The abnormality

(Hazel POV)

Currently, we are stable. But I am exhausted. I can't use any more magic. My whole body hurts. I emptied my whole mana storage and refilled it and emptied it again.

"Your mana circulation path is exhausted. Rest and don't use any magic for now." (Fay)

Fay told me that as she is helping her mother cook. I also wanted to try to cook but she stopped me. She said that she will teach me at a later date.

It's already noon. It has been quite a day. But what to do? The living room is full of people.

I am sitting on the single sofa. Reminds me of the time when master would just sit with me on his lap and pat my head for hours. We had nothing to do but I wasn't bored back then.

Master is originally the type who doesn't like to work if he doesn't have to. He would always slack off or be in a daze. Aura is taking a rest as well. She is the same as me, exhausted.

Eden is playing with both Aera and Aegis. Before today, I had no idea that they needed energy from master to maintain their human form.

Doris is looking after master. She says that it is her duty to look after master. Also, Undines boost healing abilities.

That leaves us with one person more. When we poured our mana directly into master, it was to bring out his dependents. Master has a special ability called Singularity.

Inside of it, he keeps some of his belongings. And he took a few subordinates as well. They live inside of that Singularity and are directly dependent on master.

After bringing them out, I met Doris again. She is supposedly an Undine, a water spirit. Normally, I shouldn't know about these but when I took over some of master's power, I started getting knowledge.

I now know a lot more than I should. Doris was the first individual we met after coming to this Jupiter. Master named her and kept her inside of his Singularity.

She should have been the only one but another person came out. The same person I saw this morning. She is gorgeous. That's one way to summarize her.

But she is unknown to me. She is also sitting with us. So it might be a good chance to ask her who she is?

"I guess it's nice to meet you. I am Hazel. And you?"

I try to sound as polite as possible.

"How polite! It is the first time we are talking. For now, I don't have a name. I need a new name to affirm my existence."

"So you have thrown away your previous name."

"Yes. My previous name was my identity which I no longer need. I was left to die. So I want to start anew."

From this I can guess she isn't a bad person.

"Master said that you are a planet spirit. Are you really?"

"Yes. My main body, I can't manifest it in this dimension. So I have left it inside of his singularity. I, the spirit, am outside. It was a chance encounter. Meeting someone qualified to become a star master."

"A star master? Is master really your master as well?"

"Yes. When I sensed his strength, I submitted to him. And I immediately came under his influence and was transported inside of his singularity."

"I see. But master became sick. He over exerted himself."

"I guess. The amount of power he commands is unfathomable. Is it his extent? Or he wields even more power?"

"No. I and Aura are holding onto some of his powers."

"So he has distributed some of his powers to you two. And still he is this powerful. No wonder, he can command me. If it's him, he can beat up those pretentious gods."

Her tone became bitter. Maybe she had some quarrel with a god or something. But generally, I think she is a sensible person. And it will depend on time.

But I think we can get along well. Yet a question remains?

Who was that woman? That white haired and red eyed, short woman?

"Aura, did you know that woman?"

"Whom?" (Aura)

"You know, the white haired woman! She appeared out of nowhere and disappeared without a notice."

"Ahh…she is…Clive's mentor in a sense." (Aura)

"Mentor? When did master have a mentor?"

This is the first time I have heard of it.

"Well, he probably wanted to keep it a secret. But I as well as his parents have met her. But it wasn't like this." (Aura)

"What wasn't?"

"Her aura. What I met was something far more terrifying. I couldn't move because of fear. I only listened to what she had to say and then I was sent. I didn't dare look her in the eye. It was just that terrifying." (Aura)

Usually I won't give it much thought but her face is telling the truth. Aura isn't joking with me. She is dead serious.

"Then are you saying she was a fake?"

"No. Perhaps she used a secondary body or something similar to a puppet which restricts her. I can't imagine anything other than that." (Aura)

I have knowledge of puppetry and cloning magic. So I know it is possible.

Master always looked like he was spacing out. At times, I would find him mumbling and often he would go on walks alone. Did he always talk to her then?

I will ask master once he recovers. For now, we can do nothing but wait for him to recover.