into love for me. He treats me so much now, and later, I will treat him too.

''!!!'' Suddenly, Jiang Yurou discovered another very important problem. That is, although Ye Liang despised her, hated her, and even regarded her as a dump on the side of the road, he never treated her badly. He just thought about it in his heart, he never said it. In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Liang's brother is very kind to him.

If you let Ye Liang's b*stard fall in love with you, and then kick him away, wouldn't you be confirming your identity as a scumbag? No, it can't be like this, I should always be nice to him, make him want to love me, and never give him a chance to leave. In this way, the more he feels my goodness, the more guilty he will be, and this is the real revenge for him. Well, Jiang Yurou, you did the right thing, don't be impulsive, be calm.

The next day, when she woke up early, Xu Yingbing had already left. She sent Ye Liang a text message.

"Master, I'll go first. Thank you for your guidance yesterday. Now I feel like I can hit ten people, I will see you when I have time."

Looking at his mobile phone, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless. Can't you just say it face to face? It's like a lover's warning.

After washing up and having breakfast, Ye Liang came to the community. Jiang Yurou called and the two went to school together. However, when Jiang Yurou came out of the room, Ye Liang was stunned by her image.

"Yurou, didn't you sleep last night?" He asked Hua Yuyurou with concern.

Jiang Yurou was already a little sleep-deprived at this moment, and when she heard Ye Liang's voice, she listen to his inner voice.

[Looking at your two big dark circles, are you the cow who went to steal the portrait last night?]

Ye Liang: Uh...

Jiang Yurou: God is going to steal people's cows, no matter how poor I am, I don't need to steal people's cows. Ye Liang, you b*stard, what are you thinking about?!

She smiled and said: "Ye Liang, I just can't sleep when I think about going to school with you soon, I'm really excited.''

Damn, this girl seems to be more and more blatant in showing her love now. Unfortunately, she is an acquaintance. The first step in one's own harem can't start with an acquaintance. Therefore, now, he can only temporarily pretend that he can't hear Jiang Yurou's show of love.

He said: "Is it necessary to be so excited? You don't know, I slept soundly yesterday.''

[This deity's wishes come true, blessings come to the heart, and I won't fall down like you, but I'm just a little sleepy.]

Ye Liang: When did I fall?

Jiang Yurou gritted her teeth and didn't let herself laugh, but also didn't let herself cry.

Damn it, stinky Ye Liang, showing off in front of me, what do you mean? You just want me to get out of your life, don't you?

Yu Jian's voice last night, she never believed that Ye Liang was innocent. Ye Liang may have said this on purpose to remind her of the phone call last night. In this way, she will no longer pester Ye Liang.

Jiang Yurou smiled at Ye Liang: "Really? Brother Ye Liang, you can really sleep, let's go and go to school.''

After saying that she took the lead and walked ahead. Although Ye Liang himself has become familiar with the neighborhood during this time, it is always good to have her lead the way. Qingji Academy is a private academy that belongs to the aristocratic academy in Jiangzhou. Families without certain financial resources cannot send their children here to study. Of course, in order to maintain the reputation of the academy, the academy will spend a lot of money every year to dig some people with good grades to study in the academy.

Along the way, you can see some well-washed cars whizzing by on the road. Some of these are driven by medical students. It is understandable that the children of rich families enjoy happiness early. It's pity, Ye Liang's Maserati was a little too showy. Otherwise, he also wants to drive over by himself. Going to school in a Maserati is too arrogant

He and JIang Yurou were not in the same class, but JIang Yurou was afraid that he would not know the way, so she insisted on taking him to the door of the classroom. Fortunately, Ye Liang really doesn't know the way. The two walked along the way, talking and laughing, which naturally attracted the attention of some people.

"F*ck, look, the schoolgirl is walking with a boy while talking about something!"

"That guy, he's not too timid, dare to walk with the school flower? I'm afraid he has a bit of backing.''

"Then I don't know, he looks pretty well dressed.''


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Liang wore clothes that cost money. Naturally, he wouldn't be like the protagonists in those novels. He was obviously rich, but he had to wear a suit, it was too hard to find. It felt as if everyone would look down on him. So, seeing Ye Liang walking with Jiang Yurou, no one would say "Ah, that poor boy, how dare you to walk with the schoolgirl" or something like that.

"Is this the Qingji Academy? It's really good.'' Ye Liang looked at the students around him and saw that the students here were either dressed handsomely or beautifully. People with poor conditions will not easily come here to study.

[I remember that in the previous life, the quality of the girls in our class was pretty good, but at that time I was wholeheartedly focused on this stinky woman, Jiang Yurou. In this life, I can take a good look at it.]

Jiang Yurou, who was smiling and preparing to introduce the academy to him, became sad on the spot=. At this moment, she should have been very depressed, but she was not completely depressed, because hearing Ye Liang say she was a stinky woman and a girl she wanted to see, she was very depressed.

However, when Ye Liang said that his heart was all on her in the previous life, she was a little proud. In this way, isn't she is not unattractive to him. It's just that he resented her too much in this life.

Hmph, no matter how much resentment he has, I am not the me in your previous life. In this life, I must let him wink at me and love me uncontrollably. Then, live every day in the guilt of me. Imagination is such a beautiful thing.

If Ye Liang knew what Jiang Yurou was thinking, he would only say: Wow, so you've already heard these voices? I'm sorry, these voices are the ones I use to pretend, not my inner voice.

At that moment, Jiang Yurou might cry to death on the spot. Hmph, I want to see how high the quality of the girls in your class is.

Thinking of this, she said to Ye Liang a little unconvinced: "Brother Ye Liang, you are in the eighth class in three years. Let me take you there. Maybe there are many beautiful women in your class."

"Why, don't you know about Class Eight?" Ye Liangsaid curiously.

"Ah, there are more than 30 classes in the academy, how can I recognize them all?'' Jiang Yurou shook her head and said: "Let's go."

However, although I can't recognize everyone, most of the people in the academy know me. I am the school belle, and, moreover, the big school belle. The so-called big school beauty is a real beauty who has a considerable advantage in the school beauty ranking and no longer needs to vote by the people. There are very few who can be called big school flowers.

"Look, it's Jiang Yurou.'' At this time, in the eighth class, someone had noticed the beautiful woman who came to the door. Immediately, the entire class fell silent. Many people know that when someone who can attract attention comes to the door of the class, no matter how busy the class is, it will be quiet for a moment.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yurou, and Jiang Yurou raised the corners of her lips proudly and said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, look, I'm the school flower, and the school flower has a different aura."

Ye Liang: "Yes.''

[Self-righteous school flower, I treat you like a monkey.]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: F*ck-! You're the monkey, your family is the monkey.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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