This mother and son have nothing good

"Achoo-!" Ye Liang, who had just returned to his home, suddenly felt a chill and sneezed. After one sneeze, several more sneeze in a row.

"That's weird, what's going on?" He frowned slightly. I am a cultivator, can cultivators catch a cold? What a joke. Could it be that someone is thinking about me?

At this time, on the other side, Ye Ziqian was talking to Yan Qing.

"Baby Yan Qing, how have you been getting along with my son these past two days? Have you been fascinated by my son? Did you make him fall in love with you?"

Hearing the call from the old witch across from him, Yan Qing couldn't help pinching her phone. There is nothing good about this mother and son. The big ones don't treat people like people, and the small ones don't take beauties as beauties. However, she still had a smile on her face and said to Ye Zifeng:

"Lord President, I've only been here for a few days, and I haven't had much time to meet Young Master Ye."

"Hey? You can't do it at all, can you?" Hearing Yan Qing's words, Ye Ye said with a half-faced disdain: "If you can't do it, I won't embarrass you anymore. You should come back obediently and run errands for me."

"Don't think about it-!" After finally being able to get rid of the life of running errands, Yan Qing did not want to run errands for Ye Ziqian anymore.

After thinking about it, she asked Ye Ziqian: "I wonder what you are calling me for, President, what's the matter?"

"I was thinking, I might have been too passive before." Ye Ziqian said: "Although people don't pretend to be secretive, there are so many wonderful moments in this world, the seemingly peaceful daily life is composed of countless miracles."

"So what do you mean?" Yan Qing asked.

"My meaning is very simple, take the initiative to find Ye Liang, and then you call me, let him hear my voice, and let him begin to wonder if the person on the other side of the phone is me."

Ye Ziqian said: "In this way when he begins to doubt me, he will naturally take the initiative to investigate my affairs. As he gradually investigates, he will gradually discover that her mother is so powerful. The moment he discovers the truth, this is a miracle."

"I'm afraid he will hate you to death." Yan Qing was speechless and snorted.

But Ye Ziqian didn't pay any attention to her voice, she said: "With my son's current ability, in general, he won't find anything that needs my help. If I don't find a chance to let him know how good I am, I'm afraid he thinks I'm an ordinary part-time worker."

"..." Yan Qing couldn't say anything. "Am I going to look for him?"

"Of course, acting should be natural." Ye Ziqian said: "Don't make it too fake."

"Rest assured, I have been professionally trained." Yan Qing said affirmatively, "Under normal circumstances, it will never be a bad show.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction.

In the past few days, she has been feeling resentment in her throat, unable to go up or down. After thinking about it, it was all the fault of that bad boy Ye Liang. What do you do when you have nothing to do, earn so much money, and meet so many rich friends? She doesn't have a chance to work as a mother. Today, she finally couldn't take it anymore. If she doesn't show up again, she will lose her role in the scene.

At this time, Ye Liang thought of his mother in the distance. Thinking about it, is it a little too much? After all, I already have one million in hand, and a luxury car worth one hundred million. I live so well, how can I not give my mother the money? Even if it scares Mom, it's better than not giving her any money at all. Well, I decided to give half of the money to my mother.

/Heh, congratulations to the host, receiving the extra reward of cultivating immortals, Liangchen Jingjing Company is 100% controlled, the company has invested one billion yuan, and the geographical location and related documents have been placed on the computer table in the host's room./

At this moment, a complicated voice resounded in Ye Liang's mind.

"Uh, that's not bad." Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

Before, he was still thinking that although he had one million, one million was no longer worthy of his current status. It seems that the rewards given by Fantong are also improving according to their cultivation strength. This gave a billion-dollar company all at once.

Dong Dong Dong

Just when Ye Liang was thinking about it, suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind. Ah, there was a knock on the door. Ye Liang was a little puzzled, at this time, who would knock on his door. He came to the door of the room, and after opening the door, he saw a woman standing at the door.

Big–! It was this word that caught Ye Liang's eyes.

The next moment, he looked up at the face above. This is an absolutely beautiful face. Beautiful, mature, yet youthful. A tall figure, slender waist, long legs, and stepping on red high-heeled shoes, her legs are straight. An OL dress, black trousers. Different from when she deliberately put on make-up when we met last time, she looks a bit colder today.

"Brother Ye Liang, are you alone?" Seeing Ye Liang, Yan Qing showed a faint smile.

"Uh, yeah." Ye Liang said, "Sister Yan Qing, it's time to get off work."

Yan Qing stood at the door with a smile on her face: "Won't you ask me to come in and sit down?"

"Uh... please come in." Hearing that this OL beauty was going to come in, Ye Liang certainly wouldn't refuse. However, he didn't think much about it. This is probably just a cameo between neighbors.

[Ah, a fox spirit, are you trying to seduce this Immortal Venerable again? Do you think this Immortal Venerable doesn't know about your trick? Even if you do something today, this Immortal Venerable Brother will have a vacation.]

"!!!" Yan Qing, who had just come in and had not had time to speak, was instantly stunned by this voice.

Although she quickly returned to normal, the blue veins on her forehead still jumped. Almost forgot, I didn't know what was going on, I could hear the voice of this guy, Damn it. Hmph, this son is more narcissistic than the mother, Damn it.

Yan Qing was secretly annoyed, but still asked Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, are you living here alone?"

"Yeah, studying here alone." Ye Liang said: "I am studying in Qingji."

"Qinji, that's a place to spend money. Is your family so rich?" Yan Qing asked curiously. Thinking of this, she was also very angry. In the beginning, she finally got a month's salary and was preparing to fill it up with luxury. Unexpectedly, the president insisted on grabbing her to play mahjong.

All of a sudden, she won her salary back, and she also said that she would use the money to send her son to Qingjilai to study. Think about it, this is sending him to study with her hard-earned money. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Yan Qing felt.

"Of course, my family has no money." Ye Liang said truthfully: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. The money I came to study was the down payment that my mother worked so hard to earn her whole life. Hey, I don't even know what my mother thinks. Although studying is important, it is also important. Look at me, what books can I read."

[My mother used all the hard-earned money of her life to let me study at the academy well, but I was so moved by this action.]

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, this time, you have hit my heart.

Yan Qing: Moved sh*t, what kind of hard-earned money, that is my salary for a month, it is your shameless mother who insists on pulling me to play mahjong, and winning it back!

"Oh that's right, so, brother Ye Liang, your grades are very poor?" Yan Qing asked Ye Liang.

"Aah..." Ye Liang said, "Yes, I made you laugh."

[This deity has already traversed the stock market at the age of eight and has countless assets so far. There is a company with a capital injection of one billion in Jiangzhou alone, no one thinks that this deity has poor grades, right? This deity just wants to shock the deity's mother at the moment of the final college entrance examination. Think about it, when my mother felt that my grades were not good and she was desperate for me to go to a good university, I suddenly got a score that shocked the world, how hard did it have to be?!]

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, what are you talking about? However, thinking about that scene, it is indeed quite surprising. My mother might faint with excitement.

Yan Qing: Shocked JPG, Why does this sentence sound so familiar?!

She recalled what Ye Ziyang had said to her back then, It can be said that there is no difference, it is the same.

"Miss Qing?" Seeing that Yan Qing did not speak, Ye Liang was a little puzzled and asked her: "What's wrong with you?

"Cough... no, nothing, just remembered a shocking thing." Yan Qing said casually: "I just heard that your grades were not good, is it true? You don't seem to be very stupid, brother, you don't study hard, do you?"

Ye Liang: "I'm serious, but I just can't learn well. Hey, I can't help it. It seems that I'm naturally uncomfortable with learning."

[Ah, this deity has already mastered all the test sites perfectly now, and the entire senior academy era has no meaning to me at all. If the deity loses more than five points in the college entrance examination, this deity will commit s*icide on the spot.]

Ye Liang: God, it's just one college entrance examination, and I just lost five points, how normal is it? You are joking. Will you kill yourself if you lose five points? Do you have to be so exaggerated?

Yan Qing: What the heck? You're too domineering to kill yourself after losing five points-! I am looking forward to seeing your college entrance examination results.

"That's it." In Yan Qing's heart, she was already so shocked. However, she still forced herself to remain calm and asked Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, since you don't feel comfortable asking about reading, I have a job here that is very suitable for you. I don't know if you will come or not?"

"Very suitable for my job?" Ye Liang asked, "What kind of work?"

[This vixen, doesn't she want me to be her little white face? Don't think about it.]

Ye Liang: What's wrong with white face? Isn't white face good? You b*stard. If she really wants me to be her little face, I don't want the salary.

Yan Qing: Little white face? It's almost the same, not my little white face, but the little white face of all women.

She laughed: "Be a star."

"Be a star?" Ye Liang looked at Yan Qing in front of him, and couldn't help but look strange.

Yan Qing said: "Actually, I'm the manager of Grassland Entertainment Company. If you want, I can recommend you to the president of our company. If she likes you, then you might become a big star in the future."

Ye Liang: "Being a star? Haha, I can't."

[What kind of star will this deity be, behind-the-scenes boss of a company that has invested 1 billion yuan? If this deity wants to cultivate, even a corpse can cut the road, so why do you need your help from the vixen? ]

Yan Qing: Why don't you play a little more? Corpse Road, do you want to turn him into a corpse?

Suddenly, Ye Liang's eyes lit up, and he thought of something. His eyes looked at Yan Qing in front of him, and his expression gradually became happy.

"??!!!" Yan Qing felt guilty for a while by his gaze, but raised his body and looked confident, and asked him: "Brother Ye Liang, what are you doing looking at your elder sister like this? Could it be that you have any thoughts about your elder sister? This elder sister is not so easy to chase after."

Ye Liang said quickly: "Sister misunderstood, I just want to ask my sister to do me a little favor."

[Aah, vixen, even if you came to the door, I don't want it, you are too old, and you still have body odor.]

Ye Liang: ??!! Does Sister Yan Qing have a body odor? No, it doesn't look like it. He sniffed slightly but didn't smell it.

Yan Qing: Uh... no, I have body odor? Why don't I know? Damn it, this guy must be talking nonsense. I obviously have a scent on my body. Also, it is said that the woman is older, do you not want to mix or something?

"Brother Ye Liang, what do you want my sister to do for you?" He just said he didn't want my help. Luckily you didn't say anything. Whenever you say a word, I will slap you in the face and make your mouth stink.

Ye Liang said: "It's like this I seem to be just an ordinary person, but in fact, I am secretly a calligraphy master."

Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Yan Qing's face was speechless. Just like you, a big calligraphy master? How many cows have you not finished blowing, is it feasible to blow it out at one time?

"Why, don't you believe it?" Seeing that Yan Qing seemed to be unconvinced, Ye Liang was ready to show proof.

"I believe, I believe, brother Ye Liang, you are in the calligraphy brigade, and then what?" Yan Qing asked Ye Liang.

"I recently made a million-selling calligraphy." Ye Liang said: "This would have been a good thing, but now I have a million in it, but I can't give it to my mother, I'm very uncomfortable. If I said I earned a million from selling calligraphy, my mother wouldn't believe it. Maybe she will be scared, she will report the case. I just want to ask you, do me a favor, say that I am a million, and that I am your company's star signing fee."

[If you tell your mother directly that you not only have a big company, but also a lover who can do anything, wouldn't there be no chance to pretend? As for my ability, I need to show the rhythm little by little, force it, I need to pretend little by little, it's so cool. Besides, I can't bear to watch my mother work hard, so I'll pay her hundreds of thousands in advance so that she can feel her son's filial piety. When her son doesn't pretend to be forced in front of his mother, then why have I pretended to be a waste for so many years? I'm right like this, right? Fox spirit? After all, I'm mainly filial piety.]

Ye Liang: If you pretend to be forced to dress in the dark, and dress in the light, you won't feel any pleasure. Xiuxian voice pack, don't you know how to pretend? How can anyone take the initiative to pretend to be forced, it's the same as a fool. You want to pretend to be cool.

Yan Qing: ..., what's the matter, is it normal for this mother and son?!

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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