Am I getting jealous?

After that little scene in front of the castle lake, we both came back to the fountain and took a seat.

Aegis isn't that bothered by it. However, why was I so angry? It isn't like me.

"Master, you were really cool back then. I thought you would just ignore them." (Aegis)

"I was planning on doing that. But when I noticed how he was looking at you, something happened to me. I just wanted to torment him. I think I let him off too lightly."

"Hmm…so master got angry because that pig was looking at me lustfully." (Aegis)

I look at Aegis. She has a smirk on her face like she is teasing me. When did she become such a little imp?

"I don't know. However, his looks towards you made me really angry. I seriously wanted to send him somewhere far worse than hell."

"Then what would you have if it was Eden?" (Aegis)

When she finished that sentence, it actually took me a moment to process. She is asking me what I would do if someone gave Eden a similar look!

My mind went blank. All I could think of was rage. Boiling like magma, it erupted. I lost my consciousness after that. I don't remember what happened.

(Aegis POV)

I was happy when master protected me. It's not like I needed protection. But he still intervened and taught that pig a lesson. I was happy and excited as well.

We came back to the fountain and sat on a bench. I was asking master why he did that. Master is generally calm. He doesn't get worked up.

But when that pig gave me a lustful look, his eyes turned serious. He was looking at that pig like he would murder it.

I wanted to know what was going through master's mind. So I asked him about it. He said that he doesn't know either. But I can tell. Master was jealous.

So I asked him if Eden was in my place. Suddenly, he became completely stationary. Then his eyes became blank and a surge of mana hit me.

It was tremendous. I was on the verge of fainting. Me, who is housing a portion of master's original powers, was on the verge of fainting.

The surrounding people are already affected. Before it goes out of hand, I put a barrier around master. I need to block his mana from leaking so I used an anti mana barrier. It cancels mana from inside and outside.

This stopped the mana from leaking. But, master is unconscious. Did he lose consciousness because of his rage?

I need to do something. I send a message to Aera. She will bring them with her. But I didn't tell Hazel or them.

This is pretty roundabout if you ask me. I still remember that. That night when master told us his plan. He showed us his memories and I was plain terrified.

Since his childhood, he has been shunned by others. For one simple reason. Master did what was right at the moment. However, his society did not approve of his methods.

I do think that master is unorthodox. Master was isolated. His parents didn't do anything because it is every animal's instinct.

Master has grown up in his isolation. Somewhere along the line, he abandoned his common sense. He became abnormal in his society. But he never stopped.

I have master leaning on my shoulder. I try to make it look like he is sleeping leaning on my shoulder. The passers by are looking at us and smirking. Maybe we look like lovers.

But I know. Master does not understand the word love. He is pretty dull when it comes to that. However, there are times when he can be pretty romantic.

Master showed us what he views as perfect. I along with Aera, Amaryllis and Doris saw it. In pitch black space, master remains. Crucified to a silver cross. We all saw it. And we saw System.

She was by his side. She became the very cross that crucified master. Master is heading towards his own destruction. And he won't bring us along.

We all know. Master will abandon us. No, abandon isn't the right word. He will find other settlements for us. He already has made his plans regarding Hazel, Aura, Eden and Fay.

I really don't know what master is trying to do. But if he faints from anger because his daughter is being ogled at, I don't think he should do it.

My monologue ended when I saw a portal. Aera is here.

"What happened?" (Aera)

She stepped out of the portal and asked. After her, came others.

I explained what actually happened. Aera came to me and hit me with a chop on my head.

"You idiot. Don't you know that master becomes scary whenever we are involved in something that displeases him." (Aera)

"Yeah but I really wanted to know."

"You have got your answer, haven't you? If anything happens to us, master might just destroy this entire planet." (Aera)

If he is so worried about us, how is he going to follow through his plan? I don't get it.

We all shift master back to Fiona's house. We lay him down on the sofa.

"Look, master is planning on doing something absurd. But, we only know his endgame. How he is going to do that, it's totally unknown! We should just wait for him to come back to his senses." (Aera)

"We should. So, details please?" (Doris)

Doris looks at me.

"What details?"

"About your date? I want to know everything that happened from the start." (Doris)

"You are just interested in gossiping."

"Well that and I want to go on a date with master too." (Doris)

Every woman in master's party is affectionate towards him. We have a good relationship among us as well. We don't fight for master's affection as we know how much he cares about us.

I gave them the details and our plan for tomorrow. Master is going to take all of us shopping. But where did they go?

Eden and Aura left together. Fiona went to the castle because of her job. Fay and Hazel went out together as well. Everyone has started to act independently. Just how master wanted. But his jealousy is something else.

I just wait for master to open his eyes.

(Clive's POV)

I open my eyes. It's a familiar sensation. The sofa where I sleep every night. I see Aera standing next to me. Doris is sitting next to my legs.

"Master, are you okay?" (Aera)

"Yeah. I didn't think that I would faint from my rage."

"It was terrible. If I hadn't stopped your mana from leaking, everyone in this city would have fainted." (Aegis)

"You saved me. But Aegis, don't ever say something like that. If something ever happens to any of you, what would I do?"

Strange!! Why am I thinking of that? I used to be so indifferent. But why am I getting angry at others for ogling them? Why am I feeling restless? Is this jealously?

"Master, it's pretty obvious that you are jealous." (Amaryllis)

Amaryllis suddenly entered with a steaming bowl in her hand.

"Where were you?"

"In the kitchen. I made some soup for you. I hope it's to your taste." (Amaryllis)

I sit up and take the bowl from her hand.

"Master, you are still young. It's totally normal for you to get jealous." (Amaryllis)

"I can't deny that. This is pretty complicated. Anyway, we are going shopping tomorrow. Be ready."

I take a sip of the soup. It's pretty good. I have to sort out my feelings so it doesn't hinder my future plans. But for now, let's focus on tomorrow. I need to get some more money. I'll head to the adventurer's guild later.