The Purple Heart Empress Kneeled

"Did you just come to me and not used to it?" Seeing that Zhao Ziyan was staring at him with a very strange look, Ye Liang secretly felt strange, so he asked Zhao Ziyan.

Why does she look at him so strangely today? Could it be that his temperament when he woke up in the morning was too unrestrained, making such a girl unstoppable?

Zhao Ziyan quickly shook her head. The secret that she can hear his heart is not allowed to know. Otherwise, all the good things he did for her might turn into doubts in an instant. Moreover, this is also a little secret of her own, hee hee, if you put it bluntly, it will be boring.

"I'll take a shower first." Soon, Zhao Ziyan came out of the bathroom to wash up. However, her face was still very listless, and her eyes were still covered with a pair of dark circles.

"Looking at your appearance, you are top-heavy, and I feel like you are going to become an immortal at any time." Seeing Zhao Ziyan like this, Ye Liang said: "I have a kind of pill here, which can refresh the mind, would you like to try it?"

After speaking, he took out an exquisite wooden box and handed it to Zhao Ziyan. This wooden box was made by himself using excess sandalwood to refine, which could well preserve the medicinal properties of the medicine pill. Of course, he didn't directly say the efficacy of the medicine, because this thing was said at the beginning, and normal people certainly wouldn't believe it? After Zhao Ziyan took it, he would tell her the efficacy of the medicine.

[ The Immortal Pill that this deity has worked so hard to refine, I wanted to let you eat it directly, and suddenly turned into a beautiful woman, but after thinking about it, this is a bit too shocking. Therefore, the deity has put a seal on this medicinal power, and this medicinal power will gradually turn you into a real beauty within a month, so you should not suspect that it is my hands and feet, right? ]

Zhao Ziyan: !!!

Has this medicine been made? I accidentally fell asleep, and I don't know what happened afterward. Looking at the wooden box that Ye Liang handed over, Zhao Ziyan was moved to tears. Is it possible to turn into a beautiful beauty? No, you have to hold back and don't show it. Zhao Ziyan, you can do it. For the other party, this is just a small reward for you. Calm down.

"Cough." She coughed lightly, took the medicine box, and said: "It wouldn't be some weird drug, would it?"

Ye Liang smiled and said, "Maybe, after taking it, it's the medicine that will make you fall in love with me. Do you dare to take it?"

[ Ugly, the opportunity is right in front of you, it depends on whether you can seize the future that belongs to you. ]

Ye Liang: Uh...

Zhao Ziyan: I'm ugly, what's wrong? Hmph, tell me, I know the effect of your medicine, after taking it, I will become a beautiful woman in a month, so say what you want. Humph-!

Thinking like this in her heart, she said in her mouth: "I don't believe it, you will think about an ugly person like me, and make me fall in love with you. Are you not afraid that I will pester you, and your girlfriend won't you be angry?"

Speaking of Jiang Yurou, Ye Liang looks strange: "She did not seem to mind if I have other girlfriends."

Think of the scene with Jiang Yurou, Ye Liang could not help but be somewhat different. Jiang Yurou looks not like a wonderful person, ah, how could she suddenly have such thoughts. A woman would not want her boyfriend with other women, right?

[ Woman side, from extraordinary people, she has her consideration. ]

"Uh..." At this moment, Zhao Ziyan could not help but be stunned. Is it, that before she heard what Jiang Yurou say, she was serious? No kidding? Jiang Yurou is serious? Did she know that Ye Liang is a cultivator? If she does not know Ye Liang is a cultivator, how could she be so generous to say those words to Ye Liang? These may be due to Ye Liang's attraction ability. In addition to the identity of a cultivator, Ye Liang itself is not bad. She silently opens the wooden box and takes out the pill.

"Wow, this drug is emitting light." Open the wooden box the moment, Zhao Ziyan exclaimed.

"What?!" Hearing this, Ye Liang could not help but be surprised, as he a seal on the pill. He quickly cast his eyes, surprised to find that inside the box and the pill does not emit light and is lying quietly inside. He gave Zhao Ziyan a white look. This woman can amuse people. "If you worry about this drug being a harmful drug, you don't have to eat it, hum..."

"I am joking with you, how can I not eat?" Then, Zhao Ziyan quickly takes the pill out and swallow it. At this moment, she felt there was a very pleasant fragrance of the air from her lips toward the forehead. Fragrant, smooth, and thick. The pill had completely disappeared from her lips. The next moment, she feels that her whole body seems to have become tired.

"This is, what is this?" She asked Ye Liang.

"By now, I tell you the truth." Ye Liang said: "I have a real identity has not told anyone."

Heard, Zhao Zi Yan could not help but be surprised. What's the situation? He will begin to expose things? And, just because you do not want to explain the pill, you want to expose it too there is no bottom line, right?!

"You... you will not say that you are a cultivator, and this is a true elixir of life, right? I can not believe it." She quickly grab then she said. No, can not let him say it. If it is said, then I wouldn't know how to get along with him in the future.

"What are you thinking, you've read too many novels?" Seeing Zhao Ziyan say that Ye Liang laughed and said: "How can there be immortal cultivators in this world, and if you think about it, I can't possibly say such things."

[ If the deity said that there are no immortals in this world, who would dare to say that he is an immortal? ]

Zhao Ziyan: What the h*ll, big guy, so domineering.

She looked at Ye Liang with a look of admiration and asked: "Then, what identity do you have that you haven't let me know? Take it out and let me kneel."

Ye Liang thought about it and said: "I said it myself, you won't believe it. I have a file bag in front of the computer desk in my room. You can go and take a look at it to find out who I am."

Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan murmured to herself, I even know that you are Xian Zunsheng and Ye Tiandi's identity. Do you still want me to know who you are? You thought I would be shocked by your identity? In front of your identity as Ye Xianzun, I will not be shocked at all. Of course, she still came to Ye Liang's room, got a file bag from his computer desk, and started to read it.

"Liangchen Meijing Co., Ltd., a cosmetic company with a capital injection of one billion. Full controlling shareholder: Ye Liang." When she saw the last description of the document, she stayed there. "F*ck."

At this moment, she was completely stunned. Looking at the document in front of her, she carefully read it back and forth several times and even took out her mobile phone to check the fake. And the result is true, the time the document was signed a few years ago.

"Hiss-!" She couldn't help but take a deep breath. No, how many years ago? How old was Ye Liang a few years ago? He is already the full controlling owner of a company? Also, inject a billion? How is this possible, didn't he just rebirth recently?!

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan thought of a terrible possibility. With his efforts, he was already a CEO of a company from a very young age? Hiss-! This, this is too awesome-! Although compared to Xian Zunsheng, this kind of thing seems not worth mentioning. But, it just seems that If a mortal could own such a company at such a young age, if it wasn't for the support of someone, then the possibility would be even lower than that of an immortal respecting a student.

After putting away the documents, Zhao Ziyan came to Ye Liang with a calm expression, then she knelt directly to Ye Liang and said: "Boss, from now on, I'll be your loyal little sister. I'll do whatever you ask me to do."

Seeing Zhao Ziyan's actions in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned: "Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

I just wanted to explain this medicinal pill, and then I took the initiative to expose my little identity. Why are you kneeling? No, your setting is the Purple Heart Empress. The ruthless, profit-oriented Empress Purple Heart would kneel so easily?

Of course, Zhao Ziyan would not kneel because of such a thing. It's just because she had already identified Ye Liang, and she will follow him in the future. Now just find an opportunity to kneel early. She didn't have any reason before, but now, Ye Liang put the identity of this young CEO in front of her, couldn't she just kneel?

"Exaggerated? You think it's exaggerated?" She raised her head excitedly and said to Ye Liang: "Did you know that you may be the youngest CEO with a company worth a billion in history, how did you do it?"

She was shocked. She was curious how Ye Liang did it. A person, even if he makes money from rebirth, can't do such a thing, can he?

Ye Liang said: "I won't tell you the secret of my success, but I'm not telling you about my identity to make you pretend, but to explain to you what the medicine you just took."

"That's right, boss, I don't know what the medicine I just took, I just took one, and I feel like I'm going to fly up." Zhao Ziyan filled the can with a shocked expression. Hee hee, I already knew that. It's the fairy pill especially made by you for my use.

Ye Liang said: "Actually, what I'm giving you is our company's latest product, called Xianfu Yuji Pill, which is a kind of medicine that can improve people's skin, and the effect is very good. All can have ice and snow skin."

"Oh my God?!" Zhao Ziyan looked shocked. It's just that if she looks in the mirror, she will see that her acting skills are now fake. This kind of acting is not worthy of standing with Ye Liang.

"Of course it's true, this medicine is currently priceless and invaluable. I'll give it to you, but in fact, I want to try it and see how good the effect can be. You don't have to be too shocked."

[ Ugly woman, you don't know, this medicine is specially made for you, right? The deity has to see if you can still be liked by the deity after you become beautiful. What the deity likes the most is to make the kind of woman who is "pleasant to the deity when she is ugly, and proud of herself in front of the deity after she is beautiful, to become ugly again. The deity has seen your nature, you can let the deity down. ]

Ye Liang: The next victim of the voice pack is here. Zhao Ziyan has become the next victim identified by the voice package.

Zhao Ziyan: Well... It turns out, is it your fault? Ye Liang didn't want to reward her, he just wanted to see her getting carried away, and then make her ugly? No way. No, not possible. How can there be such a boring man in this world? He must have wanted to be nice to himself, but he was very Tsundere in his heart, thinking about it.

However, just in case, in the future, I will be more respectful to him. Otherwise, if he misunderstands that she is complacent because she has become beautiful, then she has no place to cry.

Seeing Zhao Ziyan who was kneeling before him decisively, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while. I just want to make her relationship with me a little better. Not to the point of having to knee. Isn't this Purple Heart Empress running too fast?

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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