Kiss of Passion

A day after the matters with Princess Camille, the captain of the royal guard assigns knights to Prince Julien as his personal bodyguards. The royal army expects danger to come close because of the upcoming wedding. The wedding symbolizes a deeper and stronger relationship between Gallia and Inglatera. The neighboring hostile kingdoms would want to prevent the wedding from happening as much as possible.

After they finish preparing for their duties, Gianni and Gabriel go to the prince's room to help him. When they arrive by the door of the prince's room, knights stand by it blocking their way with their spears. They demand to state their business.

"We are the official butlers of the Crown Prince, Julien S. Montmirail," Gabriel says. "We are here to check up on him as part of our daily duties."

"Understood," the knight on the left replies, "we will let you through after a security check."

The knights check every suspicious-looking nook and cranny of their suits' bodies. The two cooperates, letting them see pockets and places where they can hide weapons or blades. The knights determine that they are safe, letting them inside.

"That was a tight security," Gianni remarks.

"To keep the prince safe, drastic measures should be put in place."

They find the prince by his window. He wears his sleeping robe while staring outside. He has bed hair, but he still looks handsome even with it. He places his hands behind his head, which opens his robe exposing his perfectly toned chest muscles.

The butlers greet the prince with good morning and proceed to their duties. They arrange his bed and prepare everything for his bath. They immediately go to breakfast after helping him get ready. It is another normal day in the palace with the addition of some knights who follow them everywhere in the palace. After eating breakfast, it is time for the prince's music lessons.

They traverse to the pavilion, where they wait for Lady Adela to arrive. This time, Princess Ariana joins Julien. Her instrument is the harp and while they all wait for the instructor, the two play some songs.

Seeing the two together, Gianni feels joy and sadness. He finally admits he is jealous whenever he sees Julien with Ariana. He still smiles his best though, completely, and utterly hiding the searing pang of pain inside his heart where it rages and roars. Lady Adela finally arrives. Upon hearing the two plays, she tells them to separate as their harmony is not great.

Gianni fears Adela before, but this time he is glad she arrived. As usual, the prince's beautiful melodies trances Gianni. It is like a warm embrace during winter, inside a room kept warm by the fires of the fireplace. While the snow outside falls gracefully and slowly dancing with the chilly air.

When Princess Ariana plays, Gianni's mesmerization goes skyrocketing into a valley of tulips. In the middle of the valley, a river separates the land. The scenery is exquisite until the princess starts playing a gloomy melody. It changes Gianni's daydream. On the other side of the river are Julien and Ariana. He wants to cross but the currents are too strong. He searches for a bridge but there is none. Slowly, the two walk away from the river. He is powerless, watching them as they leave.

After the lessons, the prince proceeds to the Grand Library, where the strategist waits for him. Instead of the usual lessons of strategy and diplomacy, this time, the adviser tells them of the history of the kingdom of Gallia.

'All the kingdoms in the continent were once part of a large empire called Reignam. When the empire collapsed, its territories became kingdoms. The easternmost part of the empire became the kingdom of Allemagna as we know it today. The north became Inglatera. To its south is Gallia. And to the east is Essenia. Because of great similarities in culture and tradition, Inglatera and Gallia have enjoyed a strong rapport in the past.'

The lengthy historical reason allows slumber to creep up to Prince Julien. After the lesson, the whole afternoon is free. The prince has no appointments. For the entire duration, he calls on Gabriel and Gianni to make them run errands. When darkness comes, Julien specifically summons Gianni. When Gianni arrives, he sees the prince sitting in his study. He writes something causing him to focus completely on the piece of paper.

"I'm here, Your Highness," Gianni says. "What do you want me to do?"

"After I get married," the prince replies, "I'm setting you free."

"Your Highness?"

"I wrote this for you," the prince hands a recommendation letter to Gianni which would ensure that he will get a position in any medical workplace he would apply to. "I want you to live the rest of your life doing what you want to do."

'My name is Julien S. Montmirail of House Montmirail, the Crown Prince of Gallia. I am expressing my recommendation to Gianni Saint-Amour of the noble House Saint-Amour, who served me with great professionalism and excellence. I can assure you that he has an excellent work ethic and exemplary skills. He is a doctor by profession. Gianni is a great asset to Gallia and an even greater asset to your institution.

If you deem this decree untrue, you are free to write a letter to my Julien S. Montmirail of House Montmirail, the Crown Prince of Gallia.'

Gianni freezes looking at the recommendation the prince hands him. In his mind, he feels glad for the thought, but in his chest, something does not feel right. He instantly tears the recommendation letter to pieces in front of the prince.

"With all due respect, Your Highness," Gianni bows, "but you will not let me go. You want me to do what I want to do for the rest of my life. Then, I want to serve you, Your Highness, for the rest of my days until I breathe my last breath on this world."

Gianni's statement brings tears to the prince's face. His heart is greatly touched that his tears suddenly streamed on their own. He stands up and embraces Gianni. Time passes, the prince's hold gets tighter and tighter. By this time, Gianni is having a hard time breathing. He bids the prince release him. The prince does so, but he kisses him.

Their kiss lasts long. Both their knees tremble as their lips touch. Every hair on their body stands up from the interaction. Their breathing deepens and quickens as their hearts race. Gianni's fingers shiver as he puts them on the prince's chest.

Gianni stops the prince from what he is doing. But before he can push him away, Julien bites his neck again leaving a mark.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. The knights outside announce Princess Ariana's arrival. The two hurriedly separate. Prince Julien sits back on his chair, while Gianni hides the bite mark and fixes his hair.

When the princess enters, Gianni exits the room. But the princess turns to him and notices the fresh bite mark on his neck.

"Wait," the princess holds Gianni's arm before he can walk away from any further, "you're injured." She bids one of the knights on duty escort Gianni to the infirmary. Gianni thanks the princess for her kindness, and with the knights he heads to the infirmary.

Prince Julien is left in his quarters with Ariana. They begin discussing matters of diplomacy and war. It will be the first time the two talk about their upcoming marriage.

"I know this wedding is to forge an unbreakable alliance," Ariana sits on Julien's bed, "and maybe one day unite our kingdoms under one rule."

"That is what our fathers want, and it is for the good of all the people," Julien replies. "Is it not what you want?"

"Duty over the heart, huh? I never thought you would say that" the princess looks on the etchings of the lacquered mahogany floor. "I always follow and do everything with my heart. The places that I visited, the poems that I wrote, the songs that I composed, the stories that I told, all came from my heart. Yet, my heart does not lead to you."

"What are you saying, princess? What do you mean?"

"I simply do not wish for us to be wed."

"But love takes time," Julien takes her hand, "you may not love me today, but you will love me after our marriage. I will work hard to be the perfect husband and perfect king."

"Oh, spare me the lies. I know you also do not want this marriage. You are the Crown Prince of Carnations, popular with women and men who seek the pleasures of the flesh. One look, at you and they would offer their bodies and souls."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You think I am ignorant of your popularity and of your promiscuity with your butlers? I know you bit him just know. And I am well aware that you like him more than you will ever like me. But that is all right. That is what you want, and I respect that. What I cannot fathom is the need for us to be married to create an alliance?"

"It is simply our duty, Your Highness."

"Again, with the duty. What does our heart mean if all, but we do is our duties? We can both protect the people and get what we want even if we follow our hearts. I thought we shared the same sentiments, but it appears I am mistaken. I'm taking my leave."