My fears

(Trevor POV)

I was always told that I have a lot of responsibilities. As the eldest son of the McCarthy family, I had been born with various duties.

McCarthy family was a prestigious family. Our roots go way back. We had a recorded history of more than 28 generations. Being born into the McCarthy household was out of my hands. I could only live my life like that.

My parents weren't exactly too strict. My father was rather easygoing. He said,

"If you don't feel like it, then don't."

However, I was pretty stubborn. I hate to admit it myself but I am stubborn.

I did everything I was required to do. I attended various lessons from a young age. I was being educated to inherit our family. Our family was a happy one. If not for the McCarthy name, we would have been the same as any other families.

I have an older sibling. She is my sister who is a year older than me. I can't exactly put it to words but she has been very protective of me.

Our mother often used say that she was my mother rather than my own mother. But I like her. She is beautiful and kind. She was also popular too.

"Trevor, if you have any troubles, tell your big sister."

She used to say that every time. Although, she was older, we were in the same grade. She insisted that she should be with me all the time.

When we started elementary school, I made a friend. No kid of my age proactively played with me. Maybe, the McCarthy name kinda pressured them.

On our very first school day, I met him. Clive Belmont is his name. I still remember how he attended. We were gathered at the school grounds for an introduction. Clive came, in a wheelchair.

His parents were with him. It kinda threw me off. That was the first I realized that all humans are not the same.

Clive was very weak. He had a weak constitution. He became ill easily. But his personality was nothing like him. He was always smiling.

After a month, he started coming on foot. Our seats were next to each other. No kid would talk to me but he would. He was the one who would drive the conversation.

I went with the flow. We became good friends. It was fun playing with him. My sister Gwen also became friends with him. My days were going well.

I was thoroughly becoming the person I always wanted to be.

But when we were 9, something changed in Clive. He became a little gloomy. Like, he became a bit serious. His aloof self was gone. He started keeping a distance from everyone.

And a year after that, an incident happened. That changed everything. I won't go into details but Clive murdered a man.

I was tied up at the moment. I thought that Clive would be as well. However, Clive cold heartedly murdered him. It scared me. That was the first time I saw blood. I think I fainted at the sight of that.

That man was still alive at the time but he died after a week or so. Clive admitted that he knowingly did it. The dead person in question was a fugitive.

The law could not judge Clive. It was done as an act of self defense and Clive was just 10. Everything prevented the law from meting out judgment.

Clive was even interviewed. However, he wasn't the least bit sorry for his actions. He just said things like it annoyed him.

Everyone in our class started avoiding him. No, we became afraid of him. Our parents told us to stay away.

Many petitioned to the school to suspend him. The school did suspend him indefinitely. It meant that his formal education had come to an end.

But I didn't give up. I wanted him to feel responsible for his actions. As an heir apparent, I was always taught to be responsible.

I knew that you are responsible for anything that stems for your actions. I was praised that I was abiding by the rules. I tried to talk to him.

But whenever he looked me in my eyes, I would lose all strength. My legs would just give up. It happened all because of his unpredictability.

No one knew that he had a geometric compass in his pocket. It scared us. Who knows what weapon he is carrying?

My parents reprimanded me heavily. It was the first time they scolded me. Only my sister was on my side.

She wasn't afraid of Clive. She used to talk to him whenever she saw him. Clive didn't really do anything to her. But I would always watch them from a distance.

I was worried if he would do something. Then we got a news that Clive was poisoned and was admitted to the hospital.

However, he made a swift recovery. The doctors said that it was fatal. But he recovered like nothing happened.

The Clive I met at first was a frail boy who couldn't even walk properly. But now, he is recovering from poisoning and stabbing people.

I tried to ambush him a few times. Each time, he would catch me. But he didn't do anything to me.

He would just pat me on my head and smile. That smile made me more terrified than anything else.

I tried to attack him with weapons as well. One time, I had an iron bar. It was a thin iron bar. I sneaked up on him and swung the bar. To my surprise, I felt an impact. I opened my eyes and saw the bar on his head.

I froze. I literally couldn't move. Then, he turned towards me. I saw it. His forehead had blood dripping down. Some blood was stuck on his eyebrows.

He wiped his forehead and licked his blood.

"Tastes like blood. Needs a little more flavor. Anyway, don't try to pull this stunt again. Do you wanna become someone like me, Trevor?"

He spoke to me with a tone colder than ice. I thought that I was dead.

"Tell Gwen to stop pulling these stunts. No way you are thinking of these!"

He said and left. I stood in that alley. Until my sister came to find me, I was frozen. Apparently, I had soiled myself when I my sister found me.

That was embarrassing. But more than that was the fear. When I saw blood dripping down from his forehead and I knew that I did that, fear grasped my heart.

I cried a lot that night. I didn't go to school or talk to anyone for 2 days. Later when I told my sister about Clive's message, she clicked her tongue.

Till this day, I do not know why she did that?

10 years later, I was in high school. I was the honors student and leader or the school cabinet. My sister always supported me. My family was happy with my progress.

The Clive incident had calmed down a lot. Some of our classmates still had PTSD from that incident. But we adjusted to it.

I often saw Clive on the streets. He stopped his formal education. However knowing him, he surely studied. I saw him enter book stores almost every day.

I heard that he became independent and started working in the mines.

That is perfect for a barbarian like him. The mines provided rare earth metals which are used to make technology. Power is completely renewable.

It was like any other day. We all were in school. It was around lunchtime when we saw a big shadow.

"Hey, what's that?"

My sister who was having lunch beside me asked. I looked up. All I saw was a big sheet. It was like a metallic sheet. From there came out many small drone like objects.

And in a matter of seconds, rays of light pierced us. I remember the last thing I saw was my sister being pierced by a ray of light.

When I opened my eyes, I saw white ceiling. It was tall. But where was I? After regaining consciousness, I was told something outrageous.

We had died and we were supposedly transported to another world. What was happening?

I was panicking a lot. It took me 3 days to calm down. I was informed that I was the first to wake up. 30 of us were present in the room. All asleep aside from me.

I recognize all of them. Most of them were of my age. I saw my sister as well. I heaved a sigh of relief at that.

A week later, everyone woke up. We were taken to have an audience with the king of this country.

He explained. The gods had ordered them to summon heroes from another world. We were chosen because we were on the brink of death. They said that our world was destroyed.

An evil force had destroyed everyone. It meant that my previous world is gone. My family, friends, relatives, acquaintances all gone. It pained me. But it had happened. Nothing could be done.

My sister consoled me. I was chosen as the leader of our group. Because, the gods had given me the blessing of Hero. I was a hero who would defeat the tyrant.

He is called many things. Most humans of this new world call him Demon King. I was to defeat the demon king. That's what the gods had assigned me to do.

Us 30 were guests of this planet. No, we were possessions. They possessed us as they did save us. We had no choice but prepare for war.

We trained and trained. We also went to battle a few times. Both humans and demons were at a stalemate. We were frustrated.

A few days had passed. Monica, a friend from school who is also summoned went for a walk.

We do go out sometimes. It's not like they have chained us. But Monica suddenly came back after a while.

She appeared out of nowhere and she was unconscious. We laid her down on the ground and tried to wake her up.

But we suddenly froze. No one could move. I couldn't move due to the pressure. But looking at others, some has fainted. Some were foaming.

Someone walked past us and stood in the front. I really wished that it had been a dream. But it wasn't. It was all real. Clive Belmont was standing before us. He had two beautiful girls with him.

He was saying something but I didn't wait for him to finish. I took out my sword. It was a sword which was given by the king. It was a practice sword but it was forged by the greatest blacksmith of this kingdom.

But I couldn't reach him. Something akin to a wall was standing between me and him. I kept slashing until my sword broke.

I know that magic exists in this world. I have seen people use barrier magic. But this sword has high offense. Normal barriers can't block attacks from it.

He gave us a warning. He said that Monica was spying on him. He doesn't like it. So he is here to give us a warning.

My sister talked to him. He said that he came on his own. He didn't die. I couldn't understand what he said. However one thing was clear, I still fear him. Seeing him again so close made me realize that when it comes down to it, I am just plain scared of him.