The tempest

An unconscious Clive laid on the sofa. Neighboring Hazel and Aura had to move to let him lay down. Samantha or commonly known as System is currently explaining something to Clive's dependents.

The situation is so sudden that everyone is startled. Aura and Hazel are just silently waiting while Clive is unconscious. His body is limp. He has not a sliver of energy left. His has been undone. His mana and physical strength have disappeared. Leaving behind an extremely vulnerable Clive.

Fay is the only one who is quiet. She is in deep thoughts. But she suddenly stood up and looked at Hazel.

Aura and Hazel understood what she was trying to say. Eden was sent to her room to read some books. Eden decided to study books about different types of magic. She wanted to heal her papa.

"System or should I call you Samantha?" (Fay)

"Call me whatever you like. Do you have anything to ask me?" (Samantha)

Her tone was extremely cold. The air in the room started to chill. After all, Hazel, Aura and Fay are dissatisfied. Clive had excluded them from a lot of things and would even hide things from them.

They had already predicted that and was waiting to ambush Clive but Samantha is trying to sabotage their plan is what were thinking.

"What are you plotting?" (Hazel)

"I am trying to save Clive." (Samantha)

"Are you really? I get the feeling that you are trying to kill him. Tell me, what is happening to him?" (Aura)

"I will explain everything after this procedure is done. Aera, help me with the precise calculations. Aegis, deploy a barrier around Clive so nothing gets out. Amaryllis and Doris, start healing Clive. Don't let the healing stop. If this fails, we lose Clive forever." (Samantha)

After this exchange, began an extremely complicated process. Fay, Aura and Hazel just sat on their seats and watched it happen. Aegis is maintaining a barrier around Clive.

Hazel has seen Clive use the same barrier many times but this time it's even stronger. Aegis is using her everything to maintain that barrier. Aera is calculating and announcing results which they could not understand for they were not familiar with that language.

Amaryllis and Doris are healing Clive simultaneously. Samantha has closed her eyes and is mumbling something in foreign language.

"Do you understand what's happening?" (Hazel)

Hazel asked Fay. Fay has been a mage since a young age. Fay might have an idea of what's happening.

"From what I could understand, they are trying to perform a ritual. But what is that ritual for, I don't know. I think it's similar to a evolution ritual." (Fay)

"Evolution ritual? I think we have gone through something similar." (Aura)

"Yeah. When master first got his powers, he let me evolve. But in my case, it happened in just an hour without such elaborate actions." (Hazel)

"It means that they all are hiding many things from us. We should let them finish and then begin our interrogation." (Fay)

This time they are positive that they would get some answers out of them. But Samantha looked at them and called them.

"Can you three help Amaryllis and Doris? It seems that their maximum healing isn't enough. Before Clive disintegrates, help them." (Samantha)

They looked at the scene and found something unexpected. Clive's right hand had started turning into dust. They didn't waste a single moment and started healing him.

They all had gained the healing magic but didn't need it until now. But they are using it just fine.

Even then, it was not enough. Clive was still disintegrating. Slowly but his body was crumbling. Aera began calculating even faster and Samantha is looking like she is hurrying the process. Aegis powered up the barrier even more.

The scene normally looked like normal but that was because Aegis had a barrier around Clive. To maximize the efficiency, the barrier was erected.

From the outside, it was nothing special. But the amount of mana concentration inside the barrier was enough to wipe that entire continent off the map.

Struggling for two hours, they were nearly done. But Clive was still disintegrating and 3 of his fingers were gone.

"Looks like I have to use that." (Samantha)

She said and took out what looked like a human heart. Everyone was startled but they didn't have the leeway to ask. Samantha pushed that heart through his chest and to where it should have been. Then the mana completely disappeared. Everyone lost their mana and became immobile. They weren't unconscious, they were just immobile.

Clive's body started healing itself and the mana was absorbed into his body.

"It's done." (Samantha)

Samantha heaved a big sigh and swiped the sweat off her forehead.

Everyone other than her was immobile.

"What exactly happened here?" (Aura)

"We saved Clive from dying. At least for now." (Samantha)

She stood up but tumbled down.

"It looks like I have used up all of my mana. How much trouble are you gonna give me?" (Samantha)

"You deserve it. You were plotting some with him weren't you?" (Hazel)

"Yeah. If he learns that I dragged you into his mess then he is gonna be upset with me. So don't tell him what happened just now." (Samantha)

"Tell me, what is happening?" (Fay)

"Well, Clive came into contact with another harbinger. Although incomplete, they both have triggered each other. Which is why, I had to stabilize him. Otherwise, his would have devoured him. His goal is still ways off. He should just accumulate strength for now." (Samantha)

They are all exhausted. It would take hours for them to recover enough strength to continue their normal movements and maybe days before they are fully recovered.

Now what should they do? Fay was thinking.

"I think it's time I came clean. You guys are the main players. You have to take the stage too." (Samantha)

"Main players? Stage? Care to elaborate!" (Hazel)

"Clive did not want to burden you with his problems. That's why he tried to keep you in the dark. But he always underestimates how much women actually know. You probably were suspicious from the beginning, weren't you?" (Samantha)

"He was being obvious. If he thinks he managed to fool us then he needs to learn to act better." (Aura)

"So, what was the problem?" (Hazel)

"His endgame. The path he is treading currently is too unstable. At this rate, he will become a monster. A solitary monster which will drive itself to its own destruction. I will show you three what he wants to do. Just don't murder him now." (Samantha)

And with that, Samantha showed them everything he had ever dreamed. That was quite the shock but it was anger which dominated them.

"Can I kill him now?" (Aura)

"Do not. Not now. Let him wake up and he will properly accept it, probably." (Samantha)

"I can't believe that he was worrying about such silly things. If he had just asked, I would have done anything." (Hazel)

"Clive worries a bit too much. Not for himself but for you. He worries about your well-being and thinks that it's for the best if he stays away from you." (Samantha)

"It's not like I like being used. But I am his wife. I want to support him too. He could have just asked. But he tried to tackle everything head on. He really is a fool." (Aura)

"But I understand his point as well. He tries a bit too hard to respect our individuality. However, he is just pushing us away. Things like this take time. Which he is not willing to spend with us." (Fay)

"Yeah. I always tell him, even if everyone leaves him, I will be by his side." (Samantha)

The already cold and heavy atmosphere became even colder. Like it was absolute zero. All movements had stopped. Motion itself was gone.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that I would leave him?" (Aura)

"I believe that everyone else would leave except me." (Hazel)

"I think I know how to honor my savior. I am not so ungrateful that I would leave him. If he wishes for me leave, I would consider it." (Fay)

"Are you three absolutely sure? His worry is not unjust. He has good reasons to be worried. His path is bloody. His peace that he idolizes is far too bloody. Are you willing to accept his sins?" (Samantha)

"I am." (Hazel)

"It's pointless to ask. I called myself his wife. I will be with him through thick and thin. His sins are also my sins for I couldn't stop him." (Aura)

"He has sinned for my sake. He has murdered over 10 thousand people for my sake. I think I have to shoulder that responsibility." (Fay)

"I am glad that he won't have to be alone. Of course I will be with him as well. And do remember, you can leave anytime you want. I will be with him. Along with his direct dependents. I will now restore your and the connection which he had severed." (Samantha)

They felt really warm and their strength had returned. And they could feel Clive again.

Clive had severed their connections with him so they couldn't directly feel him. But that is now back.

"Be careful. The other harbingers have started moving. So let me tell you a bit about harbingers as well. Clive is the harbinger of death, darkness and chaos. It is his duty to bring chaos and death into the mortal realm and plunge the world into eternal darkness.

His direct opposition is the harbinger of life. It's their responsibility to bring life and nurture that life. They are partners.

Clive has encountered the harbinger of life which might be a bit problematic. But do your best to manage Clive. You three are his Queens." (Samantha)

"So, we have to be careful of that harbinger of life." (Aura)

"Yes and no. Because life and death are exact opposites, they might become involved romantically. It has happened in the past. It's upto you what to do with that. But I think Clive would not mind. After all, Clive did have a crush on her." (Samantha)

Flashing a smirk, Samantha said.

"So, honey has a crush on his nemesis." (Aura)

"You can say that. It's upto you what to do. Because, Clive would just abandon all of you to maintain his justice. It's his thing." (Samantha)

"We will discuss it later. Anything else?" (Hazel)

"Not for now. Now that you have become his official Queens, you are connected to me as well. So best of luck." (Samantha)

She disappeared after saying that. They all looked at each other and laughed.

"We all have a long journey ahead of us. Let's rest for now. We have a lot to discuss as well." (Aura)

"Yeah. Let everyone rest for now. We need to listen to master as well. It looks like they won't be waking up anytime soon. How about we get some shopping done? We should prepare for lunch." (Hazel)

"Yeah. Mom will be back during lunch. Let's see what we can do for now. It'll be a fun day." (Fay)

With that in mind, the three of them departed to shop. Eden stayed behind saying she will look after them. They are slowly progressing their relationships with Clive. It won't be too long before Clive has to accept reality as well.