Interrogation and the path

The two knights stepped forward and grabbed the hooded person and pinned them to the ground. As there doing that the person I assume is the dark cleric comes to me and dose a formal bow.

"Greetings my young lord I believe you already now who I am. Im Clair, the dark cleric you summoned. And me with my friends behind me are at your command." She said while looking at the cut on my face. She then proceeded to put her hand on the cut. I then feel a great sensation she then removes here hand and the cut is gone.

"WOW!" I exclaimed in amazement.

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I look down on the hooded figure as I lift there hood to see a feminine face with mandibles. I see tears running down her face as she is scared. I take a knife that one of the Teutonic Knights had and stab her right through the hand.

"AAAHHH" she screamed crying even more then before.

"How dose it feel, NOT GREAT HUH!" I said as I pushed her face closer to the ground with my foot.

"[>\£#'*{+<, [>\£#'*{+<" she kept repeating. It hurt my ears listening. So I then started to look through my system shop to find something to help.



YOU HAVE: 10,000



As I click yes I feel knowledge enter my brain. I start to slowly under stand her until I finally got it down.

"I SURRENDER, I SURRENDER!" She starts screaming while tears run down her face you could tell she was scared to die.

"Alright how about we make a deal you tell me the closest civilization and I'll let you walk free, BUT if I think you're lying I'll kill you" I say as I pull the knife out of her hand and point it at her threateningly.

"There is one northeast from here please don't hurt me." She said in a low voice but load enough for me to hear.

"Ok another question, how many guards are there and if so how powerful is the strongest one." I said with the knife pointed right at her. She seems to hesitate but then she answered.

"There's 10 guards the strongest can down a tree with one hit, and there are also 35 villagers there." she said with a pained look.

I accept those answers so I stood up to look for a nearby vine to tie her up. Once I found the vine I told my knights to lift her up so I could tie her. I tied her in a way so she can walk and only walk.

She then leads us to a path that she said she took to get here from the village. We start to follow the path till we get to an opening to see a field. In the middle of that field as I see a small village with wooden walls I then started to smile wickedly.

"LET THE CARNAGE BEGIN" I shout in a crazed manner.


A/N: damn I made mc and I'm scared of him and what he'll do to my family.