Chapter 69: Massacre and confession (2)

Squinting his eyes, Toru could see that five of the girls in that place had an empty look, as if they had lost the will to live, after all they were used as sex objects, so Toru felt a little sorry for them.

At the same time, there were two girls who looked to be the same age as Toru, something that made the pity he felt increase.

(Ha~ the time has come, I must talk to them first of all...).

Getting up from the ground, Toru looked at the girls lying on the ground. Many of them had their clothes torn, revealing their naked bodies, however, Toru felt nothing for this but pity.

"Listen... don't come out until I order you to..."

Hearing these words from an unknown girl who was shouting a few moments ago, all the girls in the place felt confused. However, they all opened their eyes the moment Toru put on the face shield with the symbol of Konoha carved on the plate.

"A Konoha Kunoichi...?" One of the girls said, however, Toru's eyes flashed and she quickly replied.

"Wrong, minus two points."

Smiling slightly, a cloud of smoke covered Toru's body, almost instantly, the male figure of a black-haired, plant-eyed boy appeared in front of them. This boy was wearing a red scarf with torn edges and an earring in the shape of a claw, as well as wearing a cloak that covered him from the neck down.

They did not know how to describe the situation. If a ninja from Konoha was in this place, it meant that they were saved, however...

"You... came to save us?"

"What, no, that's not my mission."

Feeling humiliated, all these girls looked at the smile on Toru's mouth, however, Toru still didn't finish speaking.

"However, you are the ones who will save yourselves. That's why I told you, you will not leave this room until I say so."

"You...for sure that other one of those, you damn bastard!"

"Oh, no. I'm saying that because if they leave this place it's very possible they'll be killed by the ninjas outside. Now do you understand or do I have to explain everything again?"

For some reason they all fell silent at Toru's words. Although they didn't want to admit it, to get out of this place they would have to put all their hopes on this strange boy with a pretty face.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Pulling out the daggers that were hidden under the cloak, Toru's eyes glowed with the blue light of death, the light of Shigan. In response to this, the girls' eyes widened in fear as they saw the glow of the daggers and Toru's eyes.

"Begin phase three."

-Outside the mansion.


A large explosion was heard, this caused Yamato to speak through the communicators.


Hearing this, Hinata and Ino jumped straight into action.

Almost instantly, the ninjas became aware of the presence of the perpetrators and initiated countermeasures.

Seeing this, Ino threw three shurikens, which hit the body of a ninja, who at the same time fell to the ground as blood flowed from his body.

On the other hand, Hinata's hands became enveloped in a faint blue light and, using this, she began to strike every enemy her Byakugan saw.

At the same time, ten ninjas approached Yamato.


Clasping their hands together, roots came out of the ground and immobilized the ninjas quickly. However, another ten ninja came out of the darkness and attacked Yamato.

In response to this, Yamato looked at them all with a stoic expression before the wooden clones came out of the roots.

"Begin phase three of this mission."

Clasping their hands together again, the roots began to surround the entire mansion, blocking all entrances and exits.

Seeing this, Hinata and Ino looked at Yamato, both of whom did not understand what their master was doing.

They immediately thought that Toru was now locked up with the enemy, but that was far from the truth, after all, the enemy was now locked up with Toru.

-Inside the mansion-


A large explosion echoed inside the mansion, alerting everyone in the place. They quickly arrived at the source of the explosion and what they found was a boy with two daggers in his hands.

"I'm bad at talking to people, so everyone die!"

With a smile on his mouth, the boy launched himself into the attack, at the same time, the daggers in his hands glowed brightly with Shakuton's light and the pupil of his eyes had changed, taking the shape of an X.

That made all the assembled ninja feel intimidated.

'He's just a kid, what's the worst that could happen?' That was what they thought, to then raise their weapons and attack the boy, however, before any kunai, shuriken, katana or ninja weapon managed to touch the boy, he disappeared in plain sight without a trace.

This was Toru's typical move, appearing above the enemy, charging a downward attack that could destroy a person if the latter was careless. But none of them had any way of knowing where the boy had gone, until one of the ninjas was practically destroyed in front of them.

Blood splattered everywhere, staining the boy's weapons and clothes.

"This guy's body was like tofu..."

Looking at the blood on his hands, Toru narrowed his eyes and they glowed brightly with the light of death in them.

Shattered bones and organs could still be seen on the ground accompanied by the beautiful crimson red liquid, but this didn't affect Toru in any way, after all he had already seen similar things in his past life and it's not like he hadn't killed a ninja by stabbing them over and over again, so this wouldn't be the first time he killed someone.

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?"

Sensing the terrified stares, Toru hadn't noticed until now, but the way he was smiling while looking at the corpse on the ground was disturbing, making the ninjas feel insecure.

This wasn't going to stop Toru though, who looked at the lines of death on each person's body and could quickly deduce that it only took a small cut from his daggers to rip the life out of them.

(Hahaha... I'm coming for you guys)

Once again, the daggers ignited with Shakuton's light, at the same time, Toru disappeared, being replaced by two trails of fire moving at a great speed. These trails traveled throughout the room, using the floor, walls and ceiling to move.

They already knew, they knew it was that trail of light moving at a terrifying speed, but still they could do nothing.


Seeing him face to face, the eyes of one of the ninjas met Toru's and then, a single slash of the daggers made this guy's head detach from his body, falling to the ground with a thud, the same time the body twisted as it collapsed, shedding the last drop of life he had left in the form of a beautiful rain of blood that stained the walls.

By this time, most of the ninjas present were frightened, but they quickly understood that they were next.

So, moving around the room, using the walls and ceiling as a platform, Toru cut every line of death on the enemy's bodies. Blood splattered again and again, staining the floor and walls, all this while a smile formed on his face as he enjoyed the thrill this generated in him.

In the end, only a boy was left standing in the middle of a sea of bloody corpses.

He was staring at the ceiling while his hair covered his eyes. His breathing was a little heavy because he was too excited as he slaughtered all the ninjas that approached him or tried to run away.

"Damn brat..."

Looking down at Toru from the top of the stairs, an old man appeared. This was the old man Toru saw when he was transformed into Ino, this was the target for assassination.

"Oh, Pervert-san."

"You dare to enter my house, kill my employees and despite all that you insult me?"

"You said so..."

Taunting the bastard in front of him, Toru increased the chakra in his eyes and saw four ninjas hiding behind Kirou and apparently these ninjas noticed that Toru had seen them, as they suddenly appeared in front of him holding the ninja weapons they use.

(Staff, katana, big shuriken and the bomb papers... these are the ninja who are between Chunin and Jounin rank).

Dodging the attacks quickly, Toru remembered this instantly. On the other hand, Kirou was laughing as he was confident that his four bodyguards would protect him, but this only made the boy more excited.

"Basic laws of physics, every action leads to a reaction. In this case you are the action and I am the reaction, therefore, your bodies will start bleeding the moment my daggers touch you."

Fading away again, Toru's smile grew bigger when he realized that the four bodyguards were dodging the dagger cuts. This was certainly something that surprised Toru, after all they were above a Chunin Rank ninja, and this made Toru's excitement rise.

(They are fast, also their blows have a lot of force. The most dangerous of the four is the one with the paper bombs in his hands, he can use them at any moment... Ha~ explosions, I have bad memories with that...)

Shaking his head, Toru took some distance and looked at the four ninjas.

The first one, who had the appearance of a teenager, carried a katana with an exceptional edge, his eyes were a color very similar to obsidian, in addition, he had a tattoo on his right arm.

The next one after the teenager was a man with a beard, possibly in his twenties or thirties. He was carrying a cane, which made him look like a sage because of the clothes he was wearing.

The latter two had the same appearance, implying that they were twins. The two were exactly alike, except for the color of their eyes, as one had crimson red eyes, while the other had sky blue eyes. Each carried a strange weapon in his hands. The one on the right had a large shuriken in his hand and the one on the left had paper bombs in each hand.

(Neither of them said a word. That makes me uncomfortable, but I must complete my work. The mission was to kill Kirou, but if these guys interrupt me, I won't be able to kill him).

Squinting his eyes while clenching the daggers tightly, Toru's eyes flashed and looked directly at Kirou, who was currently running away, but he was quicker and appeared in front of the old man.

"You're not going anywhere, I still have unfinished business with you."



Letting out a scream that could be heard outside the mansion, Kirou fell to the ground, after all Toru broke his knees with a single swift blow from the daggers hilt.

Seeing this, the four bodyguards could not believe that they allowed their boss to be hurt, so they quickly tried to attack the boy. However, the smile on Toru's mouth grew larger as he began to laugh strangely.

(What are you complaining about you bastard, weren't you the one who has been raping those girls over and over again until they have no will to live? So just stand there and watch with your own eyes what's about to happen.)

As if Kirou could read Toru's mind, his body trembled as he looked at his legs, which were facing away from him.


The sound of the daggers and the katana echoed in the mansion, at the same time, the man with the cane took advantage of Toru protecting himself to hit him and, to his good fortune, the blow of the cane made Toru crash into the wall. This caused the four bodyguards to celebrate, but it was only a second of happiness, as Toru emerged from the rubble while his eyes shone brightly.

(That hurt, but I think it's time to get this over with before the paper bomb bastard attacks).

Sighing, Toru adopted his combat stance as he looked at his targets.

"Dansu gyakusatsu: Shimekiri [Dancing Massacre: Death Line]".


Author's note: I'm running out of chapters in P atreon, I'll have to start writing like there's no tomorrow.