Chapter 8: How to become a genin

Walking through the bustle of people, his eyes looked at the sky for a few moments and a sigh came out of his mouth before returning his gaze to the front.

It had already been four years since Toru was accepted into the ninja academy, in that time his physical state had changed a little, he had become a little taller, even his way of dressing had changed.

Now he wears a black sweater with the emblem of the rising sun on his back, shorts very similar to those worn by Sasuke, only these are blue, he also has bandages covering his arms and legs, although the bandages on his arms can not be seen because of the sweater, and that scarf that did not change since the death of Kyoko.

(Today is the final exam, if I pass I can become a genin).

Toru's eyes closed for a second as he took a breath, the last four years had been kind of strange, he was alone all the time, no one spoke to him, the same thing happened with Naruto.

(I guess some people are chosen to go through the worst, although it's weird, it doesn't bother me at all).

After staying locked in his thoughts, Toru walked a little faster so he could get to the academy.

-Ninja academy-

Toru didn't take long to arrive, only eight minutes had passed, but he was already sitting in the place farthest away from everyone.


The voice of a pink-haired girl was heard in the hall, her eyes were large and green in color. This girl's name was Haruno Sakura.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Appearing behind Sakura's back, Ino asked. A defiant smile could be seen on her face that hid the murderous intentions she had in that instant.

"You ask what I'm doing? Well I'm calling Sasuke by name, do you have a problem with that?"

Like Ino, Sakura also put on a defiant smile.

"Really? I think you act too close to him, when it's quite the opposite."

Sakura and Ino's gazes connected for a strange invisible while that only Toru could see.

(They always do the same thing, it's starting to get annoying already).

Toru looked regretfully at the two girls arguing with each other. A few years ago the two of them were best friends, but now they keep fighting over Sasuke all the time.

(Ha~ if they gave me a coin for every time those two fight, I'd have enough money to finish my electric shock glove.)

Toru silently lamented, after the fall of the Asahi clan he was out of money, he couldn't continue his experiments without having funds for it. He barely had money to survive, that little money he had was inherited to him, Kyoko left him that money so Toru could live until the day he can get a way to make a living

"Calm down everyone, I'm already here, so go to your seats."

While Sakura and Ino were killing each other with their eyes, Iruka entered the living room. She was holding some sheets of paper in her right hand.

(Here it is, Iruka-sensei brought the exams, I'm sure I can get a perfect score, but I should stay in the average as always).

Since the day Toru failed with his presentation, he decided that he would not show his ability 100%, if he did something like that he would draw attention, so his reputation as a weird and quiet guy would fall apart.

"Alright, since everyone is in their places I'll begin."

Iruka placed the sheets face down on the tables of all his students.

"Everyone should already know that today is the final exam in order to become a genin. The first part will be the written exam, you will have one hour to finish it. So I wish you all luck."

After that, Iruka placed a stopwatch on the table, the stopwatch marked the time the exam lasts.

"Then... begin."

Having received permission to begin the exam, Toru flipped the sheet of paper and looked at the questions that were written on it.

(Too easy, I can finish this in four minutes. But I won't, I'll wait until the first thirty minutes are up and start solving half of the questions. If I do this my grade will be among the worst, but I understand that there will be a practical exam, so if I use good ninjutsu or taijutsu I can regulate that grade and be among the average of students who will pass).

Toru's eyes narrowed a little, his expression was very similar to when someone is very sleepy, only this facial expression is already on Toru's face since forever.

(Looks like Naruto is having trouble)

Toru's eyes went to the center of the room, where a blond-haired boy was having trouble solving the test.

(It can't be! I don't remember any of this!) Shouting internally, Naruto scratched his head. At that moment he was suffering like no other, it was already the third time he failed the exams, well, the first two exams were just simulations, but he still got the worst score.

(Come on! Come on! I know I can do it, I just have to remember).

Scratching his head, Naruto tried to get the few neurons he had working, however, he failed to remember anything, absolutely nothing.

(Why do these things happen to me?)

With a dead fish face, Naruto resigned himself and dropped the pencil on the exam paper, there was no hope left, he could only wait for his fate.

(Ha~ it's the usual, he never manages to get a good score. It's very likely that Naruto will fail the exam, in case he passes he'll just have to try again next year.)

Shaking his head, Toru looked at the boy standing near Naruto, that boy was Sasuke.

(Judging by his look and that smile on his face, I deduce that he will have the highest score in the written exam, maybe the same thing will happen with the practical exam).

Toru crossed his arms and continued to analyze his classmates. His eyes quickly lingered on that girl Toru invited to lunch four years ago.

Her name was Onikuma Enko. From what Toru had seen over the years, Enko has a strange case of split personality, in tense and dangerous situations she tends to act fearful and weak, but when interacting with other people she tends to be a bit bold and outgoing.

(She doesn't seem to have any problems completing the exam, in fact, she seems to be more than confident that she will pass).

After those metal words, Toru closed his eyes and let the time pass.

"Okay, time's up, everyone, turn in your exams."

The designated time to finish the exam ended, Toru got up from his seat and went to Iruka's desk, place where he left the exam sheet.

(Well, half of the questions he thought not to solve ended up being solved, obviously with wrong answers).

Returning to his seat, Toru put his arms on the table and looked at Iruka, at that moment he had started grading the exams. Something that made Toru a bit funny was when Iruka graded Naruto's exam, the embarrassed look on his face made Toru want to tease him a bit.

"Ha~ I finished grading the exams."

After a while Iruka sighed, he never thought he would be such a bad teacher to have a student score an absolute zero on his exam, obviously that exam belongs to Naruto.

"Alright, let's start with the final exam, when I mention your name you will proceed to the exam room. The final exam will be on Bunshin no Jutsu [Replication Technique]."

Hearing about Bunshin no Jutsu, Naruto internally shouted, after all that jutsu is the worst he knows how to do.

"Asahi Toru, go to the Examination room, I'll wait for you there."

After saying that, Iruka took the exams from the table and headed to the exam room.

(Okay, this is the practical exam. Luckily I'm good at Bunshin no Jutsu, so I don't have to worry at all.)

Leaving his seat, Toru made his way to the examination room. His expression was neutral as always, and the aura he produced was that of a lonely, quiet boy. Sasuke saw this, and an annoyed expression formed on his face.

(I have to get my revenge, not just for me, but for Toru, after all Itachi also killed the Asahi clan).

-Exam room-

In front of Toru stood Iruka and another Albino-haired sensei, his name is Mizuki.

"Well, show us your best Bunshin no Jutsu" Said Iruka while looking at Toru with a small smile on his face.


Clasping his hands together to form the jutsu, Toru's chakra began to reveal itself around himself, as if he was being enclosed by a sphere.

"Bunshin no Jutsu [Replication Technique]."

As he said that, two clones exactly like Toru appeared behind him.

"Wow, he's good!"

Mizuki spoke as she clapped his hands, a smile had formed on her face as she saw how badass Toru's potential was.

"You're approved."

Rising from his chair, Iruka took one of the forehead protectors that were on the table in front of him, walked over to Toru and placed it over his head, letting the protector cover Toru's forehead.

"Well done, I'm proud."

Toru looked at Iruka with the poker face he always has before speaking.

"Thank you, sensei."

"Good, now you can go home, we still have to continue examining the next students" Raising his hand in farewell, Mizuki spoke. For some reason Toru felt something strange when he looked at Mizuki, a sense of danger.

(That was easier and faster than I thought).

Walking out of the examination room, Toru took off his forehead protector and stared at it. The badge on the protector glowed next to the Konohagakure symbol.

(I have to think where to put this, on my forehead it feels uncomfortable).

Putting the protector in his pocket, Toru went on his way home, that small house he currently lives in.

(Well, I must prepare for tomorrow, I will be assigned to a team after all).