Such a dishonest cultivator?

The earth is a remote place. I don't know when this world started, and there are no immortal practitioners. When Li Zhe came to earth, awakened his memory, and wanted to use his immortal cultivator ability to act on earth, he then accidentally discovered a terrible thing.

There is a very special rule on this ordinary planet. That is, any immortal cultivation magic cannot be seen by the naked eye. And, more importantly, the ban on martial arts. Anyone who wants to use the abilities of a cultivator to fight against others on Earth must first challenge the opponent's strongest point.

Those who are challenged cannot refuse. If the challenge is successful, then you will be able to obtain the qualifications for the opponent to use force. This is outrageous. I don't know which almighty set such a strange rule on the earth. This rule caused him, after Li Zhe awakened his memory, to even be unable to do anything to the person he hated the most at first.

Because the strongest thing of the person he hates the most is rich. He doesn't have more money than the other party, so he can never do anything to the other party. If there is no more strength than the opponent's strongest points, then there will never be a way to attack the opponent.

These are the rules specific to the earth. With that rule in place, as an immortal cultivator, his actions are subject to many restrictions. Even now, he can't break into Zhao Ziyan's door. However, as long as he succeeds in challenging Zhao Ziyan, he can enter. The rules will no longer prohibit him from using force or even using spells against Zhao Ziyan.

"Zhao Ziyan, I want you to challenge." At this moment, he stood outside the door and shouted to Zhao Ziyan who was inside. The next moment, he heard a voice appear in his ears: "Academic grades."

This voice is reminding him that as long as his academic performance is better than Zhao Ziyan's, then he can use force against Zhao Ziyan. However, at this moment, Li Zhe was stupid. God's extraordinary academic record-! It wasn't long before he awakened his memory and strength. In this world, his academic performance can be described as appalling. No way--! It seems that the methods of immortals cannot be used, and only violence can be used-! Even if he doesn't use the abilities of an immortal cultivator, his physique is not bad, and he wants to break open Zhao Ziyan's door. This is not possible for a while.

However, since it is time to complete the task late and bring the people from the Ziji Xianxing to Earth earlier, he can't control so much. Raising his fist, he punched heavily, hitting Zhao Ziyan's door.

Boom-! If it were an ordinary person, and this punch hit the door, he would have already caught blood on his hand. However, his punch shook the entire building.

"What the hell? Who, so arrogant, blatantly wants to break into the room?"

"Quick report-!"

Seeing that Li Zhe was so arrogant, many people who had heard the noise was taken aback. Seeing that he punched the iron gate, and the iron gate gradually sank in under his fist, they hurriedly shrank back inside their door in fright.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan panicked. How can one person's power be so great?! Is it just a normal fist? Is this the power of a cultivator? Oh my god, it's terrible, Ye Liang, where are you, come and save me-!

Boom Boom-! One punch after another hit the door, and Li Zhe explained to Zhao Ziyan inside: "Your Majesty the Empress, please take my word for it, only if you recover as an Empress as soon as possible, I will be waiting for the 100,000 cultivators of Ziji Immortal Star to have a chance to survive. As long as I wait for 100,000 cultivators to come to the earth, the earth will belong to our Ziji Xianxing-!"

"Damn it, or a pervert in the middle school?"

"He's so powerful."

"Doesn't it feel like you've reached the limit of ordinary people?"

At this moment, how could Zhao Ziyan believe his words? For Zhao Ziyan, Ye Liang's voice accurately predicted the future, and that seam was something she should believe. Also, didn't you confess to me during the day? Why are you calling me Empress now? Your attitude has changed so much that it's hard for people not to doubt you.

Many people in the corridor open the door and cast their eyes here. Seeing that Li Zhe punched and smashed the door out of shape, they were silent. This young man is not only powerful but also seems to be mentally ill. The people in that room didn't know how to provoke him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, a voice sounded at the other end of the corridor.

That voice made Li Zhe, who was doing it, stop his hand. With just a few more punches, he can blow the door open. The people in the corridor also looked curiously at the person who came. They saw a figure, and they do not know when it had already stood in the gap between the corridors.

It was a figure of a man whose whole body was wrapped in flame-colored armor. He was covered all over so that no one could see his face. However, there was a cold light in the blue crystal eyes that covered his face, It complements the red flame armor on his body as if possessed by a blue-eyed flame dragon, very handsome.

However, this scene, in the eyes of those present, is... where did he come from?! Want to mind your own business? Look at how hard people's fists are, bro. The other thing is you're dressed like a superhero in a movie, but he can knock you over with one punch. Do you believe it?

And Li Zhe's gaze was also directed toward the man in the flame dragon-style armor.

"Who are you? You want to take care of my Ziji Immortal Star?!" He frowned slightly.

When did this person appear and he didn't notice?

Ye Liang was also analyzing the situation of the other party. With so many punches, not even a single door was smashed open, and this strength was nothing more than that. Wouldn't it be a bit exaggerated to say that he was a cultivator? However, if it is not an immortal cultivator, it is indeed more exaggerated that such a body can do such a thing.

Ye Liang, who was wearing the Armor, walked towards the other side.

"What is Ziji Xianxing?"

Seeing that Ye Liang was not frightened by himself, Li Zhe cast his gaze toward Ye Liang. He who was about to hit Ye Liang immediately heard a voice. This is a special law from the earth. As long as you can suppress the opponent in the field that the opponent thinks he is best at, then the opponent is just an ant in front of you.

The remainder of the laws of the earth to him is "Forcing". As long as you pretend to be more powerful than the opponent, you can attack the opponent.

What the heck is this?! There are many things to do on earth, but there has never been this one, that is to pretend to be a force! How can anyone regard this as a specialty ah hey-! What kind of weirdo is this guy in front of him? But, that's right, you can tell by seeing him dressed like this. Normal people, who would dress like this? Isn't it just for coercion? If you want to pretend to be coercive, right? I, Li Zhe, a dignified immortal cultivator, how can I be afraid of you, an ordinary person?

"Believe it or not, if you take three steps forward, my meeting will kill you." He said to Ye Liang.

Ye Liang just walked towards him slowly, "Within three steps, I will show you your blood on my fist."

{ Failed to pretend to challenge, within a day, you can no longer use force against this object. }

At this moment, Li Zhe was stunned. Why didn't you pretend to win?!!! What, isn't it more pretentious to kill him than he slaps himself in the blood? The next moment--!

Boom -! Seeing that there was a loud bang in the corridor, Ye Liang instantly hooked in front of Li Zhe and punched him in the head. In the face of Ye Liang, Li Zhe couldn't use the immortal method, and he couldn't use the abilities that were set by ordinary people. However, Ye Liang decided that Li Zhe was not an ordinary person, so he would naturally not be careless.

A heavy punch slammed into Li Zhe's face. At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, and Li Zhe was blown away by Ye Liang's direct punch.

Boom-! His body smashed directly into the wall on one side, and the wall gave a violent vibration, and the wall cracked. Li Zhe fell and sat under the pile of walls, looking at Ye Liang in front of him, the armor and fists on his body were stained with his blood. His face was split open by Ye Liang's fist.

He looked at Ye Liang in shock and couldn't believe that this guy in armor and bells and whistles knocked him out with a punch. Although he has awakened the ability of his previous life, his strength has not fully recovered, so he is also an immortal cultivator. But how can the physique of a cultivator be comparable to that of ordinary people?! This person is it-!

He looked at Ye Liang in shock and asked: "You... you are also a cultivator?!"

If the other party is not an immortal cultivator, how can he beat him? This is impossible.

Ye Liang used his fist to dry the blood on his fist. Looking at the person in front of him, he said disdainfully: "What is it? Do you mean, you are also a cultivator? Just you, also worthy of being called an immortal cultivator? I have never seen an immortal cultivator in my entire life who smashed a door with a fist, more than a dozen punches, and still hasn't smashed it open-!"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Li Zhe couldn't help being stunned.

What's the situation, this guy, doesn't he know that he can't open the door by himself, is it not because he really can't open it, but because he is restricted by the laws of the earth? He is not subject to the law? Does he not know the existence of this law? No, I have studied that law myself, and that law, as long as it is an immortal cultivator, will be affected.

Understand, that what he has been triggering must be the law of self-preservation. The so-called self-preservation rule is another version of the rule mentioned earlier. If someone wants to fish against other, then, those who can't fight back, also need to challenge them to continue to be able to do it, right? So, at the moment when the challenge is over, one side loses the offensive power, while the other side automatically gains unlimited defensive power.

In such a situation, the other party doesn't know at all, what other laws of heaven and earth exist. In other words, this person has always been the type of person who doesn't offend me and I don't offend anyone, so he didn't know that there is a law that restricts all immortal cultivators. Damn it-! Are there still cultivators on this earth? Why don't you know? The sect master of the Iron Sect that I asked before, didn't he say that there are no immortal cultivators in this world?!

"Who are you--!" While recovering from his injury with spiritual power, Li Zhe stood up. He asked Ye Liang.

"I'm just a... cough, I punish people who are not fair." With that said, Ye Liang rushed toward Li Zhe again.

In front of Ye Liang, Li Zhe had no way to fight back with his abilities exceeding that of ordinary people, he could only defend. But the problem is that he found out that he is not Ye Liang's opponent. This is the most annoying. Not only can he not fight back, but he is not the enemy opponent. This fight, that scene, is simply miserable-!"

Boom-! As Ye Liang's palm pressed against Li Zhe's stomach, the next moment, he only felt a powerful force burst out from his stomach, rushing straight to his internal organs.

The next moment, his clothes split open directly. His face suddenly turned pale. The first strength has not yet gone, the latter has arrived, and the next moment, he was directly kicked out. Heavy smashed the walls, flew out of the building, and landed on the greenery downstairs.

Ye Liang jumped down.


"What is this--!"

"Did you die?!"

Those who were quietly watching the situation in the corridor before now came with a shocked expression. Looking at the scene in this corridor, one by one couldn't help swallowing. Those who don't know, think this place has just been demolished.

"Look, they are still playing--!"

"I'm going, this, is this a fight between gods?!"

Two daring people are holding mobile phones and filming the fight below. At this time, Li Zhe had been beaten by Ye Liang and fled, but the problem was that Ye Liang had no intention of letting him go. Seeing that Li Zhe was beaten like this, and he was able to recover, Ye Liang was not polite. He flew up with another kick, which kicked him away. The two disappeared into the darkness of the night.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan was also at Jimen, and she couldn't help but be shocked as they watched the aftermath of the battle. Is that Ye Liang?! Although his whole body is wrapped in armor, so that no one can see his face, that must be Ye Liang, right?! If it wasn't for Ye Liang, how could he have saved her in such a timely manner, and he still had such extraordinary power?

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's phone vibrated to dry. She picked up the phone and looked at it, and she couldn't help but be speechless. Because Ye Liang texted her and told her: "I'm with my girlfriend, but I've already reported the case for you, don't worry, hide in the house and you'll be fine."

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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