The demon king appears

After the entire fiasco with the king, I was thinking of taking it easy. I was sitting on the couch with everyone. Fiona is home as she took rest of the day off.

"Master, you should stop acting so arbitrarily." (Hazel)

"She is right honey. You should consider what you are doing." (Aura)

"But I had to stop anything else from happening. Which is why, I got caught and made sure they don't mess with us anymore."

"Your move could've backfired , you know?" (Fay)

"After what I did to your father and Apollo, I don't think I have to worry about your father. Jupiter might try to do something but that's manageable."

I was in total relaxation mode. It was evening and the dinner was being prepared.

But suddenly, Samantha appeared out of nowhere.

"Clive, get ready. The demon king is coming." (Samantha)

Her words were not what I was expecting. The demon king, as in that kid, was coming.

"Is that true?"

"Yes. I gave you the heads up. I'm leaving now. I don't want her to see me." (Samantha)

And she vanished as she had appeared, abruptly. But Fay was looking at me like I was a criminal.

"I don't know anything about it. I just summoned her one night to introduce her to Trevor. That's all."

I spill the beans but that was a bad move.

"You said her, didn't you? The demon king is a woman?" (Hazel)

"Honey, I don't mind you meeting new girls and having multiple girlfriends but that I can not forgive." (Aura)

"Well, she is just a 15 year old kid. I wanted to show Trevor the truth. That's why I did it."

I just give them the reason. Because beating around the bush would make it even worse. They do have brains. They will figure it out.

"I know that you won't do something to a sleeping and defenseless girl but be aware that it is wrong." (Fay)

Fay gave me a lecture and both Hazel and Aura nodded. It seems that I am off the hook.

There was a knock on the door soon after. Fiona went to open the door before I could. How did she do that? She was in the kitchen. Anyway, I followed her and welcomed my guests in.

A group of three including the demon king, Delphine McNair, her mother, Dahlia McNair and their maid, Sasha Bernstein entered the hall room.

I have to deal with Dahlia first because she is actually a threat. Eden took Delphine and went to her room. Sasha was curious about the smell from the kitchen so I showed her the way. She is probably asking for some pointers.

It's us 4 and Dahlia now. The residents of my singularity are not present. They said that they wanted to temper themselves and teach Tiana a few things. So I left them alone.

"Clive Belmont, why have you come here? You were not summoned. Why did you come to this faraway planet?" (Dahlia)

"My planet was devastated. The people were killed. I was the only one alive so I thought, why not go see the attackers?"

"I know that Jupiter ordered the destruction of Gaia and its people. But how did you survive?" (Dahlia)

"Well, I was just lucky. But I do have to say, a devil gave birth to a demon and is living on the surface. You do have an interesting background."

Dahlia McNair is a devil. My appraisal of her showed that she is a devil and not a demon. Meaning, she is a god to the demons and the archenemy of the gods. But aren't devils usually in Hell?

"You can tell. I am surprised that you know who I really am. But aren't you quite the enigma? I can't appraise you at all. I can't gauge your strength. Aside from that, you companions have interesting origins.

That dogkin girl isn't a true dogkin but an evolved dog. Same goes for that bearkin woman. And that blonde girl is a mix of human and spirit. An interesting partner choice." (Dahlia)

"I didn't choose them. They decided for themselves. But you can appraise things as well. Then how would you rate your daughter?"

"She has talent. But she needs time to truly nurture it and she had to become the king so early that she has become tired. This nonsense of a war is nothing but a burden for our kingdom." (Dahlia)

"Why don't you finish it then? I am sure you can easily do it."

"I can but I have eyes on me. The gods and the devils are watching me. I can't move carelessly. It might endanger my daughter." (Dahlia)

She isn't a bad person. I'd say she more reasonable than that stupid king.

"So you don't want revenge." (Dahlia)

"No. I am here to check what Jupiter was planning. It seems to be a simple thing. But why does he need the soul of the demon king?"

"Maybe he wants to become stronger. The demon king is a unique existence. Even the gods want the demon king's soul as it works as a catalyst." (Dahlia)

Then what is Jupiter actually trying to do? One question came to my mind.

"How did the previous demon king die?"

"He was ill since birth. It's a miracle that he was alive for so long. I was the only one who knew that he was going to die when he died. To others, it was a shocking news but to me, it was just stopping the timer." (Dahlia)

I see. Then I will get off the Jupiter case for now. I will stop the war and go on a trip.

"By the way, when I punched you, it felt like an immovable mountain. Were you using mana?" (Dahlia)

"My body is always enhanced with mana. So yes, you did hit my enhanced body. But that was a good punch. I actually felt it. The only one who could inflict pain on me is my wife."

"You are married? You did introduce your daughter but I thought you were joking. Who is she?" (Dahlia)

"She is my wife, Aura Belmont. She is the only person to ever inflict any sort of damage on me."

Dahlia looks at Aura and her eyes light up.

"Let's fight." She excitedly said and I totally rejected that idea. If they start fighting now, this town might get blown away.

"The most I can do is an arm wrestling match. Without any sort of enhancements. You two have to fight with arms and your own strength. No mana allowed. Are you okay with it, Aura?"

"No problem." (Aura)

I create an arm wrestling stand and they started wrestling.

"Hazel, be the referee. I'll go check on them in my singularity."

"Ok." She stands beside them and is looking over the match. In the end, Aura won. I guess, strength wise, Aura is pretty strong. Fiona invited them to dinner and they ate with us. I can see that Delphine is a bit overwhelmed by the sudden situation. But I can't help her.

I will go to the adventurers guild tomorrow and do some quests. Tiana is fired up after he training so I have to let her get in the action. Feels like another chapter has ended. Who knows, how long I will stay on this planet?