Anothet damage report

I have left the castle with everyone. Man!! I started my day with Hazel. Our date began normally. But midway through, we just got roped into a lot of other things that I had not planned. Plus side is that Hazel is happy and we did get another member. How will I explain her to Fiona?

I look around. I certainly have a large group with me. Hazel, Aura, Fay, Aera, Aegis, Amaryllis, Doris, Eden, Tiana and lastly Gwen. Wait, I have 10 girls with me. Am I a typical harem protagonist? They are all walking in groups so we don't block the road.

It'll look like a human wall moving forward. By the way, I have Eden and Tiana on my shoulders.

Eden on my right shoulder and Tiana on my left. I always wanted to try it.

"How about we make a stop at the guild?"

I want to know more about that matter. How was the aftermath dealt with?

"I have no problem." (Aura)

"I was thinking of going there." (Fay)

"I was interested in adventurers since coming here. So I am actually kinda excited to go." (Gwen)

The rest of them didn't object to the idea. It's afternoon. Lunchtime has ended about an hour ago.

"Aera, what is the time?"

"It's about 3:40 in the afternoon, master." (Aera)

The roads aren't crowded. Not many people are out. But I can pick up voices from the taverns and eateries. They probably are resting inside.

That's good for us. I don't want to cause another ruckus. We stand out a lot. And I have a group of beautiful girls with me.

We walk to the adventurers guild. The door isn't big enough for everyone to enter at the same time. At most, 3 people can enter side by side.

I enter and look around. Not many adventurers are here. But looking through the broken wall, I saw that many are just having lunch at the cafeteria. The kitchen can be seen as well.

"That's impressive. When did the guild get a makeover?" (Aura)

"Aura, that's something Hazel did this morning."

I answer Aura's question. Everyone looks at Hazel.

"I didn't do it because I wanted to. Look." (Hazel)

Hazel closed her eyes and everyone became silent. After a brief silence, Aura spoke.

"You should have pulverized that man, Hazel. You went easy on him." (Aura)

"If it was me, I would have reversed that man's blood flow." (Tiana)

Tiana said enthusiastically.

"Tiana, you still have a lot to learn about society. But you can't go around using your ability like that." (Amaryllis)

Amaryllis reprimanded her and Doris started lecturing her on how a spirit should act. I put them down from my shoulder.

Ms. Maria is coming downstairs. She saw me and her face became stiff. Maybe I am just a nuisance to her. Sorry for being such a handful.

She takes her place at her booth and I go to her.

"I wanted to check if everything is alright. The aftermath, what happened after we left?"

"One, he was taken away for medical treatment. His injuries were serious so he was sent to the church for healing. Normally, the attacker would bear the treatment costs but you don't have to." (Maria)

"I don't have to."

"Yes. He had very bad reputation and was warned several times before. This time, every adventurer that he had harassed, joined together and petitioned to the guild master to take effective action against him.

His adventurer license has been suspended. He will have to pay for his own treatment and the guild has fined him for his misconduct as well." (Maria)

"That's good then. But what about property damage? Hazel did destroy a few walls of the guild."

"That is still on her name. But we have not made any decisions yet. As soon as a decision is made, she will be notified." (Maria)

It seems that the situation was in our favor. I have one other question.

"Ms. Maria, what is his name? I don't know who he is yet."

"His name is Rowdy Westall. He is an A rank adventurer. He could have been a higher rank but his personality leaves much to be desired." (Maria)

"Rowdy Westall. Sounds like him. You did warn me about his boss. Can you give me a hint?"

I ask Ms. Maria in a low tone.

"He is affiliated with Giles Hilton. He is a knight captain. He also comes from the Hilton family." (Maria)

Giles Hilton? That name rings a bell.

(Master, it's the guy who you scared off on our date.) (Aegis)

Aegis sent me a message. Ahh…that coward.

"Then it's no problem. I'll have General Louis take care of that matter."

Ms. Maria sighs again.

"Sorry for being such a handful."

I apologize to her. But she will be seeing a whole lot of me. I hope she gets used to me soon enough.

"By the way, are they all with you?" (Maria)

She asks me and looks at my group who have taken their seats at the waiting area.

"Yes. They are my precious family."

I probably look like an idiot. But I do think of them as family. The amount of time doesn't matter. If you willingly join me, I will treat you as family. Of course I will check for malicious intent before letting someone join.

"You sure have a big family. Is Princess Fay also a part of your family?" (Maria)

"Yes. Although I thought she would leave me, she didn't. I was just overthinking things."

I wryly smile.

"That's good then. So, will you take on any jobs?" (Maria)

"No. I have some things to take care of. I am thinking of traveling for a bit. I have commissioned a map from Ms. Pablo. After picking it up, I will travel to some neighboring towns."

"I see. Then have a good trip." (Maria)

She smiles at me and I leave the guild with my group.

"Where did Aera, Aegis and the spirit trio go?"

"They said that they will return to the singularity. Tiana was acting up." (Fay)

"I see. Then let's go home. Is Fiona at home?"

"She said that she had taken the day off. She was at home when we left." (Fay)

"This will be something."

I won't go into much detail this time. It went exactly as Fay said. Fiona welcomed Gwen with open arms. Or rather, she was happy that Gwen has joined us.

I did try to persuade her again about buying a house. And I was pressured into staying with her, again. I managed to strike a deal though.

I have made a portal to my room. I mean, my room on earth. A portal has been made to my room. I placed it on a wall by the stairwell.

"I will sleep in my room. If anyone needs me, just come through."

Hazel and Aura started making a fuss. But I told them to stay with Fay.

I will be living on earth. At least during the nights. Tomorrow, I will go and pick up my mal from Ms. Pablo. Then I will update Aera's data. She has geographical data but no names. This will help her complete the map.

Another thing, I will try to experiment on a few things. The first one is science vs magic. I will test if they had not taken humanity by surprise and started an actual fight, who would have won?

I will start this experiment tomorrow. For now, let's go to sleep. It's been a while since I was on earth. I am feeling a bit sentimental now.