The First Alchemy

"What is Ye Liang doing now?" At this time, Zhao Ziyan was sleeping in the room prepared for her at Ye Liang's house.

Thinking of Ye Liang, she couldn't help but fantasize about Ye Liang must be in the starry sky now, and in front of him, countless alien cultivators want to invade the earth, and he was unafraid. Those alien invaders must have been trembling when they saw Ye Liang's figure.

At this time, Ye Liang was approaching the suspicious car step by step. Everyone on the law enforcement team secretly raised their breaths, waiting for their captain to stop, rushing up to arrest the two groups of people who were dealing with invisible people.

At this moment, they are all very excited. Seeing Ye Liang approaching step by step, all the senior executives of Liangchen Meijing Company in the car quickly got out of the vehicle. They all held large suitcases in their hands, and inside the boxes, there was something Ye Liang wanted.

"Excuse me, are you sent by Mr. Ye?" Looking at the man in front of him whose whole body was covered in armor, Zhou Tianwang couldn't help being very excited.

Although there is no chance to meet the real boss, he was already very excited to see the people sent by the boss. Looking at the people in front of him, Ye Liang asked: "Yes, where is the thing Mr. Ye wants?"

"Here, everything in the box is." Zhou Tianwang quickly handed his box to Ye Liang: "Look, this box of mine, and the contents of their box, are all you want."

Ye Liang was secretly surprised. Although I knew I wanted a lot of things, I didn't expect it to be so much. Did he make his own decisions and prepared a lot of things? However, more is better. I do not understand pharmacology, I have never practiced pills, and it is normal to fail.

"Thank you." He said to the crowd, "Give me all the boxes."

" you need help? We can deliver things to Mr. Ye for you." Zhou Tianwang said with a pleasing expression.

"No." Ye Liang said, "I can move it."

"Police, don't move. Put it down, and raise your hands."

At this moment, suddenly, a large number of people rushed from the corner. All of these people had guns in their hands and looked dignified.

"Raise your hands, and lay down."

What's happening here? Seeing the large number of law enforcement team members who suddenly rushed out, Ye Liang made a fool of himself. Did you break into the bank or something?! However, he was still a good citizen, after all, so he squatted down obediently and raised his hand.

"I said, what are you doing?" He looked at the law enforcement team who rushed out in a daze and asked them.

"Aah, what are we doing? We have to ask you guys, what are you doing, mysteriously? Let me be honest with you."

"Who are you, do you know who we are? Just rush out." At this moment, Zhou Tianwang squatted on the ground and said the most arrogant words with the most fearful expression: "Even if Xu Shuchang sees me, you have to be polite."

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, what is this?" A law enforcement member took the box, opened it, and said to Zhou Tianwang.

"This is the medicine my boss asked me to give him, is there a problem?!" Zhou Tianwang said speechlessly. While speaking, he also smiled apologetically at Ye Liang's Fang.

"Uh...whether it is a medicine for saving people or poison for harming people, you'd better explain it honestly." The person from the law enforcement team said to Zhou Tianwang with a speechless expression.

"It's medicine, what are you trying to do?!" Zhou Tianwang was angry. I finally had the opportunity to please the real boss. When did these guys hook up, and why did they all jump out at once?

The law enforcement officers opened the boxes and checked them carefully, and determined that these were all common medicines on the market. He suddenly became embarrassed.

"No... Since this is just an ordinary medicine, what are you all doing mysteriously? I'm afraid that it will make us misunderstood." The captain ordered everyone to put away their guns and said to Ye Liang: "And you, you are still dressed like this, are you afraid that the police won't notice you?!"

Ye Liang said: "I... don't want to be too conspicuous, so, if I dress like this, no one will know who I am, right?

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay, dressed like this, and didn't want to attract attention. Did we hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong?

"Since it's all right, can I go now?" Ye Liang asked.

"Of course, you can." The captain of the law enforcement team said dully: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood, didn't I scare you?"

"You didn't." Ye Liang said.

As he said that, he snapped his fingers, and the boxes flew from the hands of the executives, bending over Ye Liang's side. This scene made everyone present widen their eyes.


Holy crap, what's going on?! How did these boxes fly?! If they were not mortal, they might still be able to see that there was an aura wrapped around these boxes. It was that aura that was attached to the boxes, making these boxes give birth to spirituality and fly by themselves.

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded. However, in the next moment, Ye Liang pointed his toes, turned into a streamer, flew towards the distance, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone. Those boxes naturally followed behind him automatically.



"What is that?!"


"There are immortal cultivators in this world?!"

At this moment, everyone stared blankly at the distant night sky. No one knows what to say now to express their shock, as they were all dumbfounded. Fang Xiang looked at Ye Liang's disappearance in astonishment.

"Am I dreaming?

"I... I probably didn't wake up."

"I... I may not have a good rest at all..."

"Did you see it? Does he seem to be flying?"

"Those boxes are flying too."

"He... Who the h*ll is he?!"

The law enforcement officers cast their eyes on the executives of the company, and several executives were also stunned at this time.

"Immortal cultivator? Oh my god, he... he's an immortal? Our boss can even command immortals?!"

"Who the hell is the boss?!"

Before, there were still people who doubted why did Zhou Tianwang work for people for so long to create Liangchen Meijingji, but he never thought of taking such a large company as his own. But until now they finally understand. Even if Zhou Tianwang wanted to, would he dare? Even if he dares, can he end well?!

Zhao Ziyan hadn't fallen asleep yet. She wanted to know what Ye Liang was doing now. Perhaps, now Ye Liang is on the way to save the world, perhaps, without Ye Liang, the world has begun to shake now. Perhaps Ye Liang has killed all those alien invaders, and they discarded their armor and fled in embarrassment? When is he coming?

However, at this moment, everything does not have to be understood. Because Ye Liang has already entered. Going in through the window, Ye Liang drew his hand, and all the boxes flew in toward his home.

Inside these boxes are all the medicines used to refine the Xianfu Yuji Pill. Although it looks like a lot, Ye Liang has never made pills before, and he doesn't know how effective he is, so with so many medicinal herbs, he will at least succeed.

"It's not in vain for me to make a trip, and I was misunderstood by the law enforcement team that it was a shady transaction." After opening all the boxes, Ye Liang couldn't wait to start refining the Pills.

At this time, Zhao Ziyan next door heard Ye Liang's heartfelt voice.

[ This deity fights a battle, tonight's harvest is very rich, hard-year crystals, century-old chalcedony, Dingyan Shenzhu... These good things can be refined into a Xianfu Yuji pill, making Zhao Ziyan ugly and pretty. Okay, I won't sleep tonight, and I will make her a fairy skin jade muscle pill to see. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Isn't it just some common medicinal herbs? Xiuxian voice pack, do you dare to play more powerfully? I have a bit of a letter gap in the whole thing, and I don't need to make a draft for bragging.

Zhao Ziyan: ??!!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan, who had never slept, only felt that she couldn't sleep anymore. He... he still remembers the thing to make her look good? When he came back from saving the world, the first thing he thought about was to refine the Immortal Pill for her? He... why is he being so nice to her? She is just an ordinary ugly, and is a shameless woman who may betray the earth in the future, why would he do this?!! Does he like her? No no... don't think too much.

Although moved to tears, Zhao Ziyan soon woke up. How could Ye Liang like her? No matter how narcissistic she is, she has to have a head. Let Ye Liang like her, does she deserve it?!

After thinking about it, only one sentence can explain Ye Liang's kindness to her. That is, to see her pleasing to the eye, and want to help her. That's all. But, the more she thought about it, the more moved Zhao Ziyan was. Ye Liang treated her like this, how could she not repay Ye Liang? From now on, she will be Ye Liang's loyal fangirl.

Ye Liang didn't know that he hadn't officially started to attack Zhao Ziyan yet, and Zhao Ziyan had already finished the strategy from what she heard.

At this time, Ye Liang was studying the method of alchemy. Alchemy is not an easy task, just like a person can do many things, but he may not do many things. Fortunately, Ye Liang now has Dan Fang. As long as there is no error, there is no problem. What he cultivates is the Yin-Yang Creation Art, which can be used as a furnace, linking the Qi of Heaven and Earth, turning it into Yin-Yang three-flavor fire, and refining medicine pills for better results.

According to the pill recipe, Ye Liang began to concoct pills step by step. The first step is to catch fire. The second step is to add herbs. The third step is to smelt the medicinal materials and extract the essence. The fourth step is to forge the essence of the medicinal materials with the Yin-Yang Three-flavor Fire. The fifth step is to get the medicine into the pill. Every step has corresponding precautions.

Ye Liang originally thought that with such a mysterious thing as alchemy, he would fail many times. After all, he has never learned, and this is the first time to done such a thing. But, to his surprise, he created it. It's like a miracle, as no mistakes are found.

Looking at the medicinal pill in his hand, Ye Liang couldn't help frowning. For the first time, I made such a perfect medicine pill. Isn't his talent for refining medicine a little too good? This medicine will not be a problem, will it?

Looking at the pill in his hand, Ye Liang had some doubts. After all, this is the first time that this kind of thing has been refined, If something goes wrong, it will kill people. Then Zhao Ziyan didn't have to become the Purple Heart Empress on the spot? At that time, the earth may be in danger. Just in case, try it yourself.

As a big man, it would be too much if he ate this pill and became as white and flawless as a woman, don't give a woman a way to live? No, no, let's give it to Zhao Ziyan. The medicinal pills refined by oneself should not have a problem... probably.

All night, Zhao Ziyan did not fall asleep. However, as it approached the morning, she couldn't help but feel a sense of tiredness, she couldn't hold on, and fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was already early in the morning.

"Morning." Seeing Zhao Ziyan coming out of the bedroom, Ye Liang greeted her.

"Morning." Zhao Ziyan still had a dark circle under her eyes. This time, because the dark circles under the eyes were too serious, even her originally unsightly complexion could not cover her complexion.

"F*ck, what's wrong with you, you went to the Fairy Battlefield last night?!" Seeing Zhao Ziyan like this, Ye Liang couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan was speechless for a while. Who is the one who participated in the battlefield of the gods? If I hadn't listened to you all night, I might have thought you didn't do anything right now. However, I now know that It turns out that you are so kind to me. Maybe, to you, I'm just an insignificant little person. In the course of your life saving the planet, I may have caught your attention by triggering something that wasn't a big deal to you. But, to me, you are already my savior. Ye Liang, I, Zhao Ziyan, have followed you all my life, and I will live for you.

Her eyes gradually became firmer. She knew that she was not worthy of Ye Liang, but she was not afraid at all. Because, she just wanted to follow Ye Liang, even as one of his sidekicks. She believed that Ye Liang would use her one day.

As for Ye Liang, he was still thinking about how to stabilize Zhao Ziyan's emotions so that she wouldn't become desperate and angry. If she inexplicably becomes some kind of Purple Heart Empress, a strong person in the Golden Core Realm... ah, the earth will fall into her hands

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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