Chapter 127: Team Zombie and the Eyes of Death (2)

A few hours passed since the entire Fire Temple was completely destroyed by these three people. Everything was in ruins, there was nothing left, not even a sign of life. Everything was chaos and death in that place, where those three people were.

'Something like this... Why... Why did something like this have to happen to our people' Hidden in the bushes, a monk who went out into the mountains for supplies looked at all the Chaos and fell to his knees. 'Chiriku-sama?! No!'

Seeing one of those three people carry Chiriku, the monk clenched his fists tightly, for even the strongest of them had fallen. There was no hope anymore, everything was ruined at this moment. Everything he knew was gone to hell.

'I have to report this to Konoha.'

Leaving the place, still with tears about to spill out of the corners of his eyes at the sight of his dead friends, he ran as fast as he could looking for just one thing.

'Red scarf... Triple scythe and a masked man. They have Akatsuki's robe.'

After that, the monk disappeared.


Toru felt a fearful look accompanied by a small amount of chakra, but he ignored it completely. If one of the monks survived, Toru doesn't care. He took care not to show his face to anyone, so his identity will remain a mystery to anyone who saw him fight. Also, he did not use the broken dagger or the full dagger, so it will be even more difficult to recognize him.

Right now he was carrying Chiriku's corpse, as Toru was the one who killed this monk. Having finished this massacre, these three guys head to the meeting place with the buyer.

Kakuzu looked at Toru for a second. He wasn't sure what he saw, but the little he managed to understand is that this brat is not normal. Someone who can break the sound barrier and hit with so much power is something ridiculous and that he couldn't believe unless he saw it with his own eyes, and he did. He saw Toru fight using the Sennin Mōdo, although he had no way of knowing that Toru was using Senjutsu, as he couldn't see his face because of the hat.

"Listen up. The meeting point with the buyer is two days' walk from here. If we go calmly and quietly no one will detect us" Looking at Toru, Kakuzu held out his hand. "We'll carry the corpse in turns."

At this, Toru simply responded by nodding his head, but Hidan's response was different.

"What the fuck do you mean by that, I'm not going to carry that filthy thing! You're the one who wants the money, I don't have to get involved in that!"

"Shut up, Hidan!"

"I don't mind carrying it. It's like carrying a feather, you don't have to exert yourself" However, Toru accepted this rather quickly. He was the one who killed the monk, at least having him around will keep all those constantly suffering souls from attacking him and putting him into that weird hallucination again. It seems that the monk is like a charm for this kind of thing.

Souls don't want to get close to a shinobi on the path of Buddhism. And Toru can use this.

"Fuck you. I'm not carrying that thing. Besides the idiot says he wants to carry it, let him do it."

"I'm not even going to try to kill you anymore. There's no point..."

"Yes! That's it! Run away with your tail between your legs! Wait... No! AHHHHHH!"

After Toru witnessed an absurd torture, the team, now of three, continued on their way in the direction of somewhere only Kakuzu knows.


On the way, Toru was curious again how Hidan was able to regenerate his wounds after Kakuzu bound them together with his threads. It was strange, besides, if Konan was right, the god Hidan follows grants him such overwhelming immortality and regeneration.

While carrying the corpse, he approached Hidan and looked at his neck, the place where there were threads joining his head. Kakuzu tore him apart a few seconds ago, so now the flesh on his neck was coming back together almost perfectly.


'Uh... that disgusting look again' Hidan felt uncomfortable with how Toru was looking at him.

Hidan thinks Toru is a science pervert and all the time thinks to do weird experiments on people, just like Orochimaru would . Well, he's not entirely wrong. Although that would only be the Toru of his past life, namely Alek Goosev, who butchered humans in his research. Of course, those humans were criminals sentenced to death that the Russian government granted him for the continuation of his scientific advances.

'Hm... Would there be a special compound in his blood? Could it be that his chakra has been altered by that Jashin somehow? Normally, if you pierce someone's heart, they will die within a few seconds due to lack of blood in the body and paralyzed brain function, ending in a painful death. So... What's the secret? How does the body of someone affected by Jashin work? Where does Jashin come from? What kind of god is he? How many gods are there?' Reaching out, he touched the seams on Hidan's neck, causing him to jump backwards.

"What's wrong with you, you bastard, do you want me to rip your hands off!"


Toru didn't answer, he just stood there with his arms crossed. Kakuzu continued walking trying to ignore the noisy Hidan.

'He moved fast. His head should have fallen off, but it did not. It seems his regeneration surpasses even my limits. I can only regenerate a large wound in a week without external intervention... I just need the necessary resources and my body will do the job, but with Hidan it seems to be very different...' He scratched his head as he thought. 'I think that regeneration can only be surpassed by that of a Jinchūriki. That's my conclusion'

"What don't you listen, bitch! You want me to send you to Jashin-sama! I don't think he's as soft as I am!"

But despite Hidan yelling at him, Toru continued to analyze. He approached Hidan again. "Hold this" Summoning a shadow clone, he handed Chiriku's corpse to him and then grabbed Hidan by the forehead and neck, only to rip his head off again a second later.

"There's bleeding, but not much..."

"Ahhhh! Son of a bitch! That hurts! Get off me, you bastard!"

Seeing Hidan's head, he turned it to look at the wound. There was the neck bone there, the cut esophagus and that sort of thing. Blood wasn't flowing out of the body as much, though the body did stop moving the moment it let go of the body.

'Hm... it doesn't move, only the head... So the power of immortality lies in the head? Would it be in the brain? It's the most logical thing, but I can't find the answer' Giving up with this, he held Hidan's head carefully, obviously while he was screaming like crazy, and approached the body.

"What are you going to do to me, you crazy bastard!"

"In a world of madmen, it's the sane one they call mad" He said as he put Hidan's head back in place. "Don't move" He moved his hand closer to Hidan's neck and it began to glow in the faint color of medical ninjutsu.

Seeing this, Hidan calmed down a little. The pain lessened greatly, and the wound accelerated his recovery, but this was because of Hidan's regeneration, as Toru's medical ninjutsu is that of a beginner.

"How long are you two going to play until? Hurry up..."

Kakuzu decided to wait for Toru, since he had done similar things with Hidan before. Only last time it was with this immortal guy's arm.

"Yes. We're coming."

Toru put Hidan down on the ground and walked to Kakuzu's side.

Hidan stood up and rubbed his neck in discomfort. "You son of a bitch. You think I'm your fucking toy! Someday I'll do the same to your head! Then you'll know what Jashin-sama's pain is!"

Hearing what he said, Toru turned and looked at him with an expressionless face under his hat.

"Sorry, I was just curious. I don't know how an immortal person's body works, so I had to find out on my own. I didn't find out anything interesting though."

"You bastard..." Accepting his defeat, Hidan continued to walk past these guys.

He felt furious, but somehow he didn't want to get angry with that brat, as he may end up cut to pieces like last time.

"It's no use. You are a heretic. I'm sure Jashin-sama will deal with you someday. I'll just make sure you don't die until that day comes."

"No need, I won't die" Taking the corpse of the clone he summoned earlier, Toru looked at the road and the clone disappeared. "Though that seems like a strange way of saying you don't want to see me die" Toru's eyes glowed softly.

In response to this, Hidan felt the veins in his forehead swell with anger. Still, he sighed and chuckled. When did this guy take so much confidence?

'Even though sometimes this guy is a kick in the butt, I feel like he's easy to talk to...' Hidan combed his hair and walked in front of Toru and Kakuzu. 'Well, enough bullshit for today. Let's go quickly to sell that guy's corpse. I'm hungry and I want to eat, don't make me wait, bitches!"

Toru's eyes widened upon hearing that question and a curious glint lit up his gaze. "Do immortals eat?" Quickly approaching Hidan, he pulled out the full dagger and pointed it at the guy's abdomen.

'I take it back' Hidan sighed tiredly. "Get away from me, you crazy fucker!"

A cry of pain was heard from that place. Kakuzu was about to burst out, as the noise was already bothering him too much.

"Any moment now I'll kill you both!"


Simply, as natural as breathing, time passed and two days went by strangely fast.

Team Zombie, accompanied by the strange teenager with the murderous look, managed to reach their destination calmly and without being followed by any strange presence. But the place they arrived at...

"And where is the buyer?" Looking around, Hidan didn't understand anything. He expected to meet someone coming to take the corpse away, but that didn't happen.

Toru remained silent and expressionless. He felt a slight presence of chakra inside the restrooms behind them, but decided not to enter, as the place gave off a foul stench that made his nostrils suffer. He looked at Kakuzu and he turned around.

"He's in there. Let's go."

"Uh... since" Of course and as expected, Hidan entered the restrooms mumbling some curses for Kakuzu.

"Aren't you coming?" Kakuzu looked over his shoulder at Toru.

"No, I'll stay out here. I'll stand guard just in case. We don't know who might come to attack us by surprise."

After listening to Toru, the two immortals entered the restrooms.

Toru stared at the clouds, relaxing a bit as he waited.


"Aren't they taking a little while? Maybe Kakuzu-san got into counting money. It's normal for a guy like him."

Toru walked in circles waiting. He was bored, but he was also used to this kind of situation. At first, when he joined Akatsuki, he didn't have much to do. So he would just sit in the observatory of the highest tower in Amegakure watching the rain in silence.

'There are normal cumulonimbus in the sky today...' As rain was very recurrent in Amegakure, when Toru went out on missions with the other members of Akatsuki, he liked to watch the sky. Somehow he found a little peace in the little things.

Recently, though, he's been getting a little arrogant. Toru knows it, but he doesn't want to fix his own attitude. Besides, Okamitsuki's influence had a lot to do with it.

The wolves of the Ōkami clan are extremely proud. They feel that they are superior to humans and take pride in their enormous power. Okamitsuki always tends to be very cocky when training with Toru.

At first, she was superior to Toru, but at some point this boy surpassed her by using Senjutsu.




"Four people see me... they are hiding..."



Under his hat, Toru's eyes glowed dangerously. He sensed some presences with murderous intent.

Surely these are Konoha ninja, for the one he killed a few days ago was one of the strongest people in the land of fire, allies of Konoha. So this was surely a revenge or a mission to obtain information.


A swift shadow appeared behind Toru. The person who appeared threw a shuriken and then swung his dagger to stab him. However, Toru pulled out a kunai and parried the shuriken and dagger with ease. After this, he took a leap and stepped back. His feet slipped on the ground and he made a full turn until he stopped after storing the kunai in the sleeves of his cloak.

His hat almost fell off at that moment, so Toru decided to take precautions. "Fūton..." The hat will now stay attached to Toru's head as long as he is concentrating on it long enough.

When everything calmed down, two of the three hidden shinobi came out and looked at the Akatsuki ninja in front of them, then charged a joint attack using katanas.

Toru looked at this, and simply tried to jump up to kick these guys' faces at the same time. However...

'I can't move...' Toru scanned the surroundings and saw two familiar people. 'Shikamaru and Asuma-san, huh...'


The two ninjas stabbed Toru in the heart and lungs, piercing his torso completely.

Then Asuma, upon seeing this, smiled confidently and said, "One down- ¿?!" However, he realized that the blood that splattered was not that of the Akatsuki in front of him, but of the two shinobi named Izumo and Kotetsu, who looked at each other as they felt the tip of the sharp weapons touching their abdomens.

Toru had moved even while under Shikamaru's jutsu. "What a surprise, I didn't think they would come so fast" At the same time, Toru only sighed. He only moved a little and was able to dodge the katanas with ease.

"Who the hell is this guy...?"

Everyone kept silent as they witnessed this strange guy.

To be continued...


I can only say, 150 stones for the next chapter :D