It Turns Out That Ye Liang Is So Big

Ye Liang didn't know how many people didn't sleep tonight because of one of his phone calls. The big machine of Liangchen Meijing Company was running, but after a while, what he wanted was ready. Ye Liang, who was arranging accommodation for Zhao Ziyan at home, suddenly received a call.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, what you want is ready, when do you think you will come to pick it up?" At this time, Zhou Tianwang was a little nervous. Without permission, I call the boss privately, and I don't know if he will be angry.

"You can send it directly to a location I designated." Ye Liang said casually: "I will come and pick it up when I have time." Saying that he hung up the phone.

Hearing Ye Liang's answer, Zhou Tianwang's eyes widened. This... this... is this the boss's voice? How is it possible, this is too young?!

[ According to the time, they should have some disaster that they can't resist, and I need to do it myself. Hey, it's annoying, I have to save the world again. Let me save the world every day, can't you let me rest? 」

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, you did again.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was still thinking that Ye Liang was a little too low-key. No spirit gathering formation looks very tall in the house, and there are no special formation spells or the like. There is no difference between his home and ordinary people's homes. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Ye Liang was doing such a powerful thing in secret? God, every day is saving the world? It turns out that he has always been doing such great things?

On peaceful earth, is there a catastrophe happening every day? But why don't you know? Yes, it must be him. If Ye Liang was not there, the earth might have been destroyed long ago. It is Ye Liang who has been silently protecting the earth from the shadows.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan figured out everything. Ye Liang didn't want to care about Ziji Xianxing's affairs. He knew that she might cause the earth to fall because of her tragic fate in the future, but he didn't plan to take care of her affairs at all. Not because he doesn't care. But, for him, it's just a small thing. What happened to the 100,000 cultivators of the Ziji Xianxing? Ye Liang wanted to solve it, but it was too easy.

What happened to her Zhao Ziyan wanting to betray the earth? Watching you betray, and then, watching the moment the earth was about to fall, he hooked his hands. Maybe, one person can destroy 100,000 cultivators.

For a person who saves the earth every day, this kind of thing is already a small scene. If I hadn't heard his inner voice and acted like an accident, she might have been in danger. Her final destiny, as he said, betrayed the earth because of his tragic fate, let all mankind fall, and became a wicked person whom everyone hates.

At this time, in Zhao Ziyan's eyes, Ye Liang's image changed again. He is not a cold and reclusive reincarnated master. He just doesn't like high profile, he has been silently saving the earth? Saving the earth is such a great thing for this man may be as simple as eating for him. OMG-! Her eyes, looking at Ye Liang, were full of admiration. Maybe all the people on earth owe him a thank you. It's really hard for her to imagine that a person who saves the earth every day can still be so low-key, that he attends classes every day, and do homework, ahem, the latter one does not count. It's not terrible that a person is great. What's terrible is that such a great person can still be so willing to be ordinary.

"Okay, you go to bed early, it's getting late, I'll go to bed first." Feeling that it was getting late, Ye Liang said to Zhao Ziyan.

If the other was with him, then he might have some thoughts. However, at this moment, Zhao Ziyan's face is really ugly. Although it is not scary ugly, it is inexplicably uninteresting. Therefore, after saying to Zhao Ziyan, he went to his room. And he did not notice that Zhao Ziyan looked at him with divine respect.

No, it's not about being holy, it's about a saint who saves the world. Zhao Ziyan's eyes were fixed on Ye Liang's back, and her eyes were full of admiration. The luckiest thing in my life may be sitting next to him. Perhaps, the luckier thing is that she has an ugly face. If it weren't for her ugly face...

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's face suddenly became gloomy. Her nature is not at all different from what she shows. She used to be an arrogant person, relying on her good grades, she didn't look down on her peers at all, and her face used to be very beautiful. I also disdain those children in the kindergarten who are beautiful and want to play with me. Perhaps, Ye Liang knew what kind of person she was in the past. If it weren't for the fact that her face became uglier and uglier as she grew up, she would have been ridiculed a lot, and she had developed a pretense of being kind. I'm afraid that the first time I met Ye Liang, I offended him like the girls in my class. I don't know if it's just a habit. I feel like my personality is getting better and better. Otherwise, if I had been the same as when I was a child, I would have said to Ye Liang.

"Who asked you to sit next to me?" Although the ugly face allowed her to suppress her arrogant character, but it also made her hate herself.

Fortunately, as long as she seizes the opportunity, he should have a way to make her beautiful, right? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but get excited. Life is a blessing in disguise. No one knows whether the next second will be a blessing or a curse.

In Liangchen Meijing Company, at this moment, many executives are gathered here. An order from the general manager and they had to listen. If ordinary people are called up by the boss in the middle of the night, they will be upset. The big deal is to scold the boss and change the job. But they can't. If they offend the boss and change jobs, they will no longer be executives.

"General manager, just now is the person who is talking to you the boss?" A department manager asked Zhou Tian: "It sounds like his voice is a little young, isn't it wrong?"

Zhou Tianwang looked strange for a while. Of course, he was also shocked by the voice on the other side. Anyway, the boss's voice is indeed too young. But no matter how young, that is the boss, no doubt.

"What do you know, the boss can be imagined by ordinary people? The other said that he was still young, and he was an eight-year-old child, I also believe that. You guys, hurry up and deliver the things to the place designated by the boss. No, I'm going too." He ordered the people.

"Yes." The crowd hurriedly responded.

So, they hastily prepared and delivered what Ye Liang wanted to the place Ye Liang designated. After arriving at the location, Zhou Tianwang called Ye Liang. "Hello? Mr. Ye, what you asked for has been delivered, when will you come to pick it up?

Ye Liang, who received the call, was speechless for a while. I looked at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning. No, I asked you to prepare something, how did you prepare it? Can't we prepare it tomorrow and deliver it tomorrow? Don't you need to sleep?

Although I thought so in my heart, after all, the people were sent to me in such a hurry. I can't pretend to say, "Who asked you to send it at this time? Aren't you afraid of disturbing people? People like to go to work tomorrow.' or something like that? Therefore, he could only go to pick up the courier overnight.

However, he wanted a lot of things, and it would be too conspicuous to carry them alone. So, it's better to change clothes.

So, he said, "I'll send someone to fetch it later, and you can just hand it over to him."


Hearing this, everyone in Liangchen Meijing Company couldn't help but be disappointed for a while. It turns out that the mysterious boss doesn't plan to come in person. That's right, this kind of errand work should be left to unimportant servants.

[ The time is up, it's time for the deity to act. ]

Tonight, Zhao Ziyan didn't fall asleep because she was too excited. The voice that suddenly came from her mind made her stunned for a moment. Action? What?

[ Let me Ye Liang take action, are you ready to accept your life? Today, the deity will try to kill and shake the stars. ]

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan finally reacted. Just following what Ye Liang said, he is going to save the world. Could it be that he is a hero who is going to save the world? OMG, so exciting. I'm so curious, what is he going to do?! Can I follow you? No no... I am an ordinary person, I want to follow him, but I am afraid that I am dreaming.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan had already begun to imagine the scene of Ye Liang fighting with all kinds of gods from aliens in the starry sky, saving the earth from the invisible. At this moment, Zhao Ziyan was extremely excited. She grabbed her quilt tightly and suppressed her urge to go out with Ye Liang. That is the immortals saving the world, how can she be a mortal who can spy on it? Hold back-!

The reason why Ye Liang is so good to her now is that he thinks she still doesn't know how powerful he is. If you let him know, and you already know his great things, he may not be so good to himself. So, no matter how curious you are, you have to hold back. Shaking the stars, what a terrifying scene? One move, one punch, or one sword energy? Cut down the stars?

Even the scene of 100,000 immortal cultivators that she saw in her dream was already that magnificent. The scene of Ye Liang saving the earth in the universe must be so heroic. Will he fall silently into the universe one day, unknown to the public? Don't people on earth know that he has done such a great thing? It turns out that a person's character can be so great? Although I can't do it myself, Ye Liang, she now admires from the bottom of her heart.

Not because of his status and strength, but because of his noble personality. She thought that Ye Liang was going to save the world, but in fact, Ye Liang was just going to pick up a courier.

At this time, Ye Liang had already put on his armor and jumped out of the window. The place where he lives is on the eighteenth floor. If it weren't for his Qinggong skills, he would probably be in the hospital if he jumped from the eighteenth floor. But for him, jumping from such a high place can still land lightly, and there is no impact at all, even better than walking. This is the Qinggong. When you practice it to the extreme, you can even run like the wind and travel around the world.

After landing, Ye Liang jumped several times and rushed to the agreed place. At this time, a large number of people from the Jiangzhou Law Enforcement Team were surrounding the street where the people from Liangchen Meijing Company parked.

"Lao Li, I didn't expect that today, we were just leading a team on patrol here, and we encountered such a big thing."

"Ah, in the middle of the night, you look like a shame, and I don't know what you're trying to do a shameful deal."

"I don't know what these people who do shady transactions think, if they find a place to complete transactions, even the gods won't be able to find them."

"Do you have to look mysterious in this kind of place, for fear that others won't find out that they have something shameful?"

"Haha, catching them, this is the best work."

"However, we have to wait a little longer, and wait until the transaction partner comes."

"That's right."

"Look, here comes a-!"

At this time, the eyes of the law enforcement team all looked towards a street entrance, they saw a figure slowly rhyme in the night. However, when everyone saw his image clearly, their eyes widened.

"What is this?"


What is in their eyes was a man in a flame-like dragon-shaped armor. No one could see his face. However, everyone could feel the powerful pressure emanating from this armored man.

"Wait, I heard that another group of people seems to have received a case today. In that case, Yun revealed a madman who claimed to be a cultivator. He could deform the iron gate with one punch, and the madman was taught a lesson by a mysterious man in a flame dragon-shaped armor. He kicked and fell from upstairs, and even hit the wall with a crack"

"Could it be him?"

"Aah... that kind of thing, how is it possible, look at this kid dressed up mysteriously and look like a shame."

"If he has this kind of ability, he still spends most of the night doing business here?!"

"Fake, don't be frightened, it's just a little bit fancy."

"Wait for my order, and you will come together and subdue them."


Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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