It's Not Simple

"Ye Liang, you... you are so good to me... you are willing to give me the secret products of your company... why are you so good to me?" At this time, Zhao Ziyan was moved, she looked at Ye Liang and asked him.

"Ah, don't be angry, I'll just use you as a drug tester."

[ Ugh..., this one is facing me with such an ugly face and looks like she can't wait to make a promise, I want to vomit. ]

Ye Liang: ...

Zhao Ziyan: Am I so ugly?! I'm speechless-! Didn't you say before that you don't judge people by their appearance? It's all deceptive indeed. No, it can't be said to be deceiving. Looks don't matter to you, but It's easier for you if that person is beautiful, right?! Hmph, I will become beautiful in the future, let's see if you still treat me like this. Also, when did I say that I was going to commit myself? I just want to be your valet, I'm satisfied, what a b*stard man. You don't understand a woman's heart at all.

"I don't care, you treat me so well, Ye Liang, if I'm always so ugly in the future, it's fine, but if I become beautiful, you must let me be your little sister." After being depressed for a while, Zhao Ziyan said to Ye Liang again: "Otherwise, I will not finish with you."

"Hiss-!" Hearing the words of the woman in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

No, I am trying to find a way to win this Purple Heart Empress. Why does she obediently run into his bowl?! It seems that his charm has grown to an unbelievable level before he knows it. Hey, this damn charm makes me have no sense of accomplishment. Ahem, just kidding. How can a man not want to be attractive? The best look is to make the real Purple Heart Empress kneel for him.

"Since you say so, then I can't refuse, can I?" Ye Liang said casually: "Okay, I'll admit that you are my little follower."

[ Ah, now you are still willing to be a follower girl. When you are beautiful, I am waiting to see how you can't wait to make a fool of yourself. ]

Ye Liang: Why is my Xiuxian voice pack full of malice toward people of this world?

Zhao Ziyan: What am I... I was afraid that the person I knew before was a fake Ye Liang. It turns out that Ye Liang is so black-bellied? To make me beautiful on purpose, just to make me look ugly again? I can't mess with you. What's the use of being pretty? Being ridiculed by countless people over the years, I have long understood that what is useful is not the face, but the ability. Smelly man, if you want to see me ugly, I will not let you do as you wish.

She thought unconvinced in her heart, but Zhao Ziyan said with a smile on her face: "Yes, little sister Zhao Ziyan see Big Brother. If Big Brother has any orders in the future, even if you come, Little Sister will obey and never disobey."

"Haha, look at you, why are you talking so earnestly? You're kneeling, get up, people who don't know, think you know I'm rich and want to curry favor with me." Ye Liang laughed and lifted Zhao Ziyan. "Eat breakfast, it's time to go to class."

"Um." Zhao Ziyan nodded, got up, and looked at the table, Ye Liang had made breakfast long before she woke up. The breakfast was simple but delicious. Not like ordinary craftsmanship. Even the simplest white rice porridge, if the method is wrong, the taste will be very different.

Although Ye Liang has not gotten cooking skills, he also studied cooking skills in ordinary times, so his cooking skills are decent.

{ Congratulations to the host, you have received an extra reward for cultivating immortals, temperament +3. }

At this moment, a voice sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

"Temperament?" Ye Liang always thought that temperament was just a form of charm.

During the meal, Zhao Ziyan glanced at Ye Liangjing and suddenly felt Ye Liang looked more outstanding than before. He didn't wear any good-looking clothes, only simple daily clothes, but he looked good. Those so-called rich sons in the academy were nothing compared to him.

After dinner and breakfast, Ye Liang looked at the large stack of homework that Zhao Ziyan was holding in her hand, thought about it, and said to her: "In the future, you don't have to do homework for others anymore, I'll be responsible for paying you wages, and you can be my follower girl full-time."

"Huh?" Zhao Ziyan looked at so much homework in her hands, thought about it, and said: "How can I get your salary? Doing homework just gives me something to do, don't worry."

"That won't work." Ye Liang said, "Since you want to be my little sister, from now on, you have to listen to me and only do homework for me, otherwise, anyone can instruct you, what does it look like?"

[ From this moment on, let you feel your extraordinary, let me see what you will look like after getting everyone's praise and admiration. ]

It turns out that you have such a plan, want to see if I will become different after I suddenly become popular? I, Zhao Ziyan, have long known, who do you think I am?!

Thinking of this, she said: "Since the big brother said so, then the little sister will listen to the big brother and will not answer the homework problem in the future."

"That's right." Saying that Ye Liang raised his hand and touched Zhao Ziyan's head.

Zhao Ziyan froze for a while, looked at Ye Liang, and raised the corners of her lips. Sure enough, he took special care of her. Otherwise, how could he touch her head so intimately?

[ Vomit-! ]

You puke your sister-! Convinced, is this man pregnant or something? Although my face is ugly now, you don't have to be like this. Weren't you the one who says you don't judge people by their appearance?! After I'm pretty, I'll see if you're going to vomit too. I also wanted to see if you would suddenly fall in love with me, If, if I become as beautiful as that Purple Heart Empress...

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's mind recalled the peerless elegance of that Empress. The Purple Heart Empress is the best in the world. Her demeanor will not be weaker than hers. If she has her appearance, maybe Ye Liang can fall in love with me.

"Let's go." As soon as the two got off the elevator, they got out of the elevator and walked around the building, when they saw a girl waiting there. She was looking forward to it, but the moment she saw Ye Liang, a smile appeared on her face. But the next moment, her face suddenly turned black, because she saw Zhao Ziyan beside Ye Liang. What the h*ll, why did Zhao Ziyan come downstairs with Ye Liang?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou instantly changed from happy to depressed. However, the next moment, she squeezed out a smile again and walked over to Ye Liang.

"Brother Ye Liang, good morning."

Looking at Jiang Yurou, Ye Liang was a little flustered. However, the next moment, he calmed down. The other had said it herself, even if he was involved with other girls, she won't care. Even if she cares, he is still picking up girls to save the earth. How noble is your behavior? How can I, a noble person, feel guilty in the face of such a scene as I feed the Empress with my own body?

"Yurou, good morning." He greeted Jiang Yurou calmly.

"This classmate, it's Zhao Ziyan, good morning, why did you come down with Ye Liang?" Jiang Yurou grabbed Ye Liang's hand and spoke to Zhao Ziyan beside him through Ye Liang.

Although she didn't say anything, it was clear that her actions now were to declare her sovereignty toward Zhao Ziyan. She will always be Ye Liang's girlfriend. Another woman who wants to get close to Ye Liang, look at her actions now.

"Student Jiang Yurou, hello. I was staying at Big Brother's house last night." Zhao Ziyan would not give Jiang Yurou any face, she smiled and said: "However, don't worry, my brother and I are not what you think."

"Is that so?" Jiang Yurou looked at Zhao Ziyan's face, and thought about it, just comparing this test with herself, it was impossible to think that. "What's with Brother Ye Liang? Are you two brothers and sisters?" She asked curiously.

"No, I recognized him as the eldest brother, and from now on I will be the younger sister of Ye Liang's eldest brother." Zhao Ziyan said.

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be speechless, she asked Ye Liang: "Generally, boys accept valet, don't they accept boys? You accept girls as valets?"

"Is there a problem? Is it bad to accept girls?" Ye Liang smiled and said: "Maybe, one day when the mood is good, wouldn't it be beautiful for a little girl to become a girlfriend?"

[ Ah, she's in a hurry, didn't she swear before that if he was involved with other girls, she wouldn't care? Hurry up. ]

Ye Liang: I was just joking with her, Xiuxian voice pack, you are going too far.

Jiang Yurou: I'm anxious for you-!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was so angry that she wanted to beat Ye Liang. This b*stard must have said this on purpose, right? He wanted to use this method to make her regret, and then break up with him again, to be a real scumbag. Yes, it must be so-! O won't be fooled by this b*stard.

"So that's how it is." Jiang Yurou forced out a smile and said to Zhao Ziyan: "Then, Ziyan, I'll just call you Ziyan, you have to practice hard, my brother Ye Liang is good at everything, but he is not easy to chase. If you want to be his girlfriend, it's not enough to just run errands for him."

Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan looked at Lei Yurou's expression as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person. This... Is that what a girlfriend should say? How come there are still girls who encourage girls to chase after their boyfriends? No, no, not right. This should be a very clever means of retreating. Ye Liang didn't say anything to the girls in the class, but there was a reason why he was so nice to Jiang Yurou.

Jiang Yurou looks simple on the surface, but she is not simple on the inside. It seemed that she had made generous concessions for Ye Liang, and was even willing for other girls to be beside him. But, because of this, she can become Ye Liang's girlfriend.

With Ye Liang's ability, how could it be so easy for ordinary people to truly become his girlfriend? Amazing. If it weren't for the fact that her current conditions were not enough, she would like to compete with Jiang Yurou. However, for now, let's resolutely admit defeat.

She laughed: "Sister-in-law, you misunderstood, I just want to be his errand girl, but I don't have that ability, and I don't want to be upgraded to a sister-in-law."

"What sister-in-law..." Jiang Yurou's face turned red.

Hearing Zhao Ziyan calling her sister-in-law, her heart was sweet at this moment. Looking at Jiang Yurou's appearance, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Sure enough, Jiang Yurou is not as stupid as she looks on the surface. She's not simple at all. In terms of her attitude towards Ye Liang, she seemed to be very generous. Even toward a girl beside Ye Liang. she didn't say much but only asked a few questions. But she is using a very clever way of retreating.

When another girl approached Ye Liang, she will be the first to reveal all her bottom lines. I believe that any girl will be scared off when they see her bottom line. No girl is likely to accept it. But Jiang Yurou was able to do it, and she pretended not to care at all. If she did this, any girl would be scared away by her.

And those girls who came for Ye Liang's appearance and ability, Ye Liang would despise them. Because Ye Liang is not an ordinary boy, he is an immortal.

Jiang Yurou didn't know this, however, she saw Ye Liang's nature. So she was generous and made such a big concession.

This step, oh my god, the woman beside Ye Liang is indeed not easy. How could it be so easy for Jiang Yurou to become Ye Liang's woman? If any woman oversteps her strength and wants to compete with Jiang Yurou, she will be defeated, and it will be a disastrous defeat. Ah, such a terrifying woman can pretend to be so innocent, and even look a little stupid, following Ye Liang's side. I can't be careless when I'm by Ye Liang's side in the future.

Otherwise, Ye Liang mistakenly thought that she was just like what he imagined, an anti-human who took revenge on the earth. He will not help me change my life against the sky again.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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