The most affectionate confession

"Look, look, it's the school flower, she is so beautiful."

"Yeah, oh my god, one holiday is gone and she's grown a bit.''


"By the way, who is that guy next to her?"

Most of the boys were paying attention to Jiang Yurou, but soon, some people noticed Ye Liang who was following Jiang Yurou.

"Wow, so handsome-!"

"So handsome, why haven't I seen him before?''

In an academy, there is a school flower list, and naturally, there is also a school draft list, but unfortunately, no one pays attention to the school draft list. For boys, appearance is not important, capable boys will naturally attract people, and they will be more coquettish when they dress up. Therefore, it is normal to have handsome guys you don't know in the academy.

"What are they doing here? Everyone watched Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou discussing each other. Originally, previously Jiang Yurou enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by people and being the focus.

However, ever since she heard Ye Liang's self-confessed "School Beauty, they treat you like a monkey" in his heart, these people are now talking a lot, which makes her feel a little weird. Especially when Ye Liang looked at her, it made her feel even more uncomfortable.

These guys, what are you looking at, have never seen a beautiful woman, hum-! After she muttered unhappily in her heart, she glanced at the classroom again. It's okay to not be alarmed. It turned out that Ye Liang's class was full of beautiful women. Perhaps, the rank of these beauties is lower than that of her and Yang Liuyan, but there are a lot of them.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou had a bad premonition. Seriously, what did his mom do, how did Ye Liang, this b*stard, come to this class? Aren't you afraid of affecting his study?!

She looked back and said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, then I'll go first.''

"I'll take you to your classroom too, okay?" Ye Liang asked.

[I'll just pretend to ask, if you take it seriously, I'm not interested in accompanying you to your classroom, as I will be surrounded by people like you like monkeys.]

Jiang Yurou: Your mother, you found a topic today and couldn't bear to let it go, right?!! You're the monkey, okay, you're not interested, are you? Well, I'm interested-! Not only do I want you to be with me, but I also want you to be a monkey-!

Hearing Ye Liang's voice, Jiang Yurou, who originally wanted to politely refuse to let him accompany her back to the classroom, suddenly became angry. She was so angry that she clenched her pink fists, gritted her teeth, and said to Ye Liang with a trembling face: "Brother Ye Liang, you are so kind to me.''

"Uh...'' Seeing Jiang Yurou like this, Ye Liang couldn't help shivering. I just wanted to take a look at where her class was. Is this necessary?

[What's going on with this stinky woman, why does it feel like she is different from her previous life? Could it be that this is her attitude in front of the person she likes? In my previous life, I have never seen her attitude like this.]

When Jiang Yurou heard Ye Liang's voice, she was naturally overjoyed. But, she knew that usually after a compliment, it was a turning point. She was waiting for Ye Liang's voice to scold her next. But after she waited, she didn't hear Ye Liang's voice.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a little depressed. It feels a little empty. Your mother, am I addicted to being scolded or something? I didn't hear his scolding, I felt so uncomfortable-!

Jiang Yurou, who suddenly realized this, shuddered involuntarily. I feel that I have been scolded by Ye Liang so much that I am sick. Oh My God, it's horrible.

Along the way, Jiang Yurou was very confused. Am I sick? I am unhappy after not being scolded?

Ye Liang's class is Class 8, and her class is Class 28. There is no such thing as a class ranking, there are good students and bad students in every class. Jiang Yurou is the type with good grades in her class.

In the academy, grades, appearance, and achievement can all be a person's advantage. Jiang Yurou's overall strength is very good. Because of this, she become the most famous one among the school beauties, no matter who looked at her, she seemed to have no flaws.

When they arrived at the gate of Class 28, Jiang Yurou's class seemed to be much quieter than the other class.

"Ye Liang, this is my class." Jiang Yurou said: "How about it, do you want to go in and sit? There are a lot of beautiful women in our class.''

"What?" Ye Liang wondered: "Why do you say it?"

"Hiss-!" Jiang Yurou's expression changed, it was bad, he heard it, and she just seemed to have accidentally matched his heart.

"Cough." Gently coughing, Jiang Yurou said, "I said, there are so many beauties in your class, so I want to tell you that there are so many beauties in my class. Why, did you not notice the beauties in your class just now?"

"No.'' Ye Liang said solemnly: "Serious people, who would first look at how many beautiful women there are in the class on the first day of transfer?''

[A serious person, who doesn't see how many beauties there are in his class at first glance, and how many are worthy targets? People who don't even do this are scumbags-!]

Ye Liang: Why am I so cheap?!

To be honest, he didn't pay attention to the beauties in the class just now, but hearing Jiang Yurou say this, he is still a little curious.

Are there really a lot of beautiful women in the class? He silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Jiang Yurou: ...

"Brother Ye Liang, you are a serious and good person." Looking at Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou said with a look of admiration: "You are different from the stinky boys of the school.''

Vomit-! Jiang Yurou, what the hell did you do in your last life, why do you need to do this kind of thing now? If you encountered such a shameless person before, shouldn't you kick him away now? Why do you still go along with him? You clearly know that he is not a good man, do you really believe his heart and feel that you owe him a lot in your past life? You don't owe him anything, right? At most, you just look down on him. Everyone has the right to choose who they like, and you can't control the fact that he hates you. So, you are right. Yes, you are right, in the future you must be tough in front of him.

Ye Liang: "Cough, Yurou, when said that, do you mean... boys who don't look are very serious?

[Hmph, this stinky woman is becoming more and more able to speak, shouldn't it be time for the deity to change her opinion a little bit?]

Ye Liang: Please, change your mind. This girl was disdained by you for a few days, it was so miserable, it was a tragedy on earth.

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, is he finally going to change? You can't escape my charm after all!

At this moment, Yurou was very proud of her beauty. She said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, let's go and have a look at my class.''

At this time, Jiang Yurou's class was very quiet, everyone was waiting quietly for the moment Jiang Yurou came in, because, the number one male in the class, named Li Xiaofeng, was preparing to confess to Jiang Yurou at this moment. He has prepared a very grand confession scene and has informed all his classmates in advance.

Just waiting for this moment, in his opinion, today Jiang Yurou must be his. She has no reason to refuse. Who is Li Xiaofeng? The son of the director of the Shishu Academy, his father is Jiang Yurou's father's boss, and his mother is the president of a large company. How could Jiang Yurou refuse?

At this time, Li Xiaofeng was standing in the classroom with a confident face, holding flowers in his hand, and reciting the confession lines that had been prepared for a long time in his heart. The feet are ready for the gesture of confession. The classmates in the class raised their fingers and counted down together.

"Ten, nine, eight,..., three, two,...'' The next moment, Li Xiaofeng didn't hesitate, and flew straight ahead, kneeling and sliding towards the front, holding the flowers in his hand, he was really excited by the situation at this moment. Today, he is finally going to hold the beauty back. If Jiang Yurou were a little more open, he might still be able to...

Just thinking about it makes me excited. Damn, this kneeling hurts my knees a bit. Originally I wanted to cut a handsome kneeling slipper, but Li Xiaofeng couldn't stand it the next moment. He endured the pain and showed an affectionate expression. At this moment, he wanted to meet Jiang Youru.

Until that moment, he saw a boy appear at the door of the classroom.

"F*ck your mother, what about Jiang Yurou?!'' At this moment, Li Xiaofeng couldn't help crying. Looking at the confused boy standing in front of him, he cursed: "F*ck, who are you?!''

And Ye Liang didn't expect that when he came to Jiang Yurou's class with her to see, and someone actually gave him such a big gift. Looking at the boy who was kneeling and sliding in front of him, Ye Liang coughed lightly after being confused: '' I like girls.''

''Haha.'' At this time, Gai Yurou, who was following Ye Liang, watched this scene and couldn't help but laugh. Ye Liang, you are too funny.

"..." He was about to utter foul language, but Li Xiaofeng had already noticed Jiang Yurou who was standing beside Ye Liang. He hurriedly turned a direction and said to Jiang Yurou: "Yurou, you're finally here, do you know that I specially went for an infusion yesterday for you."

"??" Looking at this Li Xiaofeng like this, Jiang Yurou didn't know why this guy wanted to confess. She knows that she is a big school flower, and there are a lot of people who like her, but there are not many people who are qualified to express themselves. This is almost the default rule in the academy, not everyone who is on the school flower list can make up their minds. It is precisely because of this that her academy has lived peacefully for three years, but, at this moment, Li Xiaofeng couldn't sit still.

It's just, he just confesses his confession. What does it mean when he suddenly said he was going for an infusion? Is it because you are sick? However, Jiang Yurou couldn't care less now, and her eyes were a little nervously looking towards Ye Liang. She wanted to see what Ye Liang was thinking at this time.

Ye Liang's expression was strange.

[ way, there are still people who want to say such earthy love words to confess, hahaha...I...I'm going to die laughing.]

Ye Liang: What's the matter with Jiang Yurou?

Jiang Yurou: Yes, what does this have to do with me?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was confused, Li Xiaofeng confessed, no matter whether he agreed or refused, what does what he does have to do with him?

[The so-called things gather together, people are divided into groups, and people with real hearts will naturally attract real people. If you don't usually like these local love words, would he say such words specially? Baby, I went for an infusion last night, what kind of fluid, I miss your night taste, hahaha.]

Ye Liang: Damn it, is it so dirty? I am cracked and I got pimples all over my body-! As a transmigrator, he can naturally feel how soiled this statement is.

At this moment, Ye Liang himself couldn't help laughing. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself not to laugh.

And Jiang Yurou was still a little puzzled, doesn't this confession sound pretty good? I didn't even guess it myself. However, after hearing Ye Liang's statement, he seemed to be unable to help but laugh when he saw him there.

Jiang Yurou's whole body cracked. Holy crap, I didn't think so much, but when Ye Liang said this, it really felt like that, the skull is about to fly.

"...'' At this moment, Li Xiaofeng was waiting confidently for Jiang Yurou's reply.

In his opinion, Jiang Yurou couldn't refuse. No matter how you look at it, Jiang Yurou has no reason to refuse. He waited for Jiang Yurou to ask him what kind of liquid. Then, he can say that answer smoothly. Miss you night-!

"Hiss-!'' At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but take a deep breath. Good guy. This, this is too dirty!

Looking at Li Xiaofeng in front of her, she really doubted that if she let him say that, wouldn't she have been drawn to the side of the soil? No, I can't answer his words. But now that so many people are watching, it's not good if you don't give yourself any face at all. How can I refuse him to sew? There is...

Her eyes turned to Ye Liang, her eyes were strange, and she showed a sly smile. She said: "Brother Ye Liang... I'm sorry, I... I didn't have any relation with him... don't get me wrong.

"Hiss-!'' At this moment, Huang Yurou's entire class was in a frenzy. As soon as they followed, they felt something was wrong, Jiang Yurou had never walked all the way with the boys in the police. Now, Jiang Yurou is saying such things?! What does she have to do with this guy?!

Check out my other novel:

'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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