Chapter 103: The light of a dark angel.

A couple of months have passed since that event, but Ajisai remembers it as if it were yesterday. She remembered the day when that angel descended from heaven, just to offer him his merciful help.

"Ajisai, we are here."

Suiren, who was standing next to Fuyo, looked and spoke to Ajisai, right there he realized that she was stuck in her own world. Ajisai was staring straight ahead with a lost expression, not paying attention to her surroundings. Her gaze reflected a strangely lonely expression.

"Oh... yeah. I know."

"Ho~ you've been deep in thought since we left the village. What are you thinking about so much, Ajisai?" Fuyo approached Ajisai with a smile that was both amused and wicked at the same time. She gave small taps with her elbow to Ajisai's arm and looked at her curiously.

"Me? I've just been thinking about our mission."

Suiren and Fuyo sighed wearily at Ajisai's statement. They had expected a more exciting answer, but all they got were those empty and graceless words from this girl.

It's obvious though. Ajisai is thinking about more than the mission they were given. Fuyo and Suiren were aware of this, but decided it was not time to play with Ajisai. They too must concentrate on their mission, the mission that the Angel of Death gave them.

"Hm... Konohagakure is bigger than I thought. There are also a lot of people. This is going to be fun."

Fuyo smiled excitedly. Until now, she along with her team had received missions in the borders of other countries, but not in other villages, so visiting a new village other than Amegakure was a new experience for her, an experience that ignited that exciting flame in her heart.

Suiren, however, felt that she is just in a different place and nothing else. Nothing special. But with Ajisai it was different, as she was seeing the place where "Toru-sama" was born.

'Everyone looks very happy, for some reason.'

People were walking back and forth without a care in the world. This made Ajisai uncomfortable, as all this peaceful place, surrounded by people with a stupid peaceful smile, made her feel angry and frustrated, as this in Amegakure will never happen, no, someday... 'Someday Toru-sama will make the world change. Toru-sama, Tenshi-sama, Pain-sama... they will change the world so that us weaklings can be happy.'

With determination in her eyes, Ajisai promised herself that she would be of service to Toru, after all, since that day she has given all her respect to this boy.

"Fuyo, Suiren... come on. Let's become chūnin and complete our mission."


Both girls looked at the team leader. They would always follow Ajisai's orders, after all the one who appointed her team leader was Toru himself. Since, just like with Ajisai, Fuyo and Suiren respect that guy a lot, after all he was the one who led them to become strong, he is someone who understands the pain of these girls.

-Three months ago-

Just two years ago, Ajisai, Fuyo and Suiren became genin rank ninja of Amegakure. They have been a team since that time, so it is obvious that they have been together for quite some time. Both their coordination in battle and their team bonding are excellent for simple genin, yet they still had a long way to go.

Because they couldn't go to the chūnin exams two years ago, they felt they weren't strong enough. But when Pain arrived, that changed.

Pain will change the world. Pain will cause real pain to the powers of the world and only then, Amegakure will be reborn as a new country with true peace.

"I guess that will happen sooner or later. The world will change" Ajisai looked at her teammates. They smiled slightly and nodded their heads. They felt that the time when Pain will change the world is getting closer.

At that moment, a large draft appeared. A strong draft gently pushed back these three girls and then....

The eyes of these girls opened in shock.

When the strong wind current ended, a person with Akatsuki's cloak and a hat covering his face appeared. That person opened his arms, touching the raindrops with his palms. He sighed softly and smiled while his eyes shone brightly.

Ajisai looked at this person, and she heart was shaken.

In all that darkness, a dim light illuminated everything. As if the heavens opened, a strange and beautiful being fell. Ajisai and her teammates thought of only one thing at that moment. In front of them, an angel had descended. An angel with white wings and a menacing presence.

Although, the wings did not belong to this angel, after all, behind that person was Konan, the true owner of those wings.

When they saw Konan, Ajisai, Fuyo and Suiren knelt down.

"There is a reason why I am here. I have chosen you three for something important" Konan said. The girls look at the person in the hat and try to guess if it is a man or a woman. They failed to find out because that person has not shown the face or his voice.

"From now on you will be under the orders of this person. Help him in any way you can. That is the only thing you must do."

"So shall it be, Tenshi-sama" Bowing she head, Ajisai replied. Fuyo and Suiren did the same.

After that, Konan left and they stood by that wingless angel that came out of the darkness. They watched him for a few seconds and then, a voice was heard.

"Hm... I guess they will be under my surveillance from now on. Now, since I don't have anything special to do, how about showing me your combat skills?"

That's when it all started.


The Ajisai team is now at the Konoha Ninja Academy facility. They watched everything with curiosity, as this environment is new to them. There are many genin there who aspire to become chūnin, which is not unusual at all. Still, some of the people in the place were strange.

There was a guy in a dress, completely in green, throwing kicks and shouting over and over again. Ajisai felt uncomfortable about this and wondered if everyone in Konoha or other villages were the same.

"I think this is going to be harder than it looks" Fuyo said losing the excitement she got from arriving in Konoha.

While this is new to them, the information was too much and hard to process.

"Never mind. Let's just go register at once" However, Suiren looks calmer than Ajisai and Fuyo as she took the initiative and approached the Jounin who was sitting behind a table with a box holding three pallets with different numbers.

-At the same time, near the Ninja Academy-

"Well, it's better than nothing. Besides we can be together, it'll be easier that way. Our skills combine very well."

Walking beside Hinata, Ino smiled slightly as she saw Sakura by her side. She had finally been accepted by Tsunade to enter the chūnin exams by being part of team 11, the team that Ino and Hinata are on.

"Cheer up, Sakura-san. You'll be with us this time. After all, Toru and Sasuke-san..." Although she tried to give Sakura encouragement, Hinata ended up saddened. She remembered that Toru was in team 11, that is, her team.

Every time she remembered that day, sadness and a strange feeling of anger filled Hinata's heart. Still, this was enough to make her wish to become stronger. She was also sure that Ino feels the same, that's why things have changed quite a bit since that day.

Thanks to Ino also being Tsunade's student, she was able to easily convince Sakura to enter the chūnin exams in her team. Because Naruto is training with Jiraiya and Sasuke has defected from Konoha, Sakura was left alone, so she is the right kunoichi to be in team 11.

"Hinata, let's not bring that up again, okay?" a little nervous and saddened by what Hinata said, Ino tried to change the subject. "Look at nothing else, we're here. Time sure does go by fast, huh" With a fake smile, Ino stepped forward, gave a little jump and looked at Hinata and Sakura with a smile. "Don't look at me like that. Let's go at once and become chūnin."

Hinata and Sakura sighed. Ino knew how to hide her feelings very well. Though no wonder, after all, she learned this during her training with Tsunade together with Sakura.

After this small talk, these girls entered the Ninja Academy and approached the Jounin who was sitting behind the table, with the box containing something mysterious.

"Leave your authorization and take one of the paddles."

They did just as the man said and took a paddle from the box. On the lollipops were numbers 1 to 3. Ino received number 1, Hinata number 2 and Sakura number 3.

"Now, please go to the classroom with the number you got."

Even with questions in mind, Ino thought that this strange beginning of exam is Shikamaru's doing. After all, Shikamaru along with Temari, are one of the organizers of the chūnin exams. So a more difficult written exam than usual is to be expected.

"Well then, we'll see each other at the end of the first test. I wish you luck, Ino, Sakura-san" Hinata smiled slightly and went upstairs.

Sakura and Ino looked at each other and then each went to their assigned classroom.


After the Jounin assigned their number, Ajisai went to the room with number 2. To she surprise, there were quite a few aspiring chūnin in this place. The room was filled with strange ninja from Suna [Sand], Konoha [Leaf], Kumo [Cloud], Taki [Waterfall] among other not-so-relevant villages.

'So these are the big powers... they're just a bunch of idiots'.

Ajisai sighed wearily. The ninja of the big villages are just as she had heard. However, even though she was already expecting something like this, she was disappointed as no ninja there looked as decent and powerful as Toru. Especially the ninja from Konoha.

'Perhaps I should observe everything carefully. I must not miss details if it pleases Toru-sama...'

With narrowed eyes, she took a seat on one of the benches and put her elbows on the desk. Standing there, she remembered all the information Toru gave them before sending them along with the other Amegakure genin teams.

-Some days ago-

"The most important thing is to look for the Jinchūriki. They will be able to recognize them easily by the absurd amount of chakra they have. Once you locate them, after finishing the examinations, I will wait for them together with Konan at the border of the Wind Country and the Rain Country. They will give me all the information they have obtained after that. Although, if they get the information before the exam is over, Ajisai can send Okaminaru with the information collected."

The girls nodded their heads as they listened to Toru.

"Don't forget. For nothing in the world mention my name, nor the name of any of the members of Akatsuki. If you do, that means the end for Amegakure."

"Understood, Toru-sama" Said the girls.

"Well, it's not to get so serious either. Also, don't forget to have fun, you'll find a lot of interesting and fun things in the exams. That's all, I wish you three good luck, I hope you can make me proud with your results."

Kneeling in front of Toru, Ajisai looked up and, even if it was for a second, she could see the boy's smile. She felt a strange feeling in her chest at the sight of him.

Fuyo and Suiren looked at her and smiled. For the look Ajisai was giving Toru at that moment was....

-In the present-

"What, why won't the door open?"

"Are you serious? What the hell?"

Ajisai was pulled out of her thoughts as she hears nervous voices throughout the room. Everyone is worried due to the door not opening.

Suddenly, a voice is heard at the front of the room. There is a screen which is on. Through the screen is reflected the figure of a boy and a girl.

[Hi. Don't panic, you can come out when the test is over. I'm Shikamaru and this is Temari. We will be in charge of this first test of the chūnin examinations]

Everyone paid attention, especially Ajisai.

Hinata on the other hand, looked at Neji, who at the same time looked at the screen.

Hinata already knew that Shikamaru was involved in the chūnin exams, however, she has no idea what this first test will be. The same thing happens in the other classrooms.

Sakura and Ino felt that this test would be harder than the one they had two years ago when Toru was next to them.


Toru was sitting on the ground, eating a sweet bread while watching the rain. Next to him is Konan, who was just watching the rain in silence.

"The chūnin examination should have already started. I'm curious what's going on over there, what do you think, Konan-san?"


Konan didn't say anything.

'Haa~ no matter what I do or say, she keeps ignoring me."

Finished eating, Toru lay down on the ground and sighed tiredly. He was supposed to go out together with Konan in the search for the Jinchūriki, however, with the chūnin examinations in progress, it was better to stay waiting until the ninja who were sent out returned with the necessary information.


They managed to reach the goal quickly. So, I will post the next chapter when I reach 200 power stones.