Chapter 94: Cries of agony

Gently touching the sand with his feet, Deidara looked up at the bright desert sky. He sighed and a second later scratched his head impatiently.

Sasori looked at this and knew instantly how his teammate felt, but shook his head and continued walking, after all, thinking about what happened at the end of the war between the Gear Village and the Padlock Village was useless.

'Even though Deidara hated Toru at first, it seems that last thing that happened made him change his mind. That kid... it's strange...'

-15 hours ago

The war was about to come to an end. Toru laughed as he slaughtered every ninja that crossed his path. Blood splattered back and forth, painting the ground with the color of death and despair. Slightly the gleam in his eyes began to fade, as enemies stopped appearing, fearful of this boy's power.

This was his victory. Moreover, blood covered his body, giving him a strange sensation that disturbed anyone who looked at him.

"How do you like my art?"

With a dangerous glint in his eyes, Toru shook the daggers to remove the blood that had stuck to the metal blades.

At the same time, Deidara and Sasori finished their part of the job, so there were no more ninja to fight, after all, the few that were left ran for their lives. With this in mind, they walked to where Toru was, but stopped when they saw the expression on his face.


Inside their own mind, as if this was superimposed with reality, their eyes saw clearly as the sun turned crimson red, as the sky darkened and hundreds of shadows began to rise from the ground, emerging from the corpses scattered across the battlefield. The eyes of the shadows glowed brightly as they watched him.

He did not move from where he was, he lost all ability over his body, this prevented him from moving freely.

Those shadows began to approach Toru. Some raised their weapons and others looked at him with angry expressions on their grim faces. Every step the shadows took, it seemed as if their own souls were too heavy to move, yet, in spite of that, the shadows moved, approaching him slowly.

Toru could not speak, could not move, much less defend himself, so he just watched this in silence, with a wide-eyed expression. Sweat began to trickle down his forehead and in his eyes the light of death intensified.


One of the shadows thrust the sword into Toru's stomach. This caused a strange black liquid to come out of the wound. The same happened to his mouth, which expelled a large amount of that black liquid, which was as thick as blood, as hot as fire, as cold as ice, as painful as a thousand needles with poison.

He could not move, he stood there and continued to watch while these shadows caused him all kinds of wounds.

One after another, blows, cuts, any wound you could imagine showed on Toru's body. At the same time, voices, tens of hundreds, hundreds of thousands, cried, screamed, insulted and cursed this boy.

The voices echoed in his mind, making him fall to his knees as his mutilated body continued to expel that large amount of black blood. His bones showed through his wounds. The torn muscles, the completely ruptured tendons, his veins expelling the black blood and the pained expression on his face.

He could do nothing and the shadows watched him with smiles. Little by little, over and over again, they repeated this hundreds of times, thousands, millions in a single second.


And outside all this, Sasori and Deidara watched silently.

Toru, standing in that place completely surrounded by corpses, laughed out loud, laughter that resembled screams of agony. An expression of immense pain showed on his face, an expression that let out a tear of blood as the X within the pupils of his eyes slowly rotated within its own axis.

They didn't know what was happening. In fact, they thought this was some sort of ritual as Hidan usually does, but they quickly realized that couldn't be true.

Toru was somehow suffering. His uncontrolled, maddened laughter showed how his mind was breaking as he watched these shadows torture him.

He brought his hand to his face and dug his fingernails into his forehead. A small drop of blood fell into his bright blue eye and immediately everything returned to normal. He looked at the sky, the ground and all the surroundings with concern. After that, he sighed wearily and put his hand to his chest.

"It hurts..."

The expressionlessness returned to his face, his eyes slowly changed, returning to their usual silver color. However, only for a few seconds, his eyes looked empty and colorless, a dull color that showed no life.

But after all this he saw, a grim smile formed on his mouth as he covered half of his face with his hand.

'Ever since I got these eyes, all this has been repeating itself so many times that I've already lost count. In these past two years, day after day, each time death covers my hands... this happens... I don't know what to do about it...'

Digging his nails into his face, Toru looked at all the death spreading across the battlefield. It felt pleasant, it felt painful, it felt strange. Different emotions flooded his heart, but he pushed the thoughts aside due to the fact that he was still in the middle of this war that had already concluded.

He turned his head slowly, even as blood poured from the wounds he had inflicted on himself with his own hands.

He sighed again...

"Looks like we're done, let's go get our reward."

With the same lifeless tone of voice, Toru walked past Deidara and Sasori without looking at them, while wiping the blood on his face with his scarf.

Deidara looked at him and said nothing about it. He just followed him without paying attention to him. Sasori on the other hand, was curious to see this boy in that situation. He wondered to himself what had happened and if this had to do with those bright and strange eyes.

"Hm... I guess I shouldn't get involved in other people's business."

With that said, the team of three ninja left the battlefield, disappearing among the hundreds of corpses on the scene.

-15 hours later-

"Are you worried about him?" Sasori asked, causing Deidara's eyes to widen as he slowly frowned.

"I don't worry about anyone, least of all that idiot Toru."

"I never mentioned that kid."

"What?! ... forget it!"

Avoiding eye contact, Deidara looked up at the sky, wondering again and again what he had seen on the battlefield. That uncontrolled laughter, the expression on Toru's face and the sickening, dangerous gleam in his eyes. Nothing made sense, this thing he had seen was completely new, though he shouldn't think so much of it, for in Akatsuki almost everyone is a weirdo, Toru was no exception.

So, with a little mocking laugh, he surveyed the road, which was littered with sand... and death.

-At the same time in Amegakure-

His mission in the Land of Keys was over, so he had no choice but to return to Amegakure.

Walking calmly through the corridors of the large building, Toru observed the walls carefully, he touched them with his hands feeling the metal and somehow verified that he was still alive. He was alive, he could feel the cold material on his fingertips. He could see the colors clearly and felt that life was brimming in his body.

Still, he closed his eyes and took a breath. Toru was tired because he also felt dead, after everything he saw just now, it was as if he had really died when he saw the shadows coming out of the corpses, but it also seemed that this did not affect him in the least, for his eyes glistened with bloodlust and he licked his lips with a smile.

"I came up with a few things to keep me busy, plus this will help me achieve my ultimate goal...Danzo's death. For now, I must ask Pain's permission to leave this village unguarded. If I succeed, I will be able to go to places I haven't gone yet and get more information about Konoha's past, I will also be able to learn more about him."

With his eyes glowing that strange, mystical blue color, the grim smile on his face grew larger. This was becoming a part of him, that murderous, maniacal expression, with a sadistic smile that would freeze the blood of anyone who looked at him. Toru was slowly sinking into an infinite dark pool, he was losing himself in the eternal abyss of madness. So, looking at the road with his glowing eyes, he tried to look for Pain in this immense building.

-Minutes later-

Opening his eyes with that strange wave pattern, Pain felt someone approaching the watcher of the building. So, he turned around and waited for this intruder to appear. Though more than an intruder, it was someone walking carelessly, with his hands in his pockets and with a strange and potent bloodlust.

However, as the seconds passed, he realized who it was, so he ignored him for a few seconds, until a voice was heard echoing in the place.

"Pain-san, there are some things I want to talk about, do you have some time?"

The owner of that voice was Toru, who had an expressionless face on his face, at the same time his eyes shone with the light of death in them.

At the same time, Pain was silent and didn't answer, instead, he nodded his head slightly. This made Toru take a few steps forward, standing three meters away.

"I finished my mission in the Key Country, so I decided to go back. But a few things occurred to me along the way that I must do. You and Konan promised me that you weren't going to meddle in my personal affairs when I joined Akatsuki, so I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be away from Amegakure for two months. I need to do some research on Konoha and one specific person. If you have important military information about Konoha, I would like to have it in my possession, my research will become easier that way."

Looking Pain in the eyes, the death glare intensified. Toru folded his arms and waited for his answer.

"I had planned to assign you a partner and a Bijū whom you will have to capture. However, the other members of Akatsuki are already in search of the Beasts we are missing, so, you will have those two months to finish what you have to do, after that, you will return and begin your search for the Bijū. If you betray us, the only thing that will await you is pain..."

Hearing this threat, Toru smiled and covered his eyes with one hand, after that, he lifted his bangs allowing to see his face clearly.

"I understand. I'm not going to betray them, after all I have nowhere else to go. Besides..." With a grim smile, accompanied by the dangerous gleam in his eyes, he walked in the direction of the exit, but before that he turned around looking at Pain once more. "When I return, I want to talk to the real Pain, for you are not the real one, as I sense false life in your body. So, when I finish what I have to do, I would like to meet you..."

Leaving the observer, Toru's cloak danced to the rhythm of his quick movements.

Pain on the other hand, narrowed his eyes, for this was something no one knew, so he wondered to himself how Toru could discover the truth behind his revived body.


So ... MC is not well in the head....




Who wants to eat ice cream?