Ye Liang’s Learning Materials Are Rich

Any woman has a bottom line, If you want to hit her with money, you can't hit her. But if you're doing what you want, it's different.

When Yang Liuyan heard Ye Liang casually say that he gave her many songs that may be worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions, and let her operate. She knew that she had been smashed. She didn't like Ye Liang at first.

Because she thought that Ye Liang was like what Jiang Yurou said, with no money, no surprises, no achievements, and a nasty b*stard. But later, she continued to understand, It turned out that Jiang Yurou was a very bad girl, and everything she said was false.

She was afraid that she and Zhang Xin would rob Ye Liang, so she deliberately made Ye Liang so unbearable. She also made Zhang Xin, an arrogant sister, want to act in front of Ye Liang and offend Ye Liang because she looked down on Ye Liang.

Fortunately, she was just cold and not arrogant, and she was not slapped in the face by Ye Liang. It is precisely because of this that she has the opportunity to see how powerful Ye Liang is. The friends he made friends with all drive expensive cars, and a song he sang could be worth thousands of dollars. If he moved his hand casually, dozens of strong men fell to the ground, and the car he drove is worth hundreds of millions.

Until she knew this, she didn't feel any heartbeat towards Ye Liang. After all, no matter how good a person is, it is a person's business. She has always been well aware of this, and she is very clear. However, when Ye Liang was willing to share these benefits with her, she couldn't calm down.

Why is he so good to her? Did he like her? No, no, he likes Jiang Yurou. Wait, that's not right, Jiang Yurou herself said that the brother is very annoying, but they never said that they were in a relationship, and they didn't have a chance. The so-called plastic sisterhood is just like that.

The moment Yang Liuyan began to have a favorable impression of Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou was naturally classified as an enemy in her eyes. A lover is also an enemy. Of course, these words were just a joke in Yang Liuyan's heart.

Since she knew that Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang had such a good relationship, she naturally wouldn't interfere. Moreover, she only had a good impression of Ye Liang at this time. To say that she likes Ye Liang, that's not necessarily true. Infatuation and liking are different. Yes, she can't admit that she likes him, she just thinks the man in front of her is very good.

She stared at Ye Liang closely. She had a cold personality, but now she had a red glow on her face.

"Hiss-!" Jiang Yurou looked at Yang Liuyan's eyes which seemed to be soft and rhythmic at the moment, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

What the h*ll-! Yang Liuyan, you were not like this before, calm down. This man is the same as those handsome men out there.

Jiang Yurou has already overturned a hundred thousand tables deep in her heart. She could never have imagined that Yang Liuyan was moved by Ye Liang so easily. If those people in the academy knew that Yang Liuyan would be smashed by Ye Liang's song, they would probably die of madness. Is this still their glamorous goddess?

"Ye Liang, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to thank you." Staring at Ye Liang with his eyes, Yang Liuyan said with a blushing face.

"No thanks." Ye Liang said solemnly: "Between us, isn't it a little too much to talk about thanks?"

[How to thank, you know, come, I, the deity has already exhibited for you, just wait for you to come.]

"Haha, you know how to talk, no wonder this girl Yurou has been fascinated by you." Yang Liuyan smiled.

"That girl, she is still young and doesn't understand at all." Ye Liang looked back at Yang Liuyan.

At this moment, there was a warm breath that went back and forth between the two.

"!!!" Jiang Yurou glanced left and right, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

This... this... What's happening here?! Why do I have a feeling that I am superfluous?! Yang Liuyan, you idiot, wake up, Ye Liang is lying to you, he is never really good to you, he just wants your body-! Ye Liang, you b*stard, speak up if you have the ability-!

"I said people, we are..." Jiang Yurou finally couldn't help patting the table. "Did you take me seriously?!"

"???" Ye Liang and Yang Liuyan looked at Jiang Yurou.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you at our table?"

"..." Looking at the two people in front of her, Jiang Yurou was stunned.

Wait, could it be that you are someone who is out of nowhere? Perhaps, it is. I have traveled through it myself, and I am not a person in this world. The two of them don't know her at all. Well, yes, it must be so one by one! Or rather, she is dreaming. Must be dreaming. Wake up, I'm a-!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was doubting her own life. However, the next moment, she saw that Ye Liang and Yang Liuyan were both smiling. They were deliberately teasing her.

"Okay, you two guys, I'm so pissed off!" After seeing the purpose of the two, Jiang Yurou immediately reacted.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, Yurou, I also want to experience the feeling of throwing dog food in front of you, it's really good." Yang Liuyan said with a smile.

"Okay, when did you two discuss it?" Jiang Yurou asked in confusion.

"Just going around." Yang Liuyan said: "Thanks to Ye Liang for asking me, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to avenge the last time you forcibly stuffed me with dog food."

She feels that today may be the happiest day of her life. Not only was she supported by Ye Liang's song, but she also, to Jiang Yurou, avenge the last time she forced her to stuff her with dog food. She seems to have a favorable impression of Ye Liang now. If Jiang Yurou couldn't seize the opportunity, she would be welcome.

"Hiss-!" Hearing this, Gai Yurou couldn't help but be speechless.

Now that these two people take care of her, why does she feel that she is more redundant?

She cast Ye Liang over with resentful eyes, and said coquettishly: "Brother Ye Liang, are you going to accompany her to bully me?"

"Silly girl." Ye Liang put his hand on her head, touched her head, and said with a smile: "I was teasing you with her, you won't take it seriously, will you?"

[Ah, I was mad at you on purpose, hey, thinking about the feeling that I was about to explode with anger when I was teased by you in my previous life, I now have a sense of relief that I will get my revenge. Cool–!]

Jiang Yurou: I'm a cool girl-!

"What–!" She jumped directly into Ye Liang's arms, opened her mouth, and bit on his shoulder.

"??!!" Looking at Jiang Yurou's action, Yang Liuyan couldn't help but be puzzled. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yurou likes Ye Liang so much.

As a sister, shouldn't you be a little more modest, you and Ye Liang are playing so closely? Hey, it's really hard to do. I also like him very much... slightly. Thinking of this, the corners of Yang Liuyan's lips twitched.

At this time, Jiang Yurou finally had the opportunity to attack Ye Liang justifiably. You know, before, she had to pretend to have a good relationship with Ye Liang. Because Ye Liang never teased her on purpose. Let her have no chance to start. Now, the opportunity is in front of her. If she doesn't seize the opportunity and bite him fiercely, she will not be called Jiang Yurou.

"??" Feeling that Jiang Yurou was using more and more strength, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless.

"Hey, Yurou, you're a dog, I'm just teasing you, why are you biting so hard, do you want to kill me?" He pulled Jiang Yurou out of his arms and asked her.

[Hmph, this stinky woman must have done it on purpose.]

"Yes, I'm just going to bite you, b*stard Ye Liang." Jiang Yurou puffed out a small pout and said to Ye Liang: "If you are not convinced, you bite me."

Looking at Jiang Yurou who was leaning in his arms, Ye Liang couldn't help but move. This girl..., the more you look, the cuter and more beautiful she is.

"Cough, cough, huh-!" At this time, Yang Liuyan on the side coughed heavily and said: "You don't have to worry about me, and you don't have to worry about so many people around you, go ahead."

"Uh..." At this time, Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang noticed that because of Jiang Yurou's actions, everyone in the restaurant was looking over here.

Jiang Yurou's face flushed red. She just worried about being annoyed and forgot that this is a public space. So humiliating. She obediently went from Ye Liang's arms and sat back in her place.

After the meal, Yang Liuyan also added her contact information and officially became friends. And at this moment, Jiang Yurou finally felt a huge crisis.

What a mistake-! I thought that Yang Liuyan would be a little more sensible than Zhang Xin, but I didn't expect that Yang Liuyan was even more extreme than Zhang Xin. Zhang Xin just offended Ye Liang, but Yang Liuyan seemed to want to attack Ye Liang directly. How does this work-! Ye Liang, this b*stard, hmph, I have to remind Yang Liuyan to detour. In this life, I, Jiang Yurou, and Ye Liang have spent...

After dinner, the three of them left the restaurant and went home. Everyone lives not far, so there is no need for a ride. As soon as she got home, Jiang Yurou quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Yang Liuyan's number.

"Hello? Yurou, what's the matter with you?" Yang Liuyan was a little surprised, it didn't take much time when they separate, what did Jiang Yurou call her for?

"Nothing, I just have something, that, I want to ask you."Jiang Yurou said.

"Oh, you say." Yang Liuyan said casually.

"That... that..."

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was a little embarrassed. She wanted to remind Yang Liuyan that she should not approach Ye Liang, but she felt as if she had no position to speak.

"Well, how do you feel about Ye Liang?" When she finished saying this, Jiang Yurou suddenly felt like she was going crazy.

Why do you ask her about this? She slammed her head against the door a few times.

Jiang Yuyurou, are you an idiot? How can you ask that? Doesn't it feel like you're acknowledging her status? People who don't know thought you wanted to ask her and that b*stard-!

"Puff..." Hearing Jiang Yurou's question, Yang Liuyan burst out laughing.

How could she not guess what Jiang Yurou was trying to say? I didn't expect that, why are you in such a hurry? You didn't seem to say that before, did you? Didn't you say that you did not like Ye Liang and followed him just to make him uncomfortable? He even gave me dog food to eat. I thought you were talented, but that's all?! The layout is small. Don't ask if you have the ability-!

Although she thought so in his heart, Yang Liuyan said seriously: "How should I put it, Ye Liang, I feel that he is too perfect. Not only is he handsome, but he is gentle, he also knows martial arts, and he is good at singing. Maybe, his advantages are more than that. He is a perfect man. I doubt that there is such a perfect person in this world."

As she spoke, she brought herself a glass of water and drank it slowly.

"Uh... Liuyan, if, I said, you were deceived by his appearance, would you believe it?" Jiang Yurou said to Yang Liuyan: "Actually, Ye Liang's heart is not as good as you think. You can't imagine what he is like in person."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Yang Liuyan secretly laughed.

Okay, you, Jiang Yurou, in order not to let me hit Ye Liang's ideas, you don't hesitate to try to destroy him in front of me, right?

"How, can you know what's on his mind?" She had a curious look on her face.

"Of course, I don't know what he thought." Jiang Yurou will not foolishly show her trump card. It can be seen that Ye Liang's voice is her biggest trump card.

"But I know, he's a very wretched guy." After thinking about it, Jiang Yurou decided to pour some dirty water on Ye Liang. She said: "Do you know what I saw in his computer study folder?"

"??!! What study material? Hey, that's it." Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, Yang Liuyan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh?" She said excitedly: "What learning materials have you seen?"

"You don't know, Ye Liang is a wretched scumbag, and all he sees is abnormal things." Jiang Yuyurou said solemnly: "What honey, what white stripes in the waves... what... what rope... candle... friend sister... cough, I'm embarrassed to say it all, in short, he didn't just want to ask you something as simple as that, he must have some bad idea."

"Uh..." Hearing this, Yang Liuyan stayed there the whole time. It turns out that Ye Liang usually sees so many kinds? It's quite rich.

Check out my other novel:

'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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