Chapter 32: Bloody Sand

The sound of their footsteps echoed on the ground, at this moment the whole team was trying to get as far away as possible.

One of them was using the Byakugan in order to analyze the surroundings.

"There are no teams nearby, Toru-kun."

Hinata said as she looked back to where Toru was. The boy was carrying Ino in his arms.

"I understand..."

Toru looked at Ino for a few moments before sighing.

"Can you climb on my back? If you keep this up, you're going to end up breaking my neck."

Toru said as he felt Ino's terrible strength on his neck.

"Break your neck? That something I'd like to do."

With sarcastic words that helped hide her flushed face, Ino climbed onto Toru's back.

After that, the team continued to move through the vast forest.

"We should find a good place to hide. We must have a food source as well" With a blank face, Toru looked at Hinata and spoke.

Ino listened to her teammates' interaction, and while clinging to Toru's back, the golden-haired girl took a deep breath before speaking.

"What you say is the most logical thing, but the problem here is: how to find that place?"

Ino spoke close to Toru's ear, this provoked a strange unfamiliar feeling in Hinata. So, looking straight ahead with a neutral face, the Byakugan girl spoke.

"I can use my Byakugan to find a place, for the time being we should keep moving."

Looking straight ahead and keeping her expression serious, Hinata increased the strength in her eyes, this allowed her to see everything more clearly.

(Well, Hinata's eyes are very useful. Ino's jutsu is also perfect, I guess if they put their minds to it, the two of them could form a deadly team).

Toru began to ramble as he scanned the surroundings.

It's true that Hinata and Ino's abilities are very compatible with each other, but here was the problem, the lack of cooperation.

He was sure that after confronting Ino, the whole situation would change, but it was taking longer than Toru thought.

Ino's manner had changed, yes, but this was not enough to increase the team's productivity.

(I'm thinking too much, I should concentrate on what's in front of me).

Toru sighed and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them, he could feel something soft touching his back.

It felt good to the touch, it was also warm, in short, it was a good feeling.

After all, what's touching Toru's back are Ino's small breasts.

(Hm... it's hard to concentrate in a situation like this).

Sighing, Toru looked up at the sky while trying not to think about what was touching her back.

Although something like that was a bit difficult, after all Toru is a young man, inexperienced in that sort of thing.

But perhaps his hunger for knowledge prevented him from getting Ino off his back.

"This seems to be a good place."

Hinata spoke, saving Toru from a no escape situation, but for some reason the Asahi clan boy felt disappointed, why, even he doesn't know.

(There is a small river nearby, there are also medicinal and food plants).

Toru thought that the place was perfect for survival, but they would not stay in that place forever, as at any time they may be attacked by another team, this would force them to move away from the place.

Although he was also surprised, Hinata's survival knowledge was amazing. Well, as someone who was trained to be an assassin, something like survival was essential.

"Ha~ I'm tired" Ino said as she got off the grey-eyed boy's back.

This caused a strange reaction from Toru, but since his face seemed to be made of stone, the expression on his face didn't change.

(You didn't do anything...)

Shaking his head, Toru tried to make sure that the place didn't have any kind of pests or animals that could harm his combat effectiveness.

After a few seconds, Toru seemed satisfied with the results.

"There seems to be no traps, no poisonous animals. So, for the time being this place will be fine" Toru spoke with a soft tone of voice while looking at Hinata.

"You're really good at this kind of thing, I didn't expect it at all" Ino said while looking at Hinata with a smile.

This made the Hyuga clan girl feel embarrassed, after all it was very few times that she received praise.

"Thanks, I just tried to look for what-"


The screams rang out and echoed throughout the entire forest, all the participants heard it.

Meanwhile, Anko, who was sitting on top of the temporary field tent, just laughed.

"Looks like the fun is starting!"


The Onikuma clan girl, watched three ninja writhe in pain in front of her.

At the same time, Kiba and Shino kept silent.

"Hey, Kiba. I don't think I can con-"

"There you go again. You're strong enough to break a tree in half And you're scared by the screams of some unlucky guys?" Looking at Enko with a poker face, Kiba spoke.

"What, you're wrong, I'm not afraid of anything! I'm the daughter of the leader of the Onikuma clan, so the word fear is out of our dictionaries" With a nervous expression on his face, Enko tried to evade Kiba's words, but the evidence was laid on the table.

It was obvious that Enko was very afraid, after all that is one of his flaws.

"You must calm down, it looks like they detected movement."

Stretching her arms forward, small insects began to crawl out of Shino's clothes.

These rose into the air and began to fly in a specific direction.

"They are afraid..." Shino could sense what the insects felt.

They were terrified, so much so that they tried to guide Shino in the opposite direction.

"Really? I can't believe insects can feel something like that!"

"There are many things that people don't know about, that's why you shouldn't speak without knowing, Kiba."

"Uh... guys, don't fight here. We're in the middle of the exam."

Enko watched as Kiba and Shino looked at each other, a small lightning bolt shot out of their eyes and connected with each other.

"Hm... Enko, call Kumagoro. Maybe we need his strength" Ignoring Kiba, Shino started walking in the opposite direction the bugs were going.

"Now you're playing mysterious..." Kiba said quietly, for a few seconds he looked at his teammate, who was preparing to perform the summoning.

"Kuchiyose... No Jutsu!"

-Somewhere else-

The sound of the fried food being devoured by that boy made his teammates feel overwhelmed.

"We just started the exam and you're already eating?" With a tired look on his face, Shikamaru sighed.

"Of course, haven't you heard the saying, 'Food is strength'? Well if I don't eat I lose strength," said Chouji as he shoved some fried food into his mouth.

"That's stupid, if you keep eating like that it won't be long before they find us."

While his teammates were talking, Hakuto couldn't help but feel scared.

They were in a test where they risk their lives, it's obvious that most participants feel uncomfortable or scared.

"I believe that... what Shikamaru says is true. If we are found, it's very possible that we will end up dying."

With every word he said, his voice sounded more shaky, as if he had just realized what he was saying.

"Yes, we will be killed if we are found, that's why Chouji should stop eating."

"I don't want to, it's important to me-"


Interrupting Chouji, Shikamaru grabbed Hakuto by the waist and launched himself at his teammate.

All three fell into the bushes.

-With Toru's team...

Ino looked up at the tall trees as she tried to forget the screams from a few seconds ago. After all, those screams reminded her of something unpleasant that she didn't want to remember.

"I'll set traps all over this area, Hinata, Ino, climb the trees" Without looking away from the trees, Toru spoke.

At once, Hinata and Ino climbed the trees and waited.

A few seconds later, their eyes widened in shock.

Toru pulled out a large number of kunai with wires.

(Placing the wires at a height of two meters forty-five, it will help me detect vibrations in the air. It will be something similar to what spiders do, but having Hinata's eyes, something like that wouldn't be effective, so I can use it as a trap.)

Toru took a big puff of air and started throwing kunais in strategic directions.

Gradually, the wires formed a kind of net.

But it didn't end there.

Hinata and Ino looked at Toru, doing little jumps and spins as he threw the kunais into the trees.

They were surprised, so far the only one who had seen Toru's true potential was Ino, although that was not all, as the boy from the Asahi clan still hid many things.

After a few minutes, while holding the ends of the wires with his hands, Toru climbed the tree where Hinata was.

"What are you doing all that for?" Ino asked.

"Spiders..." The boy answered, but Ino and Hinata were left confused by his words.


"Spiders have a peculiar hunting style. There are different types of spiders, so hunting styles vary by species. Use some references to do this. Spiders use webs to hunt for food, well this is somewhat similar, only this time it will be a trap to 'hunt' ninjas."

Without looking away from the wires, Toru kept a relaxed expression and spoke.

Hinata and Ino understood everything easily, so they couldn't say anything against it.

"I hate to admit it, but it's something I wouldn't have thought of."

Shaking her head, Ino looked away. This made Hinata look at her with a neutral expression.

"Toru-kun! Two teams are close!"

Hinata's eyes activated, instantly seeing six people gathered one place.

But a few seconds later, two more teams appeared.

"We'll go see, Hinata, help us with your Byakugan" Toru said.

"Huh? Wait! We shouldn't be so reckless, if something happens we-"

"No, we won't get involved with those teams unless it's necessary. For the time being, we'll observe and decide later" Toru said before following Hinata.

Seeing this, Ino sighed and followed Toru.

-In the bushes somewhere-.

Enko seemed to be nervous, as a few seconds ago Shino led his team straight to a group of ninjas.

They tried to hide in the bushes so as not to attract attention, something that worked very well.

But now they were caught in the middle of a battle between ninjas and they were not the only ones, as in front of them there was another team hiding in the bushes.

One of the people in that team was trembling with fear at the sight of the impending battle that was about to take place.

"Calm down, Hakuto. You'll make them find us" Shikamaru said in a low tone of voice.

Though he couldn't say the same for Chouji, who was about to see a real battle for the first time.

At the same time, Toru's team had just arrived, they were hiding in the leaves of the trees.

(It's... Gaara from the Hidden Sand Village...)

Toru narrowed her eyes and silently watched along with her teammates.

"What do we have here?" one of the ninja in front of Gaara spoke, there was a cocky smile on his face, which showed how confident he is.

"Looks like this will be pretty easy, I mean, they're just brats" Said another one of the ninja.

At the same time, Gaara narrowed his eyes as he looked at the scum in front of him. He took a few seconds to think about the way he will kill the cattle.

After a long five seconds of silence, Gaara opened his mouth and words came out of it.

"You annoy me, die."

The cork in the gourd bottle hanging from Gaara's back shot upwards, from there, small grains of sand came out, after a few seconds, sand had taken over the ground.

"What are you doing!"

"Let go of me!"

"Let me go!"

The ninjas shouted, but the boy carrying the mummy on his back and the girl holding the fan could only watch the scene without doing anything about it.

At the same time, sand began to envelop the bodies of the ninjas, leaving their heads exposed.

"Sand coffin..."

Gaara clenched his fist, and balls of blood-covered sand began to shoot out in assorted directions.

Enko, Hakuto and Ino's eyes widened like saucers at the sight of such a scene.

Ino felt she had to scream, but luckily, Toru managed to place his hand over Ino's mouth.

Meanwhile, Hinata tried not to see what was going on.

(He didn't hesitate to kill, Gaara... I hope it won't cause me trouble in the future).

Toru's eyes looked at Gaara, for some reason he felt empathy for the people who ended up being lifeless sacks of meat, but a few seconds later.

(The weak eats the strong...) Toru remembered his father's words....

Those words that left him with a mental scar.


I'm alive! I'm sorry I haven't posted any chapter these last days, I've been very busy and well... you see the result, I'll try to bring a chapter when I can, and to those who have been donating power stones, I thank you very much, they encourage me to keep writing (although I have very bad spelling mistakes).