I Really Can't Tell Fortune

When a person knows that his future will be miserable, what will he do? Of course, you will be worried. How miserable would it be, how miserable would it be? Especially when he knew that he even wanted the whole world to be buried with him, the level of misery must be unprecedentedly intense.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ziyan will naturally be very worried. She is different from Jiang Yurou, Jiang Yurou is just an ordinary person, so it is normal for Jiang Yurou to have all kinds of doubts about Ye Liang's ability. Because even now, she has relied on various antecedents and consequences to guess what kind of abilities Ye Liang might have.

But Zhao Ziyan had something miraculous happen first and then confirmed Ye Liang's thought. Therefore, for her, Ye Liang's voice is very credible. Ye Liang said that her future would be very miserable, and it would be miserable. Therefore, at this moment, Zhao Ziyan was very entangled. She wanted to know what kind of future she had in Ye Liang's heart.

"Say it?" She has a marketing voice in her heart. What kind of future does she have, and how miserable it is? However, after Ye Liang said she was miserable, there was no follow-up. It's like you find someone to tell a fortune, and after fiddling around for a long time, the fortune teller says, "The rest of your life will be very miserable." Then, no explanation. How miserable it will be, and why it is so miserable, how can I see it? Say nothing... Just say that you are so miserable that you want to be a traitor to the earth, to be a gangster. You say, what can you guess? No one does not care about their future... If people don't care about their future, then the fortune-telling industry will be out of work long ago.

Zhao Ziyan is particularly concerned about the future, because Ye Liang's inner voice, even if it is not true, must have something to do with the truth. So, seeing that Ye Liang thought about it, she was depressed and helpless. In desperation, she could only think of another way.

At this time, I saw a male student in the class holding the hand of a female student and said to her: "Your palmistry is very good."

"Really?" The female college student let the male college student hold her hand and said excitedly: "Then tell me, what's so good about my palmistry?"

The boy said solemnly: "Look, this is your marriage line, it's thick and long, and it's consistent to the end, it's your career line, and it's deep... ah no, I mean it's long and obvious... You are not only a person in your life The achievements are very high, and I will find someone who will stay with you for the rest of your life, and you will have a good harvest in love and career."

"That's great." The girl blushed with excitement.

"Chenyu, I didn't expect you to read palmistry. Show it to me too." A bunch of girls surrounded the guy. And the boy was naturally proud of it.

[This girl looks happy in the first half of her life and miserable in the second half of her life. Changing her boyfriend is like changing her clothes, but in the end, she ends up in the middle of the family and becomes a young lady. Is this guy a fortune-teller? If you don't, it's just a matter of other.]

Ye Liang: ...

He looked at the girl with a pitiful look on his face. Oh, it's so pathetic... The bad breath of the Xiuxian voice pack seems to have never been corrected. Inexplicably, she was scolded by the system, and that girl was miserable. If she was allowed to hear the voice of his Xiuxian voice pack, a slap might be inevitable. The most vicious curse in the world is tantamount to cursing a high-ranking Miss Cong Jin to become a lady in the future.

"..." Seeing Ye Liang staring at the girl over there shaking her head and sighing, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but have a strange look on her face. She almost dropped her eyes in shock. Staring closely at the girl, she never imagined that in Ye Liang's heart, this girl's future was like this. She remembers this girl, you are in pretty good condition, but also, and his comparison of the waves.

It is the kind of play with all the boys who are open type. Her future, actually this? I did not see, Ye Liang showing a pitiful look yet? OMG...

Notice Ye Liang has been staring in this direction, shaking his head, the girl's look burst with pride. She turned to Ye Liang and asked: "I said Ye Liang, shaking his head what you do? How is that Chen Yu is in utter it? Or, you will palmistry ah? Otherwise, I'll give you a look?"

Then, she would hand-painted with Yeliang handed over.

Ye Liang quickly shook his head and said: "I did not, I would not, you talk nonsense."

Joke, if he accidentally followed Cultivation voice packets to the voice of that out, that this girl can not come to a slap to his face?

"Aah." Hearing this, the girl drew back, and a look of disdain appear. A waste, you do not touch it. Originally she saw that Ye Liang was handsome, trying to take cheap Ye Liang about it, but now Ye Liang does not give her palm readers, her natural heart camp stuffy dark.

Zhao Ziyan has a look of shock, and asked Ye Liang: "You did not tell?"

"Well, I certainly would not." Ye Liang said yes.

[Deity astrology fortune teller, fortune tellers, gossip Yi Li, omnipotent, ask this question deity, girl, you narrow the way to go.]

Heard, Zhao Zi Yan could not help but suck down a cold lump. Dude, that is so much. She still believes that this is a rebirth of Ye Liang's fairy statue, he knows the future. I did not expect that he can tell fortune? They just want to take just about to make his fortune, said pin their future only. Accidentally, let him exposure capability.

Thought of this, Zhao Ziyan of Ye Liang said: "I do not believe, or you look at what other who shook his head do? You give me a look." Then, she shows her own hands in front of Ye Liang.

Ye Liang speechless: "I do not see."

"Donkey-hide, Ye Liang not even touch my hand, he must hold your hand up."

At this time, the girl laughed at Zhao Ziyan's sound. Zhao Ziyan, what do you mean, I let Ye Liang touch my hands, but he does not touch them, you came over to let him touch? Do you want to prove that you are more attracted to his attention?

"Uh…." Heard the girl say, look Zhao Ziyan is suddenly bereft.

"You say Hu mouth child wiped the honey right talking point you say?!" Ye Liang the girl a white, one will be Zhao Ziyan grasping up.

Zhao Ziyan's face turned red, but, because her skin color has been very ugly, they do not see anything.

"Vomit--!" Ye Liang's side against the girl made a dislike of action, and then talk to the boys who called morning-talking speech. The best grades in the class are called the morning boys. World good, and good performance, though not how handsome, but still very natural to attract the attention of girls.

"I say…" See Ye Liang still clutching her hand, Zhao Ziyan of Yelling asked: "You do not show me palmistry it? What is my future?" She has not given up on Ye Liang here knowing their future determination.

"Your future... I do not know." Ye Liang said: "I don't know how to tell fortunes."

[For people, I have to do some calculations, but your future, this deity knows, your future, that is miserable... spit, it is too miserable. However, no matter how miserable it is, it is not the reason why you dragged the entire human race to bury you with you. So, after all, you still deserve it.]

Ye Liang: Uh... it's started, it's started-! Finally, the Xiuxian voice pack began to stink again. This crumb voice, is said that it is simulating the voice of a cultivator, no matter how you look at it, it is simulating all kinds of voices that force the king to be reborn, right?

Zhao Ziyan stared at Ye Liang closely. damn, what the h*ll is wrong with me, you said it-! If you have the ability, you can continue to talk about what you think in your heart, but you don't know at all, do you? Damn it-! You deserve it, your sister-in-law deserves it-!

Facts have proved that no matter how good-tempered a person is, in front of the voice of the Xiuxian voice package, they can't stand it. And the person who carried the blame was naturally Ye Liang. It's a pity that everyone who heard it took Ye Liang's voice. What other thought in his heart, even if you heard it, can you speak it out and blame the other party? The only thing they can do is endure one by one! No matter how angry you are, you can only say one sentence: "You can speak up!"

If Ye Liang didn't speak directly and was pissed off by Ye Liang's words, it would be their bad luck. Therefore, Zhao Ziyan was bored at this moment. At the expense of myself, I gave Ye Liang another homework for nothing, and this is two full bills-! At this moment, Zhao Ziyan felt a little aggrieved.

"Hiss-!" Seeing Zhao Ziyan's aggrieved appearance, Ye Liang was speechless. I said I can't tell fortune, what do you want me to do? Do you like me? Um, Take a closer look, this girl's foundation is not bad, she can't do it now, and it's not that she can't make herself beautiful in the future. Of course, even if he didn't aim at this, with Zhao Ziyan being such a good girl, he couldn't just watch her disappointed.

So, he said: "Okay, I'll do the math for you, if you're not sure, don't blame me."

"Really? That's great, let's do it, whatever it is, I won't blame you." Zhao Ziyan said excitedly.

"Hey, look over there." At this time, a girl pointed to Ye Liang's place and said to her companions. The poly girls all cast their eyes here.

"Ah, it seems that Ye Liang and Zhao Ziyan can ask questions."

"It is the appearance of a stepdaughter, something made in heaven."


All the girls laughed.

Looking at Zhao Ziyan's hand in front of him, Ye Liang pretended to look at it for a while, then said seriously: "Your future will be bright."

[Your future is bleak. ]

Ye Liang: Way, voice pack, alarm, please let me finish?!

Zhao Ziyan: !!!, So, what kind of bleak law is it, you should say it quickly, damn, I have endured you for a long time.

Ye Liang continued: "Look at your marriage line... it is thick, long, and consistent to the end, which proves that you will meet a good man and be with you for a lifetime."

[You will meet a top-quality scumbag who will entangle you all your life.]

Ye Liang: ...

Zhao Ziyan: ...

Ye Liang said: "..., your career line is very perfect, and it can be said to be smooth sailing."

[You will betray all mankind, become a public enemy of mankind, be hated by countless people, and want to find a job with me? The earth can't hold you.]

Ye Liang: ...

Zhao Ziyan: ..., ahhh-!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but go crazy. Why is this guy saying that he is going too far?! She was so angry that she was about to explode, but there was still a slight smile on her face. Because Ye Liang's mouth was full of nice words. Even if it is a fortune teller on the street, if people are not accurate, but say something nice, no one will have a seizure, right? After all, don't reach for the smiling face.

"Really? That would be very nice." Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan withdrew her hand. With a smile on her face, there is a gloomy atmosphere behind her.

Just then, the class bell rang, and the head teacher came in, his name was Zhou Tao. His eyes glanced at the people in the class and finally fell on Ye Liang. He walked straight over.

"Ye Liang, what's the matter with your homework-!" With that said, he threw Ye Liang's homework on Ye Liang's table.

"What's the matter?" Ye Liang asked suspiciously, "Have I staggered my homework?"

"Humph." Then Zhou Tao said with an angry face: "You did this work yourself?!"

"!!!" 4.9 After Zhou Tao's words came out, everyone in the class couldn't help looking at each other. What's the situation? Is Lao Zhou coming to take care of homework today? Didn't everyone acquiesce in the past to let others do their homework on their behalf? Moreover, this is almost a stipulation established by the entire academy. It's okay to have someone do the homework on your behalf.

Looking at the homework in front of him, Ye Liang was a little puzzled. Didn't he say it was fine before? He asked: "What's the matter, I asked someone to write it on my behalf."

"Hiss-!" Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while. No, you are too honest, aren't you?

"I said, Master Zhou, you won't allow ghostwriting homework, right?" Ye Liang said casually.


Hearing this, all the people present cast their eyes on Zhou Tao. If Zhou Tao didn't let him write his homework, everyone would be in trouble in the future.

"I never allowed ghostwriting this." Zhou Tao said solemnly: "However, some students have good grades, I'll just allow them to save some effort, Ye Liang, what grades do you have, don't you have any points? Just like you, you'd be embarrassed to have someone write it for you?! For these assignments, let people write it on their behalf because they know it all You don't think you will do you?!"

Originally, as long as the homework was handed in and the necessary performance was completed, he would not care so much. However, today he received an instruction to take extra care of a man named Ye Liang. The first time Ye Liang handed in his homework, he used Zhao Ziyan's handwriting. This made him feel that the opportunity had come. Therefore, he is not only here to maintain the morality of teachers, but also to embarrass Ye Liang.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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