Those who move in the dark

I thought that I wouldn't have to come out again. Anyway, this is someone reporting. My identity does not matter. I thought this would be a good chance to describe everyone from an outside perspective.

In the last chapter, Clive learned a bit about his childhood from his father. Kind of deepened their bond and hopefully made a new neutral ally.

Well, Trevor isn't even counted as an ally. But whatever. In the end, Clive made a ball of light and shot it to the heavens. He programmed the ball to cause as much mischief as possible before it runs out.

Clive wanted to just play a prank on the gods. But his calculations were a bit off. It turned into quite the mess. Here is the full story.

The ball upon passing through the clouds, tore through a membrane. It was a divine barrier which separated the heavens and the mortal realm.

The ball tore through the barrier and headed straight for the king's castle. Breaching the barrier caused the guards to become active.

They all confronted the enemy which was just a tiny ball of light.

"What is that?"

"Probably a spirit or something."

"No. It's just a clump of mana. How did it tear through the barrier?"

"Maybe the barrier had started deteriorating."

"Impossible. The god of sealing is working every possible moment. No way it's a fluke!"

"Someone, catch that ball of mana. It has an eerie feeling."

And that started a massacre. The 20 guards who had arrived at the scene were impaled. The ball of light perfectly impaled them.

Their distress signal brought in more guards. That just made things even worse. The moths were attracted to the flames. One by one, every last guard died.

The ball of light was impaling through everything. 800 guards died due to that ball. No other guards were present to pick up the signal. The ball continued onwards.

The divine realm or more commonly known as heaven has two parts. Where the souls of the privileged ones live and where the gods live.

It was not Clive's intention to cause harm to the innocent. So the ball just avoided that part and entered the Gods' residence.

The guards had reported the intrusion to their superiors. They were prepared for it. But they had thought it was a person. When a ball of light showed up, they wanted to heave a sigh of relief.

That was wishful thinking. In just a matter of seconds, another 300 died. They were elite guards who were handpicked by the god of war to protect the area.

This caused their superiors to take actions. The god king had already caught wind of this incident.

He sent his general, the god of war, to confront this situation. The god of war, Mars, headed for the battlefield.

The god of sealing was ordered to place an even stronger barrier to prevent this mayhem from spreading outside. A full scale war was about to begin.

The divine realm is attacked at least twice every week. The attackers are generally the devils who are dissatisfied with the current world. But they can't even get past the first barrier.

Clive's ball of light had breached the impregnable barrier which had not been breached in twenty thousand years.

The divine realm tried to contain it by utilizing the normal guards. It was unfruitful. Only 1100 died. This time, they are serious.

Every normal guard and weaker gods have been pulled back. Gods specializing in war and weapons were ordered to confront it.

This battle took over 49 minutes. On one side is just a clump of mana and on the other side are 20 gods who are said to be fighters.

Their leader is the god of war, Mars. Fortunately, the gods did not die when they were impaled. But the ball of light headed straight for the king.

Jupiter who was keeping watch over the situation from his castle knew that it was pointless. That ball of light will not stop unless it reaches him.

"Who are you?"

He asked the ball of light which stopped before him. The ball of light started blinking. Jupiter knew that he would not get an answer. And the ball of light exploded.

The entire castle just blew up. When the dust settled, Jupiter was seen. He was down to his knees. He barely survived by making a barrier big enough to protect him and his queen.

Every other god rushed to save him. He was in an especially bad state. The divine realm had been breached and in less than two hours, 1100 soldiers were killed, 20 highly skilled gods were fatally injured and the god king was almost killed.

This was small prank that Clive played on the gods. But it didn't stop there. The angels from around the world were called back.

Restoration efforts began. The devils caught wind of this. They were overjoyed. Someone has appeared who can bring the mighty Jupiter down to his knees. It was a splendid news to them.

Gods were vulnerable. They planned to strike. But it didn't happen. Because the strongest pawn of Jupiter was outside of the divine realm. When he heard of it, he rushed back with speed which surpassed lightning.


Upon arriving at Jupiter's room, he shouted. But Jupiter lay there unconscious. His queen was grim. The strongest pawn or Jupiter's own son, Apollo, stood there. Looking at his grim mother and unconscious father, he swore in his mind.

"No matter who, human, demon, devil or other gods, I will find the culprit and burn him to death." (Apollo)

Apollo is the god of the Sun. He gives light to this entire planet. Clive had made a new enemy. All of this happened before dawn.

Clive had murdered 1100 people. So he absorbed their as well. Clive has become a fine harbinger. It won't be too long before Apollo finds Clive. But till then, Clive will probably be as carefree as he possibly can.

This world is full of deception. Clive who has stepped in the ranks of gods, will have to be extra careful. Lest, he might just attract someone more troublesome than the gods.

On another note, a new flag has been activated. The demon king is sure to fall for him. I hope she does. We are really lacking a loli. Don't say Eden because she doesn't get much screen time. That's my bad.

When Clive wakes up in the morning, he will be shocked to hear the reports from Samantha. The total amount of Clive's has crossed a hundred million. He can now create life if he wants. That's for later though. Next is a shopping date with the team.