Chapter 27: The eleven rookies

Sasuke and Toru's eyes met, while the Sharingan boy was still lying on the ground.

(Toru?) He asked himself.

Sasuke was very surprised to see his childhood friend in that place.

"Hello..." With an emotionless look, Toru looked at Sasuke and spoke.

But a voice interrupted the meeting.

In front of Sasuke and Toru, stood a boy whose haircut resembled that of a mushroom.

"Toru..." Naruto said quietly.

It had been quite some time since he last saw the Asahi clan boy.

He still considered him his friend, even if Toru ended up ignoring him for over four years.

At the same time, Sakura just looked at everything with a worried expression on her face.

After all she had just gotten her ass kicked that Sasuke.

"Seriously, I expected more from the Uchiha clan" The boy said as he looked at Sasuke with disappointment in his eyes.

"Even if you used the Sharingan to be able to read my movements, in the end none of it helped. It's like I said before, pure effort is able to beat natural talent."

The boy closed his eyes and sighed, meanwhile, Sasuke and Toru just looked at each other in silence.

"Do you want help?" Extending his hand so that Sasuke could stand up, Toru spoke.

But Sasuke clicked his tongue and slapped Toru's hand.

"I don't need your help," Sasuke said.

At that, Toru's eyes flashed, but again, the voice of the big eyebrowed boy was heard.

"You are" Said the boy as he looked at the emblem that was on Toru's sweater.

"This is a surprise, not only was I lucky enough to meet an Uchiha, but also an Asahi" With a slight smile on his face, the boy spoke.

This made everyone look at Toru curiously as they wondered Does he know him?

"What do you mean?" Toru said.

"Are you seriously asking that? My sensei told me that I should watch out for a boy who wears the emblem of the rising sun on his back. And judging by your clothes, that boy is you" Pointing his finger at Toru, the boy smiled.


"So, since you're in front of me. My name is Rock Lee and I want to fight you" Lee said with a serious expression on his face.

After listening to the boy with the big eyebrows, everyone's eyes widened.

"I refuse..." Toru said, making Lee feel confused.

Meanwhile, Sakura wondered again and again what was so special about Toru.

(The weird kid? Is he serious? I don't think he can last even five seconds, Lee managed to defeat Sasuke, there's no way a loser like Toru can do anything) Sakura thought, but as she looked at everything, she could realize who was next to Toru.

"Ino..." Sakura said, but Ino seemed to ignore her completely, as the golden haired girl found herself staring at Toru.

This was something that caused Sakura confusion, normally Ino would have jumped on top of Sasuke, but that didn't happen.

What's more, she didn't seem to have seen Sasuke.

On the other side, there was Naruto, who had noticed Hinata's presence in the place, he wanted to go and greet her, but someone's voice prevented him.

"Do you refuse? I don't think you understand, after all, that wasn't a question."

Rock Lee's body flashed and instantly appeared in front of Toru, raising his right leg to strike the first blow.

"Toru-kun!" Hinata's Byakugan activated, but she saw something strange.


Lee was confused, as Toru disappeared in front of his eyes.

(Can't it be?!)

Sasuke and Naruto's eyes widened at the sight of Toru, after all he had appeared behind Rock Lee.

"That's surprising. You're faster than Uchiha Sasuke, but let's see if you have more strength than him."

Rock Lee went on the attack once again, using his legs and fists, he tried to hit Toru.

But, with smooth movements like that of a leaf falling from a tree branch, Toru managed to dodge them all.

"How is that possible, him, of all people?" an expression of disgust formed on Sasuke's face as he watched Toru manage to dodge each of Rock Lee's blows.

"I'm impressed, you've surpassed my expectations" Lee said while still trying to hit Toru.

"But unfortunately..."

The speed in Rock Lee's attacks suddenly increased, making it harder for Toru to dodge them.

There was a moment when Toru was unable to block one of Rock Lee's punches.

"This isn't over yet."

Using his legs, Rock Lee lifted Toru into the air.

And then, the bandage on one of his hands started to come off.

(Sorry, sensei. I'm about to use my forbidden jutsu) Rock Lee thought as he approached Toru.

But suddenly, a shiver ran through his body and when he looked Toru in the eyes, his body froze.


A voice rang out and a kunai prevented Rock Lee from completing his Jutsu.

Falling to the ground, Rock Lee quickly stood up and a nervous expression formed on his face.

Almost immediately, like a storm, Rock Lee appeared in front of what appeared to be a talking turtle.

Its shell was red and appeared to be many years old.

"I can't believe it, that you, Rock Lee, have decided to disobey your sensei" Said the turtle.

At this, Rock Lee was in a panic. He didn't quite know how to respond.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to-"

"Apologies won't be enough, you'll have to take a punishment. Hmph What would Guy say if he were here?"

"I'm so sorry, I'll accept my punishment," Lee said.

"You know better than anyone that a ninja never reveals his techniques when necessary, but to use them simply on a whim..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Rock Lee said as she knelt before the turtle.

Meanwhile, everyone was watching the strange comedy monologue that Rock Lee and the turtle were doing.

"That's a turtle, right?" Naruto asked.

This caused a vein to appear on Ino and Sakura's forehead, and they instantly responded as was typical for them.

"It's obviously a turtle, you idiot!" Sakura said.

"Even if it was a dog to ask such a stupid question" Ino replied as she crossed her arms.

"Hm... So, a turtle can be a teacher?" Naruto asked as he looked at the turtle.

"I don't think it can be that..." Hinata said with a low tone of voice.

At the same time when that is happening, Sasuke and Toru looked each other in the eyes.

(How is it possible that he, of all people is stronger than me) Sasuke thought as he looked Toru in the eyes.

After all the things he had had to go through, after almost dying in the fight against Zabuza, none of it helped. Sasuke was frustrated to see the potential his childhood friend could reach.

"You're here for the Chunin exams, aren't you?" Toru shoved his hands in his pockets and with an emotionless expression spoke, at the same time looking at Rock Lee and the turtle.

"I'm not going to answer..." Sasuke crossed his arms and looked away.

Seeing the Sharingan boy, Toru narrowed his eyes and sighed.

(Sasuke hates to lose...) Toru thought as he remembered some things from the past.

"I'm seriously sorry, it won't happen again, I swear" Rock Lee said, this made Sasuke look at him with a disgusted expression on his face.

(How could someone so pathetic beat me?) Sasuke thought, but his question was never answered.

After that, a few seconds passed as Rock Lee apologized to the turtle, but suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared.

"Hello, youngsters! How has life been treating you!"

Striking a strange pose, while smiling radiantly, the man standing on the turtle spoke.

(Ridiculous...) Everyone except Rock Lee and the turtle thought.

"Guy-sensei!" said Rock Lee surprised by the sudden appearance of his sensei.

This made everyone look at Rock Lee, who bore an uncanny resemblance to the man standing on the turtle's shell.

They were both wearing green clothes, which was very strange coming from a ninja. Also, Lee had the same haircut as Guy and the same bushy eyebrows.

"Rock Lee, how are you, boy?" said Guy as he gave a thumbs up.

"Sensei, I..."

"I know, Lee. I can't believe someone like you... I'm disappointed" As he looked down at the ground with a sad expression, Guy sighed before speaking again.

"That's why you'll have to get.... This!"

Raising his fist in the air, Guy punched Lee in the face. This sent the boy with the big eyebrows flying a few feet.

(Are you serious?!) Everyone thought at the same time as they looked at Rock Lee on the ground.

"Rock Lee..." Guy said as he looked at Rock Lee.

"Sensei..." Getting up from the ground while touching his face to appease the pain, Rock Lee looked at Guy.

They both started crying at the same time. A few seconds later, Guy and Rock Lee hugged each other while crying, even the turtle was crying.

(I can't believe it) Sasuke thought as he looked at the strange scene.

"That ridiculous guy is your teacher?" Naruto thought out loud, this made Rock Lee stand up from the ground with a small vein swelling on his forehead.

"Hey! How dare you disrespect Guy-sensei!" looking at Naruto, Rock Lee yelled.

But Guy intervened by saying some interesting things.

"Oh, you must be Yamato and Kakashi's students" With a serious expression, Guy spoke.

This made everyone look at him with confused expressions on their faces.

(Hm... So he's Might Guy" Toru thought as he looked at the man with the strange hairstyle.

(So, he's the one who told Rock Lee to watch out for me, huh...) Toru's eyes sparkled, at the same time, he crossed his arms and sighed.

"Wait, how do you know Yamato-sensei?") Ino stepped forward and asked.

Guy answered immediately.

"Oh yes, Yamato was Kakashi's Kouhai when they both worked at ANBU. You might also be wondering why I know Kakashi" Guy closed his eyes for a second as he prepared to say something.

"Well, let's just say that Kakashi and I are lifelong rivals, besides, I'm much stronger than him in everything" Pointing his thumb at himself while smiling strangely, Guy spoke.

This made Sasuke feel annoyed.

"Wait, how can someone like you be stronger than Kakashi?" Sasuke said, but instantly realized that Guy was no longer in front of him.

"I said it before, I'm stronger than Kakashi" Guy said as he appeared behind Sasuke.

Toru watched this curiously, even he couldn't see him move. That meant Guy wasn't telling lies.

"I've beaten Kakashi 50 times and I've been beaten by him 49. That means I'm stronger" Proud of himself, Guy spoke with a smile on his face.

(No way... he's faster than Kakashi. I couldn't even see him move) Sasuke trembled, he was surprised and scared by the strange strength Guy has.

"Yeah, that's it. Sensei is the best" Raising his fist high, Rock Lee shouted.

Guy approached him with a smile as he put his hand on Lee's shoulder.

"Well said, Lee. But I think we're running out of time, on account of you disobeying my orders..... How about five hundred laps of Konoha!" shouted Guy as he pointed to the exit.

"Yes, sensei. That would be great" Rock Lee said, but the moment was interrupted as Sakura spoke up.

"But what about the Chunin exam registrations?" With a poker face, Sakura asked.

"That's right, if you send Rock Lee to do something so crazy he wouldn't have time to sign up for the exams" Ino said, this made a small bead of sweat slide down Guy's forehead.

"That's right, then Lee, your punishment will have to be later!" Guy said.

"Yes, sensei!" Lee replied.

After that, the turtle and Guy disappeared enveloped in a cloud of smoke.

"Now that I remember. Sasuke," Rock Lee said.

"I must say that I lied to you. It's true that I wanted to test my strength with you, but... it's not you I want to defeat. In fact, that person I want to defeat with all my strength is in my own team. He is much stronger than me, his name is Neji Hyuga."

Hearing that name, Hinata's eyes widened and her body froze.

"And you... What was your name?" Lee asked while looking at Toru.

The latter just sighed and answered right away.

"Asahi Toru..." Toru said.

"Yes, Toru. I will show you no mercy, I hope you won't lose so easily" Rock Lee said while looking Toru in the eyes.

"Hm... Do whatever you want..." Toru said.

"Eh... well... then, I'll be going now" Said Rock Lee, to seconds later disappear.

After that, everyone stared at Toru.

He was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all those stares, but Sasuke's words got him out of that predicament.

"This will be interesting" Sasuke said as he headed to the registration place.

"Toru!" Sasuke spoke again, he had a smile on his mouth.

"I'm not going to lose to you."

Hearing that, Hinata and Ino looked at Toru, before he answered.

"Same here" Toru replied in an emotionless tone of voice.

-Minutes later-

Toru, Hinata and Ino, were walking in one direction.

They were approaching a door, but....

*Lumber sound*

From the ground several branches came out, which joined together to form Yamato's body.

Hinata and Ino were impressed by this, but with Toru it was quite the opposite.


Yamato smiled as he crossed his arms.

"They're here, that's what I see."

No one understood Yamato's words.

"Before they go through this door, I'll ask you one thing" Yamato said.

Everyone remained silent.

"Are you sure you want to enter" With a serious look, Yamato spoke.

However, his students only put serious looks on their faces before answering.


Yamato was proud, so he stepped aside and the door opened.

"Come in," Yamato said.

The three passed through the door, and were met with the stares of dozens of ninja.

"That many?" Ino asked, but no one gave her an answer.

"Maybe they couldn't pass the previous exam" Hinata said.

(So... this is what we will have to face?) Toru thought, but he was interrupted by different people standing in front of his team.

Those people, were his classmates.

With all of them together, the teachers decided to give them a nickname.

They were... The eleven rookies.