I felt the pressure

(Hazel POV)

My master is a normal man. That's what he calls himself at least. I could never see him as a normal man.

Our first meeting was nothing special. I am a special case where I was experimented on to achieve human like mind. So I remember everything even though I was but a dog.

I understood what had transpired that day. Rays of light shone all over the sky, piercing through every human. My previous master who was akin to my father, was impaled by a ray of light.

He died in front of me. It was a horrible mess. I couldn't do anything but watch him die. A day after his death, I met master.

I mean Clive. He was sleeping outside of the forest. Many animals had surrounded him. When he woke up, he muttered to himself and quickly left.

I got the feeling that he is the one. I need to follow him or I will miss something.

I started following him and he just accepted me. He even gave me a name. Hazel, I like it quite a bit.

We went through many things together. Trained together, became stronger, snuck into an alien spaceship, stole things, got a new companion and took an alien prisoner.

Clive became even stronger and got a new ability called . He turned me and the bear cub, Eden, into humans.

A great deal of things happened in between but now we are in a different place. Not just a place but a planet.

We have left Earth and come to Jupiter, home of Fay, the prisoner, and the perpetrators of the attack on Earth.

We have arrived here only a few days ago and master has fallen sick.

His body is burning up and we don't know why? We are fine but only master fell ill. His fever is so high that we are cooling his body down using water.

Aura helped him fall asleep but since then his fever is increasing.

"I brought a doctor." (Fay)

Fay, the prisoner who is now our host, brought a doctor.

The doctor is taking a look at him. But his expression is grim.

"How is this man even alive?" (Doctor)

"What happened to him doctor?"

"His body temperature is abnormally high. A normal human would have died twice. He does not have a sliver of mana is his body. That isn't possible. Simply put, him being alive is a miracle. I can't do anything to help him. Pray to the gods. Only they can help him." (Doctor)

The doctor left after saying that. Is master going to die? I ponder. Aura is with Eden and Fay is asking her mother is she knows anyone else who can help.

"I didn't want it happen like this but it seems it's unavoidable."

A voice suddenly said that. And a figure appears out of nowhere.

It's a petite girl. She has white-ish hair with silver radiance. She is adorning a white dress and her eyes are red. Red like ruby which would glow in the dark.

"Who are you?"

"This is the first time you are meeting me, Hazel. Call me System. I am the one who looks over Clive." (System)

Look over master? What is she talking about? And how does she know my name?

"I know it is confusing as Clive never mentioned me. But that's not important right now. We need to treat him first. Take away Aera and Aegis from him. Temporarily support them with your own mana." (System)

Aura quickly did what she said. She handed Aegis to me. I take Aegis and start pouring my mana into her.

But how much mana does she need? I was a fool for thinking that. After 10 minutes, my mana is almost gone but she is still taking my mana.

I look at Aura and she is also struggling. A moment later, Aegis shone and took her humanoid form. Aera also became a humanoid.

But my mana is barely left. 99 percent of my mana is gone.

"Good. This will reduce the burden on him. Now, use the sealed inside of you to replenish your mana. 50 is probably enough to refill your mana." (System)

She said. Aura closed her eyes to concentrate. I do the same. Master previously sealed a portion of his strength inside of us. I find the power and use it to fill my mana reserves.

Just as she said. It only took 50 to refill my mana. I could count the like it was an object. But when my mana is replenished, I felt stronger than before.

"Now, you three pour every last bit of your mana into Clive. To bring out Doris and that planet spirit. We need to reduce his dependents." (System)

I do as she said. Asking her the reasons won't do me any good. I will do as she says, as long as it helps.

I, Aura and Fay start pouring our mana. We are pouring our everything. But it's like a void. It just keeps on sucking. I can't see the end but my mana reserve is almost empty again.

I thought Fay would be the first one to let go but she is still hanging on. Her magic capacity must have increased exponentially.

Suddenly, I see Doris and that unknown woman standing beside us. When did they come?

"Good. His singularity is now empty. Doris and…" (System)

"He still has not named me so I don't have a name right now."

That unknown woman said.

"Fine. Now let him rest while applying healing magic to his body. Doris, I leave that to you." (System)

System said and disappeared.

Eh…. I feel that something changed. I feel lightheaded.

"Did something happen to us? Why were we obeying everything that woman said?" (Aura)

Yeah, I felt that I had to obey her words. That's why I kept doing everything she said. But now that she's gone, I feel better. Was that mental domination?

"Anyway, I will start healing my lord. Prepare some food for him. He will need stamina when he wakes up." (Doris)

"On it." (Fay)

Fay leaves to tell her mother. Doris starts healing her. Aura sits down and Eden comes to ask her the situation.

I am facing the window, gazing outside. And questions just keep popping up. I understood how much master shouldered.

Both Aera and Aegis need an explosive amount of energy to operate. It only took 50 to replenish my mana. But master has been using thousands of like it was nothing.

It taught me one thing, master is on a completely different level. I can't even see his limits. No wonder master dissed Fay saying she is weak.

To master, all of us are too weak. He doesn't even consider us as fighters. However, he will have to answer to my questions once he gets better. He isn't getting away from that.