Chapter 30

Before getting to the story, I, Clive Belmont, would love to say somethings.

Many people have been saying that I like animals way too much. It's not that. I just don't trust humans.

Animals won't betray you at least. Not sure about cats though. And so, I would like someone to trust. Animals fit the bill. So here we are.

I think the author is kinda troubled. He is not sure how to write human females.

So he is sticking to the animal theme for now. Now let's get to the story.

"Master, why are you sleeping while standing?"

Hazel shakes me and says that. I was monologuing on my own. Can't do it with my eyes open so I closed them.

But looks like it was took me too long.

"Sorry about that. Let's start testing."

Yes!! We are currently at a gymnasium. This town has a few gymnasiums. Some of them were destroyed in the attack. But a few survived.

There were a few government owned gymnasiums around which were never opened to the public.

And it's so close to my house that it's shocking.

I found it by chance. But since most of its equipments are in one piece, why not use them?

I have brought all of them as well. My entourage which consists of Hazel, Fay and Eden.

I think Fay is more like an honorary member but she is still here.

"Let's test out the treadmill first." I hop onto the treadmill and start it.

If what I think is true then this can be used a lot of things.

First, I imagine my cells. Now pour in some into my cells. It is tough. I have to have perfect control over the .

But I did it. My cells are now reinforced with . Next up, my muscles and other body parts.

I reinforce them as well. Now I start the treadmill and set it to 30 km/h.

Normal human speed. I start running. It feels nice. I am running at 30 km/h but I am not feeling tired.

"Master, you are running fast. Are you okay?"

Hazel asks me out of concern. Maybe she knows that humans can't maintain this speed for too long.

"I am fine. Look after Eden and do some exercises. Don't start fighting with Fay."

I tell her. It is better to tell her beforehand.

She makes a displeased face at that. Mentioning Fay seems to have displeased her.

But she takes Eden and goes to the weight section.

Fay is looking at things curiously. Like a kid in an amusement park, she is touching things with a glimmer in her eyes.

I think I can focus on running. So I keep running.

After 10 minutes, I am still the same as I was. No exhaustion. I feel refreshed instead.

My muscles aren't tired or sore. I am not out of breath. I haven't even breathed for a while.

My muscles and cells reinforced with sure is something.

Now let's raise the stakes. I increase the speed to 80 km/h.

Normally you would increase it one at a time. But I just increased in more than twofold. Because, I feel like I can do that.

I am still running. Not even breaking a sweat. But after a minute, I feel slightly out of breath.

I am breathing heavily. My legs are kinda feeling the pain. I stop the treadmill because over doing it will cause some troubles.

So I can run at this speed for about 3 minutes.

But this proves that I have left normal humans behind. I take a break. I just ran for over an hour. I need some rest or so I thought.

My exhaustion is gone and my breathing is back to normal. My heart is beating normally and nothing seems out of place.

So energy can improve human performance if used like that.

(Yes. What you used is a type of body strengthening magic. But instead of mana, you used directly. It is more effective and efficient.)

"Stop surprising me like that. You almost gave me a jump."

That mysterious voice talked all of a sudden. It really made me jump.


(You don't have to apologize but give me a heads up before talking.)

I say that in my mind and no reply came. That voice is still a mystery to me.

"Now, let's do strength test."

I move to the weight section. There are dumbbells everywhere. From light to heavy. Many sizes and weights are there.

I pick up 600 kg dumbbell. It is used to do deadlifts but I lifted it normally.

I could do this before getting the . Let's see what can I do now.

I stack two of those 600 kg dumbbells and lift it up. It feels totally normal. It's more than a ton though.

I have become strong as well. This is awesome.

Hazel who was watching me do that is dumbfounded. Her mouth is wide open.

"Hazel, close your mouth. A fly might fly in."

"..." No response.

I put down those weights and go to her.

"Hazel…" I shake her.

"Uhhhh…..ohh….master, I think I was dreaming. I saw you pick up those big and heavy weights effortlessly."

She is saying that. Is me picking up those weights really that unrealistic?

"No. I picked them up."

I pick those up again. And she fainted. She just fell backwards.

I managed to catch her though.

"This time, Hazel fainted. By the way, where is Eden and Fay?"

I look for them and find them at the swimming pool area. This gymnasium sure is something.

It's big and has a lot of different facilities. Surely not meant for public but we are the only ones here.

So might as well use it. As of now, I have tested my strength and speed with endurance.

But true endurance will be tested in the sauna. Let's get to that now.