Chapter 1. [Thrown into a Training Dungeon]

"...Today marks the twenty fifth year of the first Gate opening! Many of us lost their loved ones since that day, and a lot of us gained something. Despite everything, we want to thank our heroes that have been protecting us, and raiders, that helped close the gates and clear them! Now, a series of honorable mentions to our raiders and public figures lost due to the gate-"


Hoshi turned off the TV, wanting to eat his cereal in piece. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, as his younger brother walked into the kitchen and turned it on again. "And so, we conclude our broadcast! Now coming up, The Adventures of the great Hero John!" His cartoon started playing.

Oh to be young and innocent... He is twelve after all. Hoshi thought and placed his empty dish into the sink. As he did that, Amai came in with a new toy she found. Stopping the dog from running off somewhere to hide it, Hoshi stretched out his hand. 

"Amai... How many times did I tell you that mom's knife is not a toy? Drop it." The dog did as requested, earning a pat from the guy. Soon after the dog, mom herself came running out.

"Amai! You little- Oh! You got her, thank you, honey." She smiled seeing her lovely older son with the knife in hand, out of the dogs jaws. Hoshi handed it back to his mom, who placed it on the counter. Seeing as everything was in order, Hoshi took his bag and headed towards the door.

"I'm heading to work. Today's shift will last the whole night so don't stay up waiting for me." Hoshi warned his mother while putting on his shoes, Amai was quick to go hide from moms wrath.

"Bring me back some chips!" Hoshis brother from the other side of the room yelled out.

"Fineee!" Hoshi answered and there was nothing more heard from him, just the sounds of the cartoon.

"If Amai doesn't stop taking my things, she will not be allowed inside. Okay, Hoshi?"Mom said and he hummed in response, knowing mom didn't mean that. Hoshi kissed the caring woman on the cheek and opened the door. "Be careful, honey. I have a raid in three hours, so if your dad calls you, say he has to be back since then." She added.

"Sure, you be careful, too." Hoshi closed the door and started walking down the empty street, while the sky was turning more and more red from the setting sun that illuminated the buildings around. Not wanting to walk in silence, the guy took out his headphones and started listening to the radio.

"Good evening, dear listeners! Today we have a very special person joining our show, it is the one... The only... The hero of America who is currently residing in Japan, Harvey Dan! Tell us, sir Dan, how is it being a hero?" A smooth voice replied with a chuckle before speaking up.

"You can just call me Harvey. And it has been quite the work. Risking my life everyday to save people is hard, but rewarding. I am happy that I save families."

"That's amazing! Please tell us more about yourself."

"Well... My main skill is Thors Lightning. I, quite literally, shoot lightning bolts! My rank is UR, but I am still lacking in many aspects..." A sigh could be heard in the distance. Mom is lower... A thought ran past in Hoshis mind.

After the gates appeared, people who raided and fought the monsters in there also appeared. Or were discovered, more likely. They were simple citizens until their 'call'. They named it 'The Call of the Gods to protect the earth' for a loss of better words. Or 'Call' for short. Hoshi's mom was an S tier raider, one of the first ones to reach that level of power in Japan, too. She used to take on the worst tier gates, but after some time, more S tier as well as UR raiders appeared and she could retire with Hoshi's birth. Now Hoshi's mom raids as a mentor with newly appointed raiders of Japan.

After the pleasant walk, Hoshi stepped through the drugstore door where he worked. Being twenty and working minimum wage wasn't really the ideal, but it helped him to earn some cash. Most of the raiders receive a 'Call' when they are from sixteen to about twenty, but Hoshi hasn't gotten one yet, and wasn't all that sad about it... Well, maybe a little.

"Hoshi! Finally you're here!" A voice came from the worker room. His boss... Hoshi sighted.

"Hello sir Minikui. You can leave now, I will take it over." The man huffed in response and picked up his jacket from the back room, quickly going for the door.

"Fucking finally... This slow poke..." He silently cursed under his breath and left, leaving the shop in Hoshi's hands. No one was there at the moment, so the guy took his time cleaning up a little and then standing behind the register.


It was already one in the morning, time seemed to fly by today. Only a few customers came at night, so it was peaceful and relaxing to work. No one came in, so Hoshi went to the backroom to eat his sandwich, knowing if anyone entered, the door beep will notify him. While digging into the heavenly treat made by dad, because mom can't boil water without making a fire, he watched his favourite youtuber, unable to feel a great presence of mana forming into a door behind him.

After finishing his late night snack, Hoshi stretched his arms backwards, swinging on the chair.


I'm... Falling-! The chair swayed backwards into the gate together with Hoshi on it, making the magical portal open and pull him in. Right after that, the door vanished, not leaving a trace of the guy, the chair, or of it's own existence. Like it never was there in the first place...