Their resolves

It's almost noon. The people outside are hurrying to their homes for a good lunch. Travelers and peddlers are leaving one by one as well.

Walking on the streets, Fay, Hazel and Aura are garnering enough attention to cause a ruckus.

When beautiful women like them walk past you, everyone is bound to glance at least once. But they pay it no mind.

Fay is leading them to the market.

"Are we gonna find anything at this hour though?" (Aura)

Aura voices her concern. Groceries like vegetables are best bought in the mornings. It's almost noon. It's not unfounded doubt on her part.

"Don't worry. I am going to a place which always has fresh vegetables on hand. They can provide almost anything you want." (Fay)

"I believe we are headed towards the market but that doesn't look like the market which sells vegetables." (Hazel)

"We are going to a general store. See, that shop over there." (Fay)

Fay points at the shop just a little away from them. The signboard says "Pablo's General Store".

"Hmm, that looks like any normal shop. Does it really sell everything?" (Aura)

"Yes. It's run by Ms. Pablo. I have known her since childhood." (Fay)

It isn't too abnormal for Fay to be acquainted with Ms. Pablo. Wife or not, Fiona is still a part of the Royal Family. The current king is Fay's father. So, she has a few connections as well. And her mother is actually a friend of Montana.

They enter the shop and see Ms. Pablo at the reception. Well, it's a cash counter but reception suits well.

"My, if it isn't Fay? It has been a while. How have you been?" (Montana)

"It has indeed been a while. I am quite fine as you can see." (Fay)

"That's good then. But who are these young ladies?" (Montana)

Montana looks at Hazel and Aura. It's obvious that she doesn't know them yet.

"They are good friends of mine. This is Hazel Belmont and this is Aura Belmont." (Fay)

Fay introduced them with their full names. Montana looks at them for a moment and asks.

"Are they by any chance, related to Mr. Clive Belmont?" (Montana)

"How do you know Clive?" (Fay)

"The surname was quite the surprise. I didn't think you are also acquainted with him. He sure is an amusing young man, isn't he?" (Montana)

Montana giggles. When she giggles like that, Fay kinda feels sad. Because Montana is the same age as her mother. Meaning, she could have also become a mother but wasn't able to.

"Thank you for being kind to my husband." (Aura)

Aura gave her a light nod and politely said.

"There you go again with the wife part." (Hazel)

"Oh my, you can also say the same thing. We are technically both his anyway." (Aura)

"Well you aren't wrong." (Hazel)

Hazel and Aura start discussing that matter. Montana looks at Fay.

"Don't mind them. They are always like that." (Fay)

"Is that so? How are you related to Clive?" (Montana)

"He is staying with us for the moment. Did he come here?" (Fay)

"He sure did. He came here yesterday with a beautiful black haired girl. Then he came here this morning with his father. Now you three are here. It sure is strange, isn't it?" (Montana)

"Maybe. By the way, I need these vegetables." (Fay)

Fay hands her a paper slip with all the vegetables she needed. Montana looks at it and rings a small bell. A man in a butler suit appears and leaves with the slip.

"I will have it delivered to your home. Tell me, how is your mom doing?" (Montana)

"She is doing fine. She became friends with Clive's mother. They both were exchanging pointers for cooking this morning." (Fay)

"Seems like she is enjoying herself." (Montana)

Montana looked a bit sad. As they grew up, they kinda drifted apart. Despite living in the same town, they hardly see each other. It's making Montana a bit melancholic.

"Did Clive do anything weird? I mean, anything out of the ordinary?" (Fay)

"No. He was well behaved. I just thought that he lacked common sense. I mean, he didn't hesitate to use his storage magic in front of me and was surprised when I asked him about it." (Montana)

Fay sighed. She had expected something like that. Hazel and Aura had finished their argument as well.

"He said that he would be back to shop again. He asked me if I have clothes for children too." (Montana)

"So he was planning on taking us here. But that would have to wait. He isn't feeling well today." (Aura)

"I see. But who is the child? He told me that he would be back with 7 companions." (Montana)

"I see. I guess he meant us. But that would have to wait. Clive is feeling under the weather." (Fay)

"But he was just fine this morning." (Montana)

"It happens to him from time to time. Don't worry. We will be back tomorrow." (Fay)

Fay settles the payment and leaves with them. Montana said that it would be delivered to her house soon enough.

"Should we go straight home?" (Fay)

"Yeah. I am kinda worried about him. I mean, isn't he totally vulnerable?" (Aura)

"Usually, Aera, Aegis, Doris and Amaryllis were always with him. But they are also out of commission. We should hurry." (Hazel)

Upon this suggestion, they hastily returned home and found the door unlocked. They had locked the door before leaving.

"Is mom back?" (Fay)

"Doesn't she come back a little later?" (Hazel)

They open the door and inspect the inside. There seems to be someone present in the drawing room.

They go inside to check and see Fiona. She is sitting on the single sofa and is looking at Clive while in deep thoughts.

Hazel and Aura heaved a sigh of relief. Fay eased her nerves as well.

"Mom, you are earlier than usual." (Fay)

Fiona is startled by her sudden talking. But she recomposed herself.

"I was able to leave early and found a delivery man. It seems that you bought groceries from Montana. I took the delivery and entered the house only to find a pile of bodies.

What's happening? Why is everyone piled up like dead bodies?" (Fiona)

"It's a long story. By the way, where is Eden?" (Fay)

"I found her asleep on the bed. She was probably reading a book and fell asleep. I have tucked her in. She should wake up in an hour or so." (Fiona)

But suddenly Clive moved. He should not be moving now. Samantha said that he would be unconscious for another while. But he just sat up and stretched his body.

They all became alert. Their eyes are telling them that it's Clive. But their senses are telling otherwise.

"Who are you?" (Hazel)

"What? Don't tell me you have forgotten your master as well?" (Clive)

Clive says with a grin.

"Bad acting. 20 points at most. You are not Clive." (Aura)

"Yeah. Clive is kinda weird at times. But you are not him." (Fay)

"I am impressed. I mean, my acting was pretty bad. But I don't think it was that different. You three pay close attention to him." (Clive)

"Who are you?" (Hazel)

With a threatening tone, Hazel said. Aura and Fay are not giving friendly looks either.

"I am the previous harbinger of death. I am Clive's predecessor. Nice to meet you, priestesses." (Clive)

They all took a moment to actually understand the situation.

"I know it's weird to see someone like me here. But seeing as Clive is out of commission, I thought I would come and chat with you." (Clive)

They all took their seats. Everyone has a lot of questions.

"I would like to introduce myself however, I no longer exist in this system so I don't think I should. It might cause some backlash." (Clive)

"I will take your word for it that you are the previous harbinger of death. Why have you shown yourself before us?" (Aura)

"That girl, you call her Samantha nowadays, right?" (Clive)

"He just gave her that name and told us to call her that as well. So we call her that or more like only he does. I am still skeptical about her." (Aura)

Hazel and Fay nod. It's a form of affirmation.

"No need to be so skeptical. It's just that she's not giving you the entire story. Well, you will know more once you have conquered this world. Anyway, priestesses, I have something to tell all of you." (Clive)

"Priestesses, by that, do you mean us?" (Hazel)

"Yes. You three who have decided to follow a harbinger on your own. And the harbinger has allowed it. You are qualified enough to become his priestesses." (Clive)

"Does that include anything anything special?" (Fay)

"You are more like his managers. Samantha must have said something, right?" (Clive)

They recall their recent talk with Samantha and indeed she mentioned something about that.

"But she called us queens?" (Aura)

"That's another term. But it's more commonly known as priestesses. You three and one other person is qualified to become his priestesses. But since that person has began their evolution as a harbinger, they have become disqualified." (Clive)

"In short, we are the only ones who can manage Clive." (Aura)

"Yeah. And on that note, I will give you a little context. Without any context, this doesn't make any sense, does it?" (Clive)

"That would certainly be helpful." (Fay)

The previous harbinger of death began his story. The story wasn't too over the top. After that story he asked if they had any questions.

"What is the role of a harbinger?" (Fay)

"Clive has to spread death on diseased and old worlds so new life can be nurtured. And occasionally fix some other problems. But you don't have to worry too much about it. Clive will have you three.

I am sure that you can do it. One final word of advice, do not leave him alone. I mean, loneliness does push everyone off the edge. I was. And I don't want my successor to meet the same end as me." (Clive)

"I don't plan on leaving him." (Fay)

"As his wife, I would be happy to accompany him to the ends of time." (Aura)

"He is my master. I can't leave him alone." (Hazel)

Clive snickers.

"My successor sure is popular. If this keeps going on, this entire system may collapse. When that day comes, I wonder what he would do?" (Clive)

And he lies down again and starts breathing rhythmically.

"We have been given big roles. I hope we three can cooperate with each other." (Aura)

"I hope we are on the same page." (Fay)

"Personally I would like to monopolize master but it might be too much for me alone. So, yeah. Happy to have you two as partners." (Hazel)

In this way, these three have become united and they make up their resolve stronger than before. In the midst of all of this, Fiona is the only one who is having a hard time. I hope she will be fine.