The behemoth of the forest

A/N: sorry friends I have been sick so again sorry for not updating


I gathered 100 men and of course my guards for the rescue mission. After getting supplies from the village people we head west of the village. The reason I chose west to explore was because the place I woke up at and I wanted to explore that area because why is there a forest in a place called the Great Plains.

Once we got there I saw something that surprised me. The trees where HUGE I don't know how I never noticed it because I was ether running or torturing a prisoner. Once we entered I told my wedigos to start tracking.

After a while we found there campsite which was in ruin broken trees, torn up ground, and a giant pit. We look around the camp and and find 1 out of the 10 members but they where deceased. There whole bottom half was gone they where also still warm so the body is fresh.

"Poor bastard." I said while checking the body.

While checking the body the wendigos start howling and run east from the camp. We all start running after them only to fine a field with the rest of the 10 dead. There body's where scattered everywhere one was even hanging from a branch.

"SCATER AND LOOK FOR CLUES!" I yell at my men.

I then look at my wendigos and they look anxious which makes me on edge. I look around only to feel tremors under my feet. The tremor's start growing until the ground burst open and sent me flying into a tree.

After I came through I saw a giant worm like creature that had thousands of legs. It was a behemoth of a creature it smashed through the troops like they where feathers. It kept killing the men like nothing it was just to fast and deadly.

I whistle to my wendigos who then ride out the men where nothing I could buy more, but my life was more important then there's. So I ran and didn't stop until I could not hear the screams. My wendigos where tired once we made it back to the edge of the forest.

We slowly entered the village the other soldiers tried asking about what happened, but I gave no response. And slowly went to my room to lay down.

"I was defeated by a oversized bug." I said with a dull face which was quickly replaced with rage. I then punched the wall next to me repeatedly.

"I won't forget this I'll get my revenge, and make you my slave!" My rage slowly turned to a crazed smile.

'You'll be mine just wait.' I thought as I slowly drifted to sleep.
