Chapter 29

"Ummm...." I am currently having breakfast with Hazel and the rest.

I have a small table which can fit four people. I have taken that out and we are currently sitting by that table.

I have Hazel on my right and Fay on my left. One side is still empty because Eden is sitting on my lap.

But the atmosphere is gloomy. Seriously heavy air is covering the table. Because Hazel is staring a hole right through Fay.

I should do something about this. I can't eat.

"Hazel, there is something I need to talk to you about."

I try to make my voice serious. Although it came out as normal as always.

"What is it, master?"

She is saying that but her whole face is screaming the word annoying. She is really annoyed.

"What are these?"

Actually, I found them this morning. Bite marks, all over my body. Like hickeys.

I point at one in the neck and ask her.

"Oh, that's a play bite. I left it there."

She is saying that like it is obvious. But it is not.

"Do not leave bite marks on me. Do you know, my whole body is covered with them. You are the same age as me. Not a kid. So don't do something like that."

I try to reprimand her. But she just gives me a weak nod and goes back to staring Fay.

Is it really okay? I am real worried about them.

Wait, I haven't tested it out yet. I should try.

"Fay…" I call her.

"Yes?" She stops eating and turns to me. Her eyes are swimming but it probably is my imagination.

"Can you understand me?"

"Of course I understand you." (Fay)

She answered but with a face that said, is he okay?

I remove the amulet that was translating things for me.


"I do understand you but what are you doing?" (Fay)

Wh..what is going on? She is totally understanding me.

"No..nothing. Just a little experiment."

I say that and ask Hazel.

"Hazel, did you understand what Fay said?"

"Of course. But why are you talking to that woman?"

Hazel lashes out at me for talking to Fay. The reason is still not clear to me. But I will get to the bottom of it.

"I see. Then you can understand me and Hazel can understand you. But how?"

(You have gained a few new abilities. One of them lets you understand all kinds of language. And that girl got it because she has evolved.)

That mysterious voice answers my question.

Thank you.

(You are welcome.)

She really sounds happy. Did something good happen?

Anyway, I have been wanting to test out my powers. But I couldn't. Let's get to that later.

Eden is happily sitting on my lap. Ahh, you must be wondering what she is wearing, right?

I actually took some kids clothes as well when I was looking for clothes for Hazel. But they really don't suit my cute Eden.

So let's get to that later as well.

"Three of you, we are going out later. So be ready."


All three of them answered at once. But soon after, Fay and Hazel started glaring at each other.

I really have to do something about that or it would hinder my future plans.