Sword Qi Talisman For You

For a song that hits the spot, the soundtrack is very important. Without music, there is no soul. Where does the music that was composed before, and where can I get the soundtrack that Ye Liang is now inquiring about? At this moment, they had already kneeled to Ye Liang. It turns out that a person can be so powerful that one person is a joy?!

The two brothers looked at Ye Liang with admiration in their eyes, and those two beautiful beauties looked at Ye Liang with eyes full of stars. What Ye Liang did was not something that a human could do.

"Liu Yan, where did you know this immortal?" At this moment, the beautiful woman asked Liu Yan in a low voice: "Does he have a girlfriend?"

Looking at the companion beside her, Yang Liuyan couldn't help but give her a blank look: "Yes."

What a joke, even a blind man can see that Jiang Yurou is Ye Liang's girlfriend. This is so reluctant to ask such a sentence. I'm still thinking about how good it would be if he didn't have a girlfriend. But, this is impossible, Ye Liang had already been taken over by this little, Jiang Yurou.

Now that the dubbing is available, Yang Liuyan can naturally start to practice singing with the dubbing. After she has practiced this song, she is confident and will be popular! Listening to the rhythm of the music, she began to sing indulgently in the singing room. This time, it feels right. That's what it feels like. This song must have this kind of dubbing, and I can sing the real feeling...

{ Heh, congratulations to the host, for acting too hard, and getting an extra reward for immortal cultivation, the cultivation technique: Yin-Yang Good Fortune Art. }

{ The Yin-Yang Fortune-telling Art, a martial arts immortal art, is derived from the Heaven and Earth Cross Conquest: The Great Compassionate Fu of Kaiyang. }

Just when Ye Liang was watching Yang Liuyan singing vigorously, suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind. Uh... what the h*ll, this is pretending too much. Regardless, it's always good to have a reward. With a thought, he began to comprehend the yin and yang of Fortune-Telling Art. The Yin-Yang Fortune-telling Art is worthy of being an immortal practice method. Compared with the Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu, Gao Xiao does not know how many realms this method has.

However, because it was produced by the system, Ye Liang did not understand the above obstacles, just a thought, and he had already learned the Yin-Yang fortunetelling art. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the world is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang, and each contain the five elements. Yin and yang overcome each other, merge, and complement each other, to the point of infinity. Ye Liang had never seen the policeman's cultivation technique, but he felt that his Yin-Yang fortune-telling technique was quite powerful.

Just when Ye Liang was comprehending his practice, Yang Liuyan's songs were also practiced and sung over there. Listening to the recorded voice, she was very satisfied.

"It's great, that's how it feels, thank you, Ye Liang, I feel like I've found the feeling of this song." After listening to the song she sang, she thanked Ye Liang.

"Liuyan, thank you is not just a mouthful of words, you have to go for a detour." At this time, a beautiful woman said. "You should invite him to dinner today."

"That's natural, you come too." Yang Liuyan said to them.

"We don't know, with such a handsome guy around, and no chance, it's uncomfortable to look at..." The two happy girls shook their heads.

They all said so, not to mention the others. So, tonight, it was Ye Liang, Gai Yuyurou, and Yang Liuyan's dinner. On the other hand, Jiang Yurou was too cool. It seemed that these people were still very acquainted. Now that she is Ye Liang's girlfriend, who would dare to be with Ye Liang? It's getting late now...

Zhao Ziyan was writing her homework in her arms. The things that happened during the day still appeared in her mind, which made it difficult for her to calm down. Does Jiang Yurou have a problem with IQ? She said that she didn't mind Ye Liang having another girlfriend. However, perhaps, because she dared to say that, she became the first person to approach Ye Liang. It's a pity, I look too ugly, otherwise, I want to pursue a perfect boy like Ye Liang.

"Hey..." Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh.

Do you still want to find something good? If only I was some kind of Purple Heart Empress, then, do I still have to worry about finding a partner? With that demeanor and that aura, many people want to find her.

Just when she was thinking so, suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Who comes to her in the middle of the night? Zhao Ziyan was immediately alert. She walked towards the door of the room, looked out from inside the cat's eye, and saw a boy standing at the door.

Zhao Ziyan knew that person's face. It is Li Zhe, the one who confessed to her during the day. At this time, why did he come to her? At this moment, Zhao Ziyan panicked.

"What are you doing to me?" She faced the door and shouted directly.

Li Zhe smiled slightly at the cat's eye, and said: "Hello, Your Majesty the Empress, I am Li Zhe, a cultivator of the Immortal Star, and I was ordered to come here today to help you open the seal of the Immortal Stone."

Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but feel stupid. What the h*ll, is this guy a cultivator of the Purple Fairy Star? Doesn't it mean that only you can make the immortal people come to Earth? Who is this guy then? Where did the hook come from?

"What are you talking about, what Ziji Xianxing, I don't understand, what do you have to say, let's talk about it tomorrow, you are at my door again, be careful I report the case-!"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Li Zhe's original confident expression turned speechless: "My empress, you are making a fuss, I have already received an order from Ziji Xianxing, you have contacted Ziji Xianxing, even if you haven't recovered your memory, you should know what I'm talking about. mean."

"I don't know, get out of here-!" At this moment, Zhao Ziyan panicked.

After thinking about it, she quickly picked up her mobile phone and wanted to report the crime. But after thinking about it, it's not right. If this guy is an immortal cultivator, reporting the case may not solve the problem.

Suddenly, she thought of Ye Liang. Perhaps Ye Liang can help her. She quickly dialed Ye Liang's number. It was also lucky that she was the only person in the class who asked for Ye Liang's phone number at the beginning. So, now she can call Ye Liang. Without hesitation, she dialed Ye Liang's number.

"Hey?" Ye Liang, who was eating hot pot and singing with two beauties, received a call from Zhao Ziyan and was a little surprised. "Zhao Ziyan, what's up?

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was also at a loss. She just instinctively felt that Ye Liang could help her, but she didn't know how Ye Liang could continue to help her. Although Ye Liang is a reborn Immortal Emperor, he is not necessarily better than Li Zhe. Moreover, even if he is more powerful than Li Zhe, how can I say that I can let him know that he is being threatened by the immortal cultivator, how can I not expose it, and I can hear his heart?

After thinking about it, in the end, she said: "Ye Liang, it's not good, that Li Zhe during the day, has bad intentions and is blocking my door, he also said that he is some kind of immortal cultivator and that I am the empress of Ziji Xianxing, what is he going to do to me? Look... I'll send you the location, come and save me."

Hearing Zhao Ziyan's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but have a black question mark on his face. What Immortal Cultivator, what, Immortal Star? That Li Zhe, after his confession was rejected today, wouldn't he have suffered a second illness? Wait, Ziji Xianxing? Isn't this the Ziji Xianxing that the system mentioned in the Immortal Cultivation Voice Pack?

"I'm in a hurry, I have to go first, the two of you wait for yourselves." After hanging up the phone, Ye Liang picked up the phone, checked the location, and planned to go over to check the situation. Immortal cultivators, there are immortal cultivators on earth? Go and see for yourself-!

Thinking of this, he took out two flying sword talismans and handed them to the two women who were looking at him with a dumbfounded expression, saying: "As long as you hold this talisman, you will be safe."

[ This is a flying sword talisman carefully refined by the deity, which can store one hundred condensed qi into swords of the deity, and it is more than enough to protect you when you are in danger. ]

Yang Liuyan looked at the talisman that Ye Liang handed over, and then looked at Ye Liang who had run away without a shadow, and turned to look at Jiang Yurou, who was on the side with a puzzled look.

"What's up with him?"

And Jiang Yurou looked at the flying sword talisman in her hand, her eyes glowing. See, she finally saw it. This is the first time in my life that I have seen something of an immortal cultivator. Ye Liang, that b*stard, is indeed a cultivator.

The heroines of ordinary novels treat the things given by the male protagonists as rubbish, and when they find out that they are powerful, they have already missed the best time to develop a relationship with the male protagonist. As for yourself, how can you be compared to the average charming and b*tchy heroine? I am quite knowledgeable. Ye Liang gave her something good-!

Looking at the talisman in her hand, Jiang Yurou was so excited. Then, she looked at Yang Liuyan beside her. Looking at the talisman in her hand, she said: "I said, Liuyan, you don't believe in any talisman that can protect people, do you? That talisman is a doodle at first glance, give it to me."

Saying that she reached out and was about to take the flying sword talisman in Yang Liuyan's hand. And Yang Liuyan is not stupid, this was something Ye Liang gave her. If it was just a piece of paper, so it must have a special meaning.

"Go away, you guy, we have been in a sisterhood for so many years, and now you have to take back a talisman that your man gave me." She put away the flying sword talisman and asked Jiang Yurou.

"Could this be the marriage talisman he begged from which temple?" Saying that she frowned. If so, then you have to hold on to it.

"Ah, you are ashamed to say that I have been my sister for many years, and I don't even look at you. What is your usual attitude towards others? In front of my man, you look like a sassy girl, aren't you a cold personality?!" Jiang Yurou pointed at Yang Liuyan and said.

"You are still a gentle person. Ye Liang just left, and you are just like this." Yang Liuyan was also not to be outdone, she said to Hua Yuyurou: "I misunderstood you before, I thought Zhang Xin was too much, you are even more than Zhang Xin-!"

"Humph." Hearing this, Jiang Yurou snorted and sat back in her original place. Looking at Yang Liuyan, he said: "I don't know what this talisman is for, it's just that Ye Liang gave it, and I will cherish it as a treasure."

Shouting: Telling the function of this talisman will scare you—! This is the thing of the cultivator and the talisman that can hook the flying sword. I, Jiang Yurou, have been locked up with Ye Liang all my life, and sooner or later I will become a fairy. Yang Liuyan, you may not have this fortune.

However, to prevent leaks, she must not say anything in the future that only Ye Liang knows. And Yang Liuyan only thought that this talisman might be some kind of amulet, but of course, she would cherish it very much when Ye Liang gave it.

"Hehe, I want to wear this talisman around my neck, maybe I can still smell Ye Liang at night." She said to Jiang Yurou.

"Uh... Yang Liuyan, you are so disgusting." Jiang Yurou was speechless for a while.

It's also a shame that she and she were just joking around (whether they were joking or not, the two of them knew it well), otherwise, if the other heard that someone was hitting on her man, maybe it would have been torn up long ago.

"If you let those people know that their so-called cold goddess is just this, I'm afraid they will die of laughter."

"If those people knew that Jiang Yurou was protecting her food."

Without caring about her image at all, they would be surprised. Both stared at each other with confident eyes.

At this time, Ye Liang took the mobile phone to navigate and rushed straight to Zhao Ziyan's side. To prevent being seen that his movements were too fast to cause riots, he thought about it and summoned the armor that the system gave him without any bonus. This is a set of flame armor that covers the whole body. Once dressed, it looks like a flame dragon possessed, and the appearance is very cool. After putting on the armor, Ye Liang pointed his toes and jumped a distance of more than ten meters, rushing towards Zhao Ziyan in a straight line.

At this time, outside Zhao Ziyan's door, Li Zhe was still dumbfounded. No, didn't I already say the instructions I got from Ziji Xianxing? Empress Zixin has already had contact with Ziji Xianxing. This ugly woman can't understand what she said. Is she doubting him?

Fortunately, the instruction I received was to awaken the Purple Heart Empress and open up the passage between the two realms, even if I have to use strength. Since Empress Purple Heart doesn't trust him now, don't blame him for being rude.

Since he came to earth, the first thing he did was to adapt to the rules of the earth and play. On Earth, cultivators are restricted by a special rule. This kind of rule seems to be laid down by a certain power. Under this rule, all immortal cultivators who want to attack others must first apply the duel law and defeat the opponent in the field that the opponent is best at except fighting.

This rule, he also found out when he wanted to do something to an ordinary person before. If he wants to force his hand, he will be counterattacked by the prohibition of the earth. And now, if he wants to use force against Zhao Ziyan, he can't get around this hurdle. Unless he does not use the ability of the cultivator.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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