Sister Wang, I Don't Want to Work Hard

Jiang Shixian feels abrupt. He didn't understand how his wife thought about marrying her daughter to a poor boy all day long. And his daughter, like crazy, insisted on pestering a poor boy. Why can't they understand themselves, obviously they have the conditions, why don't they find a good man with money from the beginning? You have to find a stinky boy who has nothing but an unreasonable mouth. Of course, he doesn't understand that some things are not just how you want them to be.

As someone said, the daily life of this world may be the intersection of countless miracles, and there are no coincidences in this world. He didn't think he was wrong. He just wanted to make his daughter happy and to seek some benefits for his future. What's wrong? If his wife and daughter are not on his side, it is not his problem. I continue to be a normal person's thinking, and they are not normal. No, maybe, I'm not normal either. How long do you have to hold on to this boring relationship?

After quarreling with Tang Pinru, he no longer wanted to maintain this marriage. After all, I have only one daughter with her, so why do I work hard to get everything? Is it for the sake of inheriting the throne? Isn't that why everyone is having a good time? Now since you two make me lose face and make me unhappy, don't blame me for being reluctant.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone.

"Miss Wang."

"What's the matter, Shixian?" The voice of a very kind old woman came from the opposite side.

"I... don't want to work hard anymore."

"Really? What do you call me now?"


Vomit-! Thinking of the old wrinkled face on the opposite side, Jiang Shixian almost felt so disgusted that he couldn't swallow, but a mouthful of sour water almost spit out. Tang Pinru, you don't give me face, don't blame me for not giving you face-! By the time that old woman dies, I'll be on my way. At that time, I will make you regret it. It's just that when the call is made now, I can't regret it. Hey, I don't know what tricks that old woman has...

At this time, Jiang Yurou felt a little regretful. She thinks too highly of her own family... No, it should be said that she thinks too highly of her father. She originally thought that Jiang Shixian, no matter what, was still a literate person. He never goes too far. However, Jiang Shixian's performance today has simply refreshed her three views. For the sake of profit, he didn't even plan to ask her to get her engaged with the other. What the h*ll is he thinking?

Fortunately, brother Ye Liang is here today, otherwise, I don't know what to do. Hey, shouldn't we find an opportunity to tell Dad that Ye Liang is rich, but he doesn't like to show off his stuff? Moreover, if Ye Liang wants to make money, he also has the ability... Although this seems a little bit snobby, it is better to be snobbish than to fall out directly. It's a pity, considering Ye Liang's relationship with her father now, even if she told his father that Ye Liang was rich, he might not believe her. Even if it is believed, there is little chance of reconciliation.

Do you want to tell your mother that brother Ye Liang is rich? No... If Mom knew that she already knew that Ye Liang's brother had money, she would doubt whether she love her brother Ye Liang.

Thinking of this, Hua Yurou was speechless for a while. If I knew it earlier, I would have said it earlier, but it is useless to say it now.

Zhao Ziyan was dreaming again. It was still that place, with nine heavens and ten places, several layers of heavenly palaces, and one hundred thousand divine soldiers and heavenly generals, swallowing the heavens and the earth. Countless majestic men, women, and children, all greeted her coming between heaven and earth.

"Congratulations on the return of the Purple Heart Empress-!"

"Congratulations on the return of Empress Purple Heart-!"

Countless gods shouted in unison, shaking the world. Looking at the respectful appearance of these people around, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help frowning. She didn't touch the immortal stone, why did she still come here? Could it be that I have this dream because I touched that rock? Her eyes looked at the god standing in front of her. The divine general called himself Lu Yunfei.

"Purple Heart Empress, why haven't you planned to return?" That god will kneel in front of Zhao Ziyan and ask her: "I and the 100,000 immortal cultivators, are all waiting for the return of the Empress."

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of immortal cultivators around, Zhao Ziyan secretly swallowed a sigh of relief. If these people are deceiving her, then, if they go to the earth, the earth will become a h*ll on earth. I don't want to be a gangster myself. However, I am just an ordinary person, what can I do with so many people?

After thinking about it, she could only say: "I want to know first what kind of place the world of immortals is."

"Aah, it seems that the Empress still has doubts about the cultivation world." Hearing this, Lu Yunfei stood up and swiped his hand.

She saw a mysterious scene open up in the sky behind him. She saw that in the spectacle, the light and shadow were dazzling and unparalleled. There is a person who is practicing cross-legged.

"In the Immortal Realm, people who cultivate immortals are collectively referred to as immortal cultivators, and the ultimate goal of immortal cultivators is to transcend the world with the physical body. There are countless ways to cultivate immortals, whether it is the so-called martial arts or the eight arts and six arts, Taoism, Buddhism, magic Confucianism, the doctrines of the masters... All can be used as their way of cultivating immortals, three rough roads, and the same goal. No one knows what it will be like after transcending the world, but the cultivators themselves are divided into three realms."

"The realm of refining Qi, the realm of innate, the realm of Jindan. In the realm of qi refining, just like the people in the picture, you can only use the spiritual qi of the heavens and the earth for your use. The so-called heaven and earth, of course, refers to the planet where the person lives. In the congenital realm, one can have a broad body, and the world is so big that there is nowhere to go. As for the golden core, it is to open up a world in the body, turn it into a golden core, and compare the so-called planet with the human body. You can chase the stars and the moon, and invite you to travel the universe. The realm of the golden core is too mysterious, and none of us Ziji Immortal Star can reach it yet."

"Only the Empress Zixin, you are the most talented person in the history of my Ziji Xianxing, and you are the only one who has been the only golden elixir for tens of thousands of years. However, after a few rough years when you were in charge of Ziji Immortal Star, Immortal Realm did not know why the spiritual energy was exhausted. For the 100,000 cultivators of Ziji Xianxing, you chose to reincarnate yourself, carrying Ziji Xianxing, breaking through the fairyland barrier, entering another world, and seeking a lifeline for the entire Xianxing. Now, it is me Waiting for the time to welcome you back home. As long as you drop your blood on the Ziji Immortal Stone, you will restore all your memories and all your cultivation bases, and then you will naturally have a way to bring me and others to where you are now."

"You are the only true god on my Ziji Xianxing, your merit is high, the unparalleled Purple Heart Empress-!" After saying that, Lu Wushuang drew his hand and waved again behind him. The next moment, a figure appeared on the screen.

She saw that it was a woman. She was wearing a purple imperial robe, and she stood high in the heavenly palace in front of one hundred thousand cultivators. However, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help being stunned when she saw the woman. Because that woman looks almost exactly like her. The only difference was that the woman was aloof and arrogant, with an ice muscle and jade bones, and her eyes had a look of cards and common people. The appearance is the same, but because of the different skin texture, She looks like an ugly girl, but the other party is a complete peerless beauty, the queen of the world. Looking at herself in the picture, Zhao Ziyan was a little unbelievable. How can my face be so beautiful?!

At that moment, her eyes met the empress in a purple imperial robe. Suddenly, she woke up again from her sleep. Looking at the Ziji Immortal Stone that had appeared in her hands at an unknown time, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. This… In the end, is the voice you heard real, or is your dream real? And at this time, in that dream, the 100,000 Divine Soldiers and Heavenly Generals still respectfully paid their respects to Fang Zhao Ziyan's disappearance. An old man appeared beside Lu Yunfei.

Besides Lu Yunfei's tall and mighty figure, he looked so weak. However, the moment the old man appeared, Lu Yunfei saluted him: "See Duke Huang-!"

"God Lu will waive the ceremony." The old man said casually: "It's really strange... Her Majesty the Empress seems... a little wary of us?" As he said that, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

"Impossible, I have all my heart for Her Majesty the Empress, the sun and the moon can learn from it, even if Her Majesty is reincarnated, I will feel hooked." Lu Yunfei frowned and said: "How could she possibly be wary of us? Could it be that she was blinded by someone?

The old man called Huang Gong also frowned: "Theoretically speaking, it's impossible. After Her Majesty's reincarnation, before awakening her memory, she is just an ordinary person... She can't know about us, and who can hide her? No matter what, the Empress must awaken her memory."

Lu Yunfei said: "If necessary, I will have to offend the Empress. This is the power that the Empress has granted to me."

"Wait a minute." That Huang Gong sighed. Everyone's eyes looked at the sky, and they saw that beyond the dream realm, the purple celestial star seemed to be collapsing little by little. The 100,000 cultivators of Ziji Xianxing must leave. Otherwise, they can only accompany this piece of fairyland to be destroyed together.

In the end, Zhao Ziyan still did not believe the words of the 100,000 cultivators of Ziji Xianxing. As a result, the immortal cultivators put too much pressure on her. Make her feel unreal. Second, she was more willing to trust Ye Liang than to trust the people in these dreams. Ye Liang is a real person in reality, and she can feel Ye Liang's kindness toward her.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhao Ziyan came to the classroom with dark circles on his face again.

"Morning." Ye Liang arrived early again. He greeted Zhao Ziyan.

Zhao Ziyan looked disgusted and looked very lackluster. "Morning."

She gave a reply and jumped on the table. Ye Liang's eyes turned towards Zhao Ziyan, and he sighed in admiration. I have to say, this Zhao Ziyan's figure is really good-looking. It's a pity, she doesn't know what's going on with her skin. Not only is she ugly, but she also has a lot of freckles, a rustic dress, and a pair of big glasses... So that no one can associate her with beauty.

"What's wrong? You look so uninspired?" Ye Liang asked her.

Zhao Ziyan seemed to be sitting up in shock as if she was in a state of death, and her eyes were cast toward Ye Liang. It's all to blame for this guy. Those things in his mind made him tangled all night, who should he believe.

[Ah, it looks like you know, you must have been trying to open the passage between the two realms last night, are you in such a hurry to let this world fall?]

Zhao Ziyan: I, really let this world fall?

[Is your heart made of iron?]

Zhao Ziyan: My heart is not made of iron, you talk nonsense-!

[Seeing the earth become a slave farm for immortals, how can you bear it? Or, under the Nine Serenities, will you also come with a smile?]

Zhao Ziyan: You... what do you think of me?!

[No, I can't think that way... You should not have encountered such a tragic future yet. Perhaps, you are still loving everything.]

Zhao Ziyan: It's not too bad, wait, tragic future?

"??!!!" Zhao Ziyan's expression suddenly changed, staring at Ye Liang tightly. Judging from her appearance, it seemed that she wanted to see through Ye Liang's eyes.

"?, What are you doing looking at me like that?" Seeing Zhao Ziyan like this, Ye Liang felt a little guilty and coughed. It was as if she could hear the voice of her Xiuxian voice pack.

"Nothing." Zhao Ziyan said: "I want to ask you, do you still have homework today? I made another copy for you.

Ye Liang said: "I, Ye Jiang, a dignified student with three good grades, didn't hand in homework, didn't go to class today, and was punished by the teacher to stand... I still want it, it's nice to have someone doing homework."

Unexpectedly, I forgot to give her the homework book yesterday, and she still prepares homework for herself.

"I'm going to collect money today." Zhao Ziyan said: "One hundred yuan."

Hmph, who made you think about me in your heart. I have a tragic future, how can I have a tragic future when I love life so much and work so hard? What about cheating?!

"One hundred will do." Ye Liang is naturally not short of money now, and he also has a few large bills with him. He directly slapped a piece of money on the table in front of Zhao Ziyan.

Seeing that Ye Liang took the money from his table, Zhao Ziyan showed disgust again and said: "Forget it, I don't want your money."

What miserable future does this guy say he has? Is it true?

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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