The damage report

Last night was fun in a way. Me, dad and Trevor had a talk. I can't say much about Trevor but I think my relationship with dad might have become a bit better.

We returned home last night and fell asleep quickly. I don't think anyone noticed that we were gone. Because we were stealthy.

I woke up and found myself on the couch. This is the third night, probably as I have already forgotten how many days have passed since I came here? I stretch my body.

I see Hazel sitting opposite of me.

"Good morning, Hazel."

I am in a good mood. So I greeted her with a smile on my face. However that did not seem to be working. Hazel was scowling.

Is she in a bad mood? Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

"What's wrong, Hazel? You don't look too happy."

"Master, kindly do look to your right." (Hazel)

I still don't understand what she means. For the time being, let's just look. And I find someone. I think this has happened before. But why is it always a girl?

A petite young girl is lying next to me. I had not noticed her because she is tucked in like a kitten.

She has bright red hair which is probably long enough to reach her shoulder. Her face is innocent. She looks not older than Eden.

I sigh. I see, Hazel is in a bad mood because of her.

"So, who is she?"

That scared me. Someone snuck up on me. The tone was familiar.

"I don't know who she is. Why don't we ask her?"

I tell Aura. She was standing behind me. She had my neck in a hold. I don't want to think what might happen. She lets go of me and sits next to Hazel.

I shake the sleeping girl to rouse her up. She started moving. Rubbing her eyes with one hand, she yawned.

After waking up, she looked around.

"Good morning, master."

She said. I think that's for me.

"Yeah, good morning. So, who are you?"

"I do not have a name, master. But I am that small clump of mana you created last night."

"Last night...oh!!! I remember. You are that clump of mana I formed to harass Jupiter a bit. But why do you have a human form?"

"It is because your mana was too strong. It gathered more mana and formed a consciousness giving birth to me. I am classified as a spirit."

So she is a spirit born from my mana and the environmental mana. Another girl it seems. I can only accept it.

"Ummm….what to say, welcome, I guess."

She smiles and nods. She is wearing a white one piece just like Aera and Aegis.

"By the way, I remembered that spirits have types. What type of a spirit are you?"

"I do not possess a specific type but I can be classified as a blood spirit. I can control blood to do various things and control the blood of others as well."

Her voice has no malice in it. But her statement was not exactly peaceful. Controlling blood of others at will, might be a troublesome ability.

I will think of it later. Anyway, the most obvious or the burning question is, why is she here?

"Tell me, what happened last night? Do you remember?"

"Yes master. After you created my base body, I acted according to your instructions. I massacred the divine realm's guards and triumphed over 20 gods. In the end, I even landed a mortal wound on the god king."

My ears must be deceiving me, right? No way she said that she went to war against Jupiter?

"I am asking you to be sure but did you really do those?"

"Yes master. Although you ordered me to just play a few pranks, I had to go to such lengths. Do not worry master. They have no inkling that I was there. Because when my consciousness was born, I left that body. The clump of mana exploded while I created a new body."

She puffs her chest. Like a triumphant warrior, she looks proud.

I can only see trouble ahead of me. I look at Hazel and Aura. They are nodding sideways and sighing.

"I thought master could not surprise me anymore. But I was totally wrong. Master, you have surpassed my imagination." (Hazel)

"Honey, you really do keep a lot of things from us, don't you?" (Aura)

Hazel has a tired look on her face. That is rare. Because Hazel is never surprised at anything I do. On the other hand, my wife is suspecting me. What to do?

Does it feel this way when your wife suspects you? This is bad. I hope Fay didn't hear any of it.

It was just wishful thinking. I am surrounded all of a sudden. My parents, Fay and Fiona have circled around me.

They all have heard everything the spirit just said.

This is going to be a long morning. I must think of a good name for the blood spirit as well. She might be the first of her kind. Do blood spirits exist?

(No. She is a mutation of your mana and the amount of blood your mana directly spilled. As a spirit, she is the first of her kind. You are sort of like her father. Do raise her well.)

It seems that I have a new daughter. Parenting isn't my forte. But I have to raise both of them well.

For now, let's break the situation down to everyone and get them off of my case. That way, I can move forward.