A World of Commoners

The night is quiet. The busy hallways turn silent. Everyone in the palace slumbers, except for the patrolling knights and a prince deeply engaged in thought inside his room. Unable to think anymore, Prince Julien calls it a day. He still doesn't know what to respond to Princess Ariana. The night silently passes as if a thief steals it. Time passes in a blink of an eye and morning comes like the wind of change.

Before Gianni and Gabriel come to check on him, Julien leaves his chambers and goes for a morning walk in the palace gardens. The chirps of the birds, the fragrance of the flowers, the relaxing atmosphere, and the sound of flowing water are what the prince needed. He needs some time away from matters and things that remind him of his duty.

In the middle of the garden, his ability to think returns to him. He is finally able to think about the big picture with what he wants. He thinks long while staring at a creek. He notices that no matter how many pebbles block the water's path, still it keeps ongoing. The creek sheds light on a new perspective. Something that will surely uphold the sake of the people, while getting what and the princess wants.

He rushes to the Grand Library, where he searches for a history book. The book he grabs is entitled, The Civilizations of Europa. One of its civilizations has a system, where the people have its governing powers. With a plan in his mind, he goes back to his room and prepares for the day.

After breakfast, he approaches Ariana, inviting him to a walk in the gardens. He bids her leave her attendants, as he also orders his butlers to leave them.

"I thought of what you said yesterday," Prince Julien quietly says, "I thought of it. And I found the answer in the history books."

"Are you calling off the wedding?" Ariana asks gladly.

"Before I answer that, I want to tell you my plan for our kingdoms," the prince replies. "In the future, I am thinking of abolishing the monarchy."

"That's preposterous. How will you abolish an ancient tradition, a rule that has been in place for centuries?"

"I will become king and change everything from inside."

"Become king? Then that would mean…"

"Yes, I'm not calling off the wedding."

"You said you thought of this clearly. It seems you have only pried on matters beyond the clouds."

"When the monarchy is abolished, I will give the power to the people and let them decide who they want as their leader. Of course, I will be needing your help with that."


"With what I am planning, we are upholding the sake and the will of the people, and we will also be free from the chains that bind to our duties. We will be free. Isn't that what you want?"

"It is. I want to follow my heart, wherever I go. But your plan seems impossible with just the two of us. What will the nobility think? They will surely not let go of their titles and positions."

"That is why we must support each other from here on out. Will you help me change our kingdoms, to uphold the will of the people, to follow our hearts?"

"Yes, I accept."

With their plan established, the two walks out of the garden. They head to the tailor for their wedding. They leave with only two newly sworn knights. Gianni and Gabriel stay behind, following the will of the prince.

One of the knights accompanying the two is of noble birth, while the other is a commoner. They became knights after attending the harsh training to achieve knighthood and for performing valorous and chivalrous deeds. The commoner, named Leon, saved his village from bandits through clever tricks and wise decisions. The noble, named Johannes, helped defeat the bandits that tried to ravage Leon's village. Despite their differences, the two immediately became friends. Their assignment now is to protect Princess Ariana from threats, spies, and assassins.

Because of the outgoing war against Allemagna, the knights in the Capital are understaffed. They can only accommodate sending the two for the assignment.

As the carriage goes outside the gates, the two knights grow vigilant. Their hostile aura reaches the two royals. The royals reassure them, telling them to relax and that they will be safe from all harm. The knights feel irony saying that they should be the ones to say those words. But the royals just smile which finally calms the two down.

When the carriage stops in front of the tailoring shop, the knights first disembark, securing the perimeter before they let the other two out. Julien and Ariana finally exit the carriage. When they get out, a man in a dark flowing cloak suddenly approaches them. Suspicious of his intentions, Leon tells the man to stay back. The man turns out to be a beggar who peddles for money.

Ariana bids Leon stand down as she gives alms to the beggar. Leon apologizes for his actions, but the princess reassures him again that nothing bad will happen.

They enter the tailoring shop and finally get their measurements. The comprehensively planned wedding outfits are to be designed by the finest tailors in the whole continent, collaborating to finish them within weeks.

When it is all over and they are heading out, a girl carrying a cake approaches the princess.

"You look truly beautiful, miss. Your gown is very lovely," the young innocent-looking girl says. "I have this cake for you. My brother is a baker. He told me to give this to you."

"Thank you, and to your brother, too." Ariana kneels and takes the cake. "This looks really delicious."

"Your Highness, that cake could be poisoned," Leon suddenly utters. "I advise you let us sample it before you take it."

"My brother's cake is the best in the world," the girl replies. "It is not poisoned. You are so mean."

"Come now, he is just jealous that your brother gave me this cake," the princess takes a bite of the white frosting and a bit of the cake. "It is delicious."

"My brother made it, of course, it is delicious," the little girl runs off. "I told you it was not poisoned."

The princess turns to Leon and smiles. This time, Prince Julien assures Leon that they are going to be safe. Leon who feels bad for the two incidences finally releases his suspicion and tension.

The four head back to the palace. As the royals are exiting the carriage, Johannes suddenly grabs his sword and runs at Princess Ariana. His sword aims at her chest, as he attempts to thrust her. Leon wields his sword and parries Johannes' blade. He kicks him, knocking him back.

"Johannes, what are you doing?" Leon demands an answer. "We swore to protect the prince and princess. What has gotten into you?"

"This is my mission," Johannes replies. "If you stand in the way, then you will die."

Johannes launches another assault. Leon prepares a feint. He manages to fling Johannes' sword out of reach. The fugitive runs toward the next street, but the knights who saw the situation as it unfolded apprehend him. They could not fathom Johannes' acts. Now the prince and the princess have every reason to doubt the loyalty of the nobles.

"Thank you for saving me," Ariana nods his head at the knight who parried the sword meant to end her life. "I reassured you again and again that things are going to be fine, but it seems you are right. And I am indebted to you. We won't be having this conversation if it is not for you."

"I am only doing my duty, Your Highness," Leon replies taking a knee. "I don't deserve your gratitude."

Suddenly, an arrow flies toward Ariana. She is about to get hit, when Leon jumps in front of the arrow saving her life, again. He uses the thick metal of his arm brace to block the arrow. After the two incidents, the entire palace is on heightened alert. Leon is taken to the infirmary, and the princess personally teds to his needs. Leon tries to dissuade the princess, but she insists saying over and over that she owes him her life.

As the sun begins to hide behind the wide horizon, Ariana cares for Leon's simple wounds. His bout with Johannes brought him wounds and slashes. From bandages to food, the Princess of Poetry cares for the knights who save him. As the sun submerges completely into the horizon, she devotes her time to Leon.

"Your Highness," Leon says, "with all utmost respect, you don't have to do this. I only fulfilled my duty to protect you."

"You have protected me and because of that, I owe you, my life. Think of this as thanks for your services."

"But I," Leon wants to reply, but the princess shushes him putting her index finger on his mouth before he can utter another word.

"Speak no more. Eat and regain your strength. We shall converse after you are finished." The princess places a bowl of stew on a table placed in front of her by her attendants. He takes a wooden spoon and fills it with the delicious and lukewarm stew. "Here," he feeds it to the injured knight.

After eating, the two reminisce about each other's own past. Telling stories of their adventures and mischiefs.

"I was not always like people think of me," Ariana retells her past. "I was not this prim and proper back when I was little. I used to go horseback riding. I would escape the palace every morning and ride towards the plains. I was a meager eight-year-old. I dream of exploring the world riding my horse and the wind brushing against my hair. But then, my father confined me within the palace walls. I was devastated, but my mother showed me another way outside. She gave me a book. The book revealed all the excitements, thrills, mysteries, and beauty of the world. Now that I am 20, I want to bring my dream to fruition, but it appears I will not be able to."

"I thought royalty could do anything they wanted, anything they wished."

"We can do what we want but there are rules that we must follow, duties that we must do, responsibilities that we must fulfill. It's complicated."

"Every commoner out there wants to be of royal blood. They want to be wealthy and powerful. It is what I aspire to have, riches and strength. But after what you said, I think I have my doubts."

"Why do you want to be like us? Sure, being born into royalty is a blessing, but it's also a curse. People have so many expectations of you. Your life could be in great danger all the time, just like what happened this afternoon."