Chapter 173: Dare (+18)

Humans are mammals; thinking animals, but their ability to think can easily be disrupted by their deepest, darkest instincts. Precisely because they are animals, despite their ability to reason, they can lose control. And at this moment that very reasoning left Toru's mind the moment he touched Konan's pussy with his tongue. His own lividity turned him into a beast guided by his instincts. In short, he is thinking with his head down, with no chance to return to his usual self.

In response to Toru's sudden action, Konan felt a little afraid. Toru was grabbing her thighs quite hard, it didn't hurt, but this generated a rather strange feeling. She was also impressed and a bit intimidated by the size of that 'thing' Toru has. 'Someone Toru's age shouldn't have it that size, right? 

'That's supposed to go here...' She brought her fingers closer to her crotch and let out a hot sigh. She was on the verge of insanity too. She could no longer think clearly just by looking at what was in front of her. A man and a woman, alone and naked in a dark room, it was obvious what was about to happen. "Ngh..." 

Toru began rubbing the tip of his cock against Konan's clit, making her gasp. Konan's pussy was completely soaked in her love juices, she was ready to receive this boy's love. 

They were both virgins, so this would be the first time for both of them. They were no longer nervous, no longer hesitant because lust had consumed their minds and now they simply let their instincts take over. The atmosphere was a bit humid and warm, the hot breaths of both of them could be heard all over the place.

There was no turning back now, they themselves forged this relationship over the years, they themselves got closer to each other without realizing it and in the end, the fruit of this relationship just came out at the right time.

Accept the pain, you accepted yourself and who you are, maybe that is the way to find what you are looking for, even if you cannot see in the darkness of your mind, the answer can become clear. Konan understood this, she understood that for too long she had lived locked in that cycle of pain along with her friends and her teacher, she understood that... 'It's time to grow up and become an adult' she thought and then... "Ahhhh~!"

She let out a loud moan that echoed in the room. She spread her legs wide as she felt Toru's cock push its way between the folds of her pussy. At some point she felt something inside her not allowing Toru to enter, but that something broke and Toru's cock finally went all the way in, touching the entrance to Konan's womb. That sensation caused her to wrap her arms behind Toru's neck, as she closed her eyes and hugged him tightly.

'What is this...? It hurts...' she thought immediately after feeling her belly fill up. Although Toru entered quite easily, the sensation he left was not pleasant for Konan. It was her first time and her hymen was ruptured. 

Toru seemed to understand this and, despite his male instincts trying to overpower him again, seeing Konan's reaction of disgust, he tried his best not to let her suffer. So, he stayed with her in that position for a few seconds.

She hugged him tightly, felt how Toru's thing filled her completely and tried to relax in that position. For Konan, this situation became uncomfortable from one moment to the next. Although it hurt, she had felt more painful things in her life, so, she was inevitably disappointed in herself as she realized that something like this came to hurt her. She also noticed that Toru was holding back with everything he had, as previously, she saw how this boy seemed like a lustful beast. She always saw Toru as a rather odd and asocial kid. She always thought that, outside of shinobi work, Toru was a rather quiet and laid back man, but first hand she could tell that wasn't the case.

"It's okay..." she said quietly. Her voice was shaky, but still, even though this had become quite awkward, she opened her eyes and, with small tears peeking out of the corners of her eyes, she looked at Toru and said, "You can continue..." with a slight blush on her face.

Toru had very rarely considered anything to be beautiful, but seeing Konan with that helpless look, he inevitably lost his sanity again and rammed hard into her. That thin thread that held his sanity, which seemed to have regenerated a while ago, snapped again and with this, Toru's lust was unleashed with twice the force. 

Feeling Toru move forcefully inside her, Konan could no longer hold back her voice.

"Wait... Ahhhh~! Toru! Nhg! Do it slower!" 

She felt the inside of her pussy open up and take the shape of Toru's cock. Every time he rammed into her, she felt pain, but she could also feel a strange sensation deep in her belly that made it impossible for her to hide her voice, making her moan more and more. Her breasts bounced every time he thrust her with his hips, moreover, because of this, she started to sweat a lot next to Toru. Their naked bodies rubbed against each other as they carried out that pleasurable act.

Still hugging him tightly, she began to touch his hard back. Konan felt her mind blurred. All she could hear now were her own moans and Toru's soft, excited gasps. This boy was straining up there and she could see that. Everything felt so hot to her, Toru's breathing, her own voice. This is her first experience, but now she could understand it better.

"Ahhhh~! Mhhhhhhg...!" Without realizing it, because of how intense it all was, she dug her nails into Toru's back. However, at this moment, she finally felt it, something strange, a sensation that was born deep in her belly and exploded every time Toru penetrated her, every time her voice escaped her lips, every time she felt her body rubbing against this boy's. This sensation began to attack Konan again and again until after a few seconds. 'Ah~.... What is this.... I don't understand...' Increasing the force with which she had her nails on Toru's back, that sensation left her very confused. "Toru! Toru! Ahhhhhhhh! Oh...! I feel weird!" That pain she felt the first time disappeared, being replaced at last by that unknown sensation that was making her lose her mind.

Letting herself be carried away by his lust, his eyes glowed with the color of a dark rainbow. Toru didn't know what he was doing anymore, he only understood that this felt too good and that it was the first time he felt something like this. His body was moving on its own and he felt his mind completely clouded. Even though he let himself be possessed by lust, he could still hear Konan's moans, but this only made his lust increase.

That sensation enveloping his cock was strangely pleasurable. For him, it was as if that sensation was coursing through his entire body to finally return to the place where it originated. Every time Konan's sweet voice echoed next to his ear, he had those cravings to devour her whole, he had that desire to possess her for himself and not give this woman to anyone. Besides, that pain he felt in his back only turned him on more, for he knew Konan was digging her nails into him in that place because of how intense this situation was.

"Konan... Konan..." he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

In response, she grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"Kiss me again..." she said.

This caused Toru to touch his lips to hers, and then he put his tongue in her mouth and tasted her desperately. Konan no longer felt embarrassed by this and accepted everything from Toru. Now she was receiving this boy's love up on her lips, down on her pussy and inside her belly. The feeling this gave her was quite satisfying, something unknown suddenly entered her life and she liked that very much, not only that, having Toru's cock inside her loved it, she was ecstatic about the feeling of having it inside her, so much so that she involuntarily wrapped her legs around Toru's waist and started to move her hips in the same rhythm as that boy's.

"Ahhhhh~! Nghhh! Ahhhh! I can't take it anymore! This is so hard! Ahhhh!"

Hearing her moan with such enthusiasm, he intertwined his fingers with hers. They were both connected, both enjoying the sensation of joining their bodies in such a wild way. The slimy sounds of their genitals rubbing together were heard mingling with this woman's moans. The bed, the sheets, were slowly getting soaked with the love juices gushing from Konan's pussy, but there was also a small blood stain there, the irrefutable proof that Konan graduated from being a virgin, just like Toru.

Perfectly synchronized, both moved and drowned in each other's bodies. Something they were both unaware of just a short while ago, they now enjoyed like wild animals. With their senses clouded, ecstatic in new and pleasurable sensations, Toru and Konan brought their lips together again, with the fingers of their hands intertwined, they sealed their lovers' pact.

'There's something that's making me feel strange...' 

Toru, had the feeling that 'something' was coming, he knew that was it and it would be troublesome to let that out inside her, but at this moment he wasn't thinking rationally, he was just letting himself go just like Konan. He would have plenty of time to think about the consequences of his actions, for now he could no longer stop himself. 

He continued to ram hard, stroking the inside of Konan's pussy with his cock. Every time he rammed into her, he could feel the inside of this woman's pussy contracting tightly, as if she didn't want to let him go and this feeling was too good for him. The tip of his cock touched the entrance of Konan's womb, like a soft kiss increasing the pleasure they both felt.

'No... if you put it in like that I...' She thought as she felt the tip of Toru's cock touch her bottom. Every time he stroked inside her, she let out a moan and her breasts bounced violently. 'Toru~... I can't take it anymore...' A shudder ran through her body and then... "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She squeezed Toru's hands tightly as her body stiffened from the second orgasm she came to feel.

Thanks to this, Toru stopped for a second and pulled away from Konan, sitting down in front of her. 'I was close to doing it...' Looking with lustful eyes at Konan, he noticed that the sheets were wet and that the woman in front of him looked tired. However, Toru still needed more, still wanted to keep doing this. Down there he was still as hard as a rock and he thought he would not be able to sleep if he continued in this condition.

At the same time, Konan looked up at the ceiling while breathing heavily. Her whole body felt small spasms after the orgasm. She covered her eyes with her arm and let out a heavy sigh. She looked a little uneasy, but then her face flushed a little. '... That... That felt really good' She tried to look away because after feeling something so pleasurable, she was able to come back to reality. Even though this happened less than ten seconds ago, it was still running through her mind. Her crotch was soaking wet and she still needed more of it. 'I'm supposed to be an adult, right?' Unlike Toru, yes, she is an adult. So, thinking about this, she realized that a younger man made her feel a lot of pleasure. 'Yes... I am an adult... so... I... I...' She brought her hand closer to her pussy and touched herself there. She felt how wet she was down there and the sensation Toru's cock left her with. Her breathing after that started to become heavier and she squeezed the sheet with her hand.

She made up her mind. 


Her pussy was still throbbing and contracting after feeling a man inside her. If this was going to end, then Konan wanted this to last longer. She sat on the bed and, still naked and with her slimy pussy juices dripping, she looked down at Toru's crotch and crawled over to where he was.

Seeing this a little confused, Toru let out a sigh and closed his eyes. It had felt so good earlier and it would be a shame if this ended so quickly. It seemed Konan had the same thing in mind, but since she was the one who took the step, he was left waiting to see what this woman would do to satisfy her lust.


Outside the house, in the clan wolf houses, the wolves looked at each other as if they knew what's going on at that moment inside the smaller house.

"Should we tell them something?" Kaminari, the youngest helper, looked at one of his friends curiously.

"I don't think that's the right thing to do. You know, humans are very shy when it comes to such subjects. They are completely different from us, the ones who don't feel embarrassed about anything."

"You're right about that, but what does Okamitsuki-sama think about this? No, instead of her, what does Okaminaru-chan think? It's obvious that she likes Toru-dono."

"We are two different species. Okaminaru-chan is going to have to swallow that love and accept that she wasn't born to be a human's mate."

"Wow... That was pretty cruel, Korosu."

"You know that no lies come out of my snout. Even if it's a difficult truth, everyone must accept it. Besides, we can hear the woman howl with pleasure for miles, that means Toru-dono is a true male among his kind"

"I suppose he can be that way. He's supposed to be the last of his clan, so maybe he leaves some offspring in this world."

"That we will know in time."


'I don't want to hear it... I don't want this...'

Covering her ears with her front paws, lying down on the ground and closing her eyes tightly, Okaminaru silently lamented. She is a she-wolf and Toru is a human. Something like this would only be real in her dreams, but this is reality and she had to face that. 

'I knew him first, I know him best... he... he... he... is my friend...' 

And there she realized the relationship she always had with Toru. Okaminaru was just a friend, a battle partner, nothing more than that, nothing much less. She lived many adventures with her friend Toru....

'My... friend...'

Maybe this wasn't as bad as it seemed. That relationship the two of them had she really liked and she doesn't want to ruin that with her selfish whims. So, as long as they could stick to business as usual, maybe she could put up with it.

"A man doesn't break his promises..." but she was not a man, not a male, she simply wanted to be just like her father, who sacrificed himself in the battle against the Man in the Mask to protect his family, but even that couldn't come to be. She could not protect Toru from the Man in the Mask....

With this in mind, she frowned and dug her claws into the wood. 

"I need to protect what matters most to me..."

She wants to be better than her father, so that's why she needed to protect what she loves, just like she did and that takes power. So she left the tree house and went alone into the forest.

At the same time, in another of the rooms, Okamitsuki smiled slightly. 

"What a strong mind you have, my child" She is proud of her little cub, as she felt that at last she was starting to grow up. "You've stopped being my little Okaminaru already."


The sun went completely down over the horizon, leaving the room dark. Though this didn't seem to matter to either of these two. Konan mounted on top of Toru and looked him in the eyes. She moved closer to him and kissed him on the lips and then said, "Now it's my turn." 

A brief memory came back to Toru's mind. That night they ate apples and watched the rain in silence. For him that is a very good memory, since it generates a strange and warm feeling that makes him feel calm. Still, he didn't have time to remember the past, as Konan grabbed him down there and started rubbing against him.

She was eager and wanted to show who's in charge at this moment. Toru did nothing to stop her because this simple action of Konan's made this boy feel even hotter. At first, he was the one who took the initiative, but now it's Konan's turn to be bold.

Without taking her eyes off him, she rubbed Toru's cock against the entrance of her pussy.


Just feeling this hot thing touching her crotch, she let out a moan. This unfamiliar feeling was making her addicted and she seemed to need more of it. And if it's with Toru, she could do anything. Besides, seeing the excited expression on Toru's face made her unable to hold back anymore. Without warning Toru, she dropped her full weight on him, letting his cock back in once more.


Feeling the tip touch that specific spot, Konan's body stiffened and, with her hands on Toru's shoulders, she began to move up and down while rubbing her pussy with his cock.

The lewd sounds generated by their genitals rubbing together were again heard mingling with the moans of Konan and Toru.

She jumped on Toru's cock while he himself watched as Konan's breasts bounced. He felt the inevitable urge to touch and fondle her. So he approached her and started sucking her nipples. 

Because of this, she hugged Toru's head as she kept moving. Feeling this guy's tongue licking her nipples, made the pleasure she felt increase. Every time she moved her hips, she could feel how Toru made his way inside her pussy and kissed her at the entrance of her womb. For her this was the best part of it all, because every time she felt that, her whole body trembled and she felt a pleasurable shiver run all over her skin. 

'Haa... more... do it more...' she looked at the ceiling ecstatically. Her whole body felt pleasure, inside and out, it was a sensation that made her mind go blank and wouldn't let her think of anything else. "Ahhhhhh! Mhhhhh! Nghhhhh!" and the same thing was happening with Toru. 

"Ngh... Konan, you're doing it too fast..." he said, but she didn't hear him and increased the force on her hips. 

She didn't want to stop, she didn't want anyone to take away this feeling. So, even though Toru stopped licking her, she hugged him tighter and moved even faster. And, if he wasn't going to lick her, she would lick him. So, wasting no time, she began to lick Toru's neck without letting go. 

At the same time, Toru could not take it anymore, he felt that at any moment he would explode. But seeing how Konan enjoyed this, he simply downplayed the matter and started to move as well.

"Toru~! I... I... I can't take it anymore... Do it harder! Give it to me, Toru!"

As if Konan's will was a command, Toru embraced Konan and began to penetrate her with everything he had. This made Konan moan louder the faster she was penetrated. Previously only she alone reached orgasm, but she realized that only she was enjoying this to the fullest, so this time, she also wanted to make Toru feel good.



Toru penetrated her with all his might while hugging her in the same way. He stopped abruptly when he felt that sensation suddenly explode inside Konan. At the same time, she felt something hot begin to fill her and, as she felt this pushing inside her, she writhed hugging the boy and reaching orgasm.

After that, they both stayed hugging each other like that for thirty seconds or so. They were both breathing heavily as they hugged each other. They felt they lost their strength in that last second and stayed like that for longer than they imagined.

When Toru released her, Konan fell on the bed and from her pussy began to release that white, viscous liquid. 

For her, that had been even better than the first time and she felt she could still go on, but for some reason her body felt tired. Unlike her, however, Toru just sat there, watching his "seed" spurt out of Konan's pussy. As he looked down there, he realized that he had become aroused again and needed more of this pleasure, but then he saw Konan and thought they were done for the day.

Although this what happened next he didn't expect at all. 

Konan rolled over and, lying on her stomach, raised her hips showing her ass to Toru. She brought her hand to her pussy and with her fingers opened it. 

Toru raised his eyebrows at this, but then he saw how Konan smiled at him and felt something inside him activate. Almost immediately, he lunged at Konan and penetrated her hard again.


Konan reacted by sinking her face into the bed. In this position, Toru's cock went much deeper than before. It was as if something was piercing her from the inside, but even though it hurt a little, that strange pleasurable pain delighted her. She clenched the sheets tightly as she tried to hide her moans against the bed. She hid her face because she didn't know what kind of expression she was making, but that didn't matter at all. Doing this made her feel more aroused.

Penetrating her hard, from this position, Toru could see all of Konan's body. Every time he thrust, he saw Konan's buttocks bounce along with his pelvis and that for some reason looked quite addictive. Still, Konan's stifled moans against the bed made Toru very curious, who leaned close to her ear and whispered.

"Let me hear you, Konan..."

If she no longer cared about anything, she cared even less about hiding her moans. She lifted her face and looked at Toru at her side. He paused with his cock still inside her and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"Why are you stopping?"

"Because I wanted to look you in the face."

She opened her eyes slightly at this. Her face flushed, but she still accepted this. She put her hands on the bed and looked over her shoulder at Toru as he continued to push.

"Ahhhhhh~! Mghhhhhhhg! Toru!"

Because of how aroused he was and how Konan was very tight down there from the stimulation, Toru grabbed her wrists and lifted her up as he continued to penetrate her. In response to this, Konan looked up as she felt Toru's cock moving in and out, stroking her insides and generating that addictive feeling.

Taking advantage of this, Toru released one of Konan's hands and with that free hand began to knead one of her breasts.

At this point, Toru discovered a lot about himself. He realized how much he loves to hear Konan moan, how much he loves to fondle her breasts and how much he loves to kiss her. Maybe this could be due to them being in this situation, but there was something that also made Toru become enraptured and it was that innocent expression on this woman's face.

That expression awakened something in him and somehow he likes this.

"Mmm... Hmm..."


They both kissed again and continued this. Toru released Konan and she fell on the bed, using her hands to stay in the same position. She began to move her hips in the same rhythm as Toru, making the penetration even more intense.

"Ahhhhh~! Ahhhhh~! No~! Toru~!"

'Again...I can't take it anymore...'

Both were moving in sync and consequently, both were on the verge of climaxing.

"Toru~! Ahhhhhh~!"


Unable to hold on any longer, Toru ejaculated inside Konan again. And he stayed on top of her for a few seconds. At the same time, underneath him, Konan breathed heavily as her body felt constant spasms that left her breathless. Again she felt that warm sensation inside her belly, something that made her feel very good. Also, she didn't realize it, but due to the intensity of the moment, she had tears on her cheeks and her face was a little flushed from the heat.

In the end, this was something they both decided.


Neither of them had had enough....

-Konohagakure Prison-

"So, we meet again..."

"It's a surprise that you're still alive."

"Yeah... I've been cooped up in here for the last three damn years. I'd like to kick that cute ass of that bitch Suna and that lazy-faced idiot" She clicked her tongue as she remembered that event that day near the Valley of the End. Her three teammates were defeated by mere children and she was no exception.

She is Tayuya, the sole survivor of the Sound Four and next to her, in the next cell, was Karin, who had been caught just a short while ago.

"The only thing I found out after I was arrested is that Kimimaro was killed by that doll-faced idiot" said Tayuya.

And Karin answered him. "Asahi Toru, Sasuke-kun's childhood friend. That guy has become extremely dangerous. Even when I felt his chakra, I felt something disturbing inside him..."

"Weird assumptions again, huh? You like cute guys, I bet you're attracted to that doll-faced jerk."

"In your dreams. I only have eyes for Sasuke-kun."

"Four eyes..." Tayuya smiled defiantly.

"If this wall wasn't in the way, I would have killed you long ago."

"Can you even try? Well, they confiscated my flute, but I can still kick your ass in many other ways."

"You better shut your mouth, I can't stand to hear you talk. It's like listening to a man in a woman's body, well, you can't be considered a woman..."

"Now I'm the one who wants to kill you."

-Somewhere, Division 2 of the Shinobi Alliance-

"Neji-onii-sama, are you nervous?" asked Hanabi. To which the boy simply shook his head.

"This will be a war, there is no time to feel nervous. We are mobilizing our entire division to destroy the enemy's forces."

Hinata interrupts.

"We have to remain vigilant at all times, Hanabi. Even before this war starts, the enemy may attack us. We have to get to where the enemy is alive."

Beside her, a dark-skinned kunoichi with long red hair smiled.

"Relax a little, girl. This is going to be easy."

"There's no time to relax in a war."

"Really? You've supposedly never been in a war, so how can you know that, huh? It's nonsense. Stop playing the tough girl and accept my words."

Hinata frowned and fell silent. Neji and Hanabi looked at each other and understood what Hinata is going through. At this moment it's better to stay quiet and be attentive.

-Division 3 of the Shinobi Alliance-

Walking behind Kakashi and Gai, Ino made a serious face and sighed. It's already dawning and the war will soon begin. The one who attacks first will get the advantage and that has many of the Alliance shinobi nervous. But still, they are all willing to give their lives to protect Naruto and Killer B.

"It's good that you're on alert, Ino. But don't overexert yourself, it will hurt you. We'll find Yamato, nothing will happen to him, I'm sure of that" Kakashi said.

At the same time, Gai smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"We have the power of youth on our side. Never forget that, Ino. Besides, since we're in the rear of the division, we're the secret weapons. Be proud."

"Uhg... okay..."

Ino looked to the front and saw Sakura there. She remembered the destruction of Konoha and then clenched her fists tightly.

'Let's do this!'

-Clan Ōkami Village-.

It's already dawn and the sun's rays are coming through the window. Toru woke up first and realized that he was completely naked. When he saw beside him, he realized that Konan was there too. He took a few seconds to look around and felt worried.

"I think I overdid it quite a bit..." he said as he saw Konan's clothes torn and on the floor.

The night before was quite intense, as he was having sex with Konan for most of the night and hence why he woke up so late. So, thinking about this and why his clothes are also all burned from his secret Jutsu, he summoned a shadow clone, who took the clothes on the floor and left the room.

"Maybe... I should stay like this for a while longer..."

Seeing Konan sleeping peacefully, he lay down next to her again and touched her cheek. A faint smile formed on his face and he closed his eyes again.

To be continued...

The war is beginning. The end of that third volume is approaching.