Chapter 61: Betrayal

The final fight of the chunin exams was about to begin and Toru had already arrived at the stands with his team to witness the power of his childhood friend.

Now that he had recovered his memories, Toru's IQ increased, after all Alek Gusev was the greatest mind in his own world, and that same mind is the same mind Toru has.

"Looks like Sasuke also changed his style of dress... and grew his hair long."

Crossing his arms, Toru saw that Sasuke now wore black just like him, his hair had also grown out and somehow looked stronger. But this caused a certain feeling of discomfort in Toru.

(I copy my style...)

Shaking his head and, realizing that he was getting annoyed over insignificant things, Toru sighed and looked at Naruto, who at the same time was looking at Sasuke seriously.

"Nii-san, what were those weird eyes you showed when you were fighting?"

Asking a question at the least expected moment, Hanabi sat down next to Toru and looked him in the eyes. In response to this, Toru didn't know how to answer, no one knows what Shigan is capable of, so keeping it a secret was the best option, but then Hinata and Ino also asked, since after all none of them knew about these strange eyes.

"What kind of dojutsu is it?"

"I want to know too..."

Approaching Toru, Hinata and Ino were curious.

(How should I answer...? I don't want to reveal this information, as I don't want some crazy person to appear with the intention of gouging my eyes out...)

Touching his chin, Toru seriously thought about how he should respond to these questions. But everything got worse when Naruto, Sakura and his other former ninja academy classmates gathered to hear everything.

Feeling all this social pressure and, sighing in defeat, Toru answered.

"It's your imagination..."

No, definitely not. That was the worst documented response in the history of Konoha. I mean, everyone saw it, everyone saw Toru's strange blue eyes, so this answer was the biggest stupidity anyone could have ever heard. Still, Kiba was surprised by the gall with which Toru gave his answer.

However, he also had secrets he wanted to keep, so he understood Toru a little, but that didn't hide the fact that this guy was a monster capable of fighting Gaara and standing up to him, not only that, but he also possessed skills worthy of a chunin.

"Anyway, I think asking will be a waste of time. For the time being we should turn our attention to that two."

Kiba knew what he was saying, this saved Toru from the barrage of questions, he will still have to answer everything later.


Looking at both boys, Genma couldn't get the previous fight out of his mind, as he had seen something very surprising, so seeing Uchiha Sasuke didn't generate so many expectations for him.

"If the two of you are ready, let the final fight of the chunin selection exams begin."

Starting the fight, Sasuke quickly took distance and prepared to attack. At the same time, Gaara removed the cork that sealed the bottle of sand, causing it to fall to the ground, spraying and covering his feet.

Watching this carefully, Sasuke already knew what to do, so the Sharingan activated, almost at the same time, appearing behind Gaara, Sasuke threw a kick, but it was blocked by the sand that rose from the ground.

Toru watched this with narrowed eyes, no doubt Sasuke had gotten stronger, but this was not what he expected, since, after all his own strength is greater than that of his childhood friend. Furthermore, comparing the Sharingan with the Shigan, the difference was noticeable. With the Sharingan, besides seeing the enemy's weak points, you could copy the jutsu in real time, something that the Shigan cannot do, since the Shigan only shows the lines of death on the surface of things, besides adding a sixth sense that allowed you to feel death in the body.

(In terms of versatility, the Sharingan far surpasses my Shigan, but when it comes to mass murder, my Shigan is unmatched. I can see the lines of death and cut them to kill instantly, but this works not only with people, but also with objects, such as Gaara's sand, which would break when I cut his lines of death).

Shaking his head, Toru tried to find out more about the Shigan, but the fight going on in front of him wouldn't let him.

-among the stadium audience-

Covered by a hooded cloak, this ninja had managed to infiltrate among the ANBU ninja guarding the stadium, now he was just waiting for the signal to start with everything planned.

(I could enjoy this tournament a little longer).

Adjusting his glasses, the ninja smiled as he watched Gaara's fight against Sasuke.


Moving all over the place at an incredible speed, somehow Sasuke was using the same moves as Rock Lee. The agility he showed in combat was spectacular, but still the entire audience felt like they had already seen the same thing during the second fight.

But this was somehow less impressive, for starters, everyone started comparing Sasuke to Toru.

-The boy from the Asahi clan was faster, wasn't he?

-Yes, he also had a great handle on his ninja weapons.

-He also had strange eyes...

-Compared to Asahi Toru, Uchiha Sasuke is no big deal...

They all had shared opinions, after all Toru was someone capable of crystallizing Gaara's sand with his ninjutsu, moving at a speed that human eyes could barely follow and being able to seal ninjutsu on a scroll, all this he did almost at the same time, as well as being the bearer of a mysterious dojutsu.

However, even having all those abilities, Toru lost to Gaara for strange reasons, but those strange reasons only Toru knew.

-In the stands-

(Hm... my eyes hurt...)

Rubbing his eyes, Toru felt a bit of pain, he had used Shigan for a long time, besides literally burning all his chakra using ninjutsu, this exhausted him mentally, adding the recovery of his memories, the mental stress was even greater. However, letting out a long sigh, the only thing Toru could do was to continue watching.

Although this didn't help him at all, as many ideas were coming into his head from watching Sasuke's fight against Gaara. Considering that in his previous life he was a science nut, ideas were always filling his mind. One after another, like acid rain burning his brain cells, Toru opened his eyes a little at what Gaara was going to do.


Gaara had both hands together, at the same time the sand began to cover him forming a sphere.

Sasuke raised his guard because of this and, when the sand completely covered Gaara, he simply didn't want to waste time, attacking again, but when his fist reached the sand sphere, multiple thorns came out, however, due to Sasuke's luck, only one managed to give him a small cut on his face.

"How much longer are you going to hide?"

A bit angered by Gaara's unwavering defense, Sasuke had no choice but to use the jutsu he learned from Kakashi. So, stepping back while using the chakra flow in his feet, Sasuke stuck to the wall and held his right hand, instantly he started to gather his chakra in his palm, shaping it little by little and then the screeches of a thousand birds were heard.

Toru's eyes widened a bit because of this, as this seemed to him an interesting jutsu using lightning as a base.

"Swallow this, Gaara. chidori!"

Quickly launching himself into the attack once more, Sasuke held his wrist without taking his eyes off his target.


A roar rang out, at the same time the shrieks of a thousand birds echoed inside the sand sphere.

Seeing that his defense had been destroyed again, Gaara felt began on the right side of his abdomen, where Sasuke's Chidori attacked.

A grimace of pain showed on Gaara's face, it was already the second time in his life that he was made to bleed, however this time it was different than with Toru, as a smile formed on his mouth when he saw the blood fall.

"Couldn't you release me?"

Trying to pull his hand out of the sand sphere and, using all his strength, Sasuke realized he was trapped, he couldn't free himself, but after a second, for some reason he was able to pull his arm out, though what he saw in the hole the Chidori left in the sand left him with a wide-eyed expression.


The audience was surprised and satisfied, apparently the Uchiha had exceeded their expectations.

But something strange was going on, as everyone began to feel tired, bleary-eyed and sleepy.

(What is this?)

Realizing in time, Toru looked around. They were all falling asleep, and this had only one explanation.


Rubbing his eyes, Toru clasped his hands together and freed himself from this genjutsu. At once he could see that everyone in the stadium was asleep, as were the girls sitting next to him.

This one was too suspicious and obvious, but there was no time to be surprised, as Yamato and Guy had appeared on the scene, the two looked around, this was all getting complicated and then....


A paper bomb exploded in the place where the Hokage and the Kazekage were supposed to be.

Instantly, Yamato appeared and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the explosion. At the same time, the ANBU ninja followed him, they all had to get there immediately, as the Hokage's life is in danger, but their plans failed because four ninja from the sound village appeared and created a chakra barrier around the two Kages.

Simultaneously, from among the people who were unconscious, numerous infiltrators from the Hidden Sand Village appeared.

Kakashi and Guy reacted, raising their guard while trying to find a solution to this predicament, but it was a bit difficult due to the fact that they were surrounded.

(It seems Sakura was also freed from the jutsu, but... Sasuke and Gaara are gone).

Looking at the battlefield, Toru could only see the Jounin in charge of Gaara's team and Genma. Considering what he had seen so far, this was a betrayal from Sunagakure to Konohagakure, as there were several ninja with the protector with the sand symbol carved on the plate.

(If this is a betrayal, then that explains why the two who were with Gaara disappeared. Ha~ these things always happen, a ninja's life can become difficult...)

Shaking his head, Toru approached Hinata and Ino, who were unconscious and, clasping his hands together, used genjutsu release to make these girls wake up. Although before doing so, he stared at the faces of these two girls until he realized that he should not waste time.


As he uttered this words, Hinata and Ino's eyes widened. At first they were confused by what had happened, but after Toru explained what happened in a seven-word summary, they understood and hid together with him among the seats of the place so as not to be detected by the Sunagakure infiltrators.

Although apparently, Kakashi and Guy were taking care of the enemies, so it could be said that it was safe to come out of their hiding places.


Appearing in front of Sakura and blocking the trajectory of a kunai that was headed for that girl's face, Toru appeared wielding his daggers.

"Toru, Ino, Hinata..."

Not knowing how it was that these three had been freed from the genjutsu, Sakura felt confused.

"Looks like Sasuke went after Gaara."

Watching as Kakashi fought the enemy, Toru remembered that he hadn't seen Gaara's team or Sasuke, so he's pretty sure that Temari and Kankuro took Gaara away and Sasuke followed them.

"He went after Gaara?!"

Trying to process the information, Sakura wasn't going to allow this, she aunt she had to help Sasuke.

"You guys are awake, huh, that's good. Now, Toru, Sakura, wake up Shikamaru and Naruto and go after Sasuke."

Without looking away from the enemy, Kakashi couldn't leave this place until he killed all the enemies and went to help Hokage. However, this confused Sakura even more, who believed that Kakashi was also going to go.

"You're not going, Sensei?"

"For obvious reasons I won't go, but I have something that will help them."

Stopping a kunai, Kakashi touched the ground with his hand, immediately a circle with different symbols in black ink was formed and then a small dog appeared hidden in a small cloud of smoke.

"Pakkun, guide them until you find Sasuke."

"Hm... yes, why not?"

Closing his eyes a bit, the brown-furred dog sighed and, then, stared at a wall. Meanwhile, Sakura had already freed Naruto from the genjutsu, but for some reason Shikamaru wouldn't wake up.

"Are you dead?"

Touching Shikamaru's head with the toe of his foot, Toru made sure that this lazy guy was still breathing, to his good luck, Shikamaru was just pretending to be unconscious so he wouldn't do anything.

In response to this, Shikamaru yawned and scratched his head, at the same time accepting his sad fate.

"Kakashi, help me out here."

Staring at the wall fixedly, Pakkun waited for Kakashi, who threw one of the enemy ninja against the wall, causing it to break, then, looking at the horizon, this canine's nose started to work, detecting the smell of depression coming from Sasuke's body.

"Found it. Then follow me, you two too, Hyuga and Yamanaka."

Leaping through the hole in the wall, Pakkun set off on his journey on his way to Sasuke.

Shikamaru reluctantly followed him, Naruto also jumped through the hole with the thought that he had to find his teammate and Sakura thought the same.

"They'll come, won't they?"

Looking at the two girls, Toru was already thinking of a few things for when they find Sasuke, since if they found Sasuke, they found Gaara and his team.

"Of course..."

"I'm coming too..."

(Then, I'll leave a clone to keep an eye on everything that happens in this place).

Nodding, Toru crossed his fingers and a clone appeared. Then, with that done all that was left was to follow Pakkun and company.

(It's time for my revenge...)

-About the stadium-

Holding a kunai around Hiruzen's neck, the Kazekage ripped off his face as if it were a mask, thus showing Orochimaru's face.

Seeing this, Yamato had some bad memories come back in his mind.



Author's Note: Ha~ I haven't updated the pat reon yet.... but hey, I'll keep writing so I can advance more chapters.

For the time being you can give me your comments on the chapter.