Fortunately, I Can Hear Her Voice


At this moment, looking at Ye Ziqian, who was staring at her in the video, Yan Qing had an embarrassed look on her face, but she was smiling complacently in her heart.

Ye Ziqian, you have today too. Aren't you trying to play tricks in front of your son? How are you, are you happy? I just watched quietly as your son slapped you in the face. So cool-!!!

She stretched out her hand and greeted Ye Ziqian on the opposite side like they do not know each other's: "Hello, you are Ye Liang's mother."

"Mom, let me introduce you, she is the manager of our Grassland Entertainment Company, Yan Qing, Sister Qing." Ye Liang introduced Yan Qing to Ye Ziqian and said: "It was Sister Qing who discovered my talent and introduced me to the boss of her company. She gave kindness to me, so, mom, you have to be more polite."

Ye Ziqian looked at Yan Qing's expression and wanted to tear up her beautiful face. Her teeth couldn't help but rattle slightly. "Really? It turned out to be the manager of Grassland Entertainment, so thank you for taking care of my son."

At this moment, Ye Ziqian was already gnashing her teeth in hatred for Yan Qing. She didn't know what happened, but she was sure that it must be Yan Qing's fault. If it wasn't for her incompetence, how could she be like this?

"You're welcome." Yan Qing did not expect that in this life, she could hear Ye Ziqian compelled thanks to her. At this time, she was secretly happy.

However, she still said solemnly: "Mrs. Ye, your son's acting skills are outstanding. I notice him as soon as I saw him and then recommended him to the boss of our company. The boss of our company knew at a glance that Mr. Ye was the descendant of the actor he had been looking for, so he directly signed Xiao Yeliang for three full years and gave him one million, and there will be a performance-based commission income later."

"Oh? That's nice." Hearing this, Ye Ziqian's half-faced smile is too fake. At this moment, she wanted to ask clearly what was going on. Why did she let Yan Qing go there, and suddenly she became pretended to be forced?

"Mom, why do you seem unhappy?" Seeing Ye Ziqian's strange look in the video, Ye Liang didn't explain.

"Aah, what's wrong, I'm just too happy for my son, and I can't control my expression." Ye Ziqian said with a smile.

"Could it be that Mom is worried that I've been cheated? Don't worry, Mom, the other party has already transferred the money to my card, and I'll transfer 500,000 yuan to you to make you happy."


"Mom, you don't need to say more, you have worked hard for me all your life, I earned one million, and you should share five hundred thousand." With that said, Ye Liang transferred the money on his card to his mother.

[How is it, how does mom feel when she receives 500,000 yuan? She must be shocked. She always thought that a son might be like this in this life, but she didn't expect her son to explode.]

At this moment, Ye Liang said that his mood was the same as that of the Xiuxian voice pack. If you make money, you need to repay your gratitude.

[Mom I have hundreds of millions of assets now, but I can't tell you right now, I want to tell you little by little so that you understand how powerful your son is. How do you say it, if you have money and don't pretend to be in front of your relatives, what kind of person are you?]

Ye Liang: ..., the voice pack, I feel a bit cheap? Is it an illusion?

Ye Ziqian: I am shocked, f*ck, shocked ten thousand years. You have the ability, you can walk in the night in brocade clothes all your life, Damn its b*stard-!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian was gasping for breath.

"Xiao Liang, since Manager Yan helps you, then you have to repay her well. Does she have a boyfriend? No, it's fine if she doesn't, otherwise, you can be her boyfriend, like this, I don't need a year, I can also hold my grandson. Oh, Manager Yan, you are here too, I'm sorry, ah ah, I am always thinking and saying what I want to say, and you have seen it, Ah..." There was no air gap, Ye Ziqian had no choice but to cast her gaze towards Yan Qing, who was on one side.

"Hiss-!" Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, Yan Qing's face suddenly turned ashen, but when she thought that the other party was her boss, he had to squeeze out a smile again: "Mrs. Ye, how could I be angry? Younger brother Ye Liang is so good, if he doesn't dislike me, I would like to have a try with him."

"Uh...cough..." Ye Liang was a little embarrassed to see his mother and Yan Qing suddenly talk about who his son's future mother is. Unexpectedly, my mother dared to say so. However, Sister Yan Qing is also very powerful. How could she match up like this?

[This vixen is so proactive, if it wasn't for some conspiracy, I would be the first to not believe it. Maybe, she saw my ability and wanted to tie me up in advance. She said it was herself, even some young girls, the deity may not like it. She is old...]

Damn You! At this moment, Yan Qing could not help clenching her fist, as if she had crushed her bones.

"Son, since you earned the 500,000 yuan by yourself, then mom will accept it for you first, and keep it for you to marry a daughter-in-law later." After finishing the conversation with Yan Qing, Ye Ziqian turned to Ye Liang again.

"Mom, no, you can use it as you like, your son will not be short of money in the future." Ye Liang smiled.

[In the future, I will bring millions from time to time to buy snacks for my mother, so that my mother will always be happy and shocked. I've put on waste materials face for so many years, isn't it just so that one day I can see the expression on my mother's face when you are shocked by my ability? This feeling is cool.]

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: Cool, so cool f*ck you-!

Ye Ziqian wanted to give Ye Liang a showdown, and she was a real rich person. However, when she thought of the showdown, she would be like this in the future. There was no fun, and there was no plot, so she had to forcibly hold back. It's all like this in the novel, trying to do everything possible not to showdown, and continue to be happy all the time. If you are happy for a while and show down, it will be over. Pretend to be cool for a while, and finish the boring crematorium. Still have to endure. First, ask what is going on today.

"Ah, since you say so, what else can Mom say?" At this moment, Ye Ziqian could only answer Ye Liang with a smile on her face. It's just that she has gritted her teeth at this moment. Well, you stinky boy, you can hide all the time, you just want to pretend to this old lady, right? When I clean up Yan Qing, I will clean up you kid.

"I didn't expect my son to be so capable and earn so much money. He made millions while he was still in school. He's amazing, amazing." She praised Ye Liang reluctantly. However, in her ideal appearance, she should give Ye Liang money, and then Ye Liang looked at her with a moved face. Who cares about this kind of money?! However, after all, it was given to her by her son, hehe, I can take it for a few good blows, it's fragrant.

After hanging up the video, Ye Liang, Yan Qing, or Ye Ziqian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ye Liang was worried that Ye Ziqian would not believe it, Ye Ziqian was half out of breath, but Yan Qing knew that she was finished.

Although she is watching a play on the side, it's cool. But obviously, the next Ye Ziqian is going to throw the pot at her. Fortunately, this time, it's none of my business. Even if the old witch is talking about breaking the dawn, I, Yan Qing, will not bear the blame.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and said to Ye Liang: "How is it, brother Ye Liang, my performance is not bad?"

Ye Liang blushed and said: "Then what, Sister Yan Qing, your acting skills are really good, but is it true that you just talked about dating or something?"

[Vixen, come on, tell me your purpose, and let the deity guess your psychological words.]

You are the vixen, and your whole family is the vixen. With a smile on her face, Yan Qing said: "You guess."

She leaned forward slightly and stared at Ye Liang with a pair of dark eyes: "Brother Ye Liang, you don't have a girlfriend, do you? How about I be your girlfriend? This sister is fun.]

"..." Ye Liang was speechless and said: "I already have a girlfriend."

[Have fun, at such an old age, I am afraid that I have overplayed it a bit, or I would have provoked it.]

At this moment, Ye Liang had lost interest in Yan Qing. How should I put it? His hobby is different.

Seeing Ye Liang like this, Yan Qing sat up straight and said: "Brother Ye Liang, elder sister is just joking, don't you take it seriously? I'm not some casual woman."

Overplayed? Ah, I, Yan Qing, have never given a good face to a man in my life. That's how lucky you are.

"Really?" Hearing this, Ye Liang's eyes lit up.

[Impossible... this vixen is not casual, how could it be so good to me as soon as we meet, so chatty? It must have spared my body. How could, I, who has been in existence for hundreds of millions of years, be deceived by you.]

Ye Liang: ...

Yan Qing: I will spare your sister's body, hum, Damn it's stinky brother. I have seen people on the Internet say that boys like to be charming, and they pretend to be like this on purpose. You stinky brother, you are shameless. Otherwise, this sister will let you know, what is regret-! Hmph, men are big hooves.

"Brother, I said I'm not casual, why are you so happy?" Yan Qing smiled.

"..." Ye Liang blushed with embarrassment and said solemnly: "Of course, it's because I think a woman like Sister Qing must be a good woman."

[I said this out of conscience today, this deity is worried that when the calamity comes, she will become the deity's inner demon, hey stinky fox spirit, you killed this deity.]

"Aah, brother Ye Liang, all of you men are like this, none of you are honest." Yan Qing said: "It's all hope that women can let go of you, right?"

"Yes." Ye Liang honestly admits it. There is no need to reject this.

"A little bit.." Yan Qing smiled and said: "I'm not your woman. What are you worried about? Or, brother, do you have thoughts about your sister?" Yan Qing leaned over to Ye Liang again and asked him.

Looking at Yan Qing in front of him, Ye Liang almost couldn't control his hand at this moment. He said solemnly: "I said, Sister Yan Qing, do you have any thoughts on me?" He looked back at Yan Qing who was in front of him and asked her.

"Uh..." At this moment, the faces of the two were about to come together. Feeling the faint spirit from Ye Liang's body, Yan Qing's face suddenly turned slightly red.

"Aah... Younger brother Ye Liang, does this elder sister really like you, what about you, do you like me?" She asked next.

"I can't say I like it, but as a man, I like Sister Yan Qing." Ye Liang said, "However, I know that Sister Yan Qing is joking with me."

[Vixen, I will not, you thought I would like you, ah, I would rather like the ugliest person in my class than you.]

Ye Liang: ..., Man, I like her a lot. Men like beautiful, what's wrong?

"..." Yan Qing gritted her teeth unwillingly. Unexpectedly, this guy looked down on her so much. It seemed that he didn't like women with this style. The next time I come into contact with him, I have to change my style to go around.

"I'm not kidding you." Saying this, Yan Qing stood up and let Ye Liang look up at her. She went on to say: "You'll understand later, in this world, there is love at first sight. I don't know why, but I fell in love with you, brother Ye Liang at the first sight."

"..." Ye Liang had no idea that Yan Qing would suddenly say such a sentence. To be honest, I was very happy, even a little excited. He didn't even know how to answer. After all, just after he said that he had a girlfriend, and now what's the matter, it's a bit too limitless.

[Fall in love with me? You fall in love with a hammer, do you think I will believe your words? There is always a vixen who wants to hook up with me, or it is worth asking you to see how far you can do it.]

"Uh..." Seeing Ye Liang's expression that seemed a little excited and a little overwhelmed, Yan Qing was stunned at the moment. I said before that this stinky brother's acting skills are very good, and he can be called an actor, and it isn't nonsense. This guy's acting skills, saying that he is an actor, really underestimate him. Looking at his acting skills, it is simply natural. If I hadn't been able to see what he was thinking, I'm afraid I would think that I had been fascinated by him. In that way, I think I have completed the task arrogantly, turn around and slip away, and the result, they only see her as a joke.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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