The classmate is actually the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor

Yan Qing had never met a man like Ye Liang in her life. Although it seems a little too early to say that he is a man, in addition to looking young, Ye Liang has an air all over his body, but he is not comparable to ordinary men. More importantly, Ye Liang was not affected by her charm at all. This made her very unconvinced. Yan Qing is very clear about her charm. She, Yan Qing, likes to do most of is challenging things.

If Ye Liang was easily hooked up to her, she might not have had any idea about Ye Liang. Even if Ye Liang didn't like her and said straightly, she wouldn't be so angry. However, Ye Liang was duplicitous, and he disliked her in his heart, but on his face, he seemed to be fascinated by her. This made her feel great anger-!

At the same time, she also felt a great challenge. She really couldn't believe it. She thrips the thrips herself, and can still lose to this narcissistic stinky brother. So, looking at Ye Liang who didn't know what to say, she didn't give Ye Liang a chance to speak at all. She said directly to Ye Liang: "Okay, brother, I know you don't believe me now, but I'll let you understand in the future that this sister is sincere to you." Saying so, she waved to Ye Liang, turned, and left.

"..." Seeing Yan Qing leave, Ye Liang couldn't help but have a black question mark on his face. What's the situation? Do you believe it yourself? No. Is it a-!!! Is she kidding herself? Ah, what a vixen, damn it, if you can say you like me if you have the ability, you stay. I let you know what a wolf is, and I will make you very happy.

Thinking so, Ye Liang obediently closed the door and went back to his room to sleep. As for the company document on the computer desk, he hasn't read it yet. Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly. Picking up the phone, he saw that he was in the setting of the Xiuxian voice package, and he had a very bloody relationship with his previous life. Could it be that his wife, who had experienced many turning points was also an apprentice in this life, Xu Yingbing?

"Hello? Yingbing, what's the matter?" He asked Xu Yingbing.

"Master, I feel that I have mastered the movements you taught me before." Xu Yingbing said excitedly: "Teach me a few more moves."

Ye Liang said: "Uh... this thing can't be explained clearly on the phone."

"Master, when will we meet again?" Xu Yingbing asked: "It feels like I haven't seen you for a day, I miss you a little bit."

"Really? I miss you too." Hearing this, Ye Liang said sweetly: "See you when I have time."

[I miss your a*s, I don't want to have anything to do with you in this life.]

"Well, that's fine then." After hanging up the phone, Xu Yingbing was very excited. Master b*stard, I didn't even think about you, I was just kidding. This stinky master did not call his current wife, she was afraid that he had forgotten that she was there.

But, looking at the wooden board that was easily crushed by her in front of her eyes, Xu Yingbing couldn't help but secretly swallowed. I just learned the three movements taught by the master, and I became so strong unknowingly. If you learn all the movements of the Eagle Claw Magic, then won't you be able to go to heaven? You must know that if she didn't wear gloves in the past, there was no such destructive power.

But now, she seems to have been reborn. It's a miracle-! If Grandpa knew her current strength, he would probably die in shock. Ah Xie, how can I learn from the b*stard master, and have disrespectful thoughts about grandpa. That guy, anyway, since he was my husband in the previous life, couldn't he be nicer to me? He doesn't know how to respect people. It's no wonder that she had so many entanglements with him in his previous life, and he didn't know whether it was love or hate in the end. However, in his previous life, he should have loved her more. Anyway, she died in his arms in his previous life.

That night, Zhao Ziyan took out a stone from her arms. This stone is different from ordinary stones. It looks like jade, but it is not jade, just an ordinary stone.

"When I was a child, I found a stone by chance, I thought it was beautiful at the time, so I put it away." Looking at the purple stone in front of her, Zhao Ziyan had a nostalgic look on her face. She somewhat misses the happy time when she was a child. However, those happy times are now gone.

"The voice that appeared in my heart told me that I was holding an immortal stone and could contact Xiu Xianjie, maybe it was this stone. Looking at the stone in front of her." Zhao Ziyan laughed secretly. Although the voice inside does not sound like a hallucination, how is this possible.

Where in this world is there any immortal world, what immortal cultivators, Everything in the novel is fake. Looking at the stone in front of her, she put it up to dry and looked at it. The stone felt like jade to the touch, and it was very warm, so she couldn't help but put the stone on her face.

"It was so comfortable, warm, and caring." She said so, holding the stone in her arms, and fell asleep. However, at the moment when she fell asleep. She felt as if she was in a dream.

Suddenly opening his eyes, she saw that she was already in a completely different world. She looked around in shock and saw that her field of vision was constantly expanding and in the endless sky, many people were staring at her.

Some of these people are standing on the ground, some are in the sky, and some are even high in the Nine Heavens Palace, and their stature is incomparably huge. In an instant, she seemed to be surrounded by countless divine soldiers and generals between heaven and earth. However, before she was afraid, those people bowed their hands to her and knelt down

"Congratulations on the return of the Purple Heart Empress-!"

"Congratulations on the return of Empress Purple Heart-!"

"Congratulations on the return of the Purple Heart Empress-!"

Such a voice resounded all over the world in an instant. Between heaven and earth, there are endless circles, countless people, men, and women, young and old, all of them are immortal. Everyone was kneeling before her. Such a scene was something she had never imagined.

"What is this?" Looking at these people around, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but be puzzled. Are you dreaming? Otherwise, why would you see such a picture? But in the sky, a divine light fell, and a figure slowly fell from the sky. Holding a halberd in his hand, this man is tall and heroic, he is also wearing blood-red armor.

He quietly fell in front of Zhao Ziyan, half-kneeled to her, and said: "Empress Purple Heart, I am Lu Yunfei, your first general in the battle. We have been waiting for your return for a long time."

Seeing this fierce general in front of him, who was like a god descending from the earth, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"What Purple Heart Empress? You... what are you talking about?" She asked the fierce general in front of her. "Am I dreaming?"

"Of course, it wasn't a dream." The fierce general who called himself Lu Yunfei

said: "Empress Zixin, tens of thousands of years ago, the spiritual energy of the Ziji Xianxing was exhausted, so that the 100,000 immortal practitioners on the Ziji Xianxing could have a chance of life, you did not hesitate to use your supreme cultivation to open up the fairyland enchantment. Your consciousness was born in another world, and all of us in the Immortal Realm is waiting for your return. Maybe you don't understand what's going on now, but as long as you drop your blood on the purple bloodstone, you will All memories will be restored. When you will return to become the real

Purple Heart Empress, open up the Immortal Realm enchantment, bring us to the other world, and regain vitality. The 100,000 cultivators of Immortal Purple Star are all waiting for the return of Empress Zixin-!"

"Ziji Xianxing 100,000 cultivators welcome the return of the Empress-!" Following Lu Yunfei's order, everyone knelt to Zhao Ziyan. Everyone is respectfully respecting Jun Sheng, waiting for her to regain her status as the Purple Heart Empress.

The next moment, Zhao Ziyan suddenly woke up. " it a dream?" No... If it's a dream, it's too real.

At this time, the voice of Lu Yunfei resounded in her mind. "On the day when the Empress returns, I and 100,000 cultivators are willing to fight for the Empress again-!"

The voice sounded again, causing Zhao Ziyan to be stunned. She looked down at the immortal stone in her hand and couldn't help swallowing. Because this immortal stone is glowing. Is this true, this is not a dream? As long as you drip your blood on this stone, you will restore your memory and become that majestic Purple Heart Empress?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help it, she wanted to drip her blood on it. But, in the next moment, she recalled the voice of Bai Tianyun in her mind before. She holds an immortal stone in her hand and can contact the world of immortals. Because she feels despair about the injustice of this world, she contacts people in the world of immortals through this immortal stone. It attracted people from the world of cultivators, causing the entire earth to be enslaved by the cultivators. She became a traitor to the entire planet.

This-! She was a little scared and threw the fairy stone in her hand to the ground. What kind of voice is Bai Tianyun's voice in her head now? That voice was a bit like Ye Liang, who was at the same table. Could it be that that voice has something to do with Ye Liang? What the h*ll is this immortal stone? Is it something that attracts cultivators, or something that makes oneself back to the Purple Heart Empress? Is the dream real, or is the sound you hear during the day real?

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was a little tangled. Could this be a big conspiracy? Could it be that by dripping blood on this Purple The Immortal Stone, the entire Earth fell?

At that time, she betrayed the whole earth. She decided to put away this immortal stone. Although I don't know what happened this thing is not simple. Don't act rashly. She didn't imagine what the voice said, taking the blame for the fall of the whole earth. She couldn't carry such a big pot.

The next day, Ziyan came to the classroom with dark circles on her face. Fortunately, her skin was not good-looking, and not many people would care about her complexion.

"Morning." When she came to Ye Liang and sat down, Ye Liang greeted her.

"Morning." Zhao Ziyan responded casually, and then, with a strange look, he cast a glance at Ye Liang.

"?" Ye Liang wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zhao Ziyan withdrew her gaze and shook her head. It seems that it can't be too obvious, otherwise, he will notice her.

[Looking at her appearance, it seems that she didn't sleep well last night, should I care about her? Let's forget it.]

Ye Liang: Huh? Xiuxian voice pack, have you changed your temper? In general, beautiful girls and Xiuxian voice packs will be damaged to death. However, I didn't expect that the Xiuxian voice package was caring about Zhao Ziyan beside him. Surprised.

"?!" Zhao Ziyan looked strange, this voice was this voice. That's what I heard. No, calm down and see if this voice is related to Ye Liang. She remained calm, thought for a while, then turned to Ye Liang and asked: "Ye Liang, you said, if there is a great benefit in front of you in this world, do you want it or not?"

"Great benefit?" Ye Liang said with a smile: "Of course it is, it is good, why not."

[Idiot, how can there be benefits in this world that are freely given? The more you ask about the benefits beyond your ability, the more likely it will be accompanied by a huge crisis.]

Ye Liang: It's good, but you can't watch it, right?

"!!!" Zhao Ziyan's brows couldn't help but twitch. This, this voice is Ye Liang's? Moreover, what Ye Liang thought in his heart was different from what he said? Why did he know that he had an immortal stone, and why did he say that he would use the immortal stone to contact the world of immortal cultivation and bring disaster to mankind? Why did he know she was going to be a traitor to humanity?

At this moment, in the eyes of Zhao Ziyan, Ye Liang was no longer simple. Unexpectedly, this world is not so simple, and my deskmate is a strange person. He might even know everything about the future. Moreover, I don't know why I can hear his inner voice. Could it be because she is the Purple Heart Empress? No, won't it? Is your background so big? But if I were the Purple Heart Empress, wouldn't I lead 100,000 cultivators to occupy the earth in the future? However, according to Ye Liang's statement, he is not an empress at all, but a shameless traitor to the earthlings.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but struggle.

"The work is done." At this moment, the person sitting at the front shouted to the back.

"Uh...homework?" Ye Liang suddenly had a headache, and he didn't do his homework. It's over. With a dignified Ye Qixuan and an immortal appearance, he won't be punished for not turning in his homework on the first day of transfer, right? That would be funny.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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