New world and hooded Figure

(Narrator POV)

A man wakes up leaning on a tree he has silky white hair, red eyes,and is wearing a hoodie. He looked like a normal 14 year old but boy is something. In side that boys body was a 39 year old man who died and reincarnated this man's name was Noah.

(Image here)


"Where am I don't remember sleeping here and why do I feel small?" I said not knowing what to do

(SYSTEM INSTALLATION…25%…..75%…..100% welcome human to the military summoning system you have died but due to you being the perfect candidate you have been chosen we have made you the perfect body so we wish you luck bye bye. MESSAGE COMPLETE)

"WTF summoning system like novels. Hm so I should be able to open it by thinking right. Welp might as well try." I said not knowing what to do.


Name: Noah lank

Title: none

World: 1-bug world

Worlds taken: 0

STR: 5 -ps. Instead of all stats STR is overall strength


Skills: (LOWER GENERAL lv.9), (ADVANCED COMBAT lv.5), (SWEET TALK lv. 2) PS. Max level is 10 then it evolves



(Gift pack received open? Y/N)

"Yes!" I said with excitement

(You got 2 Teutonic knight, 1 dark cleric, 1 warrior mage 10,000 system points )

(Image here)

'Sweet I could use this but let's not use them now. Right now I need to find out where I Am…' my mind goes blank as an arrow fly's past my head and sticks to a tree near me.


I turn to see a hooded figure with antenna a longbow. I turn the other way and run as fast as I can. I keep running till another arrow cuts my face and I take cover behind a tree.

"SH*T What did I do I just got here!!" I yelled as I peak back to see if there still there. Only to see nothing other then trees.

"I guess there gone that's goo-" I say as I turn back for a dagger to be at my throat.

'Welp bye world nice knowing you. Wait I have summons but how do I summon them.' I thought but then a screen popped up.


Summon: 2 Teutonic knight, 1 dark cleric, 1 warrior mage. Y/N


"YES!!!" I scream in desperation. As I say that 4 portals open and the 4 being that left the portals looked terrifying even the hooded person was trembling.

The two knights stepped forward and grabbed the hooded person and pinned them to the ground. As there doing that the person I assume is the dark cleric comes to me and dose a formal bow.

"Greetings my young lord I believe you already now who I am. Im Clair, the dark cleric you summoned. And me with my friends behind me are at your command." She said while looking at the cut on my face. She then proceeded to put her hand on the cut. I then feel a great sensation she then removes here hand and the cut is gone.

"WOW!" I exclaimed in amazement.

"Well now then what do we do with you." I said as I put my foot on the face of the hooded figure.


A/N: Who is that Figure also this is just a start up to see if you like this bye bye now