Shopping gone wrong

After Fiona left for the palace, we also departed for Ms. Pablo's shop. They told me that they became acquaintaned with Ms. Pablo yesterday.

As usual, Eden is on my shoulder. She said that it's her seat. I have no problems with it. And my is recovered as well. By that I mean the portion I kept for me. Because I only kept 10 percent of my original for me.

I have already converted that to mana. Now, there are 9 of us. Me, Hazel, Aura, Eden, Fay, Aera, Aegis, Doris and Amaryllis. Because Eden is on my shoulder, she isn't walking. However there are still 8 of us who are walking on the street.

We are standing out. Well, I gave up on trying to entertain others a while ago. The more you try to fit in, the harder it gets. I was always standing out from the rest.

"What should we buy?"

I ask everyone. Because this time is going to be a bit different. Previously I had shopped with Aegis. But then I came with dad. There were never too many of us. It's a first.

I need to check my finances too. Do I have enough to cover everything? I should have at least 19 gold coins left.

"Hey Fay, is 19 gold enough to cover this trip?"

"Hmm…it should be possible. I mean, Ms. Pablo has good items for reasonable prices. It won't be too much. And if push comes to shove, I will spot you." (Fay)

"I'll be counting on you if that happens. By the way, where is Tiana?"

I ask Amaryllis. Because they were supposed to be together. And I intended to bring everyone out from my singularity. Why is she the only one absent?

"About that master, she is not feeling well. I guess her mutation is a bit taxing for her. So I told her to rejuvenate on my body. She will feel better soon enough." (Amaryllis)

Hmm…that's concerning. Let's appraise her later and deal with this problem. Being unstable is not good.

And we arrive at Ms. Pablo's store. She greets us with a smile as usual.

"Sorry for the delay, Ms. Pablo. I was not feeling too well yesterday after I left. So I have come today with everyone."

"I understand. Must have been tough. By the way, how are your parents?" (Ms. Pablo)

"They are well. They left for home this morning. I'll be staying here for some time. So treat us well."

I did the pleasantries. Then everyone started looking through the wares. All of them instantly went to the clothes section and started looking.

And after going through a lot of dresses, everyone picked what they liked. I also looked through the wares. But I was curious about one thing.

"Ms. Pablo, do you sell maps?"

"We do take commissions for maps. What type of map are you looking for?" (Ms. Pablo)

"A terrain map. Of this country. If possible I want it as detailed as possible."

"Maps are expensive but I can have it made as soon as needed." (Ms. Pablo)

"No need to rush. 3 days should be enough, I think."

"Yes. You can collect the map after 3 days." (Ms. Pablo)

By the time I was done talking to Ms. Pablo, they were all done as well. They bring their stuff to Ms. Pablo.

"Should I pack these?" (Ms. Pablo)

"No. I can store them in my storage."

Ms. Pablo just counted the number of stuff and how much they cost.

"It's 17 gold." (Ms. Pablo)

17 gold? I thought it would be higher. Because the amount of things aren't too bad. They all bought plenty.

But I pay her 17 gold coins.

"I have received your payment. And your map will cost you another 10 gold." (Ms. Pablo)

"Okay. Then see you around, Ms. Pablo."

We all leave after I put the stuff in my storage.

"Master, how are we going to get our stuff if it's with you all the time?" (Hazel)

"My storage is now unlocked for all of you. Anyone who has my permission can access the storage. And you all can easily find things in there as well. Just think of the stuff you need and it'll be there."

I explain how I have made the storage a shared one. They all can access the storage.

But this puts me at a disadvantage. I have a single gold coin and some silvers on me. I should go to the guild.

"I was thinking of going to the guild. What do you guy think?"

"I will go as well." (Hazel)

"I want to see the guild as well." (Aura)

And the others chimed in saying they want to become adventurers as well.

So we all made our way to the guild.

Upon entering the guild, I was greeted with the same envious stares. However it became more intense by the time I reached the reception.

The receptionist, Ms. Maria, looks at me with an exhausted look. I am sorry that I am such a handful. I apologize in my heart. Because we might give her another shock.

"Mr. Belmont, glad to have you here again." (Maria)

"Yes. I believe you already know Hazel."

"Yes. She did register as an adventurer and I was the one who completed her registration. What would you like to do today?" (Maria)


I look at them. And it happened. They all registered as adventurers. Ms. Maria kept a poker face through that procedure. I'm sorry for giving you so much stress again.

"Here are your guild cards. You all will start from F rank. Through completing quests, you can earn enough credits to rank up. But do remember we take an exam to determine whether you are ready for it or not." (Maria)

She gave another explanation which was omitted. She didn't bother giving me that explanation.

"Ms. Maria, we would like to form a party as well. Is there any necessary procedure?"

"In that case, fill out this form." (Maria)

She hands me another form. It says party registration form. It needs number of party members and names as well as ranks of each party members.

"Hazel, what rank are you?"

"I am the same as everyone. I did start from F rank." (Hazel)

So I fill out the form. By the way, Aera, Doris and Amaryllis didn't register as adventurers. They said that it's a hassle. But Aegis was thrilled to become an adventurer.

After I hand out the form, Ms. Maria skimmed through it. There are 5 members including me.

"I have confirmed that the information is true. You are hereby declared a party. As a party, your rank is C. You can take party quests or go on solo missions. Either way, you can choose your quests from a wider variety." (Maria)

So we can choose our activity for the day. It was all good until I heard someone call me from behind.

I turn around and see an armored man. He is in his 40's probably. Fay clicked her tongue. It smells like trouble.

"Clive Belmont, you are under arrest for attempting to murder the king."

He says and comes near me.

"Honey, should I take care of him?" (Aura)

"No. Stay put. Don't interact with me. Take everyone and leave. Fay, go home. I'll be back soon."

I tell them through telepathy. Then he cuffs me and drags me away. I want to hear from the king himself. What is his motive for waging a war that wasn't even necessary. I wish to get some answers.