Chapter 81: Sasuke's decision.

Like four rose petals falling into the void, shadows appeared before him. One of these shadows had six arms, supposedly a male figure. Next to it, the silhouette of a girl could be seen, she had long hair, she seemed to have a dark pink color due to the darkness that showed through the leaves of the trees.

Another of the shadows, the one that looked more intimidating, was the figure of a fat man, he seemed not to have so much hair on his head.

The last shadow that showed itself, seemed to have two heads, one attached to the back. He also had shoulder-length hair, silver due to the low light coming through the leaves of the trees. These four had a very similar style of dress. He wore a brown tunic along with black shorts and standard black sandals, in addition, they also wore a rope belt like Orochimaru.

Toru narrowed his eyes and sighed. More trouble had arrived.

"Asahi Toru."

"We have a proposal for you."

Two of those mysterious entities let out some words.

"I refuse."

Toru, however, responded at once to this proposal. He was already suspicious about the identity of these people, as he had seen them before, when the third Hokage died at the hands of Orochimaru.

They were there, they were the shinobi who formed the chakra barrier that prevented help from reaching the Hokage.

"Wow, that was a quick response."

"Haha, he doesn't mess around, huh..."

"Let's make this quick to get the hell out of here."


He folded his arms and thought about the situation he was in right now.

'These are Orochimaru's bodyguards, or so I can see. However, that they arrived right after my confrontation against Sasuke, something like this shouldn't be a coincidence.'

If these ninja came to Konoha, it's to take Toru and Sasuke with them. Obviously Toru won't be kidnapped so easily, but he didn't know for sure what these guys are planning, since, they looked more docile than he expected.

"I know where they come from, but I don't know who they are."

Toru had enough trouble today. It's hard to deal with the thoughts that reading those documents left him with, so now he just wanted to get out of this place.

"Fufufufu... We are The Four of Sound. I am Kidomaru of Toumon."

"I am Sakon of Seimon."

"Jirobo of Nanmon"

"And I am Tayuya of Hokumon"

The Four of Sound appeared and, almost instantly, disappeared leaving residual images, but although they showed hostility, Toru remained seated in the same place with his arms folded.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"You people don't understand."

Although he didn't know what these guys wanted, Toru refused before listening to what they had to say, but it seems they are the type who don't understand with words.


He moved his head to the right, avoiding a punch that was aimed at him. By this time, Toru saw the eyes of this guy who tried to hit him.

He had brown skin and six arms that were distributed along the upper sides of his torso. Black hair and eyes of the same color, in addition, tied to his head he had the band with the metal plate, whose emblem could be easily distinguished.


Toru sighed again.

'You dodged quite well, boy'.

Kidomaru smiled slightly, he was surprised to see that Toru could easily dodge the blow by just moving a little on his head, but now he should go enserió together with his companions in order to give this boy a good beating.

They believed that with this, Toru will give in, to finally go with them to where Orochimaru is, so they wouldn't have to go after the Uchiha boy. They thought Toru was like Sasuke, someone who desires revenge, someone with hatred in his heart, but they were completely wrong.

Toru is different, he decided to hide those emotions in his heart. He was not going to let hatred and thirst for revenge consume him like his childhood friend, that will only lead him to a life full of tears and suffering.


"I know, you bastard. You don't have to say it."

The pink-haired girl pulled out a flute and looked Toru in the eyes.

At the same time, Sakon, the one with an extra head attached to his back, leapt into the air and threw three shuriken. Accompanying this, as the shuriken went with the trajectory right into Toru's face, Jirobo leapt forward, preparing to strike with the full weight of his body.

But Toru disappeared before everyone's eyes and the shuriken hit the wooden tournament.

They looked in all directions, but could not find him until this boy's voice was heard again in this vast forest. He was sitting on the branch of a tree, right behind them.

"Can you guys stop now? Seriously, I'm not in a good mood right now. If you could leave right now, it would be something I would really appreciate. I've had a lot of things to think about lately, so for the time being, I don't want to have any more problems to deal with."

The Sound Four looked at each other for a few seconds.

"This is going to be harder than I thought."

Sakon shook her head while chuckling. They were informed earlier by Kabuto that Toru is extremely dangerous, he is not someone to be taken lightly. That was something they could already confirm just by seeing the speed at which Toru moved, it was not normal, it was extremely lethal.

(If he refuses, there is nothing you can do. Although you can still use his past to convince him, I'm sure that in that aspect, he is similar to Sasuke.)

Remembering these words, Kidomaru closed his eyes for a moment while thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Listen, Asahi Toru. Orochimaru-sama can give you the power you need to kill the guy who ruined your life. If you come with us, you will have access to a power you can't imagine, you will be unstoppable, there will be nothing in this world that can stand against you. Orochimaru-sama is the key for you to take revenge for what was taken from you. There will be no more suffering for you, you can be at peace when that guy is dead."

"I said it before, I refuse. I'm not going to argue anymore. You guys are making my patience run out."

With all the calmness in the world, slowly as if his whole body was relaxed, he stood up on the tree branch. His eyes for a second showed a light as blue as the sky and the pupil was deforming into the shape of an X, moreover, from among his clothes, he took out a thorn-shaped dagger that began to glow with the golden light of destruction.

The Four of Sound saw this child show hostility before them, however, they remained silent, static in the same place until Kidomaru spoke.

"That was our last attempt. There is nothing we can do now, but... Asahi Toru, I hope you don't regret making this decision. We will not look for you again. However, if you should change your mind, if you wish to be able to, you have until dawn to meet us outside Konoha. Orochimaru-sama will be glad to see you."

"I'm not interested in the power of a pervert like Orochimaru, now get out of my sight before my hand accidentally slips and I end up slitting everyone's throats" The emotionless expression on his face, as strange as it sounds, showed a bit of annoyance.

"Hahaha... you're very aggressive, kid."

For a moment, Kidomaru watched Toru's eyes, they glowed brightly, like a blue flame in the dark.

'Is that what Orochimaru-sama wants so badly? Those mysterious eyes, huh... Kabuto said it might be a mutation of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan. I guess that's why it's so valuable, but to our bad luck, he has refused, we can't take it by force since possibly none of us will come out unscathed. The easiest option is to go for Uchiha Sasuke, we can convince him by giving him some blows, after all, a few minutes ago he was humiliated by Asahi Toru, right now he must be in a shattered mind, so it's a good chance to convince him.'

Kidomaru folded his arms and waited a bit.

Soon night would fall on the land, so time was short, they couldn't keep wasting time begging Toru to follow them.

"Let's go, we have nothing to do here" Sakon said.

This was something that made Tayuya look at Toru with an annoyed face. He thought he was an idiot not to accept this very good opportunity, still, there was nothing to be done about it.

Jirobo on the other hand, kept silent, there was no need to talk when his teammates were already doing all the work.

After a few seconds, The Sound Four disappeared into the leaves of the trees.


The hours have passed, the night is already a reality in this world.

Staring at that image in that old frame, Sasuke sighed. So much had happened in the last few weeks, he could barely gather his thoughts. Not only was he defeated by Naruto, but also by Toru, who only held back until the end, never seriously fighting him. It was always like that...

But Sasuke had already made his decision.

A few minutes ago he was visited by the Sound Four. They opened his eyes, showed him that he was weak, that his hatred was not enough, that if he stayed in this place... he would never be able to complete his revenge.

It was a difficult decision, but in the end, he saw himself in the mirror and remembered his brother, the man who betrayed his own family.

Before leaving the house, he left the frame with that picture where Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi appeared face down, so as not to see him again.

He walked through the streets of Konoha in the middle of the night. The cold breeze touched his face and then he saw someone in front of him.


Sasuke knew who she was.

She begged him not to leave, but Sasuke refused. He even got to the point of proposing to escape the village together, but he simply didn't want that, so in one swift move, he punched her right behind the neck, something that knocked her unconscious instantly.

He took the girl lying on the ground and gently laid her down on a nearby bench.

Before continuing, he watched her for a few seconds while remembering what he experienced with his team, seconds later, he slowly walked away from there.

It was not long before he reached the exit of the village, but again something interrupted his path.

A strong breeze distracted him. The leaves of the trees lifted and a shadow showed itself among the branches. He had a black cloak that covered a large part of his body, a red scarf with torn edges and those eyes that glowed silver.


"You're cruel, Sasuke. Leaving Sakura in that state, it's really sad."

The two looked at each other and, as if it was a chemical reaction, the dojutsu in each other's eyes activated.

Crimson as blood and blue as the sky. The eyes of suffering and the eyes of death met.

"Did you come to stop me?"

"No... rather, I came to say goodbye."


His childhood friend, someone he called brother in the past, appeared in front of him. Their past is similar, however, their intentions are completely different.

"Sasuke... everything you're doing right now, I must assume you already know what your actions imply."

"That doesn't matter to me anymore."

"I know. Otherwise you wouldn't be doing this."

"I don't have time to waste, speak up at once."

Sasuke looked away, he didn't want to see that friend who overcame him.

"Sasuke... your revenge is stupid, but I'm not here to judge your actions. You can do whatever you feel like, I'm not going to intervene. Whatever you do will be of your own accord..."

He folded his arms and continued.

"Orochimaru's bodyguards also visited me. I know you too, that's why you're here. The power you seek, the promise you want to fulfill..."


The wind blew strongly, making the hair of those two children dance at the same time. Silence was the only thing that was present.

Slowly the moon appeared through the clouds, illuminating the faces of both of them.

"Sasuke... I hope you don't regret the decision you've made."

Hearing this made Sasuke close his eyes. He sighed tiredly as he began to walk in the direction of the exit of the village.

A smile formed on his face and then he looked Toru in the eyes.

"I will never regret this..."

"I hope so."

Turning his back on Sasuke, Toru started walking on his way home.

After The Sound Four visited him, he decided that he would follow them to see what they were going to do next. What he saw was how they beat Sasuke mercilessly.

They made Sasuke look weak, and in the end, it all led him to make this decision.

Although All this time he was visiting him, the conclusion of this affair was strangely sad and boring.

'We are enemies now. There is nothing more I can do, I will not intervene, after all, it is none of my business. I already know the truth behind everything that happened that night, that's why I can say, that your revenge is stupid. Therefore, I know that you will end up regretting it'.

With these last thoughts, Toru disappeared into thin air, as if he had been swallowed by the darkness of the night.


Author's note: There are only a few days left for volume 2 to start, I hope you are prepared, because with this second volume, the MC's story in the world of Naruto... better not to say it, it would be a spoiler.

Anyway, the next chapter I'll post it when I reach 100 power stones. So, good luck.